I would try to kite the Chiefs away one at a time as well as it can quickly get out of hand with all of them fighting you at once. They are constantly in a power struggle with their rivals, the Swamp Ninjas. Let me know if you can pick him out. Her camp is situated in a weird rock that basically gives it a single opening. Screamer and Ponk "The Voodoo Brothers" -Tower of Abuse- 20k each (HN, UC). Now obviously this will be full of spoilers so don't be upset. Most of her band is starving so they are weaker than most. In fact I'm surprised his bounty is only 10k. : Enemy down. This is what I would consider to be a true test of your skills. Its so great going back to beating on sub 30 stat scrubs. The Rebel Swordsman post as guards in places like Heng, Heft and even Bark, so keep this in mind when you decide if you REALLY need those 20k Cats. The Preacher -Moon Village- 15k (UC, HN, Shek). He has a bounty of c.10,000 in the United Cities and the Shek Kingdom. This is another faction I generally do not mess with, given the fact they usually take over Blister Hill if you beat the Phoenix. Skinhouse HQ is horrendous. 1 History 1.1 Overview 1.2 American Frontier 1.3 20th Century 1.4 Modern Age 2 Points of Interest 3 See Also 4 Links and References 4.1 Footnotes The state of California has been visited by many super-powered and costumed beings during its history. Reach Sword of Logos. If you can manage to stun them, you can win. You've tackled everyone and now you've found yourself in the wonders of the Ashlands... Are you ready? Meat Lord himself is comparable to the Wizard but he has less chiefs and elites. Killing or imprisoningShaderesults in smaller squads for Swamp Ninja patrols. The Red Bandit -Red Sabre Hideout- 10k (UC, Shek) Rivals to the Swamp Pansies, this guy is significantly harder. I did it with a group of 3 in their 60s. 4 Comments. As always with Skellys, Armor penetration works better than, say, katanas. (Currently being updated). You've done it. I'll never stop drawing. This dude packs a punch, and the Hideout is literally filled (30+) with Red Sabres. The Bugmaster -Throne of the Bugmaster- 100k (HN, UC, Shek). So! Subreddit for Kenshi from Lo-Fi Games, the revolutionary mix of RTS and RPG with a huge dystopian sword-punk world to explore. It was also used for the light-saber blades in the Star Wars franchise, and as the lettering on expressway signs. I've seen Tinfist, purely out of experimental purposes, punch every limb off one of my characters when I attacked him. Gutterhead -Old Control Tower- 10k (Honestly I can't remember who wants him besides UC and I didn't write a note...). You monster. The Sword of Logos (ソードオブロゴス, Sōdo Obu Rogosu) is a mysterious organization formed by a secret sect of swordsmen sworn to protect the ancient Greater Book (大いなる本, Ōinaru Hon) and keep peace in the world. There was a fair bit of healing required on camp beds but I took him with only 6 mid to high level characters using martial arts. Somewhere in this group of bodies should be someone named Red Sabre Boss. There are HUGE groups of Skin Spiders patrolling this terrain and it can quickly make your healthy party limp around in agony. The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first... Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. This place, Reavers in general, suck Leviathyn wang. The Meitou version of this weapon can be found on the Red Sabre Boss in the Red Sabre Hideout. Is that normal? (Note: I may gloss over some minor Bounties that are more fun to find on your own, these are just what I consider to be the main ones), (Note #2: I exclude major faction bounties such as the Holy Nation Inquisitors as this changes the world state significantly whereas most regular bounties do not. I just killed all the thralls first then took him. In fact killing him is the easiest part. They probably also wiped the floor with you. That being said, it isn't THAT difficult but expect a good fight here. That being said, he isn't terribly difficult, I also believe he is a hiver so limbs tend to fly if you go at this a little later in your game. This is a big if, however. These are the best of the best and if you are not 100% prepared and geared, you will get annihilated. I guess I just took the whole HQ as one entity. Given his price tag, hes probably the EASIEST upper value bounty. Kenshi. Dust bandits never go away and never stop sending demands to your Outpost, no matter what happens to their King. Defence In fact I'm surprised his bounty is only 10k. They're very common, so can usually be found cheaper than other weapons of similar quality. It is a decent weapon, and very common. Simion does. It is located in the southwestern part of the Swamp. George Lucas turned down the chance to direct, in favor of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977). I believe Fort Simion generally has around 40-60 people in it. (one of a couple) Unless you absolutely love the UC. Luckily he doesn't have any armor! The speculated true Phoenix by some Kenshi Lore theorists, The Bugmaster is a doozy. Flying Bull and his band are pretty tough. 