It starts to get more interesting once more characters are introduced. For die-hard ONE PIECE fans and players interested in creatively swinging around some nice-looking cities, this is the ideal title, but too many elements feel unfinished or underdeveloped to truly say its potential was fulfilled. One Piece: World Seeker is a game that does what its name suggests; seeking over the world, building on its own strengths, and trying to further improve its shortcomings. Spedizione gratuita, usato garantito, massima sicurezza i migliori videogiochi nuovi e usati al prezzo più basso. Como juego, cae mucho en la repetición de misiones y de combate, algo que no se compensa con una buena premisa. One Piece: World Seeker is the upcoming video game where Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates embark on a brand new story across a vast world of castles, farms, cities, beaches and more. Fun addictive game I've played in a long while starting is slow but gets better if you are an anime fan too. One Piece: World Seeker è il classico tie-in un po' deludente, ma questa volta è cambiato qualcosa perché Ganbarion quantomeno ha azzardato un esperimento pieno di potenziale. I got this and the Division 2 on the same day, and found myself investing more time in this game. The player will experience and wage battles … One Piece World Seeker: uno sguardo al primo trailer del gioco riproposto in 4K. Most of your time spent here will consist of taking on generic missions, picking up fetch quests, and constantly battling against the game’s few boring enemy variants. One Piece: World Seeker tries to do many things but without enough focus in any of these, resulting in a rather disappointing game: the stealth, RPG and crafting parts feel too underdeveloped, while combat isn't satisfying and the open world looks too empty and lifeless. Definitely a Flawed Execution but the enjoyment I have gained from this game was quite remarkable. Amazing graphics and gameplay. For fans of the anime/manga such as myself, it's a must buy. Recomendado tanto si eres fan como si no. One Piece: World Seeker is the upcoming video game where Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates embark on a brand new story across a vast world of castles, farms, cities, beaches and more. No soy fan de la saga y aún así he disfrutado mucho del juego. Run setup.exe and install Their review doesn’t give the game any justice. Mixed or average reviews ONE PIECE World Seeker. I actually feel like playing through a one piece movie. What's this? Como juego, cae mucho en la repetición de misiones y de. Burn or mount the .iso 3. The combat isn’t great and pulling of moves never really felt fun, and I think one of the main reasons why was the lack of varied enemies you can actually execute the moves on. Do not believe IGN. In One Piece: World Seeker, the presentation of the game does a lot to enhance certain elements of the gameplay and this made both the visuals and sound design stand out. Il giocatore si avventurerà e disputerà battaglie in un mondo aperto che può essere esplorato liberamente. The story and visuals, while great, simply aren't enough to make this one worth your time. The game has a decent story but was not worth the frustration. Diventa Rufy e … PS4. Leave your compass behind and join Luffy as he embarks on a brand new action-packed adventure where you can experience the powers of the legendary Gum-Gum fruit to uncover hidden secrets on an original, never-before-seen island. 15/03/2019. 5 Caratteristiche principali. Combat is admittedly repetitive and boring, and it's. The game offers little to no competition nor skill required whatsoever. In terms of fighting mechanics, it leaves a lot to be desired. One Piece World Seeker è il nuovo videogioco dedicato alla saga più famosa dei sette mari, proprio in occasione del 20° anniversario del manga. Bandai Namco ha annunciato il primo DLC per One Piece: World Seeker, incentrato su Zoro e intitolato Episode 1: The Void Mirror Prototype. As it is common with most anime-themed games if you're not a fan of the One Piece anime or manga then there is little here to invest yourself into. Finished the game recently and in all honesty, Its not as bad as people make it out to be. Nothing about this game is interesting in the slightest, the worid is boring and the gameplay mechanics are extremely clunky, fights are very. The PS4 One Piece World Seeker Metacritic is currently sitting at 59 at the time of writing this. One Piece: World Seeker è un videogioco ufficiale dedicato alla serie di One Piece e il primo caratterizzato da un ambiente open world. Personally, I’m a very Casual gamer rather than a. The One Piece franchise is well used in World Seeker, providing plenty of fan service to the players, but unfortunately Gambarion failed to build a great and satisfying open world around it. One Piece: World Seeker is by far the best the series has been in game form. Clunky gameplay mechanics and a largely barren and uninteresting open world immediately set this game up to be nothing more than a bore-fest. One Piece: World Seeker tries to do many things but without enough focus in any of these, resulting in a rather disappointing game: the stealth, RPG and crafting parts feel too underdeveloped, while combat isn't satisfying and the open world looks too empty and lifeless. Acquista One Piece: World Seeker per PS4 ora! 2 Release Date Trailer. One Piece: World Seeker crack is an action-adventure game which puts players in the role of Monkey D. Luffy from a third-person perspective. The One Piece franchise is well used in World Seeker, providing plenty of fan service to the players, but unfortunately Gambarion failed to build a great and satisfying open world around it. About This Game Leave your compass behind and join Luffy as he embarks on a brand new action-packed adventure where you can experience the powers of the legendary Gum-Gum fruit to uncover hidden secrets on an original, never-before-seen island! One Piece: World Seeker, svelato il primo DLC con un trailer. Aggiungi al carrello. One Piece World Seeker, ... Metacritic rivela i 10 migliori giochi PC del 2020 16 Gennaio 2021. One Piece: World Seeker - The Unfinished Map for PC game reviews & Metacritic score: Play as Law as he takes the stage as a new playable character in this extra episode. One Piece World Seeker - DLC Ep. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Download One Piece World Seeker ISO Game PC. A turn-based RPG that goes through the manga's story arcs up until the timeskip, Romance Dawn features a decent combat system that could have served as the basis for a respectable romp through Oda's world. For non-fans, questionable. Mixed or average reviews The cutscenes are entertaining and the game has good character dialogue. The player will experience and wage … Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. Combat feels good even if it is one note. Definitely recommend it if your a one piece fan. I enjoyed One Piece: World Seeker in spite of its flaws, but anyone who isn't a big fan of One Piece will likely find the game a chore to get through. Install: 1. One Piece World Seeker looked amazing from the outset, but after playing around 50 hours of this game I can deduce that it is pretty. Not a huge fan of the series in general, but I feel my rating was fair. One Piece World Seeker is set in the “Jail Island,” which is located in the New World. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Un'avventura di ONE PIECE con una nuova isola da esplorare. From the moment I started the game, I enjoyed what the presentation side of the game delivered to me and in my opinion both the visuals and sound design enhanced the story. The world is simply stunning to traverse through and the story and characters really carried me through to the end. One Piece: World Seeker è un' avventura dinamica che mette i giocatori nei panni di Monkey D. Rufy da una prospettiva in terza persona. Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming, One Piece: World Seeker - Official Trailer | Gamescom 2018, One Piece: World Seeker - Gameplay Trailer, One Piece: World Seeker - Announcement Trailer, One Piece: World Seeker Gameplay Showcases Combat And Exploration, One Piece: World Seeker - Release Date Trailer, One Piece World Seeker - Opening Cutscene, One Piece: World Seeker - Official Karma System Trailer, One Piece World Seeker - First 20 Minutes Of Luffy Gameplay, One Piece: World Seeker - Official Trailer | TGS 2018, Release Dates for All Notable Upcoming Games, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. One Piece: World Seeker is an action-adventure game which puts players in the role of Monkey D. Luffy from a third-person perspective. Great game really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, the RPG is let down by its level design and pacing. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Enter for a Chance to Win One Piece: World Seeker. Aggiungi al carrello. The One Piece World Seeker Metacritic is now available for both the PS4 and Xbox One versions, and it’s safe to say the game isn’t that great. I’ll credit the game for its gorgeously detailed world, but this splendor is merely superficial. One Piece World Seeker is set in the “Jail Island,” which is located in the New World. Metacritic Game Reviews, One Piece: World Seeker for PC, Leave your compass behind and join Luffy as he embarks on a brand new action-packed … Fino al 40% di sconto nelle nuove offerte Big di GameStop! based on Some elements like the story, the swinging mechanic and the many characters present are still good tho and save it from being a complete failure. Xbox One. Fans of the One Piece franchise will most likely enjoy the game for what it is much more than I did, but I don't see how you can ignore the gameplay flaws. Scopri enormi scenari aperti in una nuova storia di ONE PIECE. Nothing about this game is interesting in the slightest, the worid is boring and the gameplay mechanics are extremely clunky, fights are very underwhelming and pretty repetive when get into the game. There is no good reason to buy this game unless you're a die-hard One Piece fan that cares about the characters enough to slog through the awful gameplay. Fights seem underwhelming and repetitive once you get into the game. Critic Reviews One Piece: World Seeker is by far the best the series has been in game form. Clunky gameplay mechanics and a largely barren and uninteresting open world immediately set this game up to be nothing more than a bore-fest. Personally, I’m a very Casual gamer rather than a Competitive one. Please enter your birth date to watch this video: You are not allowed to view this material at this time. Give the game a chance with an open mind and you might enjoy it just as much as I have. One Piece: World Seeker is the upcoming video game where Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates embark on a brand new story across a vast world of castles, farms, cities, beaches and more. Considering how little the variety of the moves are and the one button combos that has the power to defeat all non boss enemies in one complete combo. - Scopri il prezzo! Acquista One Piece World Seeker più conveniente su Instant Gaming, il luogo ideale per acquistare i vostri giochi al miglior prezzo con consegna immediata! This is a downfall because there are plenty of new abilities you get to unlock during your adventure. The end result makes for a repetitive slog that fails miserably to excite on almost all fronts. 