Classified Ingredients Ingredient(s) CAS # Weight % Diethylene glycol butyl ether 112-34-5 5 - 10% Tetrasodium salt of EDTA 64-02-8 1 - < 3% n-Alkyl (60% C14, 30% C16, 5% C12, 5% C18) dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride 68391-01-5 > 0.1 - < 1% n-Alkyl (68% C12, 32% C14) dimethyl ethylbenzyl ammonium chloride 68956-79-6 > 0.1 - < 1% *Exact percentages are being withheld … Virox TM/MC 5 RTU AHP Surface Cleaner & Disinfectant A one-step disinfectant cleaner based on proprietary Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide technology to deliver fast and effective cleaner performance. %����
Les conditions actuelles d'usage et de … 2770 Coventry Road Oakville, ON L6H 6R1. � Product name: VIROX AHP 5 RTU SDS #: MS0300099 Product Code: 53808, 5871788 Recommended use: Disinfectant Cleaner. Phone No. Inhalation. Ce produit est projeté être utilisé non dilué. 29 0 obj
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VIROX AHP 5, nettoyant désinfectant prêt à l'emploi; No° 55079. VIROX 5 (CONCENTRATE) (CAN) NFPA Personal protective equipment 0 0 3 Fire Hazard 0 3 Version Number:4 Health 0 Preparation date: 2011-05-05 Reactivity Ingredient(s) CAS # Weight %LD50 Oral - Rat (mg/kg) LD50 Dermal - Rabbit LC50 Inhalation - Rat Disinfectant Cleaner. H��W�n�@}����Dp�b�%o. Virox™ 5 Concentrated Surface Cleaner & Disinfectant A one-step disinfectant cleaner based on proprietary hydrogen peroxide (AHP®) technology to deliver fast and effective cleaning … 萙��iʸ_����8�s��O�r�|�)\��}�Sa��;�ǭ���q^�k����!C��cG���5�욐�
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Product is both virucidal and bactericidal. A one-step disinfectant cleaner based on proprietary hydrogen peroxide (AHP®) technology to deliver fast and effective cleaning performance. English SDS. Phone No. VIROX AHP 5, nettoyant désinfectant prêt à l'emploi, 1 L. 9,99 $ Livraison entre 2 à 5 jours ouvrables partout au Québec; Sans frais pour toutes commandes de 125$ et plus avant taxes; Partager. Also provides broad spectrum sanitizing on hard surfaces in 30 seconds. L'utilisateur doit s'assurer qu'il posè'de toutes les donnèes en cours, en … For use in sprays or mopping / wiping. h��mO�0��� �o��H�R_�V ����)�ҴJ��~wN���0�!�I|8�r>_�w�G�d�ɉd�HA�@) �ADd@xi"�Z��&B��Ȑ��;""�c1�8#GG���~����'�����)��/S����l|z=�9�Ϧ��I6��{�&�q�ԡ��[S�bf���~=�����6[�;^��,^ û2rA��s����n��r61����:5�����epE|��if*[��:�Jy]@��.�bU�^N��3SX3E���������v4���������m�C�+�s�.�Y���
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xq S’il se produit une irritation qui persiste, chercher de l'aide médicale. ſF���z�!��4�e1��Za�t7��ɯ��0.��&��႗�6鼘yw��x����ܬ������M�z�-~xd����R�Qt�in&�̰���. <>
@�{��� �x�j�:��M�RO����1325�-2��]�Oʋh�IE{5���Ԟ�@�O����N��1��5��]�6���b�"�9 Disinfection requires a five-minute contact time. Il possède également des propriétés détergentes ce qui en fait un … Charlotte, NC 28208 Phone: 1-888-352-2249 SDS Internet Address: Virox Multi-Purpose Cleaner … $%\:��@M����j��C�x��.���C�;���|��ȵ,�PǸ'����#��ٯ\��^���Jt��J�+n[� ���4��!����R�V2�Lh\��a���N�Έ�J��|9oCO��==;�P�!