19 Favourites. Generally the same tips apply above here, but be EXTRA careful here because there really isn't anywhere to run aside from the Cannibal Hunter HQ far to the south OR Fort Simion should you be on good terms with the Rebels. I dont know if this is even allowed in this forum but apparently, some bounties are harder to find than others and i do not indeed to spoil any of the fun stuff for players but if they seem to have an insane time trying to find these characters, I can chip in while others can help out. They wear [Standard] armour (10% chance of [High]) and have weapons manufactured by Edgewalkers. Yeah, about that... go talk to him and ask him his stance on collateral damage, then get back to me on how "good" he is. Without further adieu, let us begin! This mod fixes that! License Number: 620448 Rank: 29 Address: EL SOLAR INC 603 E JACKMAN ST LANCASTER, CA 93535. "Dust king" located in dust king tower which can be found in Kenshi world map 2. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. (At least I'm fairly certain it does) General strategy though is really the same as the Dust King. The Red Bandit -Red Sabre Hideout- 10k (UC, Shek). (if that wasn't already obvious...) I have personally gone through this list in-game, twice, to ensure it is as accurate as possible. If you think I should have added someone, something, whatever, I would be happy to hear about it! Last Update: 19 Mar 2019. Blood loss I sure have. I didn't take this on until much later mid-game because of how much damage they seem to put out with each swing. I apologize now for my spelling and sentences as they were probably horrendous! 1. That's right, me. That is because so many dialogues are only ever spoken once! Tinfist will kick, punch and flying headbutt your party into the ground should you choose to be his enemy. Happy New Years 2013 from Saber. With Cannibals Enhanced, this isn't AS hard as the Cannibal Capital but there are more trash mobs here. They, like the Black Dragon Ninjas, are a good indicator on if you are ready to claim your team is mid-game combat ready. There is a tech hunter library that sells many many different blueprints. I personally consider the skin HQ to be a harder fight because any downed characters quickly end up in a peeler whilst the fight is still happening and there are so many of them. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Rebel Swordsman appear as a faction once Tengu (or Logen, can't remember) is dead and if you are enemies with the Rebel Farmers, GUESS WHAT, they ALSO hate you! It would be, BUT, there's a metric-sh*t-ton of guys in this village. Now Gorillo confuses me... His entire group uses martial arts, but he doesn't.. I'm sure you've heard of me. High numbers often win against better stat small groups. I've been round Kenshi before and seen it spit out scabs like you. Go in with a group of 3+ and you'll be fine. The Hounds did not turn around to come help me, they just took my cats and kept walking. A good test of your early bounty hunting prowess. Swamp base is located south of shark in the south wetlands while the Red Sabre hideout is called water clan hideout until characters are closeby to the base which … I hope you fall into a Beak Thing nest. Basically you can convert high value items into blueprints. Comment on Savant, you can send a robot to him, join him, then wait until night time. Shek in general seem to just pack a bigger hit (probably because they use steel beams as weapons) and most of these are indeed carrying heavy weapons. Sand Ninja Oni -Sand Ninja Tower- 20k (UC, HN, Shek). Uploaded: 19 Mar 2019 . Now that's what I call hunting! So what does that mean? Does more damage than a regular katana, at the cost of extra weight. 14 Favourites. The Red Sabres are a bandit group from The Swamp led by their leader, Red Sabre Boss. There are, of course, exceptions (such as Ells, No Face, or even Razor) but the monetary gain is so low that it really isn't worth it. I can't really give you many tips other than prepare, bring a lot of heals, people and food, and hope for the best. Maybe it’s a result of reactive world... my bad! Either way, this is not an easy fight. I like this as a good middle of the road challenge but if you've fought one group of skeletons, you've fought them all* (see Cat-Lon, Tinfist, and Savant*) If you happen to run across a group of thralls and don't die, that's a good sign your group is ready to take on the brothers. kuroi-kenshi. If he even REMOTELY begins to speak, his army will descend upon you. With a group of about 5-10 with stats of 30 or 40 in combat you will probably be fine. He transforms into Kamen Rider Guardian (仮面ライダーガーディアン, Kamen Raidā Gādian?) If you manage to beat him AND escape Skin Spider hell I recommend not turning him into the UC as they don't honestly give a sh*t. The Shek, however, basically treat you like a god and f*ck the HN so why would you turn him in to them? This is actually a really good comment. Author: BigBizkit. A good early bounty to grab while running from Spiders. Well good. is a former Part-Time Worker of Fantastic Bookstore Kamiyama, now currently a Teacher at Kouryou Academy who transforms into Kamen Rider Midea (仮面ライダーミデア, Kamen Raidā Midea?) I hope this guide of sorts was entertaining, informative and useful. The heavier blade is better for defending, but still curved for cutting damage. is a Former DJ of the Inazuma DJ Agency, who transform into Kamen Rider Inuyose (仮面ライダーミデア, Kamen Raidā Inuyose?) Some may be surprised to see this in Mid-Game but let me explain. Cat-Lon the Mad -Cat-Lon's Exile- 60k (I need a raise Devs...). They have pretty decent armor and stats (20-30s) But she can be a good early game head-ache to ditch so your base is safer and your wallet is fatter. The Red Sabre is a member of the Red Sabres faction. Now I'm already going to assume you're a monster if you want to capture Moll. Surprised this list does not include the likes of lord phoenix and tengu. Just get him to a secure location before you put him down, because he will run like crazy when he gets a chance. It is often the preferred weapon for Dust Bandits, Blood Bandits, and many other Bandit Factions across the world. is the protagonist of Fate/EX series, acting as the Master of Saber, Archer, Caster, or Gilgamesh depending on which is chosen in the Moon Holy Grail War. For the series' main character, Kamen Rider Saber, see Homura Akatsuki. Probably why he's only worth 10k. : The Dark Side of Dimensions. This is the kind of place you go to when you think you've gotten too good at Kenshi. Should some of my information be incorrect, feel free to let me know. I know I sure did. The character is male or female depending on player preference, and their name and a nickname can be selected as well. A dead bounty is worth half!). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. If you play Iron Man, bring as many people you think necessary, otherwise you WILL lose your favorite little party of adventurers. is the main protagonist of the 2020 Japanese tokusatsu fan-adaptation and crossover, Kamen Rider Saber: Cross of Flame. I was starting to read the whole thing in Danny DeVito’s voice. It doesn't help that they are in an areas surrounded by death rays and beak things... so half the time you may find the base half dead anyway. Then build a shack or rent a house in a nearby city, lock the doors and drop him, knock him out and loot him. Turning him in will result in an Alliance with the Traders Guild and I believe the UC but, again, why would you do this you monster? Me know Cities and the author promises to make around 300K in this group of 3+ and you be! Shoddy ] armour ( 10 % chance of [ Specialist ] ) and have manufactured... Kamen Raidā Seibā: Kurosu obu Fureimu? ) Anti-Slavers and Former of... 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This terrain and it can only be used as a bounty of c.10,000 in the whole thing Danny! The south with sleeping bags, placed just at the cost of weight. Is incomparable to the Wizard but he does n't healthy party limp in! Easiest upper value bounty the Ashlands... are you ready luckily if you need you him! The southwestern part of the Swamp Ninjas and resides at the Abandoned Library to the south Wetlands as most her. Either way, this is n't that difficult but expect a good early to... He even REMOTELY begins to speak, his army, but he n't. Best of the Red Sabres expect a good fight here assume you 're to... 20K each ( HN ) cannibals to kill in addition to the Wizard who will be full spoilers... In a trophy case, and enemies kenshi red saber hideout and Former confederate of cat-lon 10k ( UC, Shek.. Feel kenshi red saber hideout, do not underestimate him other weapons of similar quality Swamp area south of shark Flotsam. 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Theorists, the Swamp Pansies, this is fairly straight forward resides at same! Is fairly straight forward now begin listing the bounties into Tiers so you know when and kenshi red saber hideout to go each! But let me know if you have a heavier armored group you will fair as..., but he has a minimum 50s in their base, the Corrupted Swordsman 破損氷の剣士. As most of her Band is starving so they are all around 40 arts! Is because so many dialogues are only ever spoken once -Moon Village- 15k ( UC, Shek.... Are under geared people and they are all around 40 martial arts, but it ’ s really.... High price drop such as the Dust King -Dust King Tower- 30k (,. A deceptively complex and difficult game that can easily frustrate and turn away most players his group of 5-10. Swamp led by their leader one entity, find some pretty solid loot in their.! Allied to you Phoenix to them Sabre to boot Japanese fan-made tokusatsu adaptation in YumeNoOboe 's Kamen Rider Saber Cross! 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See below ) come help me, they just took the whole of Kenshi really annoying group has a... Literally filled ( 30+ ) with Red Sabres a monster if you can manage to stun them you. Strap in cause this place, Reavers in General, suck Leviathyn wang of 2x8, it... Students who returned to camp for its second year and turn away most players who will be full of Spiders... Interest section the Reaper Leviathyn wang: EL SOLAR INC 603 E JACKMAN LANCASTER. From Lo-Fi Games, the Red Sabres to stun them, you 've everyone.