I've searched a bunch and can't figure it out. Ivalice SE is a Save game-memory editor for Final Fantasy XII. So ALL support copy protection. The PCSX2 … Step 8 – Now Your Saved Game File is successfully Imported in PCSX2 (PS2 Emulator). I would just need a USB stick and a memory card, right? Notify me about new: Guides. Sorry). Now Playing. Now Playing. Q&A. However, unlike game saves, savestates are extremely exact: if you create a savestate for game X, you can only load that savestate for that exact game X: Complete list of demos and tool discs on one page, https://wiki.pcsx2.net/index.php?title=Savestate&oldid=94112, Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike. 22 Evil Wrestlers CAWs For WWE SmackDown vs RAW. Archive: Subcategories: 28: Files: 79: Old stable and beta releases for Windows, Linux and Mac including plugins. More. I've searched a bunch and can't figure it out. About WWE SmackDown! Warning: All builds in this section are deprecated and no … Click on "Save" in the right (NOTE: If it doesn't say "Save", then that means they don't have the save file. Questions. Version: NTSC UC Filesize: 682.71 KB Added: Thu. Would it go directly under sstates folder or memcards folder or do I need to convert it or what? To work on Windows 7, some extra DLL and OCX files are needed, which you can find in the tool's thread below Sponsored links Download File. Wish List. PCSX2 MEMORY CARD SAVE FILE ARCHIVES SECTION PCSX2 Save File Collection Memory Card 1 Contents 1. Wish List. Please help! NTSC (North American version) PlayStation2 CodeBreaker Save (North America) From igor36 (10/18/2011; … with all ... (I'm looking for a .ps2 file or other file i can play on pcsx2.0.96..or just file i .... Naruto shippuden … I was checking out the compatibility with Ace Combat 5 and it was still broken. WWE SmackDown Here Comes The Pain PS2 Save Game Files and Memory Cards Download For PlayStation 2 (PS2) and PCSX2 (PS2 Emulator) Download Free WWE SmackDown! Therefore, if you receive a PS2 file, you may need to test for both PCSX2 and Sharkport file types. PCSX2 TEKKEN 5 SAVE. Add this game to my: Favorites. r/PCSX2. Step 6 – If you want to Import PS2 save game file on PCSX2 memory card, Click on Import option. I seache online f or save files and i coundt find anyone (the only one that i fund its like lvl 99 proud mode with all unlock). Savestates can be made at nearly any point in a game even where saving is … save game ini berfungsi untuk pcsx2-r4600. Unlike memcard saves, savestates are "snapshots" of the emulator at the exact moment in time which they were taken. Unlike memcard saves, savestates are "snapshots" of the emulator at the exact moment in time which they were taken. ... Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 All Characters Unlocked 100% Save.... All characters unlocked, history completed 100%, all missions, all acessory unlocked, RPG with sasuke … Made by gothi Issac Ward. 'pnach' patching system that makes it possible to use tricks. PC SaveGame; PS3 SaveGame; PS4 SaveGame; PSP SaveGame; WII Save Game; Xbox 360 SaveGame; Xbox One SaveGame; PC SaveGame; PS3 SaveGame; PS4 SaveGame; PSP SaveGame; WII Save Game; Xbox 360 SaveGame; Xbox One SaveGame; Save Game Files, Game Saves … Version: NTSC … PlayStation 2 save data files are stored in virtual memory cards (.ps2 file). All characters and modes unlocked. @ElSinGao If You want keep time stamp and have foreign save container, use PS2 Save Converter written by ffgriever to save as PSU. From LuBu1975 (10/10/2009; 1486KB) The hard to find all gold licences and their prize cars 0% races … Step 6 – If you want to Import PS2 save game file on PCSX2 memory card, Click on Import option. 32 Greatest Wrestlers CAWs For WWE SmackDown vs Raw. Memory Card Save File - Soul Calibur II, Soul Calibur III, Tekken 4,5 and more. PlayStation 3 PSP Wii Xbox 360. Description: Everything Unlocked Memory Card Save File For PCSX2 (.ps2) PCSX2 Save File Collection Memory Card 1 Contents Version: NTSC UC Filesize: 3.26 MB Added: Thu. Play Queue. Tekken 5. Report Save. Board. Meteor (JP. (En,Ja) ISO for Sony Playstation 2 PS2. NOTE: Sharkport, a PlayStation 2 accessory, also uses the ".ps2" extension, but for saved games instead of memory card images. 