IG-11. As a Clawdite, Wesell possessed the ability to physically alter her appearancea power which she used to assume the visage of a human female. Female[3] Prior to the events of Attack of the Clones, Fett recruits Wesell, a shapeshifting bounty hunter who had worked with Fett in the past, to assist him in assassinating the influential Padmé. Jango Fett's termination of Zam Wesell in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones is justified, but it takes its toll on the bounty hunter. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. 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When the Jedi captured Wesell, Fett’s decision proved to be a valuable one, allowing him to escape the Jedi’s grasp with a Kaminoan saberdart as the only incriminating evidence. Reluctant to reveal her employer's name, Wesell answered that it was merely a job. Eye color Zolan[1] He is killed by Commando Droids while fending off an attack on a remote listening post on the Rishi moon. Prior to the beginning of the Clone Wars, the bounty hunter Jango Fett enlisted Wesell's aid to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo in 22 BBY. She was trained by the Mabari until she desired wealth and journeyed to Denon to employ her skills and training as an assassin. It nearly works, but Obi-Wan and Anakin catch Zam in the act and give chase across the Republic planet of Coruscant. Zam Wesell: I hit the ship, but they used a decoy. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. According to the old Star Wars databank Zam was able to learn the Senator's schedule from Theomet Danlé, one of the guards who ultimately died on the ship. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. (Includes The Clone Wars and Rebels) Test your knowledge on this entertainment quiz and compare … Zam Wesell disguised as a human while on Coruscant. Instead, it was her handmaiden, Cordé. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. K-2SO. He, just like Luke, is portrayed by Red. Falcon & Winter Soldier Ends With The Debut Of MCU's New Captain America, Star Wars: Why Jango Fett Killed Zam Wesell, Every Upcoming Star Wars Movie & Release Date, All Star Wars Movies, Ranked Worst To Best, Tom Holland Reveals How Robert Downey Jr. Bohdi Rook. Grenade. Homeworld Storm Troopers. Palliduvan Aurra Sing. Shape-shifting bounty hunter who fails in her mission to assassinate Padm and she was killed by the bounty hunter Jango Fett.The skin was not mine but i modifided it. However, the killing took a toll on Fett. His face is described as “even sadder and older than usual” when he prepares to tell the news of Wesell’s death to his son, and he hesitates to reveal himself as her killer. Fett’s belief that Wesell could compromise his mission, the assassination of Senator Padme Amidala, provides rationale for the decision to terminate Wesell, but the choice is more than just another killing for the accomplished Mandalorian bounty hunter. She was on a mission with Jango Fett to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala. While the droid was speeding through an express way, Wesell shot it with her projectile rifle which caused Kenobi to start falling through Coruscant's atmosphere. Skywalker quickly killed the kouhuns and Kenobi grabbed the droid. Affiliation(s) Be careful. Played by Leeanna Walsman, the character used her shapeshifting abilities to appear as a human female. Anakin is the father of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and the lover and later husband of Padmé Amidala but later becomes Darth Vader. Before she can reveal her employer, Fett kills Wesell with a single long-range shot before blasting off into the Coruscant sky. She is the assassin that worked for Jango Fett. As a Clawdite, Wesell possessed the ability to physically alter her appearance—a power which she used to assume the visage of a human female. 22 BBY,[2] Coruscant[3] Mabari[6]Confederacy of Independent Systems[3] Fett’s crestfallen appearance and despondent tone in telling Boba about Wesell’s death runs contrary to his typically stoic demeanor and his immersion in the bounty hunter lifestyle, but makes sense given their history working together and her implied relationship with Boba. But during the mission Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi caught her. Jango Fettwas aHumanMandalorianmale who served as the template forclone troopers. Jango's son, Boba Fett, would eventually team up … Zam Wesell | Minecraft Skin Skins Users The pair thwart a second attempt on Padmé's life and subdue the assassin, Zam Wesell, who is killed by her employer, a bounty hunter, before she can reveal his identity. [4] As she died, she reverted from speaking Galactic Basic to Clawdite. Next: All Star Wars Movies, Ranked Worst To Best. In return, along with a large amount of credits, he requested for an unaltered clone: a clone that he took up as his own son and namedBoba Fett. Who killed each of these characters in Star Wars? Oct 27, 2017. Hunter middle-man: Greef Karga operates on the world Nevarro. ZooTuber3000 +1. But during the mission she is captured by Jedi, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Zam Wesell was a Clawdite female bounty hunter who lived during the last years of the Galactic Republic. I've failed you, Senator... 