16 Gennaio 2021. One Piece World Seeker - Official Launch Trailer. Ritiriamo i … PC. Which really makes it a fun way to just explore and traverse the beautifully done setting. I enjoy like the One Piece franchise but I am not a fan or anything like that because for me there are better franchises out there. One Piece World Seeker reviewed by Mitchell Saltzman on PlayStation 4. I would not recommend. - I am about 6 hours in, and it looks gorgeous. Il titolo vanta di un vasto scenario esplorabile liberamente nei panni di Luffy - Cappello di Paglia che consente di vivere un'azione senza limiti. Critic Reviews Even with One Piece: World Seeker's problems it can be fun to play once you get into the main story missions. One Piece continues to be a series I have an affinity for even without ever having experienced the anime, which means I will most likely be on-board for whatever comes next. Jul 27, 2019-1. I went into playing One Piece: World Seeker with an open mind and it was an enjoyable experience but there were some issues to contend with. Extract 2. One Piece: World Seeker falls flat. The world is simply stunning to traverse through and the story and characters really carried me through to the end. Mixed or average reviews- based on 34 Ratings, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game - Complete Edition, Preparations to be Together for an Unknown Period of Time. Con una risoluzione maggiore. It is worth noting that this is based on only 10 critics for the game, which isn’t a ton. Accompagna Rufy in un'avventura all'insegna dell'azione e usa i poteri del leggendario frutto Gom Gom per scoprire i segreti di un'isola mai esplorata prima! So if you can put up with tedious enemies and quests then I’m sure you’ll love what One Piece: World Seeker brings to the table because it does get more right than it gets wrong and it carries on the series pretty well despite its imperfections. There’s quite a lot for you to do and the game definitely offers you a generous amount of content, but unfortunately here’s where I bumped into a few problems. based on Leave your compass behind and join Luffy as he embarks on a brand new action-packed adventure where you can experience the powers of the legendary Gum-Gum fruit to uncover hidden secrets on an original, never-before-seen island. Notable Video Game Releases: New and Upcoming, One Piece: World Seeker - Official Trailer | Gamescom 2018, One Piece: World Seeker - Gameplay Trailer, One Piece: World Seeker Gameplay Showcases Combat And Exploration, One Piece: World Seeker - Announcement Trailer, One Piece: World Seeker - Release Date Trailer, One Piece World Seeker - Official Launch Trailer, One Piece: World Seeker - Official Karma System Trailer, One Piece World Seeker - First 20 Minutes Of Luffy Gameplay, One Piece: World Seeker - Official Trailer | TGS 2018, Release Dates for All Notable Upcoming Games, Games With Gold and Other New Free Xbox Games, Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition, Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. In other words, it's a great time. The game really needs more options for exploration and more to do in its environments. As an open world game, definitely dont expect it to be GTA V or Spiderman PS4 level or you definitely will be disappointed. The ONE PIECE World Seeker Deluxe Edition includes the game and the Episode Pass, which contains 3 additional episode packs and bonus items. One Piece World Seeker - Opening Cutscene, Finished the game recently and in all honesty, Its not as bad as people make it out to be. In terms of open-world game design, World Seeker isn’t an innovator, but it borrows and re-imagines familiar mechanics well (from the Batman: Arkham games, in particular) and proves why they are perfect for the One Piece universe. ONE PIECE: World Seeker è il più grande gioco di ONE PIECE mai creato! I wish it was more fleshed out in terms of variety. Bandai Namco offre una nuova occasione per vedere il filmato. One Piece: Romance Dawn should be much better than it is. One Piece World Seeker es una gran aventura para aquellos fanáticos de la serie. What's this? Combat is admittedly repetitive and boring, and it's not as free-flowing as Spiderman. Its poor mechanics, sloppy combat, slow pacing, and repetitiveness all made me want to stop playing. Jul 28, 2019-1. Combat feels good even if it is one note. For non-fans, questionable. One Piece: World Gofer would have been a much more befitting title to put to this dull adventure. One Piece World Seeker looked amazing from the outset, but after playing around 50 hours of this game I can deduce that it is pretty dissapointing. Risparmio del 79% L'offerta termina il 3/2/2021 €14,99 €69,99. Amazing game, I love the gameplay and the story is amazing I reccomend this game to anyone who love the once piece anime, For fans of the anime/manga such as myself, it's a must buy. reminds me of the legend of zelda breath of the wild only that instead of all that interaction with scenery he is a little more focused on the, reminds me of the legend of zelda breath of the wild only that instead of all that interaction with scenery he is a little more focused on the mobility, One Piece World Seeker es una gran aventura para aquellos fanáticos de la serie. It’s very fun with amazing graphics, story and combat. However, I also have more upgrades to do in terms of movement and combat, but the open world of Ida keeps me coming back. In One Piece: World Seeker, the presentation of the game does a lot to enhance certain elements of the gameplay and this made both the. © 2021 METACRITIC, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. 12 Mixed or average reviews- based on 39 Ratings, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game - Complete Edition, Preparations to be Together for an Unknown Period of Time. Acquista ora. Even if you don't know anything about the manga or anime, One Piece: World Seeker will dazzle your mind with its colorful world and satisfy your need to bash some skulls with its addictive combat. Episode Pass, which contains 3 additional Episode packs and bonus items, the RPG is let down by level! Was not worth the frustration, story and combat repetitiveness all made me want to stop one piece: world seeker metacritic es gran! For fans of the series in general, but this splendor is merely superficial PS4!. Play once you get to unlock during your adventure a fun way to just explore and traverse the done! 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