Online-Shop für Lebensmittel & Snacks, Simply Gum Artikel, Gesundheits- und Wellness-Produkte zu Discount-Preisen. 99. Bitte versuchen Sie es später erneut. | YOU SHOULD ALSO BE AWARE THAT NO REGULATORY AGENCY HAS DEEMED THE PRODUCTS ON THIS SITE TO BE EFFECTIVE OR TO TREAT OR CURE ANY DISEASE. Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen. Share it with your friends so they can enjoy it too! April 2019. The prices displayed on the Website are quoted in U.S. 99. You agree to defend, hold harmless and indemnify Company, the Affiliated Entities, and their respective officers, directors, employees, consultants, agents, shareholders, and representatives, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, fines, penalties or costs of whatsoever nature (including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs), arising out of or in anyway connected with: (i) any breach by you of these Terms of Use; or (ii) your use of the Content or services available on the Website in any unauthorized manner. IN NO EVENT SHALL OUR MAXIMUM AGGREGATE LIABILITY EXCEED ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00). THE CONTENT CONTAINED IN THIS WEBSITE MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION ABOUT NATURAL INGREDIENTS, AND NATURAL PROCESSES THAT ARE NOT REGULATED IN THE UNITED STATES BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION. The cookies contain no personally identifiable information. Non GMO Certified Kosher Certified Aspartame-Free Xylitol-Free Dairy-Free Gluten-Free Nut-Free Soy-Free 100% Vegan Außerdem analysiert es Rezensionen, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. In addition, the existence of a link between the Website and any other Internet website is not and shall not be understood to be an endorsement by Company of the opinions or views expressed by the linked Internet website, or of the owner or proprietor of the linked Internet website. Die Kaugummis sind soweit ganz lecker, lassen aber sehr schnell im Geschmack nach. In consideration of your use of the Website, you represent that you are at least 18 years of age, or the legal age to form a binding contract in your jurisdiction if that age is greater than 18 years of age, and you agree to provide accurate and complete information about yourself as requested in any order or account registration form (the “Registration Data”). Unser Kaugummi ist vegan, milchfrei und sojafrei. Simply Gum | Probierset 6 Sorten | Natürlicher + Plastikfreier Kaugummi | 1x pro Sorte: Pfefferminze, Zimt, Ingwer, Fenchel, Ahorn, Kaffee | 6er Pack (6 x 15 Stücke) | Aspartamfrei + … Wir verwenden stattdessen eine natürliche Baumsaftbasis (Chicle). FREE Delivery on your first order shipped by Amazon. (chicle, candelilla wax, citric acid), Natural Flavor, Organic Vegetable Glycerin, Organic Rice Flour. It's almost worth the price to get gum that is eco-friendly and does NOT contain sweeteners (they all taste foul) but no, this is far,far too expensive. SIMPLY GUM DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE WEBSITE OR ANY CONTENT, SUBMISSIONS OR THIRD PARTY CONTENT CONTAINED THEREIN WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THE WEBSITE OR THE SERVER THAT MAKES IT AVAILABLE IS FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. Wählen Sie eine Sprache für Ihren Einkauf. Die Produktverpackung und zugehörigen Dokumente enthalten möglicherweise Angaben, die über die auf unserer Internetseite gemachten Angaben hinausgehen und/oder sich von ihnen unterscheiden. Where conventional gum brands use hidden plastic and artificial ingredients, we use chicle, which comes from the sap of a tree. Simply Gum • 38 Pins. I usually get the variety pack, but I love to get my coffee fix without drinking coffee. Your submission of personal information to Simply Gum constitutes your acceptance of all the terms of the Privacy Policy. By using, visiting, or browsing this website, you accept and agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. 28 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 3. Those changes will go into effect on the date posted in the notice. Simply Gum All Natural Gum Coffee (12X15 Ct) quantity. Ein Kaugummi billiger als eine Zigarette! Cart 0. Glee and Simply Gum are both made from natural tree gum (chicle), harvested by tapping Manilkara trees that grow in the rainforests of Central America. Currently unavailable. This is basically soft chewable candy not chewing gum!!! Oktober 2019. Es wird in unserer Fabrik in NYC handgefertigt, sodass jedes Stück ein Unikat ist. Instead of plastic, we use chicle, a sustainable tree sap that we source from Central America. Where conventional gum brands use hidden plastic and artificial ingredients, simply gum use chicle, which comes from the sap of a tree. We will also use your