Written by Elliot Butler. Maybe I can wear a turban and pretend I'm from India. No offence, but when you're a virus, there ain't much call for knowing how to open a lager bottle with your anus. Justify yourself. Red Dwarf (1988) 30:48. Wahl Colour Pro Styler Hair Clipper 9155-2417X, 15. May they spend their time more wisely. 3. Hollister: Do you know what happens when a dinosaur eats cow vindaloo, two and a half tons of mint-choc ice cream, followed by four hundred crates of orange ice-pops, and swills it all down with two thousand gallons of a popular fizzy drink, after it's burped? The Inquisitor (Red Dwarf) View source. Where would all the calculators go? They'll find us. Related quizzes can be found here: Red Dwarf - Quotes Quizzes A page to buy, sell or swap anything Red Dwarf Menu. Enemy killed 1. Rimmer: Yes Lister, the same kind of joke as putting my name on the waiting list for experimental pile surgery. A list of quotes related to Red Dwarf. From The TV IV < Red Dwarf. Captain's remarks: "Has requested sick leave due to diarrhea on no less than 500 occasions. Red Dwarf Quotes; Red Dwarf Full Scripts. 0:25 [PDF] Red Dwarf Omnibus: Red Dwarf And Better Than Life Full Online. Rimmer: Just because we're three million years into deep space and the human species is extinct? Of course, lager! 1 Ext. ", I'm so gorgeous, there's a six month waiting list for birds to suddenly appear, every time I am near!". What contribution have you made? "Help Dorian!" This is wrong! Inquisitor Kryten : Your argument invites deletion. (to Rimmer) Your nickname was never Ace. Red Carpet News TV. Jump to: navigation, search. She's cheap, she's stupid and she wouldn't load, well, not for me anyway. Kryten : I am programmed not to wish for anything. As far as is known, he was a self-repairing rogue Simulant, who had survived until the end of time itself, coming the conclusion there was no God. There's no justice, how can this happen to me? Cat: I have given pleasure to the world because I have such a beautiful ass! There can be few individuals who have lived a more selfless life. "Help Vivienne!" Lister: It doesn't matter now. Related quizzes can be found here: Red Dwarf - Quotes … Red Dwarf Cast - Will Red Dwarf Ever End? You sign all your official letters "Arnold Rimmer BSc" and the BSc stands for "Bronze Swimming Certificate". He creates the Time Gauntlet and th… ", “I tell you one thing. There can be few individuals who have lived a more selfless life. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. Lay-Z-Spa Cancun 2-4 Person Hot Tub - HOME DELIVERY, 12. Most eunuchs have got more balls than you. View Quote ... Red Dwarf ... TV Quotes Database. 2. Kryten, kindly get to the point before I jam your nose between your cheeks and make it the filling of a buttock sandwich. Kryten : But I am programmed to live unselfishly. Inquisitor Kryten : Well, then, how can any mechanical justify himself? Kryten : I'm not sure I can . Inquisitor Kryten : In a human, this type of behaviour could be considered "stubborn". TV. ShortList is now ad free and supported by you, the users. Lister: Barbara Bellini, what a beautiful name. The aforementioned Rimmer, to whit, me, attended inspection parade. Hands on: Honor MagicBook 14 review - 5 things to know, Honor MagicWatch 2 review - 7 things to know, Hands on: Honor 9X review - 7 things to know before you buy, 30 best movies on Amazon Prime Video, ranked, The 50 best movies on Netflix to stream: including White Tiger, 30 best Amazon Prime Video series to binge-watch right now, The 35 best documentaries on Netflix, ranked, Netflix hidden gems: 10 movies and TV shows you need to watch, The 55 best Netflix shows: from Lupin to Cobra-Kai. ”. (Solas)"Solas!" AKA: Red Dwarf VII, Red Dwarf X, Red Dwarf, A Nave Vermelha. View of space. Chris Barrie (Rimmer), Craig Charles (Lister), Danny John-Jules (Cat), Hattie Hayridge (Holly), Robert Llewellyn (Kryten), John Docherty (The Inquisitor), Jake Abraham (Second Lister), James Cormack (Thomas Allman) Did You Know? Inquisition Enough Heresy Inquisitor Meme Quotes Tabletop Wargaming Nerdy Gaming Essential T-Shirt . famous quotes from movies, television, literature and celebrities. Yeah, a steaming pile of Hotspur. "Back to Reality" is the sixth and final episode of science fiction sitcom Red Dwarf Series 5, and the 30th in the series' run. I was in love once. The crew are flying along in Starbug when they lose control of the ship. All my life, I have had a reputation for being cold, unfeeling. Genitalia small and inoffensive. Rimmer: Well, he was. Either we persuade him we're not that kinda oceanic salvage vessel, or we scarper pronto. Updated: the best Netflix shows you should be watching - including Bridgerton. S-E-X, I think I found it! Kryten : Perhaps only if he attempted to break his programming and conduct his life according to a set of values he arrived at independently. “Step up to red alert. Hey, man. The Inquisitor: Season 5, Episode 2 Airdate: February 27, 1992 Written by: Rob Grant, Doug Naylor: Directed by : Juliet May ← 5x01 Holoship: 5x03 → Terrorform: Red Dwarf — Season Five: The Inquisitor is the second episode of the fifth season of Red Dwarf, and the twenty-sixth episode overall. Companion falls 1. [Cat finds Lister unconscious on the floor.] Inquisitor Kryten : Do you wish to be erased? Only a yogurt! Your life and all memory of you will be wiped from history. UPDATED: The best shows on Amazon Prime to watch. Smegging Difficult Quotes Quiz. The only thing that can kill a vindaloo! Lister: It'll make him look more realistic, it'll look like he's got dysentery. And neither are you. "Better dead than smeg!" How come you need more memory? 4. He was totally naked except for a pair of mock-leather driving gloves and some blue swimming goggles. 30:48. Mister ED . "I'm falling back!" TV. Red Dwarf - Quotes : Interesting Facts This category is for questions and answers related to 'Red Dwarf' - Quotes, as asked by users of FunTrivia.com. Low health 1. ", Arnold Rimmer, Technician, 2nd Class. Kryten : The rules are yours, not mine. People said, no, Holly, she's not for you. Red Dwarf Extras Season 05 Extra 14 - The FX of Red Dwarf V. Mister ED. I wonder why you do.
