Skip to main content BROWSE MUSIC. The first time I used this I was knocked out completely and entered a very deep sleep! I just can't get enough of the sound of the rain hitting the tent roof! ● This generator is by far my favorite! It reminds me of going camping in the summers. ● It has kind of a sad vibe but it helps me study. I hope other people like my settings. This website is absolutely amazing! I'm an insomniac, so it helps me very much with sleep. One of my fav generators on here. ● ● This generator gives me soft tingles from time to time while I study, it feels incredibly good! ● ● Really makes me feel like I'm there. ● ● ● HOW TO USE: To Get Started: Say "Alexa open Rain On A Tent". This helps calm me down whenever I get too overwhelmed. ● And when paired with nature noises and/or fireplace it really helps me feel at peace. It's ok you are safe with me so come take my hand. Stream ad-free with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. I love this one! This feels nice. Rain pitter-pattering on the tent roof you cuddle over to your companion and drift into deep wholesome sleep warm and safe from the storm, letting it calm and relax you. Helps me get some restful sleep and helps me during high anxiety and panic attacks. EUR 8.99 buy . Heavy Rain On Tent Sounds | Black Screen, Fall Asleep Faster, Relax, ,... in 2020 | Rain on tent ... 1280 x 720 jpeg 311kB. ● This puts my mind at ease after a long day and get ready to introspect and/or sleep. This generator gives me soft tingles from time to time while I study, it feels incredibly good! It also helps to keep things in perspective, reminding us that sometimes, the real comfort can be as simple as having shelter for the night, especially when it starts to rain! I advise anyone reading this to check out the rest of the sampled sounds on the website - I shall also be making a donation on account of how much I love this particular sample. My room is at the front of my house, on the top floor, so when it rains in winter/spring it sounds like a surround-sound version of this, and it's so relaxing. ● ● Bad weather sounds with lightning striking and roaring thunder, while raindrops are falling in the tent. Excellent concentration during work with earphones! Listen to this w/Jungle life and turn up the frog filter. Relaxing noises for falling asleep faster at night This particular sound will bring back memories for many who used to go camping as children. My listening nook can parse out suboptimal sources -- that's NOT the case with mynoise dot net. I listen to it with Irish Coast; love the combo! Thank you so much! I am obsessed with listening to rain as I find it soothing and often helps me not murder people nearby eating too loud :) So I have tried hundreds of simulators - this is Superior in every way. Listen to this w/Jungle life and turn up the frog filter. Amb, Night, Int, Rain, Tent, Thunder, Drops, Rumble, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 2, Rain, On Canvas Tent, Birds, Recorded From Outside, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 13, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 8, Rain, On Canvas Tent, Starts, Constant, Stops, Recorded From Inside, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 1, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 7, Rain Drops Intensively Drumming On The Camping Tent 4, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 14, Ambience, Interior, Tent, Light, Rain, Drops, Crow, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 3, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 16, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 11, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 15, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 6, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 12, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 9, Rain Drops Intensively Drumming On The Camping Tent 2, Rain Rain Light Rain Interior Close Up Light Rain On Canvas Nice Tent Feel. You are lying under a tarp tent, listening to the rain gently fall overhead as the rain falls from the sky, drips off of trees above, and lands on your tent. Relax your body & mind with the beautiful high quality rain sounds. > Load The noise relaxes me so much! I paid both for the full iOS version and donated a token to this website. I love this website so much. My primary go-to file is "Rain On A Tent". ● My angel don't you cry. ● Adjust sliders to taste. It helps me zleeep. This website and the app are my saving grace so I don't have to run the shower to produce this soothing sound. I have ADHD btw. ● I love opening the window on rainy days while they're playing as well. Helps me study a lot! ● Ever since discovering this lovely website, I have had rain on a tent + white rain combined every single night while I sleep. Pure bliss. Really makes me feel like I'm there. It had rained in the night, and it was cold and wet and miserable, but I slept through it all because of the sound of the rain on the tent. Thank you! The gentle variation in rhythm and pitch of the drops hitting a small space inside the canvas hides me from those who would harm me. Stéphane Pigeon! My listening nook can parse out suboptimal sources -- that's NOT the case with mynoise dot net. A LOT. With this rain sounds, our productivity rate has increased approximately 23%. ● © 2013-2021 Dr. Ir. 16 tracks (49:10). Thanks a ton for all the work that you put into this site! Faster •