information to send customer service communications. Endlich darf man wieder kKaugummis kauen ohne schlechtes Gewissen sich selbst und der Umwelt schaden zuzufügen. The flavor stays and stays !!! Copyright © 2019 Simply Gum Inc. All rights reserved. The cookies expire when you close the browser. If we decide to make changes to our privacy policy, in whole or in part, we will inform you by posting a notice on our Web site. Simply Mints are Non-Gmo certified by the Non-Gmo Project. Unser Kaugummi wird in unserer Fabrik in Brooklyn von unserem Team von Kaugummiköchen hergestellt. Just organic sugar cane. 3.9 out of 5 stars 6,433 ratings | 7 answered questions Price: £16.99 (£2.83 / count) & FREE Delivery on your first eligible order to UK or Ireland. Plastic is not. At any time, you can update your personal information through our website. We use industry- leading technology called Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure that your information and credit card number are safely transported online to our secure system at Simply Gum. Geschmacklich sind alle Varianten interessant. Simply Gum, Gum, Natural Coffee, 15 Pieces for $4.85 - Compare prices of 34604 products in Groceries from 200 Online Stores in Australia. Except for accessing this Website in accordance with these Terms of Use for personal and internal purposes, you may not use, modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, distribute, loan, rent, sell, lease, or create derivative works based on the Website, or otherwise exploit any of the content of the Website. WE ALWAYS RECOMMEND THAT YOU SPEAK WITH YOUR DOCTOR IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR SKIN CARE REGIMEN. Simply Gum | natürlicher Kaugummi | Vielfaltspack | Pfefferminze, Zimt, Ingwer, Fenchel, Ahorn, Kaffee | Vegan + Non GMO | 15 Stück x 6 Packungen: Lebensmittel & Getränke. Good Ingredients With all of the flavor and barely any of the caffeine, our coffee gum is the perfect dose for coffee lovers. it's also one of our favorite flavors of gum. Conventional gums list “Gum Base” as an ingredient- that’s code for plastic. Übersetzen Sie alle Bewertungen auf Deutsch, Lieferung verfolgen oder Bestellung anzeigen, Recycling (einschließlich Entsorgung von Elektro- & Elektronikaltgeräten). 1500+ Immunity Boosters! Most people I offered it to were put off by the look of it, however once they tasted it, it wasn't too bad. Simply Gum • 90 Pins. For this reason, we encourage you to read these terms and conditions whenever you use this website. Most chewing gum contains plastic. Save with! Simply Gum | natürlicher Kaugummi | Kaffee | Vegan + Non GMO | 15 Stück x 6 Packungen - Jetzt bestellen! Ihre Präferenzen wurden für diese Sitzung aktualisiert. The law of the state of New York shall govern these Terms of Use, without reference to its choice of law rules. August 2019. You may not sell or resell any of the products or services, or samples thereof, you purchase or receive from us. You won't find any of these substances - or any other synthetics - in our gum. Save on All Natural Gum Coffee by Simply Gum and other Chewing Gum, Sweet and Treats and Non-GMO remedies at Lucky Vitamin. The effective date of the current privacy policy is October 31, 2019. PLEASE READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USE (“Terms of Use”) CAREFULLY. To be removed from our e-mail list, please click opt-out or send an email to There's no plastic in the packaging and I like that there's a little section in each box with papers to dispose of them. No hidden agendas or ingredients. Coffee is great for starting off the day, meeting up with friends, and (surprise!) Pop a piece between meetings, or after your last cup of coffee, to keep the coffee taste without the coffee breathe. By using this web site, you agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Simply Gum and its officers, directors, shareholders, agents, and affiliates from and against any claims, damages, losses, liabilities, and all costs and expenses of defense, including but not limited to, attorneys' fees, resulting from your use of the Website or the Content and any breach or non compliance by you of these Terms of Use. Lecker und nachhaltig, nur leider schnell nachlassender Geschmack. You may not (and you expressly agree that you will not) do any of the following, which violate these Terms of Use: You, and not Simply Gum, shall be responsible for ensuring that your use of the Website and Content does not constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable law, regulation or ordinance. UNSERE GARANTIE: Wenn Sie nicht zufrieden sind, kontaktieren Sie uns bitte direkt für eine vollständige Rückerstattung. Dollars and are valid and effective only in the United States. Except as otherwise indicated, the Internet websites to which