Her glass (and several more that are upcomming) were a special challange because of many different shades of the same color being involved in the same cutie mark when the number of glass colors available is somewhat limited and color mixing a bit of a mess. In Issue #4, Spitfire takes part in the final battle against Chrysalis' changelings and the Decepticons. Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts signing autographs in Parental Glideance. In the episode Hurricane Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash mentions that Spitfire is the captain of the Wonderbolts. At the end of the episode, Spitfire and the rest of the Wonderbolts get freed from Sombra's curse. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She, along with Soarin, Fleetfoot, Thunderlane, Silver Zoom, and High Winds block Rainbow Dash from entering Canterlot castle. The Supermarine Spitfire is one of the greatest and most famous WW II fighters. The Spitfires turned to starboard and climbed to cut off the E/A. It had a pressurised cabin and a Lobelle sliding hood, and gave similar performanc… No need to register, buy now! It contains nearly 80,000 words, 200+ illustrations, over 196 pages.This e-book has been a year and a half in the making. The Spitfire Mk. She and Soarin are the first two members of the Wonderbolts to be named on the show. Spitfire, the most widely produced and strategically important British single-seat fighter of World War II. In The Last Crusade, Spitfire appears alongside Fleetfoot and Soarin during CMC Appreciation Day, drawing the Cutie Mark Crusaders' logo in the sky. In Parental Glideance, Spitfire and the rest of the Wonderbolts perform a practice routine, only to be interrupted by Rainbow Dash's parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles, cheering on their daughter. In My Little Pony/Transformers Issue #1, Spitfire appears on page 9 encountering the Autobot Windblade after Queen Chrysalis brings the Autobots and Decepticons of Transformers to Equestria. As far as I'm concerned, your vector is perfect. Fifty Mk IIb Spitfires were converted to do an air sea rescue role in 1943. On October 19, 1940, American volunteers formed the first Eagle Squadron, which flew and fought with Spitfires. Rainbow Dash confronts Spitfire about Lightning Dust's recklessness, and proceeds to quit the academy when Spitfire doesn't challenge her claims. Spitfire also witnesses Spike singing the Cloudsdale Anthem wrong, and gets embarrassed because of it. Spitfire's appearance in Hurricane Fluttershy. Her bio states "Spitfire is the captain of the most talented flyers in all of Equestria, the Wonderbolts.". She reveals a somewhat more underhanded side to her in this episode, as she lies to both Soarin and Rainbow Dash, telling the former that they already found someone to replace him and the latter that Soarin was still wounded when he had already healed. XI was a reconnaissance aircraft based on a combination of features from the marks VII, VIII and IX. Get up to 50% off. The Mk. In Rarity Investigates!, retired Wonderbolt Wind Rider lures her away from an upcoming aerial performance with a fake letter saying her mother Stormy Flare was ill. After Rainbow Dash retrieves her and brings her back in time for the performance, Spitfire angrily strips Wind Rider of his Wonderbolt status and gives his part in the performance to Rainbow Dash. White or transparent. The Spitfire will delight every model aircraft enthusiast, … according to my info, it was Nicole Oliver in ep16. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Not bad! Spitfire is a female Pegasus pony and the captain of the aerial acrobatics group, the Wonderbolts. A brushable toy of Spitfire was released in August 2017 in the Friendship Festival Party Friends Collection Pack exclusive to Toys "R" Us. Reply. With Rainbow Dash's help, Spitfire is able to overcome her nervousness and motivate the young ponies. Because its design history goes back to the early 30s. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. This is great, can I use this on my OC? SPITFIRE is team captain and a spirited competitor. Mark IX pilots also destroyed a number of Me262s before the end of the war. The story of aircraft donation by Free Danes around the World in support of their fighting airmen By Mikkel Plannthin, Danish WW2 Pilots | Posted on 2010-04-19 | Comments (1) | Category: Camouflage & Markings | Tags: 1942, Spitfire Mk. Such a great show! Decorate your laptops, water bottles, helmets, and cars. I’ll edit it a bit though. In Twilight's Kingdom - Part 1, Spitfire appears alongside other Wonderbolts and academy cadets attempting to stop Lord Tirek, but she ends up having her flight stolen. It was used as a low-level interceptor and was especially successful against V1’s. Spitfire and her team appear in the episode Equestria Games, competing in the horse-shoe event against the other teams and wins first prize, cutting it close to Rainbow Dash, and the two hoof-bump eachother for good sportsmanship. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Here is the glass and coaster dedicated to Spitfire. When Rainbow's efforts to impress the team result in her earning a humiliating nickname, Spitfire tells her that all of the Wonderbolts have equally embarrassing nicknames, including herself. Click on the above images for production charts. Danish Presentation Spitfires. Looks a bit pixelated, though it's still nice. Data from Spitfire: The History and Jane's Fighting Aircraft of World War II. Shop high-quality unique Spitfires T-Shirts designed and sold by artists. Spitfire is also one of the Pegasi attempting to save the crowd against an icy cloud one of the archer ponies accidentally causes. This detailed reproduction is constructed from high-quality aluminium and wooden parts. See more ideas about the spitfires, supermarine spitfire, ww2 aircraft. After an injury to Soarin's wing, she and Fleetfoot conspire to recruit Rainbow Dash to their team to replace him, first by inviting her to practice with them, and then asking her to join the team permanently. The aircraft was a Mark VII, a Spitfire Mark VII with a pressure cabin and a different engine. Hoewel deze varianten zich op verschillende wijze verder ontwikkelden, bleef er toch een constante, namelijk de gebruikte motor. In Marks and Recreation, Pipsqueak asks Thunderlane if he knows Spitfire. A third mini-figure toy of Spitfire was released in August 2016 as part of the Target-exclusive Wonderbolts Cloudsdale Mini Collection. In The Ending of the End - Part 2, Spitfire leads the other Wonderbolts into the final battle against Queen Chrysalis, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow. Unique Spitfire Stickers designed and sold by artists. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. In her opinion, that's the only way her students will ever learn. Her flight is returned to her at the end of Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2. S/Ldr Wade, who was leading the formation, fired a deflection burst without result and then got in line astern. Spitfire briefly appears with the rest of the Wonderbolts during the Friendship Festival in My Little Pony The Movie. Unless otherwise noted, all Griffon-engined Spitfire variants used the strengthened Dunlop AH10019 "four spoke" pattern mainwheels. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day. Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, ... mlp, my little pony, cutie mark, cutiemark, cutie mark crusaders, trony13, brony, pegasister, cheerilee, cadence, princess cadence, … She's not always nice about it. this cutie mark I think was inspired by the lightning badge from pokemon black and white. First flew in August 1942. According to Soarin's card, "SPITFIRE is the captain of the WONDERBOLTS flying team!" F. Mark.. and H.F Mark indicated whether the engines fitted were suited for low, medium or high altitude. To be honest, though, I made this. Here is our Supermarine Spitfire Mk.IX RAF Camouflage Color Profile and Paint Guide. According to this card, "SPITFIRE is captain of the WONDERBOLTS flying team. Dec 28, 2013 - The Spitfire rules . Spitfire dishonorably discharges Wind Rider from the Wonderbolts in Rarity Investigates! Her name is listed as a trademark both on his card and on the packaging of the wave. In A Matter of Principals, Starlight Glimmer hires Spitfire to be a temporary substitute teacher at the School of Friendship. She later sees the rainbow with Soarin and Fleetfoot during the song Let the Rainbow Remind You. The majority of Spitfires from the Mk VIII used C, D and E wing types. The Mark IX (Mark 9) was one of the most famous, most of… Sometime later, Spitfire agrees with Rainbow Dash to perform an unofficial show for Bow and Windy so that Rainbow can apologize to them for yelling at them. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Jul 1, 2018 - Explore Roy Stockton's board "Spitfires" on Pinterest. In Secrets and Pies, Spitfire is among the ponies that Pinkie Pie interrogates during her investigation, and she also crashes into Pinkie at one point during Wonderbolt practice. Reply. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. At the time, she was named "wonderbolt leader". A human counterpart of Spitfire appears as a Canterlot High School student and soccer club member in IDW Publishing's My Little Pony Annual 2013. Twitter / angelheadhipstr: Hey Interwebs, I am Spitfire ... Twitter / angelheadhipstr: @jordanolling No that's not ... Twitter / angelheadhipstr: @jordanolling @Dusty_Kat Yup ... Dubbingpedia's publication of an e-mail from SDI, Y ahora con ustedes, SPITFIRE Gaby Guzmán! All rights reserved. However, the IWM example is truly special. Spitfire makes Rainbow Dash a Wonderbolt in Newbie Dash. [10], A second mini-figure toy of Spitfire has been displayed at the 2014 American International Toy Fair. Spitfire first appears in Sonic Rainboom, where she is one of the celebrity judges of the Best Young Flyer Competition; later in the episode, she gets knocked out trying to save Rarity from falling. My Little Pony 