Stream Tracks and Playlists from Rain On A Tent on your desktop or mobile device. This is my fav generator on this app. I love this website so much. I'm obsessed with storms and rain and it just calms me down, so this sound is really helping me study right now. This noise helps me sleep on days my parents are fighting. Play on Spotify Great for falling asleep. I really enjoy it, lol may be I'll sleep in a real tent one day. ● ● Perfect for sleep when imagining rain out of my bedroom window. And together we say goodnight. No regrets. Love it combined with Japanese Garden. This includes the use of personal data and cookies to enhance site usage and enable personalized ads. <3. I have memories of sitting on my covered back porch, listening to the rain and enjoying the cool breeze it brought along. The rain used to scare me at night but now it's very peaceful. ● This particular sound takes me somewhere so soothing. I use it to read books with some soundtrack. Listen free to Rain Sounds – Rain On A Tent (Rain on a Tent, Caught In The Storm and more). Great when paired with outdoor atmospherics, like Meadow Land or Primeval Forest. The Rain on your Tent, without the Damp Shirt. ● Pink • I'm an anxiety-ridden boy and this helps me sleep. I love ambient sounds and noises. I like the white noise with just a little gentle pitter-patter of rain on the tent. Listen to Sleeping in a Tent by Rain Sounds,Sleep Sounds of Nature,Spa - 15 Rain Sounds: Sleep, Meditate, Study, Relax or Chillout. I can just pretend I'm somewhere else or write a story without distraction :D. The internet is full of rain recordings and white noise generators but nothing comes close to the quality of Dr. Stphane Pigeon's gorgeous soundscapes that can be customized to your sound system and your ears. I love opening the window on rainy days while they're playing as well. ● ● I've always been restless but this noise really helped! Listen to my lullaby. If he is whining and a bother, within 1-3 minutes he will settle and lay down unless he needs something else. I paid both for the full iOS version and donated a token to this website. Speech Blocker EMUSIC TOKEN. Thanks very much. If he is whining and a bother, within 1-3 minutes he will settle and lay down unless he needs something else. Saves my water bill too. I use it for sleep, but it also helps my mind relax so that I can immerse myself in novels easier! I hope other people like my settings. It's time to say good night. Truly relaxing. You can even customize the sounds as you like! ● Working in an open office, this is the perfect undisturbing, noise cancelling and peaceful backdrop! ● Disconnecting from technology, reconnecting with nature and friends and resetting my circadian rhythm. Very nice ambiance, really helps me focus when I need to. ● In the summer, I miss it greatly, and I found this soundscape recently, and I love it! I'm obsessed with storms and rain and it just calms me down, so this sound is really helping me study right now. 8kHz, ℗
● S. Pigeon • myNoise bvba, Help keep this website running without ads, with. Rain On Tent Sounds QUIET ZONE. Thank you for giving me somewhere calm to settle my mind. A
Thank you so much! Tibetan Tent Rain is a popular song by Rain Sounds & Tent Rain Atmosphere | Create your own TikTok videos with the Tibetan Tent Rain song and explore 0 videos made by new and popular creators. Read about Rain on the Tent from Rain Sounds's Downpours and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. What is more relaxing than when camping and the gentle rain falls onto your tent. Especially love that it's adjustable to make it exactly what I want to hear at any given time. Especially love that it's adjustable to make it exactly what I want to hear at any given time. Frankly, I've had a terrible day, but this mix made it just a little better. Deezer: free music streaming. Royalty free stock sound clip for personal, commercial, production use Heavy rain recorded from inside tent, driving rain in slight swells falling on canvas.. 1:10 / 11.8 MB / $4. Whenever I travel it's always a little hard to fall asleep at the end of the night in a completely different hotel but when I play the rain sounds it really helps me relax and fall asleep. I love you Dr. Ir. Using for homework - I love the sound of rain but it doesn't rain much where I live, so thank you. ● The sound of rain helps me focus on my work. Thank you so much. A desolate but beautiful place, we had set up a tent for the night in a dark corner of the countryside and these rain sounds bring me right back like I was there. Hard to say (it won't hurt you). ● Sleeping will hopefully be easier with this in my ears! Best rain simulation I've ever found. Thank you! This has become one of my go-to noises for going to sleep. Apply Calibration Ultra • ←. This is helping me chill out in between naps. Hear me call to you. Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 4, Light Rain In Forest From Inside Tent Perspective - Rain Subsides Gradually, Rain Drops Intensively Drumming On The Camping Tent 3, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 10, Rain Drops Drizzling On The Camping Tent 5, Rain Drops Intensively Drumming On The Camping Tent 1, Rain Drops Intensively Drumming On The Camping Tent 5. It's like instant travel to the simple joys in youth and the most serene introspection in adulthood. Just found the site, and tried the Rain on a Tent during a terrible ADHD episode: mind starts showing lots of random images, like a crazy videoclip I did not want to watch. It's really helpful for reading. Thanks a ton for all the work that you put into this site! A desolate but beautiful place, we had set up a tent for the night in a dark corner of the countryside and these rain sounds bring me right back like I was there. ● I have ADHD and this helps a lot. It really helps me relax if I’m feeling anxious, or perhaps concentrate if I need to do a project. Love love loooove this generator. Share. ● <3 Thank you, Stphane. This helps calm me down whenever I get too overwhelmed. It brings me back to when I was is girl scouts and we went camping and I prayed for rain and God heard my voice and maid it rain. Now I just click on Rain on a Tent and calibrate and I'm right there, back in my tent. I am a student at One School and I am at that age where work starts getting marked (Excellence, Merit and N) My friend noticed me falling behind and asked me to try out this website. ← →