1.1. Who: Cordé (handmaiden to Padmé Amidala) 1.2. Zam Wesell. At some point, Wesell worked … Skywalker then pressured her to tell them and Wesell was about to say who it was when Fett, who had been watching the whole interrogation, shot her in the neck with a Kamino saberdart. Sometime later, Wesell bombed the Senator's cruiser when it reached Coruscant. Zam first appeared in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones as a human bounty hunter on a mission to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala by Jango Fett. Jango Fett. However, Amidala herself wasn't on the cruiser. She was trained by the Mabari until she desired wealth and journeyed to Denon to employ her skills and training as an assassin. Fett then gave her some kouhuns and told her to be careful while holding them as they were very poisonous. It contains a Coruscant airspeeder and Zam Wesell's airspeeder. Fixed it. A Clawdite female, Wesell was born on the planet Zolan. Padmé was piloting … According to the Star Wars Legends novel Boba Fett: Fight to Survive, Fett decided to terminate Wesell to prevent her betrayal. 1.68 meters[4] Species While she did collect contacts far and wide, Jango was a frequent partner, as seen in STAR WARS: ZAM WESELL (2002) #1 and STAR WARS: JANGO FETT (2002) #1. The passage reveals that the elder Fett was shaken by Wesell’s death, even if he believed it to be a necessity. But Zam Wesell fails. Jango was hired byCount Dookuto be the template for theclone trooperarmyon the planetKamino. Obi Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker were busy guarding senator Padme Amidala when Zam Wessll, a bounty hunter, had entered in poisonous kouhons into her room while she was asleep. Wesell quickly fled in her speeder but Skywalker jumped on top of it and crashed it. Kenobi said they should be extra careful in searching for her. The Jedi master and his padawan sensed something was wrong and busted open … Zam Wesell | Project Gutenberg Self-Publishing - eBooks ... ... My Account Zam Wesell is a female bounty hunter from Star Wars. All main/important characters will be listed in italic. In Star Wars comics lore, Zam’s backstory has been expanded. Zam was just about to reveal who she was working with when Fett killed her with a kaminoan saberdart. As a Podracer, he ties with his Pod Racer avoiding any obstacle until going to a target, As a Padawan, he attacks w… Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Wesell answered that she knew it was a Senator from Naboo. [7], Zam Wesell first appeared in Attack of the Clones played by Leeanna Walsman.[3]. As the pair were in the club, Wesell was about to shoot Kenobi, but Kenobi sensed her and chopped her arm off with his lightsaber. Zam Wesell was a Clawdite female bounty hunter who lived during the last years of the Galactic Republic. Wesell then said her final words and died shortly after. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Wesell screamed in pain and fell to the ground. They're very poisonous. Clawdite[4] Obi-Wan and Anakin track Zam Wesell to a seedy nightclub. Related: Every Upcoming Star Wars Movie & Release Date. Exotic and enigmatic, Zam Wesell kept her true visage hidden beneath a fabric veil and a screen of deadly deception. [Source]. The Official Star Wars Fact File #101 - Zam Wesell. With a blaster aimed at his back, Obi-Wan severs Zam's arm with his lightsaber. “…fulfilling my base function.” “To nurse and protect.” After receiving the news, Wesell told Fett that she had bombed the ship, but she used a decoy. A Clawdite female, Wesell was born on the planet Zolan. [1], As a changeling was able to assume the appearance of anyone she chose, including her targets. Aayla Secura. Zam first appeared in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Chirrut Imwe. Green[3] When Jango Fett kills accomplice Zam Wesell with a saberdart in the first act of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, Fett’s motives, like the character himself, remain in the shadows. Feb 5, 2018 - Explore Star Wars's board "Zam Wessel", followed by 180 people on Pinterest. Though she often appeared as a beautiful human female, she was in truth a