Although sessions are formal, the atmosphere is relaxed and opportunities are given for the pupils to chat to each other and the staff. Hi I’ve managed to login to the site now thanks. The date of school’s next open event is to be confirmed. School Fee: The Perse School 2020-2021 Academic Year Fee Details. We Released Extra slots for our most demanding 11+ Courses, Book Now! Introduction . The free 11+ Daily Practise Questions, Bought: My Son really enjoys the sessions with PiAcademy Tutors. This is the main point of entry. School hold open events twice a year, once in the Michaelmas term and once in the Summer term. Access 11+ Past Papers with Detailed Mark Schemes and Answers. Parents are invited to submit any special informatio… 11+ SPaG Practice Papers, Bought: Good resource for 11+ maths. We bring you 12 tips to help you prepare for entrance exams. Thanks, we will get in touch if a place becomes available. Visit our website for a range of English & maths sample entrance exam papers ranging from year 3 to year 8. Children stay with the same teachers in the same classroom for all sessions. Places are only offered to applicants who meet the admissions criteria. Very helpful resources for my son's 11+ revision. Very good, very helpful and easy in understanding..bought it for my son who is in home schooling and can see he is really enjoying it. These are for children in Year 2 and are held in November specifically for external children who are thinking about joining the Prep in Year 3. Our Outer London Prep School Entrance. Ideal for exam prep, Casio offers, a free and all-in-one, web-based mathematics tool that includes Calculation, Graphing, Geometry and Statistics, geared for K-12 mathematics and beyond. All entry points require candidates to sit an entrance exam. Explaining every question with stepwise answers. The Bursary will need a detailed means-test form returned before a child’s entrance test, in order to have time to review and to advise parents as soon as possible after any offer of a place of the amount of financial support they are eligible to receive. Welcome to our free private school entrance exams. 11+ Creative Writing Mastery Course Must be used for any 11+ prep work. I would recommend these 11+ Practice papers. It is really great web for a children want to pass 11 plus. Pupils with Special Educational Needs should discuss their application with the school prior to the entrance test. If you are at the very beginning of your 7+ journey, you may wish to start with our range of 6+ resources. Thanks again. The Prep is an academically selective school with pupils of above average ability who relish challenge. Our 6+ range will help your child develop confidence and a strong foundation before they progress further with the 7+ material listed below. 11+ English Past Papers 11+ English Past Papers Hope this video will help you prepare in your college entrance exams. There is also a chance for parents to chat with the Head and staff and see some current Year 3 work. The Perse School goes onto 18 and the senior school is sited approx 2 miles from the centre of Cambridge. Eazyprep is a one-stop entrance exam prep platform which truly believes that success in entrance exams is all about studying smart. Tutors arrived punctual and had lessons planned. 10% off orders above £60. Great for practice, These were great as extra practice for 11+ and especially if you do not have a tutor. They dispensed with making the Prep DC sit the Upper entrance exam a couple of years ago; entry to the Upper is now more or less guaranteed, though my friend was taken aside by the Prep head and told that her DS2 probably wouldn't have passed the Entrance exam, which she sees as their way of making sure she doesn't 'kick off' if and when that DS doesn't leave with stellar IGCEs or whatever. eBooks Habit promises to feed your free eBooks addiction with multiple posts every day that summarizes the free kindle books available. The exam takes about three hours to complete and will conclude between 11:00am and 11:30am. Check out the website herefor dates and a link to the form. Use code: EPPDISCOUNT. I just wanted to say that your website is excellent and I wished I had found it ages ago!! Alternatively, the Head is always happy to give personal tours of the school. We have brought the these 11+ Maths and English papers and we are using them to practice for the real thing - great quality and best of all the cheapest on the internet. There is a huge range of Independent/private schools spread out over Great Britain, Ireland, The Channel Islands and the Isle of … they makes session fun and interactive and is very professional. This app is designed to help applicants take a deeper understanding of the relevant concepts for the extensive categories of entrance exams. Test and improve your knowledge of Nurse Entrance Test (NET): Exam Prep & Study Guide with fun multiple choice exams you can take online with In particular at this age, they draw from a very wide range of maintained sector primary schools. 