. It was written by Rob Grant & Doug Naylor, and directed by Juliet May & Grant Naylor. Rimmer: We’re in big trouble! Search. Menu. Goodbye!" It was first broadcast on the British television channel BBC2 on 26 March 1992, written by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor and directed by Juliet May and Grant Naylor. The Inquisitor gets free once more, but Lister is able to knock him out, and drags him to one of Red Dwarf's cargo bays, hanging him on a chain. Red Dwarf is almost the dictionary definition of a cult classic. Cat: Maybe you can stick a spike in your head and pretend you're the Taj Mahal! 2. https://www.shortlist.com/news/50-best-quotes-from-red-dwarf Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Nintendo Switch Game, 9. 2. Movies. ". Of no value or interest. By pixeptional. Promotion prospects: zero. "Back me up!" Search for: Close search. Rimmer: It feels sick? … Argos Home 4 Burner Gas BBQ with Side Burner. "Die!" Promotion prospects: comical.". Cat: Now there is an invitation that will NOT cause a stampede. We'd better get a job. Your middle name is Judas but you tell everyone that it's Jonathan. The Inquisitor roams through Time weeding out life's wastrels and deleting the worthless - the Red Dwarf crew are in big, big trouble. Get real man. Created by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor, and featuring the acting talent of Chris Barrie, Craig Charles, Danny John-Jules, Robert Llewellyn, Chloë Annett, Norman Lovett and Hattie Hayridge, the show has created a host of truly memorable storylines, episodes and - of course - some great lines. However it was decided this was not the stuff of campfire horror stories it was intended to be and so was dropped, leaving an air of mystery around the character. “It’s too small for a vessel, maybe some kind of missile. "You ever see a cat return a stick? Who allowed this man, this pathetic man, this man who could not outwit a used teabag, to be in a position where he might endanger the entire crew? That's a load of Tottenham, that is. Great Netflix treasures that have gone under the radar. 4. He had long hair and he didn't have a job. Epideme: So you can appreciate killing you ain't exactly a career highlight. Last time we met I was wearing a cute little black number with peach trim and gold spangles, and although it looks like I'm wearing the same outfit today, it is in fact an entirely different cute little black number, with completely different gold spangles! Companion injured 1. What's on TV & Streaming What's on TV & Streaming Top Rated Shows … (Iron Bull)"Bull!" And the moral of the story; appreciate what you've got, because basically, I'm fantastic! 29:07. Rimmer, real dumplings, proper dumplings when they are properly cooked to perfection, proper dumplings should not bounce! in Movie Quotes. What do you think? The Inquisitor: Justify your existence. ”. Red Dwarf Extras Season 08 Extra 02 - Comedy Connections - Red Dwarf Special. Red Dwarf: The Inquisitor May 19, 2009 Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; Just a short one to start off with, as I need to do some work :). Red Dwarf Stasis Leak Script, Images, and Quotes . We all feel a little peckish after making love, but most of us settle for pizza. But what jobs are there in a backwards reality for a dead hologram and an android with a head shaped like a novelty condom? 25:30. Movies. in Literary Quotes. Pub." "The Inquisitor" is the second episode of science fiction sitcom Red Dwarf Series V and the twenty sixth in the series run. 3. The player begins by selecting a gender, race (human, elf, dwarf or Qunari), voice set, and class (warrior, rogue or mage) for the Inquisitor. I wonder why you do. 3. Kryten: This is the inquisitor. (Varric)"Stay with me, Varric!" Red Dwarf, Series V Red Dwarf (1988 - 1999, 2009 - ) is a BBC Sci-Fi/Comedy television show set on a fictional mining spaceship, the Red Dwarf of the show's title, … A Sinclair ZX81. "Let's at least ask someone who's at least going to give us a slightly more intelligent opinion. RED DWARF Series II Episode 4, “Stasis Leak” – Here’s the full episode along with quotes and images from Red Dwarf Stasis Leak. Now kindly cluck off, before I extract your giblets, and shove a large seasoned onion between the lips you never kiss with.”, "Call it extreme if you like, but I propose we hit it hard and hit it fast with a major - and I mean major - leaflet campaign. He prunes away the wastrels,expunges the wretched, and deletes the worthless. Not gonna catch you now, are they? "One down!" "Solas needs help!" Select one answer for each question, then hand your results in to Holly for your score! 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