5) Locate your VMC file and right click it. If you are a Gamer and you play PlayStation 2 games on PC using PCSX2 (PS2 Emulator) and you want to know how to import and export PS2 save game files on PCSX2. Add this game to my: Favorites. This page was last edited on 11 October 2019, at 05:39. Place the.psu file onto a USB. Like if I want convert the file to a .max format or … PCSX2; PCSX2 BIOS; PPSSPP; PS2 BIOSes; PS2 ISOs; PS2 Save Game Files; PSP ISOs; ROMs/ISOs; Saved Games; Site Info; Tutorials; WWE SmackDown! Game ID: SCES 51719. Size: Unknown. Step 10 – Browse where you want Export Saved Game File and Click on Save button. SafeROMs November 7, 2020 Comments. Ps2 Bios; How To Make Pnach Files For Pcsx2 ; PS2 BIOS DOWNLOAD ALL IN ONE FILES PACKAGE FOR PCSX2 … Storage – 50MB For PCSX2 Installation. That's it! Step 5 – Browse and open Mcd001.ps2 (Memory Card) file of your PCSX2. Find the game save you want, and click on "Save Game File" (WARNING: Make sure the game save you want is the same region your game is. FFXED is a very powerful save editor for Final Fantasy X, which allows you to edit almost anything in the game including leveling, items, weapons, story progress,celestial weapon requirements and Sponsored links. With this version Tekken 5 … Version 0.8x Download 901302 File Size 131 KB Create Date August 10, 2019 Download The Swiss army knife of saves returns featuring support for even more save types! Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 Save File Pcsx2 All Charactersgolkesl 13 Juillet 2020 Here Comes the Pain is a professional wrestling video game developed by … View Entire Discussion (1 Comments) More posts from the PCSX2 community. A European game save will not work with an North America game.) File: PCSX2 TEKKEN 5 SAVE Rar. Home. … Black – Save Games PlayStation 2 . SafeROMs September 19, 2020 Comments. - PAL PCSX2 Save File Collection Memory.... pls tell me a download site for naruto ultimate ninja 5 eng savegame . Points to the previous savestate slot. Jun 13, 2019 Downloads: 124. The King of Fighters 2006 - Everything Unlocked - NTSC UC 3. PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 emulator, a free program that tries to replicate the PlayStation 2 to enable you to play PS2 games on your PC. Shut Your Mouth Saves; WWE SmackDown! Play Queue. Here Comes The Pain Save Game Files and Memory Cards (Mcd001.ps2) For PlayStation 2 (PS2) and PCSX2 (PS2 Emulator). The standard Playstation 2 memory card has an 8 MB capacity and uses Sony's MagicGate encryption, which is a copy-protection technology introduced by Sony in 1999 as part of the Secure Digital Music Initiative (SDMI) which works by encrypting the content on the device and using MagicGate chips in both the storage device and the reader to enforce control over how files are copied. Added: 3 years ago. Step 1 – Download and Extract myMC Tool.zip file on your PC. PlayStation 2 PS3 Virtual Memory Card Save (ZIP) (North America) From Air1630 (06/28/2008; 111KB) 100% Complete, Everything Unlock, all 6 urns available for Bonus Play, Titan Mode Beat NO UPGRADES!! Here Comes The Pain: WWE SmackDown! Somewhat akin to saved games on a memory card, savestates allow players to save their progress in the games they are playing. All Save game files are tested and ready to download with one click for Free! electronic flash memory data storage device used for storing digital information 6. Well Ive got some … Raw 2011 – Save Games PlayStation 2 . PS2 Save Game Files . All Characters unlocked, Main RPG mode completed. PCSX2 is under the GPL v2/v3 license. 11.7k. ... Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 - (PCSX2 Memory Card Save File). Q&A. So, In this blog i will show you how to import and export PS2 Save game files on PCSX2 (PS2 Emulator) using myMC Tool – a PS2 Memory Card Image Utility. Just Bring It Saves; Xploder; Archives. Based on his work on Apollo and dots_tb’s ps3-psvresigner, bucanero has released PSV-Save-Converter – a Windows command line based tool that’s perfect for batch conversions of your old PS1 & PS2 save files into PSV saves.. 32 Japanese Pro Wrestlers CAWs For WWE SmackDown Shut Your Mouth. Attached Files .rar.... Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 5 - 100% Complete Save Data, All Characters unlocked and at max level, All items and Jutsu unlocked. 100% Story mode. - Guide to pnach files. Also known as Dragon Ball Z: Sparking! Like most emulators, PCSX2 supports the use of savestates. Step 7 – Browse your PS2 Saved Game File and click on Open button. Reviews. SafeROMs October 17, 2020 November 2, 2020 Comments. Pcsx2 Cheat converter is designed to change raw codes into pscx2 patch format and modify and save new pnach files. Tools for the PCSX2 emulator. Jun 13, 2019 Downloads: 198. Trend Micro … GameFAQ Saves to PCSX2 Memory Card's using Mymc … cukup ekstrak file kemudian copy folder.... 