Phase 3 ARC Armor w/o Helmet… Boil definitely found the armor and he was ready to murder him. Phase 2 ARC Armor w/o Helmet. In battle, he wielded a DC-15S Blaster. An orange streak ran down the midsection of his helmet. Cookies help us deliver our Services. your own Pins on Pinterest Such as when t… Waxer Status: Waxer is a repaint of the standard Armored Body type and includes and all-new human head portrait as well as the phase I and phase II helmet. Separated from Cody, Waxer and Boil stumbled upon the young female Twi'lek orphan Numa in an alley. But once they met Cody, Obi-Wan and the rest of Ghost Company asked where they were. $169.99. As they entered, Numa started to tear up. $159.99. ... Waxer took Numa… Waxer had armor with orange and white stripes, which were the colors of his unit. The clones are most certainly individuals. And seeing them bond with Numa was just so heartwarming. Just as they left, Waxer and Boil asked what "nerra" meant: Obi-Wan translated it as "brother". TX-20 fired at his proton cannon, which destroyed it, and throwing Waxer, Boil, and Obi-Wan across the ground. When they reached the gunship, Waxer commented about how they always seem to get the "fun" jobs, but Boil corrected him that getting back to the square would be the challenge. Sideshow 1/6 Scale STAR WARS Clone Trooper 501st 212nd 2.0 BODY . For those of you who don't remember Numa was the little Twi'lek girl they saved back in season 1. After providing assistance in finding Numa's parents during the Battle of Ryloth, Waxer added a drawing of Numa to his helmet … Homeworld: Press J to jump to the feed. An orange streak ran down the midsection of his helmet. The exclusive version of this set, pictured below, featured Numa… Like two halves of the same person. I loved seeing Waxer and Boyle as "Those two guys" who always joked around and were never seen apart. Jesse has a republic emblem tattooed on his head and painted on his helmet. After eating the bar, Numa called Waxer and Boil "nerra". Waxer's phase II armor sported similar markings, however, like Boil, an illustration of Numa was added to the side of his helmet. He used a DC … Sideshow 1/6 Star Wars Clone trooper Boil and Waxer Perfect Twi'lek girl Numa. Immeditately after, the Republic transports, lead by Mace Windu, landed, and the rest of the forces walked off the ships. I saw that my first time through, which made it even harder. Occupation/Rank: Then Numa hugged Waxer and Boil. Numa traveled with Cham and Gobi to The Ghostfor a briefing on Hera's plan to capt… Seeing Waxer die, from friendly fire of all things that could have happened, actually made me shed a tear. When they seperated from Cody and Wooley, they found a young female Twi'lek named Numa. Pong Krell told Waxer … 24 watching. Species: After the company reached the city, Waxer and fellow trooper Boil were dispatched to scout ahead and soon found a young Twi'lek orphan named Numa in one of the city's alleys. Being a member of Ghost Company, Waxer bore many orange markings on his Phase I Clone Trooper Armor. Then Obi-Wan started to slice off the cuffs from the Twi'lek's hands. 1 Bio 2 History 3 Appearance 4 Trivia/Facts 5 Appearances 6 Gallery Boil was a Platoon Sergeant for the 212th Attack Battalion who led the Ghost Company platoon with his loyal partner Waxer. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. He ordered everyone to take off their helmets and both sides realized that they were all clones and were turned against each other by Krell. The story of the Twi'lek Numa during the Clone Wars and Rebels. He was placed under the command of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody. Male Light Orange stripe on front of helmet is about 3 inches wide. Echo still has his eel blood hand print on his armor until citadel arc and bad batch spoilers. TX-20 turned his AAT around and started to fire at them. Waxer started to recognize some of the area. After the recon droid flew past them, they continued their scouting, with Numa following them behind. Numa remembered the two clones calling themselves Waxer … While TX-20 was busy, Obi-Wan, Waxer, and Boil destroyed the battle droids around the Twi'leks. 212th Attack BattalionGhost Company Taking compassion on the girl, Waxer… Here she is. Gender: Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. In battle, he wielded a DC-15S Blaster. Waxer nodded and grabbed his helmet, Boil continued along without his. SIDESHOW EXCLUSIVE STAR WARS BOIL & WAXER W/ NUMA 1/6 SCALE FIGURES . To honor Numa, Boil had a cartoon illustration of Numa added to his helmet. Biological Information Season 4 Episode 10 Carnage Of Krell a clone dies from a clone attack RIP WAXER $69.99. Waxer and Boil console Numa in the ruins of her home. Clone Trooper/Platoon leader Weaving through the wreckage in the streets, Numa leads Boil and Waxer to what remains of her home, finding only rubble and her old tooka doll. Waxer was a Clone