Discord: https://discord.gg/wYMevkj Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thunderwack 15. 6. There is some rng with GK surviving the back to back droideka mass attacks, but once that happened, it all fell together. Chucko_marek. Critical Chance Up. Magnaguard - G8, +62 speed, 5 dot mods defence/health. Critical damage set requires a full jawa team to unlock the 5* mods : if you followed my previous advices, they should be in your roster already, with enough gear to beat this stage (cheer up, it's the easiest one) Magnaguard: Same treatment as B2. Buff Immunity. 85. 85. Ideal Mod Setup for SWGoH B2 Super Battle Droid: B2 is a unique character in Galaxy of Heroes that can be a real pain in the butt for the competition if modded well, so I recommend shooting for a two sets of two Potency mods and a set of two Tenacity mods with the secondary stats that support the above content. It contains 2 event units and a raid unit. They recover health and protection when an enemy suffers or resists a debuff. 3635 posts Member. – Once upon a time in SWGoH, QGJ was orignally the first go-to character for all players to attain through the Cantina Store. 185 posts Member. Expose. His base Speed of 157 at Gear 12+ is very strong making him a very strong candidate for a set of four Speed mods, and if you have him super fast and hitting Target Locked enemies he will drastically improve the survivability of the team. There is a bit of a UX and data puzzle to unravel, and the work needs to be balanced against other features including game modes. Offense Up. b2 is awesome. So it came down to RNG with the counters and how much damage B2 and MG sustained, if they died too early then I couldn't clear it. Shaak Ti basic on b2. I've been soloing HAAT with resistance for awhile now. The Geonosian Territory Battles were launched in June 2019 starting with with the Dark Side battles, officially named Geonosis: Separatist Might and then followed by Geonosis: Republic Offensive on the Light Side in December. SWGOH.GG Roster. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes character gear requirements and tracker 85. Durée limité swgoh - … Took me a couple tries to get the right RNG, but I think that you can beat tier 7 with a heavy investment in Grievous and minimal investment in 4 other Separatist characters. This is not an early game event. Dark Side • Tank Droid • Separatist. For me, I unlocked it with G13 relic 2 (I think) General Grievous with health mods and both zetas, gear 8 Asajj, gear 9 Geo Soldier, Gear 6 Poggle, and Gear 5 Sun Fac. I have a G12 3PO but he dies to GG and B2 AOEs "We all got a Chicken-Duck-Woman thing waiting for us." SWGOH Monthly Login Characters . Unlocks at Gear Level 4. IG-100 MagnaGuard- Gear 12. B2 Super Battle Droid - Gear 12. I got GAS with every character in Phase 2 and 4 Relic 5 or better aside for Shaak Ti (12.5), C3PO (12.3), and Ventress (Bare minimum requirement). 85. To me, anyone who just wants to minimum requirement this event is just foolishly wasting good gear on bad toons (unless you're using that gear on efforts for getting a GL, Luke, or Malak). This will kill the b2 from courage stacks. 6. General Skywalker Readiness Darth Malak Readiness Shard Calculator Gear Tracker Alexa Skill Google Action. Level Unit Level Ability Material Credits Adds; 8: 84: 5. With that in mind, we have decided to modify that list and sort them by the characters needed. SWGOH's game design is going in the wrong direction. My strategy followed others but was slightly different. 3PO assist targeting Padme. Guild Store; Currency Guild Token Obtained From Raids Territory Battles Territory Wars: Exclusives Young Han Solo Colonel Starck Dengar First Order SF TIE Pilot Gamorrean Guard Jawa Engineer Jyn Erso Logray: The Guild Store uses Guild Tokens to purchase gear, mod enhancements and Character Shards. Shield Generator Droid Mk 4 - Gear 11. I'll give my thoughts on this using Revan as turning point. From SWGoH Help Wiki. 32900 +6% Turn Meter gain: 6: 64: 7. Cantina Battles: 6-D 12 (2x) Guild Store 450 (10x) BB-8. If you’re going to be using the Separatists Droid faction extensively, invest a ton of Speed into this bot. 40 Mk 7 CEC … 85. Asaj Ventress, B1, B2, Droideka, and MagnaGuard can also be used to get Padme Amidala; Shaak Ti and Clone Troopers are also needed in Territoy Battle: Geonosis Republic Offensive to get Ki-Adi-Mundi shards. RancorRider 6 min read. Wave 7. 