World of Warships Development Blog. In many ways, Kitakaze is extremely comparable to her predecessor, Akizuki, and is simply a straight upgrade in most regards.She improves on Akizuki's speed, maneuverability, torpedo launchers, concealment, and has access to the tier nine module slot. So overall, I'd consider the changes to be a bit of a buff to light cruisers as they will need IFHE much less and can actually create ship builds that don't have it. The current proposal for the IFHE changes are ridiculous. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? The penalty to firing chance changes with caliber now. Wooster is my most played ship and I'm not concerned by these changes. 17,013 battles [WA2K] Vikala 12 … What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? Topkek, reddit love to overrate le camp behind island and be useful once in 5 battles ships. IFHE Changes. Why WG didn't adjust the fire chance or RoF of individual overperforming ships boggles my mind. World of Warships - free-to-play naval warfare-themed massively multiplayer game from Wargaming. 4 min read We continue to test the modified plating for cruisers and Tier VI-VII battleships as well as the updated “Inertia Fuse for HE Shells” skill. Feel free to opt in or out. It is set to -1% for light calibers up to 139 mm, and to -8% for the rest. Such changes were required in order to carefully adjust the balance of selected warships. But if you really insist on doing direct HE damage, then IFHE is an option at the cost of half your fire setting potential. World of Warships - free-to-play naval warfare-themed massively multiplayer game from Wargaming. I mean, have you actually looked at 152mm shells IRL? 2020-03-12 Currently working on IFHE changes Discussing the IFHE changes in Round 2 of testing, tiers 8 - 10 only getting 25% HE pen. Demand Team Work Rewards + Ocean BEST map in game. It is set to -1% for light calibers up to 139 mm, and to -8% for the rest. This all also results in weird tactics (bow-in) that were never a thing historically. Without IFHE small caliber HE shells will shatter like mad on BBs, the majority of light cruisers damage source. Having said that this table may give people an idea if the skill is of value to them. This IFHE change is going to make the Stalingrad VERY powerful. Can anyone enlighten me If it would be still viable after changes or just a meh cruiser. However, signal flags and commander skill bonuses will not be affected by the fire chance reduction. So I investigated and found this. What you are complaining about here is more of a arcade vs. simulation type of problem in general. This change should make IFHE more viable on DDs and reduce its excessive performance on some cruisers. Bow and stern plating will be nerfed to 16mm, so HIV and Alaska-like ships will be able to overmatch it and most DDs will be able to pierce it without IFHE. With IFHE it changes to exactly 39mm. ST, IFHE changes. So they not only get their fire chance cut in half with IFHE but they can't even pen BBs T8 or above which they may face regularly, esp T7s. IFHE changes is too brutal for midtier light cruisers. 20K likes. So you don't need IFHE vs DDs, but IFHE on Kiev comes in handy vs cruisers and T6 & T7 BB bows.----- The 130mm guns on the Bogatyr pen 20mm of armor without IFHE and pen 27mm of armor with IFHE. Before 0.9.2 IFHE Worcester could melt French and RN BBs with ease. 12,324 posts. Read writing from Devblog Wows on Medium. It will be more balanced after the changes, if they go through as suggested. T1-7 ships will have a 25% bonus to penetration, while T8-10 ships retain the current 30% bonus. Wreck all DDs and all cruisers ... and stick to setting fires on battleships. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Edit: I think I'm going to make this rant into a new post. With the IFHE changes, 152mm-180mm CLs get nerfed in relation to 203mm+ CAs, but it seems that there's some way to mitigate … Changes to the Inertia Fuse for HE Shells Skill (Update 0.9.2). When I was playing the Atlanta in ranked, I didn't even give a damn about fire chance. ST, IFHE changes. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 28,543 talking about this. The penalty to firing chance changes with caliber now. 33% for regular penetrations and 100% for citadel hits), but rather becomes a coefficient that determines the proportion of damage dealt, so ships with a lower coefficient will deal less damage, rather than being unable do deal damage at all. Basically what's happened over time is that a small number of OP small-calibre HE-spamming ships have appeared. Not even the spreadsheet can counter this level of 4D chess. In case the change is adopted, IFHE is automatically reset for 4 skill points. This change is also affecting the Akizuki line so that those 100m guns no longer will be able to pen 32mm even with IFHE. Epic battles rage across the oceans of the world in order to claim victory among teams comprised of the greatest representatives from the era of multi-ton marine giants. It might actually be quite strong even without IFHE post the current proposed changes. Third, the IFHE value changes. Maybe Radio Location. I just have to think about what 4point skill I'm gonna use instead of IFHE. 120-130mm: 26-27mm, 41mm for KM BB secondaries. Players who enjoyed Akizuki should feel right at home in the tier nine version.. Kitakaze has four 100mm gun … Well armored stuff gets hurt less (but it wont be 100% immune), lightly armored stuff gets hurt more. IFHE All Night Long by LittleWhiteMouse. With guns. On the other hand, IFHE itself is getting nerfed to reduce fire chance by HALF. That is a HUGE nerf. This new 37mm pen value allows you to penetrate everything you used to pen with 32mm previously but now also the decks of all US BBs up to tier 7, plus T8 BB North Carolina. With IFHE it was all about just hitting the target and dealing thousands of damage very, very, very quickly, without fires, and nearly irregardless of a target's angle. Every day, Devblog Wows and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium. 542 posts . armor models are very detailed. This captain IS secondary built but here I’m testing it without IFHE even tho’ I usually share my captain with … Never submarines, they said. Very few ships or lines in this game retain a power creep-proof status...if any. I get that WG wants to make the mid-section of cruisers more resistant to getting overmatched as this intent was communicated a very long time ago. With the change, you are going to lose a few more points of fire potential, but it still should be fine. In practice I mean. This is a secondary build OHIO without IFHE, after the IFHE rework. This change should make IFHE more viable on DDs and reduce its excessive performance on some cruisers. Can you imagine shooting at something and almost never getting a fire and getting mostly shatters? Become part of the Asian World of Warships community! And let's be clear I'm not "blanket blaming" WG for this. I strongly recommend not making any significant decisions based on a potential change until said change is imminent. Shamelessly copypasted from the EU forum. Gunboats. I’m just concerned about upcoming IFHE changes. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. With the IFHE changes, 152mm-180mm CLs get nerfed in relation to 203mm+ CAs, but it seems that there's some way to mitigate the nerfs, with some, uh, creative thinking: Let's take cruiser Cleveland as an example: Pay attention to the 6th and last row - for this represents an interesting middle ground where IFHE offers enough penetration to just pass the 32mm threshold which allows Cleveland to penetrate the minimum plating on T8+ BBs, but not suffer as huge a fire chance nerf of fully-retrained IFHE otherwise (as retraining reduces the effectiveness of the skill by 50% - yes, both the buff and the nerf). 10,457 battles [WG-CC] LittleWhiteMouse 40,462 Admiral; WoWS Community Contributors ; 40,462 12,324 posts; 10,457 battles; Location: The Realm of Chaos; Report post #6; Posted July 30, 2019. Basically no reduction in raw dpm compared to now, but a reduction in fire chance/potential fire damage. Had me in the first 97% of the post, not gonna lie. Epic battles rage across the oceans of the world in order to claim victory among teams comprised of the greatest representatives from the era of multi-ton marine giants. There is some WIP on IFHE case and some infos from dev blog but at the end,it doesn't meen nothing until it goes out as it dont need to be like noted on dev blog. I dont want to be on the receiving end behind even a 50mm plate when that hits. Of all the ships getting hit with IFHE change, the USN Light Cruisers are going to handle it best. We'll continue to introduce changes in the updates that will … Worcester won't be harmed by the IFHE changes, though if the plating changes go through, she'll be vulnerable to having her bow and stern overmatched by Henri and the super cruisers. It's like this with all guns in this game ... the lower the calibre, the higher the DPM, the worse the pen. This change should make IFHE more viable on DDs and reduce its excessive performance on some cruisers. Buy the camo if you truly love playing the bejesus out of the Wooster right now. The change was likely done to counter the fact that while light cruiser guns have great HE DPM compared to heavy cruisers, they shouldn't have the same penetrating power. With IFHE your penetration has increased from 32mm IFHE pen of old to the new 37mm of penetration gained by increasing the 30mm base penetration above by 25%. IFHE will reduce the firechance by half, increase the HE penetration by 25%, BUT now your HE pen doesn't have … The Henri and Worcester were staple counters to the Stalin for our Clan, with us relying on setting multiple repetitive fires and the long fire duration on Battlecruisers to neutralise their threat. 180mm/6 is exactly 30mm. I'm sorry, but something is not quite right here. Greetings, these are the changes to IFHE and plating: “We continue to test the modified plating for cruisers and Tier VI-VII battleships as well as the updated “Inertia Fuse for HE Shells” skill. Recommended Posts. Datamined list of IFHE penetration changes. 2020-04-18 Ads added, disabled by default. In other words, less fire starter potential, same raw damage potential, less survivability for bow and stern platings but a tad more survivability against BBs with caliber up to 429mm on mid section plates. You need to play a total of 50 battles to post in this section. Comparing Nürnberg and Dallas without any captain skills: Dallas does hold a slight edge over Nürnberg when it comes to damage and fires per minute, but Nürnberg's HE penetration reaches an impressive 38mm even without IFHE, which lets her damage a wide variety of plating especially against high-tier ships, so you can say she's the more reliable damage dealer, meanwhile Dallas needs IFHE to deal with even T6/T7 BBs. Wows Stats and Numbers - das beste Online-Statistik-Tool für Statistiken und Fortschritts-Tracking für World of Warships. Continue readingEpisode No. 91 ... WoWs - White (Default) WoWs - Classic . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. IFHE Changes. That is going to drop their stock fire chance from 13% to 6.5%. Note that as per update 0.9.2 IFHE now halves the BASE fire chance of shells. Shamelessly copypasted from the EU forum. The potential to change the Clanwars meta a vid when HE went to training on! Before I start I must credit the creation of this table other hand, IFHE is the pinnacle of keyboard... Dot playing really not looking forward to what this will do to mid CLs! Armor thresholds are passed exceeding 302 mm and share important stories on Medium even without post! What you are complaining about here is more of a arcade vs. simulation of... ( for HE shells Teamgefechte und vieles mehr World of Warships - free-to-play naval warfare-themed multiplayer. Stalingrad very powerful from pure HE damage every few seconds that 's the consistent several-thousand damage per from.: I think I 'm really not looking forward to what this will do mid. 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