White • Truly relaxing. This sound alone eases away stress and makes everything outside look more calm and quiet. Hard to say (it won't hurt you). Just feels so at home. Download Rain on a Tent Relaxing Rain Sounds by Rain Sounds Dreamer | eMusic Thank you! This really helps me get through migraine attacks. I love the nose it makes when the rain hits the tent. ● ● Around 60Hz • Release Date: 2019-06-01 Explicitness: notExplicit Track Count: 26 ℗ 2019 recordJet ● Time to say good night. ● ● It makes me feel like I'm in the middle of a forest, camping, with only the rain and the moon as my company. I have never slept better in my entire life. On first listen, Rain On A Tent has cured my PTSD fear of going to bed/to sleep. It's very calming and the splatter onto the tent sounds really nice! This particular generator, along with the bamboo chime one, got me through college with undiagnosed ADHD. This was great. ● You can't imagine how grateful I am! PLUS: when the signal's fed from my ChromeOS >>> DAC >>> tube headamp >>> HD650 headphones, it's a sureal experience. ● I love having this bring me down from any anxiety issues or having it sooth me as I do typing work. Songs; Next. Rain on a Tent might be my all time favorite and it works incredibly well with Jungle Life and Chapel Voices. I have tinnitus and this sound really helps me cover my specific pitch! B
I loved the rain sounds, reminds me of the summer I spent in a broken down van in Anchorage, Alaska. Sign Up Sign In Hi, Member since Balance Plan: … ● Ever since discovering this lovely website, I have had rain on a tent + white rain combined every single night while I sleep. This is a list of fixed and consistent categories for classifying sound effects. I love this one with the fireplace. It's like settling to sleep in a cluttered horse-pulled wagon on the way to the next fair. Download our mobile app now. I use this generator with Hurricane Irma and White Noise when I work. This website and the app are my saving grace so I don't have to run the shower to produce this soothing sound. ● I call forth the ocean to set you free. This on animate, Saharan Caravan on Convoy and low Wooden Chimes, and I'm transported into my own magical world. You can't imagine how grateful I am! ● Pity. I have never slept better in my entire life. Look for our other high quality sounds in the Skill Store. It's ok you are safe with me so come take my hand. Relaxing. I use it for sleep, but it also helps my mind relax so that I can immerse myself in novels easier! Come and stay with me.
Good for falling asleep in unfamiliar places. Calibration is unique to this website, and can be used to compensate for your own hearing, audio equipment, and listening environment deficiencies: follow our Calibration Procedure once, then access Your Hearing Curve from the right column. I love you Dr. Ir. This, along with the cold winter air, and the soft glow of a salt lamp brings me to a world of calm. Thank you! Each slider controls a particular frequency band, from the lowest to the highest frequency. I often have the slider settings on 'subtle' so the sound is reasonably consistent throughout. Let us leave this land. This amazing, I have it when it closes you can here heavy rain but when it a distance, it sounds like it light. ● Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at i can sleep now. The only other online meditation-based program that's better is Headspace. I'd argue my streams are audiophile quality! My room is at the front of my house, on the top floor, so when it rains in winter/spring it sounds like a surround-sound version of this, and it's so relaxing. One of my fav generators on here. Medium rain and small storm in a tent. Thank you so much. ●
Saves my water bill too. ● This is my fav generator on this app. I listen to it to help with writing, and when school starts, I will definitely use this! Frankly, I've had a terrible day, but this mix made it just a little better. Listen to Rain On A Tent | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.. Berlin. It's time to say good night. This is amazing and soothing. This is incredible for blocking out my neighbor's constantly barking dog, thank you! Hear me call to you. The UI sliders allow me to alter frequencies to mask the tinitus plaguing my right ear. I often have the slider settings on 'subtle' so the sound is reasonably consistent throughout. I don't go camping, but I love the sound of falling water. ● Calming and noise cancelling at the same time! Goodness, this is so shooting, it helps me sleep when I'm feeling restless and anxious. Simply brilliant. At first I thought: ok that's not gonna work, I’m listening to ambient noises about 4 years now and I can see the difference! ● I don't go camping, but I love the sound of falling water. I have a distinct memory of a camping trip from my childhood. ● For sleep, for focus, for ADHD.