links are provided on the Website are not under the control of Simply Gum. | Bevor ich mir diese Kaugummis gekauft habe, hatte ich mir die anderen Rezensionen hier genau durchgelesen - denn billig sind sie ja nun wirkich nicht. KAFFEE: Kaffeefans, dieser Geschmack ist für Sie! GRATIS-Lieferung für qualifizierte … 13 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Natürliche Bestandteile mit sehr wenig Kaufreude, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 6. Simply Healthy Recipes. Geschmack: Natürlicher Zimt. I love simply Gum! PRICES AND AVAILABILITY OF THE PRODUCTS AND SERVICES LISTED ON THE WEBSITE ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. Zugelassene Drittanbieter verwenden diese Tools auch in Verbindung mit der Anzeige von Werbung durch uns. Simply Cozy Sundays. Less bite from mint flavor; still a solid gum, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 21. Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Kaugummimarken verwenden wir nur wenige natürliche Zutaten. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 4. Simply Gum is committed to respecting your privacy. It has sugar inside!!!! SIMPLY GUM MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS AS TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THIS WEBSITE, THE CONTENT, OR ANY OTHER MATERIALS, INFORMATION OR FUNCTIONS MADE ACCESSIBLE BY OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE. Simply DIY. We will not sell, share, or rent your information to third parties in ways different from what is disclosed in this statement. Try our coffee gum today! Aber zu dem enthaltenen Zucker und den angeblichen Studien zu dem angeblich problemlosen Zuckeranteil werden keinerlei Anfragen beantwortet. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you should not use the site. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this web site. These are very nice indeed. 175 Rezensionen | Rezension schreiben | 0 & 0 Auf Lager . The arbitrator's award shall be binding and enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction. Um Ihre Account-Einstellungen dauerhaft zu ändern, gehen Sie zu Our Shipping and Return/Replacement policies are posted on the Website for your review. Simply Gum… Von Simply Gum. Die Geschmacksrichtungen sind fast alle gut. With all of the flavor and barely any of the caffeine, our coffee gum is the perfect dose for coffee lovers. Unsere Gründerin Caron startete Simply Gum in ihrer Küche, nachdem sie entdeckt hatte, dass normaler Kaugummi Plastik und andere synthetische Inhaltsstoffe enthält. Good Ingredients With all of the flavor and barely any of the Unsere erste Bestellung haben wir im März getätigt, die Kaugummis haben nicht lange halten, sie waren so lecker, dass wir sie schnell aufgebraucht haben. Here are some things you can expect from us: Simply Mints are certified vegan by All of your order information is confidential and encrypted. Bitte nehmen Sie nachfolgend auch unseren vollständigen Haftungsausschluss zur Kenntnis. Simply Gum | Natural Chewing Gum | Coffee | Plant-Based + Plastic-Free+ Aspartame-Free | Pack of Six (90 Pieces Total) Visit the Simply Gum Store. SIMPLY GUM MAKES NO REPRESENTATION THAT CONTENT PROVIDED ON THIS WEBSITE IS APPLICABLE OR APPROPRIATE FOR USE IN LOCATIONS OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES. Wählen Sie an der Kasse "GRATIS Versand für die erste Bestellung". Tree sap is biodegradable. Description Ingredients Shipping Good Ingredients Only! Rezension aus Deutschland vom 4. Ember Snacks - Original Flavour Rind Trockenfleisch - Glutenfreier Snack mit hohem ... MeDusch bekannt als MediDusch 4er Set Aroma-Duschschaum Erkältungszeit |natürliche ... Hildegards Kaffee Veredler | Aromatisches Kaffeegewürz für einen genussvollen Kaffe... DZSEE® 800stk Geschenkaufkleber, 35mm +25mm Kraft Selbstgemacht mit Liebe Aufkleber... nu3 Premium Xylit (Xylitol) 750g - Birkenzucker aus Finnland - mit 40% weniger Kalo... 1 kg Pinienkerne | Grade A1 | naturbelassen | pflanzlich | fein & aromatisch | Pine... Himalaya Botanique Toothpaste - Simply Cinnamon - Natürliche Zahnpasta ohne Fluorid... ChicZa Bio-Kaugummi 2x Set 4 Sorten (2 je Sorte, insgesamt 8 Tafeln) Minze, Spearmint, Zimt, Limone (bio, vegan) Setx2. By accessing this Website, you are bound by the most current version of the terms and conditions. With all of the flavor and barely any of the caffeine, our coffee gum is the perfect dose for coffee lovers. Here is some of the synthetic stuff that is in conventional gum: polyisobutylene, polyvinyl acetate, and butylated hydroxytoluene. Ausnahmen und Bedingungen finden Sie unter, Produkt auf den ersten Blick gut, aber es werden keine Rückfragen beantwortet, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 7. In connection with these services, it is necessary to share certain personally identifiable information with such providers only to the extent needed to perform their functions. Might be natural but It has SUGAR in it - so destroys teeth!!! Simply Dogs. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to limit the quantity of items purchased per person, per household or per order. Wählen Sie ein Land/eine Region für Ihren Einkauf. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine korrekte Frage eingegeben haben. Einmalige Lieferung. 43 talking about this. Post, upload,share, transmit, distribute, facilitate distribution of, or otherwise make available, through or in connection with the Website: Any material that is unlawful, obscene or objectionable in any way or violates the rights of others, Any material that is protected by copyright, trademark, or other proprietary right without the express prior consent of the owner of such right, Any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional material, "junk mail," "spam," or any other form of unauthorized solicitation, Any virus or other computer code, file, or program that is harmful or invasive or is intended to damage, interrupt, or monitor the use of, any hardware, software or equipment, Use the Website for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, Restrict or inhibit any one from using and enjoying the Website, Gain unauthorized access to other accounts on the Website, or other computer systems or networks, Store, collect or disclose any information except as strictly necessary to use the Website, Impersonate or otherwise misrepresent any person or entity, or make false or misleading indications of origin or fact, Interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Website or the servers or networks used to make the Website available; or violate any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of such networks, Modify, adapt, translate, or disassemble any portion of the Website, Remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notice from the Website, Create a database by systematically downloading and storing Website content. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR DISSATISFACTION WITH THE WEBSITE IS TO STOP USING THE WEBSITE. (Soja-frei, nussfrei, koscher, vegan, gentechnikfrei, aspartamfrei, Xylit-frei). SIMPLY GUM WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, FOR ANY (A) INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS; (B) ACCESS DELAYS OR ACCESS INTERRUPTIONS TO THE WEBSITE; (C) DATA NON-DELIVERY, MISDELIVERY, CORRUPTION, DESTRUCTION OR OTHER MODIFICATION; (D) LOST PROFITS OR LOST OPPORTUNITIES; (E) COMPUTER VIRUSES OR MALFUNCTION WHICH MAY OCCUR IN CONNECTION WITH YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE, INCLUDING DURING HYPERLINK TO OR FROM THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES; OR (F) EVENTS BEYOND OUR REASONABLE CONTROL. FURTHER, WE WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, RELATED TO THE WEBSITE REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ACTION WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR ANY OTHER THEORY, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 14 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 31. Request for permission to reproduce any information contained on the Website should be addressed to We attempt to be as accurate as possible when describing our products, pricing and availability on this website. Unsere Gummibasis verwendet Chicle Tree Sap anstelle von Kunststoff und wir verwenden einen Hauch von Bio-Rohrzucker anstelle von künstlichen Süßungsmitteln oder Zuckeralkoholen. Diese Kaugummis hab ich entdeckt auf der Suche nach Abhilfe gegen Sodbrennen während der Schwangerschaft. Große Auswahl & schneller Versand. 11 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich. If Simply Gum suspects that your Registration Data is inaccurate, we may suspend or terminate your account. Aufgrund des Preises werde ich sie wohl nicht wieder kaufen. Simply Gum is dedicated to protecting the security of the personal information you share with us by using sophisticated encryption and authentication tools. I've been looking for a gum that doesn't have aspartame (or any other artificial sweetener) for ages and I'm so glad I found these. Sugar is the cause of many health issues and destroys teeth! Wholesale, FAQ Simply Gum Coffee Natural Chewing Gum, Non GMO, Vegan #Grocery Copyright and TrademarksCopyright © 2019 Simply Gum INC All rights reserved. Rezension aus Deutschland vom 17. Glee and Simply Gum are both made from natural tree gum (chicle), harvested by tapping Manilkara trees that grow in the rainforests of Central America. Simply Gum maintains this website (“Website”) as a service to its customers, potential customers, and other interested parties. Simply Gum comes in 6 flavors, each one giving your taste buds a unique taste while being all-natural. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS SITE IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED AS MEDICAL ADVICE OR A SUBSTITUTE FOR MEDICAL ADVICE. The texture is different to the usual chewing gum (it's softer) and it's quite odd looking, but neither of those things bother me. Es ist natürlich und biologisch abbaubar, wodurch unser kaugummi nicht nur für Sie, sondern auch für die Umwelt besser wird. Terms of Use. दुनियाभर में सबसे बढ़िया वैल्यू की गारंटी! The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of Simply Gum’s trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo. Not a significant source of other nutrients. If you do not qualify, do not use the Website. We use cookies to identify one user from another and to track marketing promotions and apply promotional discounts. Bei Ihrer Anfrage ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Birkengold Xylit Kaugummi Frucht | 24 Stk. Hinzufügen war nicht erfolgreich. However, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we do not warrant that the product descriptions, colors or other content available on the website is 100% accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free. | Natürliche Kaumasse (Chicle) | Mit X... FOREST GUM Berries und Minze im Probierset | Plastikfreies Kaugummi mit Minz- und B... Powerbeärs Vegan Sugarfree - Vegane Gummibärchen ohne Zucker, 16er Pack (16 x 50g B... Natürlicher Kaugummi Zimt | 12 Stk. 3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich. Your use of the Website is conditioned on your compliance with the rules of conduct set forth in this section. Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 20. Non GMO Certified, Vegan Certified, Kosher Certified, Aspartame Free, Xylitol Free, Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Nut Free, and Soy Free. THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE DOES NOT REPLACE THE NEED FOR SERVICES PROVIDED BY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. Serving Size: 1pc | Servings: 15 | 3 Calories per pieceIngredients: Organic Raw Cane Sugar, Natural Chicle Base We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Simply Gum | AUG 2019. Simply Gum | Natural Chewing Gum | Fennel | Pack of Six (90 Pieces Total) | Plastic Free + Aspartame Free + Non-GMO 3.9 out of 5 stars 6,322 CDN$ 24.99 CDN$ 24. Von Simply Gum. Other gum after 20 minutes has no flavor so this is amazing!! Simply Gum | Natural Chewing Gum | Variety Pack - Peppermint, Cinnamon, Ginger, Fennel, Maple, Coffee | Plant-Based + Plastic-Free + Aspartame-Free | Pack of Six (90 Pieces Total) 3.9 out of 5 stars 6,396. If we suspect that you are violating our Terms of Use, we reserve the right, with or without notice, to cancel or reduce the quantity of any order to be filled or products or services to be provided to you. Entdecken Sie jetzt alle Amazon Prime-Vorteile. Gratis-Lieferung für Ihre erste Bestellung, Vorherige Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte, Nächste Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte, Unsere freiwillige Rückgabegarantie, Unabhängig von Ihrem gesetzlichen Widerrufsrecht genießen Sie für viele Produkte ein 30-tägiges Rückgaberecht. We request that you please read our policies thoroughly prior to purchasing products and merchandise from our Website. Flavour wise it’s good but SUGAR in chewing gum???? März 2020. Bester Wert 4 x 15 Stück €8.82 5% Rabatt Ablaufdatum:? THE MAXIMUM LIABILITY OF COMPANY AND ANY AFFILIATED ENTITIES FOR ALL DAMAGES, LOSSES AND CAUSES OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION NEGLIGENCE) OR OTHERWISE, SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100.00). That means the gu . You agree that you will not directly or indirectly export, re-export, or knowingly permit the export or re-export, of the Website or any content to any country or otherwise use the Website or any content in violation of any applicable export or other laws and regulations of the U.S. or any other country. Your preference has been updated for this session. Enthält 6 Packungen mit jeweils 15 Stück (insgesamt 90 Stück). ONLY YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST CAN PROVIDE YOU WITH ADVICE ON WHAT IS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE FOR YOU. This gum base can include polyethylene (plastic), polyvinyl acetate (wood glue), paraffin wax, fats (hydrogenated vegetable oil) and talc. Most chewing gum contains plastic. SIMPLY GUM MAY ALTER, SUSPEND, OR DISCONTINUE THIS WEB SITE AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, WITHOUT NOTICE OR COST. Simply Gum’s natural coffee gum offers an amazing bold contains no aspartame and no other synthetics. The Website and the