11+ English Past Papers Grammar schools UK - 11 Plus Test By UK Region - We offer free practice resources and all the admissions info you need in one place. They cover detailed solution and past year papers. Private School Entrance Exams 10+ entry The focus of this page is Private School Entrance Exams 10+ Past Papers. Usually up to three planned places are available in each of Years 4, 5 and 6 every September. Good for 11+. If applying for assistance with fees, you should complete and return the registration form and fee to the Admissions Office before the registration deadline in the year prior to entry. thank you all at piacademy! The closing date for applications is 1 December 2020; Entrance Exams: These 13+ resources are helpful for my kid. 11+ NVR Practice Papers Amazing and helpful resources. Great product and excellent service, Used these to help my son prepare for 13+ entrance tests. Prep School English Exam Papers 7+ 8+ 9+ Maths Exam Papers 7+ 8+ 9+ Prep School English Exam Papers 10+ Maths Exam Papers 10+ Independent School Entrance English Exam Papers 12+ Entrance Maths Exam Papers 12+ Independent School Entrance English Exam Papers 13+ Students usually spend more time in planning than actually executing those plans. The English test consists of: a reading comprehension; reading aloud for accuracy and understanding; and a short piece of creative writing based on pictures and written prompts. This set of problems will help you further develop your logical thinking skills. Financial support ranges from 5% to 100% of annual fees. I think the Perse has such a huge reputation, they do need to keep the academic side high on the 'agenda' as it were. Prep (Preparatory) schools are those that cater for students up to the age of 13 to ‘prepare’ learners for school entrance to the public (expensive and exclusive schools for 13-18-year-olds) and independent secondary schools. In onze Spellingwijzer Onze Taal en op is ook de spelling persé als alternatief opgenomen.. Useful for all entrance exams for UG and PG. To arrange one of these, please fill in the form here. I didn't actually see the paper of course, but I did research the old papers and they seemed reasonably tricky compared to what she has been learning at state school. For The Perse Upper School: In Year 7, there are about 70 external places available and in Year 9 around 50 external places available. Once again many thanks for your service. 11+ Maths Past Papers During the testing, children meet with the Head informally, but there is no separate interview. Thankyou. Both of my children love PiAcademy. The children are tested in small groups, under test conditions, with appropriate help given if required. PiAcademy has helped my child so much. These schools are fee paying and most of them are also members of the ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate). 11+ Daily Practise Questions Tutor has a thorough understanding on how my son learns best. Private School Entrance Exams / Common Entrance Exam ISEB Common Entrance Exam at 13+ Geography: Study Guide & Test Prep. 11+ Verbal Practice Papers, Bought: Exam Prep. Occasionally further places become available if current pupils give notice to […] Perfect, Very useful to my child. Children are assessed in English, maths and both verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Closing Date for The Perse Upper School Application: The closing date for applications is 1 December 2020; Exam Provider: Parents need to check the latest updated information on the school website. 7 plus English practice papers, ideal for The Perse Prep 7+ exam preparation: The Complete Illustrated Guide to 7+ Comprehension, The Complete Illustrated Guide to 7+ Writing. Great resources for 13+ preperation with good explanations...........Great work PiAcademy. The 7+ entrance tests for entry to the Perse Prep take place in January, either as a morning or afternoon session. Offers are usually made at the beginning of February, and the acceptance deadline is during March. School Catchment Area Criteria: Parents need to check the latest updated information on the school website. Very helpful. Breaks take place during the session when pupils are given refreshments and the opportunity to play. Pi academy is one of the most reliable educational platform. The Stephen Perse Foundation is a group of six independent schools, which educates children from 3–18 years of age. Entrance Exam Information. He has only just started with tutoring but his confidence is improving- would definitely recommend PiAcademy to others. Schools of all levels use entrance exams to determine whether students are qualified for admittance to the course, school, college, or university. Very helpful with helping my child with her 11plus prep. 7 Plus (7+) Exam - The Perse Prep - Practice Exam Papers ... Year 9 Entrance Examination Englishof this perse school year 9 entrance examination english can be taken as without difficulty as picked to act. Pupils entering Year 3 are expected to have completed Key Stage 1 of the National Curriculum and to be working at Level 3. The school operates a sliding scale, which it reserves the right to vary in special circumstances. 11+ NVR Practice Papers Now, apparently, they have dispensed with the Upper entrance exam- entry to the upper is automatic for Prep DCs. In particular, English 10+ and Maths 10+ exam papers. Vey helpful!, Great study guide for home schooling. The number of awards made each year are limited. Private Prep Schools. There are 70 external places available for 11+ entry at The Perse. Highly recommended for 13+ Maths prep....boosts your child confidence, Really helpful resources for 7+ preparation. 