#��GS3�~�Ŷޅ��w����� Enter your ID and password to sign in. If ne constitue pas une garantie, ènoncèe ou tacite, de l'exactitude des renseignements ci-incluses. Virox 5 RTU (Canada) Ready To Use Surface Cleaner & Disinfectant General Virucide 3 of 5 Waste from residues / unused products (undiluted product): This product, as sold, if discarded or disposed, is a hazardous waste according to Federal regulations (40 CFR 261.4 (b)(4)). Virox ® Technologies is committed to providing safer disinfectants for our customers. MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET VIROX 5 (CONCENTRATE) 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: VIROX 5 (CAN) - (1:16 Dilution) SDS #: MS0300104D Product Code: 2963741, 53801 (1:16 Dil.) A one-step disinfectant cleaner based on proprietary hydrogen peroxide (AHP®) technology to deliver fast and effective cleaning performance. C'est un excellent désinfectant pour les services de garde, il agit en 5 minutes et est virucide général contrairement à plusieurs ammoniums quaternaires. �$~��Y�"m�M��;����8���Rd�n~�V�ѵ���ZB��..�j���@I�E*&�ZY�7ȶ?�l�e"㢁�����I�C).&���1`��@�X\����AP���n�����ם#8c�w�أ��E�G���/r���W9��:ړ�CK+'+�8J� �Rg�,8J��qR�OI�U�Z��_kj���vDr�;_ Ulj8��Q�uW�P��:F���A4����x,�8���q�rf�dYcSϯ&��0)�3d�N��#��>��dM>cK==�\�:�.\�bjf�O���4���Ձ$T��H��#��sV����N[7if ú/T5����:S��!>_�I�@�$1[)]�dҥC[S��b9����28�&q�����H*��S t�ݘa���{��K)���~h�}�~���{����G�`]��8��
��P�]>�m�����q��)\^5С)����P�9����8:&pN>0�e�(U��2�����NzX���`��K/ VIROX AHP 5 RTU HMIS NFPA Équipement de protection individuelle Santé N/A ... Nom du produit: VIROX AHP 5 RTU SDS #: MS0300099 Code du produit: 53808, 5871788 Utilisation recommandée: Nettoyeur désinfectant. Facebook Twitter. : 002240 Page 05 of 05 Date of Preparation: August 25, 2015 For an updated SDS please contact the supplier/ manufacturer listed on the first page of this … Disponibilité: En rupture de stock. This product is intended to be diluted prior to use. SDS Prepared By Virox Technologies Inc. R���IH&��q��w���V��q���J. SDS Prepared By Virox Technologies Inc. VIROX 5 (CAN) Solubilité dans d'autres solvants: Pas d'information disponible Température d'auto-inflammation: Pas d'information disponible. We encourage you to take a closer look … Avis au lecteur: Ce document a etè prèparè de sources considèrèes techniquement sèrieuses. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name:VIROX 5 (CONCENTRATE) Highly Effective • Ready-to-use • Also provides broad spectrum sanitizing on hard surfaces in 30 seconds • Kills Norovirus, MRSA and VRE in 5 minutes Versatile • For use as … VIROX 5 (CAN) - (1:16 Dilution) HMIS NFPA Personal protective equipment Health 0 Flammability 0 Physical Hazard / Instability 0 0 0 0 Version Number: 1 Preparation date: 2018-01-03 1. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) A Safety Data Sheet (SDS / MSDS) is a document required for all chemicals in your workplace that provides guidance on how to work safely with the product. %%EOF
Pas grand chose a rajouter. Also provides broad spectrum sanitizing on hard surfaces in 30 seconds. h�b```"������ea�8�0�����mg핝�q�^��� �E|P�������a�� ���"����=����,���p�H3�)� ��^
Au Canada, Virox 5 est un désinfectant homologué efficace contre le poliovirus type 1 du vaccin de Sabin. Nom du produit VIROX AHP 5 RTU SDS #: MS0300099 Code du produit: 53808, 5871788 Utilisation recommandée: Nettoyeur désinfectant. Eye contact: … endobj
Fun et des Zap Multigaming. /Producer(Sub Systems, Inc.)/CreationDate(D:20200408013857+04'00')/ModDate(D:20200408013857+04'00')/Creator(Sub Systems, Inc.)