Clawdite changeling, with the ability to alter her appearance. John Riker is a freelance writer who unconditionally loves everything Star Wars and Pixar. Zam Wesell was a minor antagonist from the 2002 movieStar Wars: Episode II: Attack Of The Clones. Even before the Sith took control, Sifo-Dyas could have deleted Kamino from the Jedi Archives to keep quiet the commitment he made to begin cloning an army, allowing him … 1 Legends 1.1 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (video game) (3956 BBY) 1.2 Star Wars: … 1 Description 2 Background 3 Notes 4 LEGO.com … Zam, there can be no mistakes this time. Wesell shapeshifted into her Clawdite form in the speeder and Skywalker told Kenobi he knew that she was a changeling and was a female. Zam Wessel is the quinary antagonist in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Jango Fett’s painful decision to terminate his partner in crime provides a rare glimpse under the iconic Mandalorian helmet, offering insight into his life as a bounty hunter and humanizing one of the galaxy’s most feared killers. In MAD's version of "Star Bores", Zam is named Damn Weasel, and she is killed by Oldie Von Moldie and Mannequin Skystalker. In the novel, Fett tells his son Boba that Wesell was about to expose him as her employer and that her death was an inevitable consequence of her betrayal, even going as far to say that “she would have done the same if it were me." Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. She is killed with a poison dart by Jango Fett. Jango Fett killed her with a poison dart. Clones. She is portrayed by Australian actress Leeanna Walsman. It includes the Minifigures Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode II, no cape), Anakin Skywalker (Episode II, no cape) and Zam Wessell, who is unique to this set. An armored bounty hunter with a rocket pack flies away from the scene. At some point, Wesell worked with bounty hunter Jango Fett, and became both his frequent accomplice and sometime partner. After Wesell’s first attempt on her life is foiled when his bomb blows up a decoy ship instead, Fett instructs Wesell to attack the Senator again, this time with deadly kouhun arthropods. Guarding Gardulla, Sugi goes toe-to-toe with the Sith Lord named Maul. [[Category:]] Zam Wesell is a character that appeared in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. In the game, Zam is attempting to capture Bendix Fust, a Mordageen smuggler with a bounty of fifty thousand credits on his head … Height Skin color [3], Wesell preferred to strike her targets from afar, utilizing long-range sniper rifles or remote probe droids. Then she was asked who hired her. A mission ended in failure when Zam Wesell was caught by Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. All villains will be listed in bold. For her true face, re-watch Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones on Disney+. After a failed attempt to kill Senator Padme Amidala, she was captured by Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker. Zam Wesell first appeared in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. AClawditefemale, Wesell wasbornon theplanetZolan.Shewas trained by theMabariuntil she desired wealth and journeyed toDenonto employ her skills and training as anassassin. The moment also underscores the devastation that Boba Fett feels, the first of Fett’s multiple encounters with death and loss in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. An expert sniper. 1. Skywalker was about to dash in but Kenobi reminded his Padawan that Wesell had gone in to hide, not to run. Now, Zam navigates way too much former handmaiden and tries to discover a spy ring, and at the same time to not get killed by her employer, Naboo and its women are beautiful but Zam suspects those flowers are poisonous. Jun 22, 2020. [1] She was capable of taking on any humanoid form. Source: Killed in an assassination attempt on Padmé. Baze Malbus. Wesell attempted another assassination later that evening using venomous kouhuns dispensed by the droid ASN-121, but it was foiled by the two Jedi, who chased Wesell on Coruscant before she was killed by Fett; the bounty hunter killed her to prevent her from revealing their secrets. When the Jedi try to question the injured Zam in the alley, she's shot with a mysterious dart. 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Jango Fett's termination of Zam Wesell in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones is justified, but it takes its toll on the bounty hunter. When Jango Fett kills accomplice Zam Wesell with a saberdart in the first act of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, Fett’s motives, like the character himself, remain in the shadows.