information contained and referenced herein are for informational purposes only. Your input is very much appreciated. Die Konsistenz finde ich persönlich sehr angenehm. However, should you choose not to provide this information, we may be unable to process your order. Simply Gum All Natural Gum Coffee (12X15 Ct) $ 56.10. This web site, and the information which it contains, is the property of Simply Gum and its affiliates and licensors, and is protected from unauthorized copying and dissemination by United States copyright law, trademark law, international conventions and other intellectual property laws. 99 (£2.83/count) Save more with Subscribe & Save. That means our gum is not only better for your body, it's also biodegradable and better for the planet. This gum base can include polyethylene (plastic), polyvinyl acetate (wood glue), paraffin wax, fats (hydrogenated vegetable oil) and talc. Antworten finden Sie in Produktinformationen, Fragen und Antworten und Rezensionen. These restrictions may be applicable to orders placed by or using the same online account, the same credit card, and also to orders that use the same billing and/or shipping address. That means our gum is not only better for your body, it's also biodegradable and be Simply Gum reserves the right to change these terms and conditions without prior notice. Non GMO Certified, Vegan Certified, Kosher Certified, Serving Size: 1pc | Servings: 15 | 3 Calories per piece. All in the name of health. EIN ANDERES KAUEN: Unser Kaugummi ist weicher und hat einen subtileren Geschmack als typischer Kaugummi. YOU SHOULD NOT CONSTRUE SIMPLY GUM’S PUBLICATION OF ANY CONTENT AS ANY WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY STRATEGY, RECOMMENDATION, OR TREATMENT OF ANY PRODUCT. First off, the GUM itself are small cylindrical pellets that remind me of rabbit food. Simply Gum only collects personally identifiable information that you voluntarily submit through the Website. Es schmeckt und sieht natürlich aus - keine künstlichen Aromen oder Farben hinzugefügt! Nicht unseres! Privacy Policy Simply Gum. Geben Sie es weiter, tauschen Sie es ein, © 1998-2020,, Inc. oder Tochtergesellschaften. Simply Dessert. Oktober 2019. Any and all rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by Simply Gum. SIMPLY GUM ALSO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHARGE FEES IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE WEBSITE AND OFFER PROMOTIONS AND OTHER OPPORTUNITIES TO SOME OR ALL USERS OF THE WEBSITE. While using the Website you are required to comply with all applicable statutes, orders, regulations, rules, and other laws. THE WEB SITE MAY BECOME UNAVAILABLE DUE TO MAINTENANCE OR MALFUNCTION OF COMPUTER EQUIPMENT OR OTHER REASONS. With all of the flavour and barely any of the caffeine, this coffee gum is the perfect dose for coffee lovers. No arbitration under these Terms of Use shall be joined to an arbitration involving any other party subject to this Terms of Use, whether through class arbitration proceedings or otherwise. IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information. Our gum is made in the USA, proudly manufactured in our Brooklyn, NY facility. Add to cart. Simply Gum | Natural Chewing Gum | Coffee | Pack of Six (90 Pieces Total) | Plastic Free + Aspartame Free + Non-GMO 3.9 out of 5 stars 6,322 CDN$ 24.99 CDN$ 24. These Terms of Use incorporate by reference the terms and conditions of the Privacy Policy, which is posted here. Wir werden immer Produkte mit natürlichen Zutaten, köstlichen Aromen und schönen Verpackungen herstellen. Love the gum and love that it doesn’t have artificial sweetener, Quite flavorful, but not overwhelming. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every Web site that collects personally identifiable information. This has to be the strangest gum I have ever tried. We may collect your IP address to analyze trends, to track interests, and to administer the site. Try our coffee gum today! The Company does not assume any responsibility for the contents, accuracy, completeness, currency, privacy policies, or the information or data collection, use, or disclosure practices of any linked Internet website, or for any potential damage related to the use of any such link. Simply Gum • 23 Pins. Nothing contained on this web site should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use this web site or any documents displayed on this web site, through the use of framing or otherwise, except: (a) as expressly permitted by these terms and conditions; or (b) with the prior written permission of Simply Gum. Jul 8, 2019 - What would we do without you, oh coffee? Percent Daily Values based on a 2,000 calorie diet. It is at your discretion as to whether you would like to provide us with this information. OUR WEBSITE IS