11+ Verbal Practice Papers 11+ Maths Past Papers Activities are based around science, art, music, cookery, PE/games and drama, and designed to enable children to be creative and have fun. Enter your email address below and get free & exclusive access to our 10 top tips for entrance exam success. 20% off orders above £200. 8+,9+,10+ Maths & English Past Papers, Bought: 13+ Maths Past Papers 13+ English Past Papers, Bought: 11+ Maths Past Papers 11+ English Past Papers 11+ NVR Practice Papers 11+ Verbal Practice Papers, Bought: 11+ Maths Past Papers 11+ English Past Papers, Bought: 8+,9+,10+ Maths & English Past Papers, Bought: 13+ Maths Past Papers 13+ English Past Papers, Bought: 11+ English Past Papers11+ Verbal Practice Papers, Bought: 11+ GL Maths Pack 1 11+ GL Maths Pack 2 11+ GL English Pack 1 11+ GL English Pack 2, Bought: 11+ English Past Papers 11+ NVR Practice Papers 11+ Verbal Practice Papers, Bought: 11+ CEM Maths Pack 111+ CEM English Pack 1, Bought: 11+ Maths Past Papers11+ Verbal Practice Papers, Bought: 8+,9+,10+ Maths & English Past Papers. These are for children in Year 1 and their parents. 11+ English Past Papers, Bought: Brilliant Pack for 11+ preparation. The children work in groups and sample science, PE, art, music and drama activities. Address Trumpington Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EX, Telephone (general enquiries) 01223 403920. Prepare For Entrance Exams: 1. Very useful. School hold two open events at the Upper each year, one in the autumn and one in the summer. 11+ NVR Practice Papers The school set out as a ‘alleviated yet motivated’ school, a Perse education is stimulating and inspiring. We also recommend our partner’s premium common entrance test 13+ resources. Overview Year 3 is the main entry point for the Prep, when up to 30 external applicants join pupils progressing from the Pelican Nursery and Pre-Prep. Pupils follow a broad curriculum which promotes intellectual curiosity and a love of learning, and we nurture creativity through a vibrant programme of drama, music and art. The Perse Prep Autumn term open day is taking place in October, 9.30 am – 12 pm. 11+ Daily Practise Questions, Bought: Spaces sometimes become available in Years 4 and 6 if a current pupil gives notice to leave; and there’s usually about 3 spaces available in Year 5. 11+ Daily Practise Questions The date of school’s next open event is to be confirmed. We used your material for eleven plus and my daughter selected for Henrietta Barnet. Many private and magnet grade schools require a school entrance exam. 2018 SCRANTON PREP SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS The students pictured above won honorary scholarships on the annual Scholarship Entrance Exam at Scranton Preparatory School by attaining the highest scores from students in a six county area. All applicants requesting a bursary are subject to the standard assessment criteria. To find out more about The Perse Pelican School view the school’s. It measures your progress in a clear and intelligent manner to motivate you to learn quickly. Entrance exams are a required step in education systems all around the world. Children are assessed in: As an academically selective school, it will be looking for children to be working at least one year above the national average, have potential and general academic curiosity. 11+ English Past Papers 11+ Verbal Practice Papers, Bought: Parents are invited to submit any special information which they believe relevant to their child’s application, and a reference will be sought from their current school. They start off easy and get harder as you go on. Get 10 Expert Tips for Entrance Exam Success! We could keep practicing before we do real tests Everything is super organised - amazing help thank you , Today Statistics class teaching good and well organised. Both my children liked PiAcademy. A quick and detail information for the 11+ exams in 2020-2021 of The Perse School provided below for 3+, 4+, 5+, 6+, 11+ and 13+ Parents reference. About School Entrance Exams. It has helped enormously with understanding converting fractions and percentages and other key maths areas that children sometimes struggle with. However, my friend says he and a few other parents were called in, one by one to be told that they were to understand that their DC would not have passed the Upper entrance exam. 11+ English Creative Writing Success Guide, The Perse Pelican, 92 Glebe Road, Cambridge, CB1 7TD, The Perse Prep, Trumpington Road, Cambridge, CB2 8EX, The Perse Upper, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8QF. Entrance Exams. Prep (Preparatory) schools are those that cater for students up to the age of 13 to ‘prepare’ learners for school entrance to the public (expensive and exclusive schools for 13-18-year-olds) and independent secondary schools. 11+ English Past Papers The Bursary will then contact you directly. 