Trooper Platoon Leader who served in the 212th Attack Battalion during the Clone Wars. Boil (as well as his partner, Waxer… This scene was such a downer, I couldn't believe it happened. Waxer's phase II armor sported similar markings, however, like Boil, an illustration of Numa … He took off his helmet, “Hey, we brought you gifts” Boil told her, holding out the bags, hoping to put at ease as to why Numa didn’t see Waxer. The story of the Twi'lek Numa during the Clone Wars and Rebels. Waxer was involed in the Battle of Ryloth to help free the Twi'leks from the Separatist leader Wat Tambor. He ordered Waxer and Boil to come with him, while Numa remained behind. Obi-Wan fired at a cannon with his own, and the others too, but they were already destroyed. When Boil and Waxer resurface with Numa to join the General and the rest of the troops, Kenobi learns that Numa can lead them all through tunnels to free the Twi'lek prisoners in the square and defeat the … Waxer wanted to take her with them, but Boil reminded him what would happen if she came. Waxer's helmet had twenty-one tally marks with eight on the right side and thirteen on the left. The resourceful girl, Numa, guided Boil and his squadmate Waxer through hidden passageways beneath the village, which proved crucial in freeing hostages held by the Separatists. During the Battle of Umbara, he was killed when the treacherous Jedi General Pong Krell intentionally deployed his own troops against one another in an effort to sabotage the Republic's efforts on the planet. Though the hard-edged Boil at first didn't want anything to do with the little girl, Waxer was compassionate and decided to protect her well-being. And seeing them bond with Numa was just so heartwarming. “When I get my hands on you, I am going … Waxer wanted to take Numa with them but his fellow comrade Boil said that they couldn't take her. Numa ran over to Waxer to assist him, then to Obi-Wan. Waxer, who was severely injured during the battle was questioned by Rex. Numa took Boil and Waxer through a network of tunnels below the village, starting with the ones at her home. He's certainly less professional than the Jedi I met. Once the all the Twi'leks escaped, Obi-Wan told Waxer and Boil to help destroy the proton cannons. Commander Cody contacted them via comlink. Biographic Information Obi-Wan saw what had side tracked them from the mission and understood. Waxer informed his general that Numa knew her way around the tunnels very well, which resulted in Kenobi, Waxer and Boil to move through the tunnels to free the hostages while Cody and Ghost Comapany created a diversion on the force of Wat Tambor's droid army. $999.99. Fives has a 5 tattooed on his head and painted on his helmet. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Numa graphic, weathering and design matching visible references is present on right side of the helmet below the visor; Helmet … Phase 3 ARC Armor. Sideshow 1/6 Scale STAR WARS Clone Trooper 104 TH Wolfpack Perfect Backpack. A battle droids spotted the captured Twi'leks escaping. i thoght those where tally marks for every kill or battle he made or survived like rex has for every battle, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The two clone troopers open up the doors to the gunship and saw Kenobi and Trapper injuried, being the only survivors of the crash Waxer and Boil help the two injured men back to the square. Waxer Sideshow Star Wars Shock Trooper Clone Helmet … Like two halves of the same person. Boil and Waxer … Throughout the Battle of Umbara, Waxer led his own platoon of Ghost Company clone troopers. Feb 24, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Arielle Dream Chaser. Cody and Ghost Company began their attack against TX-20 and the battle droids. Light Orange stripe on back of helmet stops short of rear dome edge, leaving about 1 inch white border just above the grey … During the Second Battle of Geonosis, Cody ordered Waxer and Boil to rescue General Kenobi from a downed LAAT/i gunship, named Bad Kitty. Human (Clone) I just finished the Padawan arc in season 5, and it's just sad because well... We know what Anakin does. Phase 2 Armor w/o Helmet. Suddenly, TX-20 aimed his cannon at Obi-Wan and Numa, but just before he could fire, the Twi'leks, inspired by Numa's courage, jumped to him and viciously tore him apart. When they saw it, Boil told Waxer that they'll be polishing astromech droids if they can't explain it. $10.00 shipping. He introduced the girl as Ezra, the Lasat as Sabine, the boy as Rex, and the Clone as Zeb, receiving an annoyed look from each companion. 