Skin contact. Le Virox 5 est une nouvelle génération de désinfectant au peroxyde d'hydrogène mélangé à d'autres produits (la même chose que le Percept). : 002241 Page 05 of 05 Date of Preparation: August 25, 2015 For an updated SDS please contact the supplier/ manufacturer listed on the first page … (800) 387-7578 Date of Preparation August 05, 2015 Disclaimer Product Identifier: PREvail Animal Premise Disinfectant Cleaner & Deodorizer Concentrate SDS No. Select Language ]��M�/�$�W�i��Z��^��M;v��]4u�RЉJ��b�j*TTz�C���v�T��� ��p�
Virox is a chlorine dioxide based sanitising product that can be sprayed on using a spray gun, It comes in a pack which includes a spray pack containing the “A” part of the mix and a small container containing the “B” part. … : Page 04 of 04 Date of Preparation: June 02, 2015 June 02, 2015 000606 PREempt Wipes For an updated SDS please contact the supplier/ manufacturer listed on the first page of this document. xS��)w��ٓ�.�c��WP8��%"�`�ޱx���ں����J��UDYxs���`~}3_g�Ww����쒉T�̖����;�6���/E:7����su8E���D�{j5�ws�k�1D�0!R�K�x��'�\�@-�Q�㠨�ۏ�vbpc��. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name: VIROX 5 (CAN) SDS #: MS0300104 Product Code: 2963741, 53801 Recommended use: • Disinfectant Cleaner • This product is intended to be … This product is intended to be used neat. Produit Non Dilué: Les Yeux: Rincer abondamment à l'eau. 1 0 obj
Numéro de téléphone d'appel d'urgence1-800-851-7145; 1-651-917-6133 (Int'l) 2. Phone No. Recommended use: Disinfectant … Fabricant Virox Technologies Inc., 2770 Coventry Rd., Oakville, ON, L6H 6R1, 905-813-0110 Numéro de téléphone Virox Technologies Inc., 1-800-387-7578 d'urgence Numéro de la FDS SECTION 2: IDENTIFICATION DES DANGERS Classification SGH Toxicité aiguë (orale) - Catégorie 5; Irritation de lésions oculaires graves/irritation oculaire - Catégorie 1 Éléments d'étiquetage … Tuberculocidal, all in 5 minutes • 30-second broad-spectrum sanitizer • Compatible with most hard, non-porous surfaces • Convenient pre-wetted wipes clean, disinfect, and deodorize in one labor-saving step Applications • Clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces in 5 minutes • Non-irritating to eyes and skin Accel® Five TB Wipes Surface h�bbd``b`�$S��+ ��$��@�`�+��R7���2A� !v $Q$6b`bd ����H4���w� �#
VIROX AHP 5, nettoyant désinfectant prêt à l'emploi. Disinfection requires a five-minute contact time. %PDF-1.4
CODE : C66QY3 Hey les potos c'est Virox , Si tu kiffe cette chaîne abonne toi ça me ferais plaisir ;). <<
Diversey Virox 5 Concentrated Surface Cleaner and Disinfectant General Virucidal A one-step disinfectant cleaner based on proprietary hydrogen peroxide (AHP®) technology to deliver fast and effective cleaning performance. Unlike Scaraba and Yuffo, Virox relies on defense rather than either offense or intelligence to defeat his enemies. ='D Des Compil. eT�~�P@��C���/z(-��i�#�s�|R�D�Ab� V���PnlR��A���WwNg���^}ݖ>�ݕ$.��u�+��+��I���e�K��6��A��ǡG�1���9���F��)�ܹ��QM���wkY�����>p Du Stunt, on aime bien ca non ? For an updated SDS, please contact the supplier/manufacturer listed on the first page …
Virox Surface Sanitiser, 5 litre bottle. X��]�۶�ߙ�f2�8k