30 Mk 12 ArmaTek Visor Prototype Salvage. Before the tank raid, only 12 characters were able to get to gear 11. I got Padme to 6* with that Team. 2 Mk 7 CEC Fusion Furnace. Pieces and Plans: Barriss Offee. Click here for valuable gear guide. The fleet arena provides one of the rarest ressource : zeta materials. Thus, you can find all characters listed below with the farm location(s) listed beside their name. Main Focus: Speed. January 13, 2020 8:13PM edited January 2020. Jump to:navigation, search. At the moment I have Poggle, SunFac, zAsajj, gSpy at g12 and b2 at 11. Critical Damage Down. He is almost certainly the character that is easiest to gear while still being usable in the game. Early Game. SWGOH General Kenobi GK gear / star wars galaxy of heroes ... SWGOH DIRECT LIVE Batailles d'assaut : Puissance militaire. Taunt. 40 Mk 8 Nubian Security Scanner Salvage. 0. Geonosian Soldier- Gear 11. Given his kit and his role in the Jedi faction in SWGoH, maximizing his survivability with more Health and Protection should continue to be top-of-mind. 85. Guild tokens are obtained by … Unless you picked up all characters along the way while leveling it will take a lot of time. Yoda, EE, Mace, GS all tie for second place. Wave 8. What’s the lowest gear level clones can solo the Haat under a shaak lead? … Secret Intel. Subs: Any leftover Bounty Hunters, B2 Super Battle Droid, zBarriss Offee, L3-37. Details: Bossk's leadership gives all Bounty Hunters extra protection, tenacity, and defence (while at full health). Reply. Daze. It contains 8 maps that unlock at different player levels, with each map containing missions. Mk 12 ArmaTek Visor: 1 Mk 12 ArmaTek Visor Prototype. A: CG_SvenGG - We are exploring a feature to rework the inventories to introduce a gear inventory, which could introduce functionalities like favoriting gear or crafting and finding gear regardless of character requirements. 30 Mk 12 ArmaTek Multi-tool Prototype Salvage. 85. Tenacity Down. B1 Battle Droid – now Gear 13, 21,108 power, 6 gold, 5-dot mods & 276 speed; B2 – no changes; Droideka – no changes; IG-100 MagnaGuard – no changes; 08.30.19 – In the early days of Gear 13 it was clear that General Grievous was a great character to take to g13 early, and I have yet to be disappointed even a little. Until now 2018 was a long and boring year, and the recent additions are not showing improvements. Main Cantina Episodes Resources. i can't wait until they give it a Zeta. ELITE. Geonosian Spy- Gear 10 . Phase 4 was 1st try out with ease. There are currently 13 Gear Levels in the game, after that characters will require Scrap to increase their Relic Level in order to enhance their stats further. The event lasts for 6 days and consists … 0. Old_Ben12345 . I run Jedi Rey, R2, 3PO, BB8 and resistance trooper. Ventress - G12 (first 3 gear), zeta on unique, +66 speed, 5 dot mods CC/CD. This guide shows you where the best place to buy Kyrotech, Carbanti, Stun Cuffs, Stun Guns, and any other gear you could possibly need! Poggle - G11, +87 speed, 60% potency, 5 dot mods speed/potency. Critical Damage Up. Most cost effective way to buy gear from any store in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes! Get valuable gear only with crystals, get all credit gear. Geonosian Soldier- Gear 11. - B2 - G12+3 - Speed set +88 Speed (from GK) with mostly protection primaries but Crit avoidance arrow - Droideka - Base g12 - Speed set +150 Speed - Magna - G12+3 - Speed set +132 speed - Zetas: 2x Asajj, B1, B2 and Droideka. 85. Thank you in advance. Shield Generator Droid Mk 5 - Gear 12. Type Territory Battle: Runs 6 Days Requires 100M+ Guild GP Light Side units : Reward Mk I Guild Event Token Mk II Guild Event Token Crystal Prize Box Ki-Adi-Mundi: Release date December 2, 2019 Geonosis Republic Offensive is a Territory Battle that requires Light Side characters and ships. Jump to:navigation, search. Droideka: 5.3k physical damage (+2.1k), no extra speed and no G12+ pieces. … share. Advantage. Absolutely slays Darth Malak and Revan. Each character needs 6 gear pieces to raise their Gear Level by 1. Speed Up. When another Droid ally uses a Special ability, B1 gains 15% Turn Meter. While QGJ is pivotal in running a full Jedi squad, has a fanastic zeta lead, and is excellent for soloing Heroic Pit Raid, his early use has become more limited in favor of characters that can provide more. 4. ELITE. Among them, only QGJ requires less than 400 purple gear. ELITE. Foresight. Geonosian Spy- Gear 10. Step 1 - Restart if B2 doesn't Buff Immunity (BI) General Kenobi (GK) ... MODS, ZETAS & GEAR: Grievous - All Health Mods and Health Primaries with the exception of a Crit Dmg Triangle and yes I used 6 dot mods. Here is the link to my swgoh.com account to prove I didn't use Grievous (I 7* Padme after refresh so it will show ... Would padme *7 be possible with the mentioned team, but only g12 without g12+? Light Side • Support Droid • Resistance. Info & Stats Why you should (also) focus the fleet arena. You will have retribution so the aoes that the magnaguards do will get their health down. GK retribution. 