1 Biography 1.1 Battle of Ryloth 1.2 Battle of Umbara 2 Notes Waxer rescued a girl named Numa. When Waxer, Boil, and Numa a group of Guttkurs found them, and the pair quickly ran back into the house. While they tried to explain to Cody as to where they had been, Obi-Wan noticed Numa hiding behind Waxer. Once Waxer and his partner Boil became more experienced, they began to become a bit more mature; yet they were often impatient like with Commander Wolffe (CC-3636) of the 104th Wolfpack Co.; even though they both began to develop more patience, as well as caring a bit more for others. Numa looked terrified and Waxer tried to calm her down by taking off his helmet, to show that he is not a droid. Waxer's helmet, with a new illustration of Numa on it. His helmet had tally marks which represented how many battles he participated in and also a picture of Numa, who was a … Waxer initially wore Phase I 212th Attack Battalion armor with his unit's orange markings on it. Waxer was one of the most prominent clone troopers of Ghost Company, fighting in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Being a member of Ghost Company , Waxer bore many orange markings on his Phase I Clone Trooper Armor . Then Boil gave Numa a ration bar. The 212th Battallion was lead by Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody, who were ordered to take out the proton cannons in the city of Nabat, to let Mace Windu and the other Republic forces get through. Waxer helped care for the displaced Twi'lek girl Numa, persuading Boil to do likewise. "This the rest of my crew." $50.00 shipping. Numa’s … Waxer & Wooley; Numa & Waxer (Star Wars) Numa (Star Wars) Boil (Star Wars) Waxer (Star Wars) Wooley (Star Wars) Boil & Waxer have sex; It’s hot; They are good parents though; Summary. Numa proved extremely resourceful, guiding … Waxer (as well as his partner Boil) began as a "rookie", "shiny", or standard Clone Trooper, then he became a Sergeant with his partner Boil. Oh me too. Just as they were about to leave, a recon droid flew by to spy on Obi-Wan and the other clone troopers. The Twi'lek resistance cell to which Numa belonged was contacted by Hera Syndulla, who requested the cell's help in capturing an Imperial Light Carrier that was being used to deploy TIE Bombers to attack the Twi'lek resistance. Waxer and Numa both looked at each other before they dissolved into fits of laughter. I was waiting for him to wake up or something. I loved seeing Waxer and Boyle as "Those two guys" who always joked around and were never seen apart. Waxer told them that Krell informed them that the Umbarans would be advancing at the coordinates. * GameBreakingInjury: Obi-Wan's gunship gets shot down, with only he and Waxer surviving long enough to be pulled from the wreckage and he spends the rest of the episode sitting against some crates … Numa suppressed a laugh. Waxer, Boil, and Numa used the tunnels to eventually rendezvousing with Ghost Company. Waxer wanted to take her with them, but Boil insisted that she would only slow them down. Sideshow's Innocents of Ryloth Boil and Waxer with Numa 1/6 scale Militaries of Star Wars three pack went up for pre-order on September 23rd 2010, and began shipping in July 2011. Gregor has stitches painted on his helmet from where he would've had stitches on his face if not for his helmet. Sideshow 212th Deluxe Clone Trooper Phase 1 Helmet … Kamino Seeing Waxer … After a couple turns in the path he realized where she was taking them. (7) black diagonal stripes (approximately 1/4" x 1" each) are present, slanting slightly backward along each side of the helmet above the visor. Affiliation: As the two started to argue, Waxer spotted a Separatist recon droid flying nearby. Boil shook his head, looking to Waxer then back to the girl, who was growing distraught. This show has so many feels. Waxer died shortly after. He was commonly seen fighting alongside Boil, and participated in the Battle of Ryloth, the Second Battle of Geonosis, and the Battle of Umbara. Suddenly, they trio comes under attack from the gutkurrs … On the outskirts of Nabat, Obi-Wan Kenobi ordered Cody to take Boil and Waxer and scout ahead for enemy activity. Waxer and the rest of his platoon attacked Rex and the 501st. He received a message from General Krell, saying that the Umbarans were using clone trooper armor to attack their enemies. Obi-Wan took Numa, Waxer, and Boil through the holding area, where the Guttkurs had been held. Rex checked the clone's helmets and found out they were clones, not Umbarans. The Boil and Waxer with Numa Set 12 inch Figure features: * 2 x Fully articulated male body (armored body) with 30+ points of articulation * Boil portrait * Waxer portrait * 2 x Fabric bodysuit with additional fabric collar * 2 x Detailed armor * 2 x Episode 2 style helmet * 2 x Episode 3 style helmet … Waxer realizing that he killed his fellow clones as he dies. But soon Numa lead Waxer and Boil to her home in Nabat. Discover (and save!) Phase 2 ARC Armor. 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Never seen apart TX-20 fired at his proton cannon, which were the of! Know what Anakin does she was taking them and Boyle as `` those two guys who! His fellow clones as waxer numa helmet dies for him to wake up or something polishing droids.