This feels nice. This noise really helps me to sleep at night. From the rumble of thunder to the soft pitter-patter of the rain. Great when paired with outdoor atmospherics, like Meadow Land or Primeval Forest. Published on 13.01.2021. Even now, on proper meds, this is so incredibly soothing I keep coming back when I write. This puts my mind at ease after a long day and get ready to introspect and/or sleep. A LOT. This one helps me so much to focus during work, excellent! So calming and soothing. I have ADHD btw. This particular generator, along with the bamboo chime one, got me through college with undiagnosed ADHD. The way I can make such peaceful and relaxing sounds is great! ℗ Order as an Audio file. I couldn't relax for the life of me while I had the stomach flu. I can just pretend I'm somewhere else or write a story without distraction :D S. Pigeon! ● This amazing, I have it when it closes you can here heavy rain but when it a distance, it sounds like it light. Listen to the relaxing ambience of rain drops falling on a canvas tent. Brilliant. I'd argue my streams are audiophile quality! As someone with ADHD it helps me focus and reminds me of the cozy sounds of Oregon rain. <3. This mixed with Duduk Song is incredible. ● Just need to add the sound of the truck stop crapper and it is like I never left. One of my favourite sounds to help me sleep. Thank you for your amazing work! Love camping in the rain. This sound profile calms my anxiety while allowing me to focus. 21 Followers. Thank you so so so much Dr. Ir. Thank you, god bless. Even now, on proper meds, this is so incredibly soothing I keep coming back when I write. →
i thik grey noise is the best. Discover more than 56 million tracks, create your own playlists, and share your favourite tracks with your friends. Disconnecting from technology, reconnecting with nature and friends and resetting my circadian rhythm. By clicking I AGREE, you consent to the Pond5 Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. As a sound designer, I find the ability to dial in exactly how to tune out the world extremely satisfying. Tip : click the blue dots to load their associated settings. I am a student at One School and I am at that age where work starts getting marked (Excellence, Merit and N) My friend noticed me falling behind and asked me to try out this website. The sound of rain is one of the most relaxing sounds in existence. The sound helps. MINUS: the AndroidOS app isn't stable. Deep in the blue sea. PLUS: when the signal's fed from my ChromeOS >>> DAC >>> tube headamp >>> HD650 headphones, it's a sureal experience. Listen to your favorite songs from Rain on a Tent by Various Artists & Rain Sounds Now. This is legit so peaceful an relaxing. Perfect for sleep when imagining rain out of my bedroom window. Nostalgia of holidays in a caravan with an outer tent. ● I love the nose it makes when the rain hits the tent. ● ● ● The sound of rain is great for helping one to fall asleep and for covering background noises. This particular sound will bring back memories for many who used to go camping as children. Sound of raindrops on rooftop. Thank you for giving me somewhere calm to settle my mind. Perfect ASMR by nature. By default, the sound will loop automatically and play until you say "Alexa, Stop". It's cozy, soothing, realistic. Love love loooove this generator. Deep in the blue sea. This rain sound never fails to help me sleep at night. The only other online meditation-based program that's better is Headspace. It helps me and Abby sleep every night. At first I thought: ok that's not gonna work, I’m listening to ambient noises about 4 years now and I can see the difference! This mixed with Duduk Song is incredible. If it’s just on and off showers then wearing a pair of quick drying hiking pants … Reminds me of when I visited the Falkland Isles after the war. ● 250Hz • The rain used to scare me at night but now it's very peaceful. I loved the rain sounds, reminds me of the summer I spent in a broken down van in Anchorage, Alaska. It helps a lot for studies. ● I love this one with the fireplace. ● It helps me focus on work and is relaxing to no end. It's very calming and the splatter onto the tent sounds really nice! I have ADHD and this helps a lot. Haven’t felt fine in a while now... :). Thank you so so so much Dr. Ir. So comforting. Now I just click on Rain on a Tent and calibrate and I'm right there, back in my tent. Sleeping will hopefully be easier with this in my ears! Ambience, Interior, Tent, Rain, Night, Camping, Site, Rain, On Canvas Tent, Cu, Recorded From Inside, Need help? Anxiety while allowing me to alter frequencies to mask undesirable noises, focus and reminds me the... Much to focus or calming beach to the next fair 's amazing will definitely use generator. Tent, without the Damp Shirt I had the stomach flu 3 most extreme slides! ● on first listen, rain on rain sounds in a tent by rain sounds now noise levels to while... Rain sound never fails to help with writing, and I love the sound of water! - very excited about that he will settle and lay down unless he something. Falling asleep, studying, meditating, focus and many other activities you like thunderstorm, gentle or... Me and Abby sleep every night generator gives me soft tingles from time to time while had. For relaxation or sleeping lol may be I 'll sleep in a cluttered horse-pulled wagon on the sounds. 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