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HAZARDS … Virox is an Insectoid who uses a virus to infect humans into becoming Loogies. Numéro de téléphone d'appel d'urgence1-800-851-7145 (U.S.); 1-651-917-6133 (Int'l) 2. English; Francais; Login; Search; Shopping Cart is Empty. %PDF-1.4
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After Vrak claims the Insectoi… VIROX 5 (CAN) Avis au lecteur: Ce document a etè prèparè de sources considèrèes techniquement sèrieuses. Ce produit est idéal pour désinfecter les endroits où du sang ou des liquides corporels sont répandus. FIRST AID MEASURES Undiluted Product: Manufacturer, importer, supplier: US Headquarters Diversey, Inc. 2415 Cascade Pointe Blvd. �䥌T�U��C������Ll�v�!E�:�Q��;�����ָ�6Zݤ���/�I�Z���n���:b{����,��*_f\����Ʈ&+�$�(����hs���l endstream
SDS Internet Address: Canadian Headquarters Diversey Canada, Inc. 3755 Laird Road Units 8-11 Mississauga, Ontario L5L 0B3 Phone: 1-800-668-7171 ViroxÒ 5 (Canada) Concentrated Surface Cleaner & Disinfectant General Virucide 1 of 5 1 of 5. If ne constitue pas une garantie, ènoncèe ou tacite, de l'exactitude des renseignements ci-incluses. Phone No. Ingestion. stream
Product is both virucidal and bactericidal. VIROX 5 (CAN) HMIS NFPA Personal protective equipment Health 3 Flammability 0 Physical Hazard / Instability 0 3 0 0 Version Number: 2 Preparation date: 2015-04-03 1. In a changing of tactics expected to outmaneuver the human resistance, Vrak intended to use his skills to outpace the reaction of the Mega Rangers against Warstar. Product is both virucidal and bactericidal. Each ingredient has been carefully selected, and together, these ingredients kill germs and offer an unsurpassed health, safety and environmental profile. SDS Prepared By Virox Technologies Inc. (800) 387-7578 Date of Preparation August 25, 2015 Additional Information Product Identifier: INTERVention Farm Animal Care Disinfectant Cleaner & Deodorizer (Concentrate) SDS No. SDS. >>
13 0 obj
Can be used to eliminate viruses and bacteria on surfaces. (800) 387-7578 Date of Preparation August 25, 2015 Additional Information Product Identifier: REScue Concentrate One Step Disinfectant Cleaner & Deodorizer SDS No. We develop unique disinfectants that combine unmatched efficacy with application safety. Contact avec … Use as a virucidal, bactericidal cleaner and for broad-spectrum sanitizing. Dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid 68584-22-5 > 0.1 - < 1% *Exact percentages are being withheld as trade secret information 4. : Page 04 of 04 Date of Preparation: August 05, 2015 For an updated SDS, please contact the supplier/manufacturer listed on the first page of this document Information … Emergency telephone number: 1-800-851-7145 (U.S.); 1-651-917-6133 (Int'l) 2. IDENTIFICATION DES DANGERS Principales voies entree: Contact avec les yeux. Pk Remember me. Les conditions actuelles d'usage et de manutention sont hors du contrôle du vendeur. M��7"�F�У�bZ�'����
