3 Introduction In technique and dance history classes, students gain a deeper understanding of dance as an art form and leave the course with a bigger appreciation for dance. Nichelle Suzanne is a writer specializing in dance and online content. Standard 1 [E5.3-5]: Performs teacher-selected and developmentally appropriate dance steps and movement patterns (3); Combines locomotor movement patterns and dance steps to create and perform an original dance (4); Combines locomotor skills in cultural as well as creative dances (self and group) with correct rhythm and pattern (5). Dance Curriculum Units $199 each • Ready to Ship by September 8th The following units are available for individual purchase! Author: Michelle Mankins Created Date: 4/21/2000 11:43:40 AM SCS Instructional Map K-5 Dance Shelby County Schools 2016/2017 2 of 17 How to Use the Arts Education Curriculum Maps The SCS Arts Education curriculum maps are designed to help teachers make effective decisions about what content to teach and how to teach it so that, ultimately, our students can reach Destination 2025. This is a great introduction to tumbling for children just developing their coordination. * Introduce the concept of cultural ownership of dances and songs. 1.1.12.C.2 Ask students to talk about something It introduces the … PEP RALLY (12 short pieces of choreography ~ Jazz, Pom & Hip Hop) JAZZ (8 pieces of choreography + 2 intermediate technique workshops) HIP HOP (8 pieces of choreography + Hip Hop technique workshop) This fun class is for children ages 18 months to age 3 along with their mom, dad or another adult. She is also a dance instructor with over 20 years experience teaching in dance studios, community programs, and colleges. Dance Welcome to the Manitoba Dance Education Website! 1 student $41/mo. Native Dance Curriculum Kwakwaka’wakw Primary (Kindergarten – Grade 3) Appreciation: • Read to the students a portion of one or more of the interviews with Marcus Alfred, William Wasden Jr. and/or Dorothy (Pewi) Alfred. PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 1 BEST Co 8 VNI MAINE DANCE CURRICULUM GUIDE DANCE EDUCATION IN MAINE SCHOOLS Second Edition 2002 3 3 Table of Contents Forward 5 Acknowledgements 6 Preface Maine Dance Heritage 9 Introduction 11 Pedagogy … This website contains information regarding the Kindergarten to Grade 12 Manitoba Dance curriculum frameworks developed by the Department of Education and Training as well as implementation resources and links to support the Dance Curricula. She began Dance Advantage in 2008, equipped with a passion for movement education and an intuitive sense that a blog could bring dancers together. OFFICE OF CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT HIGH SCHOOL COURSE OUTLINE Course Code 3722 Course Title Introduction to Latin Dance Department Physical Education Short Title Intro Latin Dance Course Length 2 Semesters Grade 11-12 Credits/Semester 5 Required for Graduation No Meets H.S. Grad Requirement Elective Credit Yes Meets UC “a-g” Cumulative Progress Indicator: Analyze examples of ballet’s influence on dance history. DANCE CURRICULUM Parent Tot Ages 18 months to 3 30 min. New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards (NJCCCS): 1.1.12.C.1 Content Statement: Dance and the arts play a significant role in human history and culture. High School Dance Curriculum Work Committee Morgan Phillips Curriculum Formatting and Compilation Victoria Villano-Tirado .