11+ Maths Past Papers Great! As an academically selective school, it will be looking for children to be working at least one year above the national average, have potential and general academic curiosity. The Perse School 2020-2021 Academic Year Fee Details, 11 Plus Exam Guidance – Facebook Group for Parents and Teachers, Key Stages Guidance – Facebook Group for Parents and Teachers, Year 7 Multiple Choice Rationale – Paper 1, Year 7 Multiple Choice Rationale – Paper 2, Year 9 Multiple Choice Rationale – Paper 1, 11+ CEM, GL, CSSE, SET Style Papers with Answers, Pre 11+ ( 8+, 9+, 10+ ) Maths and English Solved Past Papers, Pre 11+ ( 8+, 9+, 10+ ) Maths Topicwise Questions, The Perse Upper Registration Form (Y7 & Y9), The Perse School 11 Maths Specimen Paper-3, The Perse School 11 Maths Specimen Paper-4, The Perse School 11 Maths Specimen Paper-5, Year 9 Multiple Choice Rationale – Paper 2, List of 11+ Maths books and practice papers, List of 11+ English books and practice papers, List of 11+ Verbal Reasoning books and practice papers, List of 11+ Non-Verbal Reasoning books and practice papers. During the testing, children meet with the Head informally, but there is no separate interview. About 30 external applicants join existing pupils from the nursery and pre-prep in Year 3, making a year group of approximately 60 in total. School test English (reading, writing, comprehension), Maths(general paper, mental maths) and reasoning(verbal and non-verbal) and, while school looking at children working at least one year above the national average, the school also interested in a child’s potential and general academic curiosity. Bought for practising!, Bought these in preparation for the 11+ in September for my daughter. I really like the way detailed answers is provided. The entrance test consists of papers in maths, English and verbal reasoning. It was very helpful for my son. 11+ Maths Past Papers ISI Report: ISI Report | The Perse School, London; The Perse Prep Exam Dates. Get Notes and Test Papers for Statistics Data Analysis, Statistics Data, Statistics Analysis Quiz, Statistic Test, Statistics, MBA, MBA Entrance, MBA Exam, MBA Entrance Exam, MCA Exam, MCA Entrance, MCA Entrance Exam, MCA Entrance Exam Papers for Private Schools. View Lessons (408) No … Provides better practice and boosts the confidence within the students who work these papers. Independent School Exam Papers. The Perse Prep School is located in immense parkland in Trumpington Road in Cambridge. Do ensure that you tick the box on the Registration Form which indicates that you are applying for ‘means-tested assistance with school fees’. In particular, English 10+ and Maths 10+ exam papers. The written ent… Amazing help. 11+ Maths Past Papers Happy with my purchase.My 6 year old grandson loves this website. Find psychology entrance exam notes with mnemonics and MCQs for 9 sub domains of psychology. The deadline for 7+ applications to The Perse Prep is in December and the registration fee is £100. Excellent quality of tutors and good service. 11+ Maths Past Papers Aiming for academic excellence is stabilized by an emphasis on developing breadth and depth through first-rate sport, clubs that have over 60, music, art, drama and outdoor pursuits. It just for them to pick out the brightest (or most hot-housed). Highly recommended, Really good help my daughter! Volgens de officiële spelling is alleen per se juist: in twee woorden en zonder accent aigu. Most children progress to the Upper in Year 7. To find out more about The Perse Upper School view the school’s, The closing date for applications is 1 December 2020, Year 3: Monday 11 – Friday 15 January 2021 (9am – 12.30pm or 1.30pm – 5pm), Year 4: Monday 18 January 2021 (9am – 12.30pm or 1.30pm – 5pm), Year 5: Tuesday 19 January 2021 (9am – 12.30pm or 1.30pm – 5pm), Year 6: Wednesday 20 January 2021 (9am – 12.30pm or 1.30pm – 5pm). To find out more about The Perse Prep School view the school’s. 7 plus Reasoning practice papers, ideal for The Perse Prep 7+ exam preparation: 7 plus Listening practice papers, ideal for The Perse Prep 7+ exam preparation: The Perse does offer a number of means-tested bursaries for families of limited means from Year 3. Open Days 11+ open mornings are held twice a year. Bought: Your papers with answers are great help. 11+ Statistics and Probability Course, Bought: These are excellent practice tests for the common entrance exam. Brilliant practice papers for revision. Access 13+ Past Papers with Detailed Mark Schemes and Answers. It is made up of two pre-prep schools in Madingley and Cambridge (ages 3–7), Dame Bradbury’s in Saffron Walden (ages 3–11) and a junior school (ages 7–11), senior school (ages 11–16) and sixth form college (ages 16–18), all in Cambridge. As an approximate guide, families with a combined income of more than £71,250, with one school-aged child, are unlikely to qualify for financial assistance. The focus of this page is Private School Entrance Exams 10 plus Past Papers. Would recommended to use for your child 11+ prep. All applications for bursary places are assessed on a means-tested basis and successful applicants will be invited for an interview at the School. Symbiosis National Aptitude Test is a mandatory entrance examination for all graduates who wish to pursue an MBA course in any of the 14 institutes of Symbiosis International University. Our mantra is to make preparation easy for you by helping you study the most important concepts with full understanding, and maximise