5. SafeROMs January 8, 2021 January 10, 2021 Comments. Posts: 10 Threads: 3 Joined: Mar 2010 Reputation: 0 #2. Raw; WWF SmackDown! From tarma040484 (11/23/2007; 9KB) PS3 PAL save for DBZBT3 - 100% Items, all characters, all stages, 7 dragon balls and all character have red potara "fierce god" PlayStation2 CodeBreaker Save (Europe) From ojan00 (11/07/2007; 9KB) All characters, stages and music. 03-26-2010, 02:31 AM . @jolek This is not image, this is container. Exporting is available to individual files (PS2), to AR Max format (PS2), to a single MCS save (PS1) or as a PSV file as used by the PlayStation 3. The savestate slots are game-dependent. While they function exactly as advertised 95% of the time, it's that 5% when they don't which you need to look out for. PCSX2 Minimum System Requirements For PC: Operating System – Windows, Linux OS and macOS. . The following save types are accepted as inputs:.mcs (PS1 PSXGameEdit format).psx (PS1 AR/GS/XP format).cbs (PS2 CodeBreaker) Save your games whenever you want. Top posts july 13th 2015 Top posts of … Select properties. Device – Keyboard and Mouse or Gamepad. SafeROMs … Files: 1: The source code of each PCSX2 release can be found here. Board. Savestates made for the NTSC/PAL release of game will only work for that region! Save data downloaded online can be imported into your memory card image (.ps2) that PCSX2 uses. Each game has its own 10 unique savesate slots, depending on the game's CRC number. I downloaded a PS2 save file converter, but it doesn't open. SafeROMs November 18, 2020 November 18, 2020 Comments. Cheats. SafeROMs November 9, 2020 Comments. Jun 13, 2019 Downloads: 198. Archived downloads of the PCSX2 emulator for Windows, Linux and Mac WWE Smack Down vs RAW - (PCSX2 Memory Card Save File) Description: 100% Everything Unlocked, Max Money, 31 Real Wrestling CAWs and one original, 8 new stables, 6 PPVS, … This will create a.psu file containing the files necessary to create a save file on an actual Playstation 2 memory card. PS2 Save Game Files . Therefore, if you receive a PS2 file, you may need to test it with both Sharkport and PCSX2. Summary; Release Data; Game Credits; Also Playing; Collection Stats; Guides; Q&A; Cheats; Saves; Reviews. PlayStation2 Max Drive Save (Europe) From Sunnyboiiii (07/02/2011; 10KB) 100% … SafeROMs September 19, 2020 Comments. Tools: Subcategories: 4: Files: 19: Here you will find some useful tools (including the BIOS dumper) for usage with PCSX2. The simple goal is to fight the opposing character and to … Tags: PCSX2 TEKKEN 5 SAVE rar Of can still all html, all pcsx. How To Transfer PlayStation 2 (PS2) Save Game Files From PC To Console, How To Play PlayStation 2 (PS2) Games On PC, The ISO Zone 2021 – Download Free ROMs, Emulators and Homebrew For Retro Systems, CoolROM 2021 – Download Free and Play Retro Games On Your Computer or Mobile Device. PlayStation2 Max Drive Save (North America) … In the table below, highlight the save file you wish to transfer and then click export. Points to the next savestate slot. Step 5 – Browse and open Mcd001.ps2 (Memory Card) file of your PCSX2. Add to my Video yang lagi Hebohh. If min 0 is reached, it will loop around to point at slot 9. 74. Created Aug 5, 2012 . Save your current save file as a back up incase anything goes wrong. This guide will also show you how to use CodeBreaker for cheats and import save files into PCSX2. There are 10 savestate slots for a reason, don't be afraid of using all 10 of them. How To Modify CAW Body Part Length In WWE SmackDown Here Comes The Pain. In multidisk games, savestates made in disc 1 are incompatible with savestates from disc 2. FFXED - 0.747 . Run mymc and click the "open" button, navigate to where you're PCSX2 memory card file is and open it. Summary; Release Data; Also Playing; Collection Stats; Game Trivia; Guides; Q&A; Cheats; Saves; … Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Can someone send me a save file from kingdom hearts 2 Final Mix standart mode like mid late game? It comes with features such as cheats, save states, graphical enhancements and more. 32 Fictional Characters CAWs For WWE SmackDown vs Raw. Somewhat akin to saved games on a memory card, savestates allow players to save their progress in the games they are playing. Hey, all pcsx2 users and especially who plays God Of War 2 This a completed memcard save game for God Of War 2 {pal} To avoid being stuck in the game movies and to skip it with out using the skip mpeg skip patch that is not helping pretty much i think so here Download radiant defense full version I mention save transferring in the OP, though it assumes you either. Step 4 – Click on Open option. Step 9 – If you want to Export Saved Game File from PCSX2, Select any one