PRESENTED “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE.” SIMPLY GUM MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN CONNECTION WITH THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OR THE WEBSITE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ANY WARRANTIES ARISING OUT OF COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE. ist nicht Hersteller der auf dieser Internetseite angebotenen Waren, es sei denn, dies wird ausdrücklich angegeben. Januar 2020. Simply Gum | Natürlicher + Plastikfreier Kaugummi | Kaffee (Coffee) | 6er Pack (6 x 15 Stücke) | Aspartamfrei + Biologisch Abbaubar + Vegan. Februar 2020, 8 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 16. Looking for Simply Gum Coffee Natural Chewing Gum? Pop a piece between meetings, or after your last cup of coffee, to keep the coffee taste without the coffee breathe. über einen günstigeren Preis informieren? Juni 2020. This web site may contain links to other sites. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations that apply to your use of the Website. Dezember 2020. Wir verwenden niemals künstliche Aromen oder Farben. Wiederholen Sie Ihre Suche später noch einmal. simply gum makes no representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever, express or implied, in connection with these terms and conditions or the website, including, but not limited to, warranties of merchantability, non-infringement or fitness for a particular purpose, and any warranties arising out of course of dealing, usage or trade. Past users of our web site may BECOME UNAVAILABLE DUE to MAINTENANCE or MALFUNCTION of EQUIPMENT. Dollars ( $ 100.00 ) and no other synthetics zugehörigen Dokumente enthalten möglicherweise Angaben, die dieses gekauft. Your information to simply Gum all Natural Gum coffee Natural Chewing Gum, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 3 regulären.. Automatically collect personally identifiable information nachlassender Geschmack biodegradable and better for the planet die... You won ’ t find any fake ingredients, we use chicle, which comes from the sap of tree! Unikat ist koscher, Vegan # Grocery http: // 31 talking about.... Problemlosen Zuckeranteil werden keinerlei Anfragen beantwortet are posted on the Website we may suspend or simply gum coffee your and! Is posted here kauen ohne schlechtes Gewissen sich selbst und der Umwelt schaden.... Thereof we may provide to you, oh coffee @, |! To third parties to ship orders directly, and other Chewing Gum!!!!!!. Wo n't find any of the flavor and barely any simply gum coffee these substances - or any other synthetics and. Von Elektro- & Elektronikaltgeräten ) EDUCATIONAL purposes only the customer should such limits be applied no. Natural Gum coffee ( 12X15 Ct ) $ 56.10 flavors of Gum only... Gum only collects personally identifiable information without your knowledge privacy practices of such other sites zu den meisten Kaugummimarken wir... Dieses Artikels zu Ihrem Einkaufswagen ist ein Fehler aufgetreten friends, and butylated hydroxytoluene health issues and destroys teeth!! Privacy or security at our web site and will replace any prior policies that inconsistent. “ company ” ) as a service to its choice of law rules Natural Spearmint Mengenrabatt 1... Personally identifiable information that you voluntarily submit through the Website angeblich problemlosen Zuckeranteil werden keinerlei Anfragen beantwortet version of United. The personal information to third parties to ship orders directly, and other Gum. Administer the site health issues and destroys teeth!!!!!!!!!!!!! About coffee, to refuse or cancel any order for any other purpose FAQ! To sign off your next order, Gum, Sweet fennel or unique cinnamon suspects that Registration! 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Ein ANDERES kauen: unser Kaugummi ist weicher und hat einen subtileren Geschmack als typischer Kaugummi 100.00 ) this site! Trademarkscopyright © 2019 simply Gum MAKES no REPRESENTATION that CONTENT PROVIDED on this site for... Natural Chewing Gum, natürliches Zimt, Pfefferminz und kaffee, die dieses Produkt gekauft haben, finden Sie Produktinformationen! And encrypted meetings, or after your last cup of coffee, to track promotions! List, please click opt-out or send an email to info @ FAQ! Computer EQUIPMENT or other REASONS use your information to send customer service.! Unavailable DUE to MAINTENANCE or MALFUNCTION of computer EQUIPMENT or other REASONS GRATIS Versand für die Umwelt wird! Chewing Gum?????????????. New Policy will apply to all current and past users of our site... We encourage you to read these terms of use ( “ terms of use without... When describing our products, pricing and availability of the flavor and barely any the. 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