chances … Create a practical study plan. The 7+ entrance tests for entry to the Perse Prep take place in January, either as a morning or afternoon session. Covers each and every topics in 11+ maths topicwise questions. In the past the entrance exam wasn't too stressful ... was actually a bit pissed off that his DC had worked hard towards his upper entrance exam (was in the prep, ... More of a concern for the bright ones is that the Perse seem to be following national exam standards in a close pursuit race to the bottom. All bursary awards made are subject to annual means-testing thereafter. They cover all the topics in great details. All awards are made at the school’s discretion. Entrance Exam Prep is the only exam prep app that you need to score high on all your exams. Great series of papers and more challenging. I highly recommend these pi 13+ resources. To find out more about either the Activity Mornings or Taster Mornings, contact the school on 01223 403922 or 11+ Verbal Practice Papers, Bought: Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about special offers & new products! Great work piacademy. 13+ Maths Past Papers Will highly recommend. The Perse Prep School is located in spacious parkland in Trumpington Road in Cambridge. Bought 11+ subscriptions for my daughter. These private school questions are definitely more challenging than the 11+ exams. A recent ISI inspection report concluded that The Prese Prep offered an ‘exceptional’ education. The Activity Morning normally takes place in June. School’s next event will take place in autumn 2021. My son has made wonderful improvements, not only academically but also with his confidence. Thanks. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Very very useful as a parent!! Other Independent Schools Outside the London: Reigate Grammar School 11 Plus Exam Information, St George’s College 11 Plus Exam Information, Great staff that fully support pupils achieve their best, Answers for all these papers can be found here >>. 11+ Daily Practise Questions Never the less great practice for the 11+ if you've reached a stage where you are ahead of schedule and want to extend your child. Helpful resources for 13+ Prep. For details of the next event and to book, click here. School assess all children who have applied for a place in the academic year prior to entry. The Cathedral Prep Entrance Exam, required for all incoming freshmen, will be held Saturday, October 31st, at 8:00 a.m. Students may enter through the West 9 th Street Main Entrance between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. Good for 13+ test practice, This is useful for preparation before the exam. It is assumed that pupils will move on to the senior school. Welcome from Ed Elliott, Head. I would recommend PiAcademy. The tests are nice and are extremely helpful .They are also very realistic.I would recommend this to anyone who who needs help in the 11plus test.:). For specialist resources for CAT, ISEB Pretest, CEM Select and UKiset exams, visit our other site: Pretest Plus, © 2021 All rights Reserved.| Exam Papers Plus| Privacy Terms Payments & Security, L.G in HORNCHURCH, purchased 11+ Essex (CSSE) Continuous Writing Guide About 4 minutes ago, Subscribe to our newsletter to hear about, The Perse Prep School 7 Plus (7+) Exam Information, The Perse Prep School 7 Plus (7+) Admissions, The Perse Prep School 7 Plus (7+) Exam Format, The Perse Prep School 7 Plus (7+) Exam Practice Papers, The Perse Prep School 7 Plus (7+) Bursaries and Scholarships, The Perse Prep School: Destination Schools at 11+, Royal Hospital School 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Exam Information – Key Details, Dauntsey’s School 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Exam Information – Key Details, St. Edmund’s College, Ware 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Exam Information – Key Details, Manchester High School for Girls 11 Plus (11+) Exam Information – Key Details, Merchant Taylors’ School, Crosby, 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Exam Information, 7 plus (7+) Exam – Magdalen College School (MCS) – What you need to know, The Harvey Grammar School 11 Plus (11+) Exam Information, Guildford High School 11 Plus (11+) Entrance Exam Information, 11+ Essex (CSSE) Continuous Writing Guide. These are good support papers primarily aimed at areas where 11+ entry exams include Non-Verbal Reasoning assessment papers. Parents are required to stay for the whole morning. 11+ NVR Practice Papers Our mantra is to make preparation easy for you by helping you study the most important concepts with full understanding, and maximise chances … Solutions of every question in KS2 SATs maths is well written in a way children (and parents) can understand well. Has made wonderful improvements, not only academically but also with his confidence testing the! Chat with the Head and staff and see some current year 3 are expected to have completed key Stage of! ’ education we Released Extra slots for our most demanding 11+ Courses, book now skills help... The login page will open in a couple of years 4, 5 and 6 every September manner to you. Yet but they seems very nice and one in the Summer written paper based on format... 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