(���\�,,�RL��"�(���? Virox 5 est un nettoyant et désinfectant à large spectre pour les endroits où les risques sont élevés. ������MEA�+�?�'�q0��9�C�~�-Z�n/��.��w��#��|���ޯ9W�qT����n�����+�QGi�W�������:��mׇ1�里������[����1ooS �#��":����wrLhM�x~-�kq���������|���ɨZ�%!� Phosphoric acid 7664-38-2 0 - 10% 1530 2730 … �HV�XVdZ��"�1"���,Ŧ�`�sēB�TE9Y��fNd���5�Pǎ%���G^&�`A^�ʇ\��YP�5�D�0��)�%�^���v�]3��]s�/�Θ2�5q� ���`�B�qFB�Q\$�u+��y*f"k��=���(���=�"D��㣇���YOL��g�2�R��ُd��A/1��G0ɽ�K�����8���D��"��{�R8�˄@� R-��*;=�?��z���:�s��)�����'UҒ}�A�TM�I�v>U|*��>���'��~��Or�)�EoJ��-���`�j��>���R��@�X%��"4���mH�J�����җ�����VA�=�R*$>���BO|�u9�}��c��s(�F�� ;6s̰�����D��~�%j�DK4�#�&͂U��M�I��ש��{�gO#Pv�5G3��>�(F7�&�"�Cp��a}��쌵�xf�8��*�uqyG�5Nv���o�aHL �����Y ���
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�[���a�O�b��[W]sSaj��_cl�"4� 8> =.�� �� qQ������ Ce produit est projeté être utilisé non dilué. (800) 387-7578 Date of Preparation: Additional Information Product Identifier: SDS No. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Principal routes of exposure: Eye contact. Information contained herein was … endstream
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: 003133 Page 04 of 04 Date of Preparation: June 10, 2015 Review federal, provincial and local government requirements prior to disposal. SDS Prepared By Virox Technologies Inc. Phone No. (800) 387-7578 Date of Preparation June 10, 2015 Disclaimer Product Identifier: PREempt Concentrate SDS No. ����X��~;X�@�|�10A�L����+(M�`C�ۛ��[��m� C�?�V�W��aō�vy�A]l�U���=��֬'\_�ҞZ^b�3��S�a�����o�{j;t��r��(�mdw
2C�����p>s�;�Xw Canada Tel: (905) 813-0110 Toll Free: 1-800-387-7578 Fax: (905) 813-0220 Saluuut Mon Psn : TehViir0x Game capture: Elgato Logiciel de … Disinfection requires a five-minute contact time. sécurité : Siège social au Canada Diversey, Inc. - Canada 6150 Kennedy Road Unit 3 Mississauga, Ontario L5T 2J4 Phone: 1-800-668-7171 Virox AHP 5 Nettoyant et désinfectant de surfaces virucide général - Essuie-tout 1 of 4. Disinfectants & Sanitizers » Disinfectants : Virox 5 Disinfectant: Unit of Measure: Description; SDS; A powerful disinfectant/virucide for use in health care, institutional facilities and food processing establishments. Où du sang ou des liquides corporels sont répandus MEASURES Undiluted Product: Manufacturer importer! De l'aide médicale Identifier: SDS No material safety DATA SHEET Virox (... These ingredients kill germs and offer an unsurpassed health, safety and environmental profile etè! 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Has been carefully selected, and together, these ingredients kill germs and offer an unsurpassed,... Prior to use d'appel d'urgence1-800-851-7145 ; 1-651-917-6133 ( Int ' l ) 2 becoming Loogies // Virox Multi-Purpose Cleaner SDS..., il agit en 5 minutes et est virucide général contrairement à plusieurs ammoniums quaternaires 1 du vaccin Sabin! Broad spectrum sanitizing on hard surfaces in 30 seconds se produit une irritation qui,! Defeat his enemies endroits où du sang ou des liquides corporels sont répandus type du... Of 5: les Yeux: Rincer abondamment à l'eau page … 1 of.! These documents are a key part of your facilities health and safety program Surface,... Virox AHP 5, nettoyant désinfectant prêt à l'emploi the first page … 1 of 5 Coventry Road Oakville on. Homologué efficace contre le poliovirus type 1 du vaccin de Sabin de … 2770 Road. Emergency telephone number: 1-800-851-7145 ( U.S. ) ; 1-651-917-6133 ( Int ' l 2... 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