912 – The Last Crusade [source] 912 - “The Last Crudase” Written by: TBA "Unexpected visitors to Ponyville threaten to break up the Cutie Mark Crusaders forever." In Between Dark and Dawn, Spitfire flies by during Lotta Little Things. Mark IXs and XIVs could be used to bomb enemy positions. pic.twitter.com/waDZSoODMW, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic 2 Inch PVC Figure Series 6 Box [24 Mystery Packs] Pre-Order ships January, Spitfire, Misty Fly, and Soarin's mystery pack wave 7 packaging identification and collector cards, ASM's Toy Fair 2014 Gallery/hasbro/my-little-pony/IMG_0467, https://mlp.fandom.com/wiki/Spitfire?oldid=2189257, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Unknown (whispered to Rainbow Dash), Sf (, At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot, At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot, without spoken dialogue or narration, Background appearance or an appearance where the character is not the focus, At least one appearance where the character is only in a flashback or fantasy-setting, No physical appearance, but appears in a photo, drawing, or figure, No appearance, but a mention by name or title, No appearance and no mention by name or title. [12], Spitfire is a character in Gameloft's mobile game, and serves as a boss during "The Crowning Achievement" and "Wonderbolt for a Day" events. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. ", A trading card featuring Spitfire and Soarin'[sic], released between the second and third seasons of the show, lists Spitfire's cutie mark as a yellow lightning bolt which matches the symbol on all the female Wonderbolts flight suits. © Valve Corporation. In season two she is given a female voice. Spitfire, however, is angry, claiming that she was not given a chance to respond, catches up with her, and tells Dash that being a Wonderbolt is about \"pushing yourself in the right direction\", which Dash has shown her she can do. Augh, spoilers! I made several more cutie mark shotglasses and cork coasters. Wing types. 19. Find spitfire stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. I'm afraid you have to redesign that! Deze maatregelen … In Yakity-Sax, she participates in a Wonderbolts show, but she gets so distracted by the poor music from Pinkie's yovidaphone, that she and the other Wonderbolts bump into Rainbow Dash. From what I've seen in the latest episode, Wonderbolts Academy, her's is a circle of flames. Beginning with The Maud Couple, Spitfire was added to the opening intro with the rest of the Wonderbolts. Recent Episodes. Mark XIV Spitfire returns in the episode Rainbow Falls alongside Soarin and Fleetfoot, competing for Cloudsdale to qualify for the Equestria Games. Build a fabulous model of the Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vb in 1:12 scale, the most famous fighter plane of World War II. Other team members include Blaze, Fire Streak, Fleetfoot, High Winds, Lightning Streak, Misty Fly, Rapidfire, Silver Lining, Surprise, and Wave Chill. I have again borrowed one of your vectors to do stuff with. Bombing Raids. She appears with the other Wonderbolts in Wings Over Yakyakistan, in which they visit Yakyakistan for an air show only to be present during an attack by dragons. Spitfire persuading to Scootaloo in The Washouts. She makes her debut in Sonic Rainboom and her name is first used in The Best Night Ever. Many modifications and upgrades evolved from the prototype over the first prodution unit, the Mark I, up to Mark XXIV, built long after the war was over. De eerste grote onderverdeling in de Spitfire is het onderscheid tussen de varianten bedoeld voor de luchtmacht, onder de naam Spitfire; en de varianten bedoeld voor de marine, de Seafires.De naam Seafire werd afgeleid van de naam Supermarine Sea Spitfire. She also briefly appears in Rainbow Dash's group shot during The Magic of Friendship Grows. The leading section got to within 4/500 yards approx 5 miles SE of PENNA Point and the 190's started to dive. In The Washouts, Spitfire tries to deter Scootaloo from joining Lightning Dust's team of stuntponies with her signature drill instructor style of yelling. It was the main version of the fighter during 1941, replacing the Mk I and II in service in time to take part in the first British counterattacks over France. See more ideas about Supermarine spitfire, Ww2 planes, Ww2 aircraft. The use of these prefixes did not change according to the wings, which could be fitted with "clipped" tips, reducing the wingspan to about 32 ft 6 in (9.9 m) (this could vary slightly), or the "pointed" tips which increased the wingspan to 40 ft 2 in (12.29 m). About anything at all Eagle Squadron, which flew and fought with.! Digital drawing tools Wonderbolts are an Elite squad of Pegasus ponies who perform amazing aerial feats of derring-do at across... The captain of the archer ponies accidentally causes wooden spitfires cutie mark Twilight 's coronation ceremony colors in Formula four Tablets more. 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