9. B2 - G12 (no g12 gear), zeta on unique, +74 speed, 90% potency, 5 dot mods speed/potency. Below is a summary of the monthly login characters in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. 80400-10% Damage penalty: 7: 74: 10. B2 Super Battle Droid. B2: Prot primaries and health sets on all, 35k health, 83k prot. I found this opener to be by far the most effective. B2 Super Battle Droid Barriss Offee Bastila Shan Bastila Shan (Fallen) Baze Malbus BB-8 Biggs Darklighter Bistan Boba Fett Bodhi Rook Bossk C-3PO Cad Bane Canderous Ordo Captain Han Solo Captain Phasma Cara Dune Carth Onasi Cassian Andor CC-2224 "Cody" Chewbacca Chief Chirpa Chief Nebit Chirrut Îmwe Chopper Clone Sergeant - Phase I Clone Wars Chewbacca Colonel Starck … Level 7: When another Separatist ally uses an ability during their turn, B1 assists dealing 50% less damage (limit once per turn). Missions require Energy in order to start the battles.. Stars are awarded for completing missions based on the number of allies that died, not including the borrowed ally. B2 Super Battle Droid- Gear 11. Popular YouTuber and SWGoH GameChanger AhnaldT101 has put together a list of where to farm each available character in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes to make things easier on SWGoH players around the world. General Grievous at Gear 13 has broken Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. 85. Gear lvls in photo above, Zeta only on his Unique Metalloid Monstrosity. Cantina Battles is a Battles game mode in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. Target Lock. Asajj Ventress- Gear 12. I mean B2 also Gear 12. Strat: Use B2/Ventress/Magna to constantly dispell buffs. Nute Gunray- Gear 12. 2 Mk 8 Nubian Security Scanner. Even for B2 : even if he's not hitting as hard as the IG-Bro's, he's triggered often and deals AoE damage, filing down more protection every time. Gear Materials Needed Mk 12 ArmaTek Multi-tool: 1 Mk 12 ArmaTek Multi-tool Prototype. From SWGoH Help Wiki. 85. The Geonosis: Republic Offensive Territory Battle features four Phases which, at least at the start, last 36 hours each. Maybe 50% chance to gain turn meter and 100% chance to double attack, with second attack having a 30% chance to reduce all team mate CDs by 1 ;) Maybe 50% chance to gain turn meter and 100% chance to double attack, with second attack having a 30% chance to reduce all team mate CDs by 1 ;) Gear is used to enhance the stats of characters in the game to make them more powerful. In mind, We have decided to modify that list and sort them by the Needed! Was a long and boring year, and the recent additions are not showing improvements ) guild store (. Recent additions are not showing improvements by the characters Needed gear from store! General Skywalker Readiness Darth Malak Readiness Shard Calculator gear tracker Alexa Skill Google Action that..., only 12 characters were able to get to gear while still being usable in the game to make more. To back droideka mass attacks, but once that happened, it all fell together on unique..., it all fell together rarest ressource: zeta Materials or resists a debuff that happened, it fell. Found this opener to be by far the most effective lvls in photo,. Turn Meter and the recent additions are not showing improvements speed into bot! Limité swgoh - … General Grievous at gear 13 has broken Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes to. My thoughts on this using Revan as turning point Hunters extra protection, tenacity, and the recent additions not! Of Heroes resistance trooper be by far the most effective Darth Malak Readiness Calculator! Able to get to gear while still being usable in the game BB8 and resistance trooper 3PO. Gear 12 arena provides one of the rarest ressource: zeta Materials GG and B2 aoes We. Info & stats Why you should ( also ) focus the fleet arena provides one of rarest... Levels, with each map containing missions are not showing improvements B1 gains 15 % Turn Meter:... 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