Save File then Click on Export button. Reviews. Somewhat akin to saved games on a memory card, savestates allow players to save their progress in the games they are playing. Please help! Both MAX Drive and EMS (.psu) save files are fully supported, however save files in the SharkPort/X-Port and Code Breaker formats can only be imported and not exported. Is it possible for me to convert Sharkport 2 (.sps.) vs. PCSX2 is a program that requires important resources … Want to play the exclusive Powerplant level without having to play through the first 5 levels of the game when I've beaten the game a dozen times on Xbox. 17 British Professional Wrestlers … PCSX2 is a PS2 or PlayStation 2 emulator that can play PS2 games on a computer, because it is open-source based, it can be downloaded for free and is supported in … PS2 Save Game Files . If max 9 is reached, it will loop back to point at slot 0. Smack Down VS RAW 2006 (NTSC UC) - Everything Unlocked PCSX2 Save File Collection Memory Card 2 Contents. WWE SmackDown Shut Your Mouth PS2 Save Game Files. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Edit the extension from .vmc to .ps2. Online. 32 80’s Wrestlers CAWs For WWE SmackDown vs Raw. PlayStation 2 PS3 Virtual Memory Card Save (ZIP) (Europe) From solidfranz (08/08/2008; 1486KB) 100% complete. The King of Fighters - Maximum Impact - Everything Unlocked - NTSC UC 4. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Xbox Xbox One. Download the latest ps2 emulator for computers for free, with the help of pcsx2 + bios you can play all PS2 games on your pc. Just click download title, then click download now button or copy download link to browser and … Version 0.8x Download 901302 File Size 131 KB Create Date August 10, 2019 Download The Swiss army knife of saves returns featuring support for even more save types! The following save types are accepted as inputs:.mcs (PS1 PSXGameEdit format).psx (PS1 AR/GS/XP format).cbs (PS2 CodeBreaker) Naruto Ultimate Ninja 5 save game all character unlocked. Greg Campbell CAW For WWE SmackDown vs Raw. How do I use this .cbs save game file (100% on Splinter Cell) with PCSX2? PCSX2 uses the .P2S extension for saves. Here's a couple of examples using each format: c:\mymc\mymc c:\pcsx2\memcards\Mcd001.ps2 import BASLUS-20035.psu c:\mymc\mymc c:\pcsx2\memcards\Mcd001.ps2 import 20062_3583_GTA3.max ADVANCED NOTES ===== - … And when you run out of slots but still want to keep the existing 10 savestates, you can simply cut-paste the savestate folder somewhere safe, leaving you 10 free slots again. Posted August 29, 2020 at 07:04 | Permalink. The all easily save facebook tells google, a of all to evernote, error jan web Apr 3, 2. Use PlayStation gamepads compatible with your PC. Using savestates. Download myMC Tool → Click Here To Download. Save Game Files, Save Game Downlaods. Savestates are not 100% reliable. Format Memory Card (Optional: if needed) Launch PCSX2; From the top menu, select [CDVD]-> [No Disc] Then select [System]-> [Run BIOS] From the PS2 System Menu, select [Browser] Select your memory card then select [Yes] to format the … ALL save containers support ALL file attributes from mcfs. I was able to use my English VME files on an English ISO but not a Japanese ISO. Default is slot 0. 32 Pro Wrestlers and … Marvel Nemesis - Rise of The Imperfects - Game Completed … saves to a different format using the save converter? . GPU – Any That Supports Pixel Shader Model 2.0 Version. Final Fantasy XII (NTSC UC) - Start at the rogue tomato hunt chapter with all weapons,armor,and accessories. WWE SmackDown vs.. WWE SmackDown! Jun 13, 2019 Downloads: 123. Loads the savestate from the current slot. Description: 100% Everything Unlocked Memory Card Save File For PCSX2 (.ps2) PCSX2 Save File Collection Memory Card 1 Contents Version: NTSC UC Filesize: 666.21 KB Added: Thu. Default is slot 0. The save file type is auto-detected, so you don't need use an "-m" option with MAX Drive saves. Step 3 – Open mymc.exe file. AR Max, CodeBreaker, nPort, XPort, Sharkport, this program supports them all and more. The saves are in pcsx2 memory card located either in the pcsx2 directory in folder named memcards and inside the files Mcd001.ps2 and Mcd002.ps2 or in My Documents in the memcards folder . Version 1.3 Download 234521 File Size 1.1 MB Create Date August 10, 2019 Download PSV Exporter allows you to import PSV files (PS1 & PS2 saves created by the PlayStation 3), AR Max Saves (PS2) and MCS files (PS1). - PAL. More. Description: Save File Collection Memory Card Save File For PCSX2 (.ps2) PCSX2 Save File Collection Memory Card 1 Contents Version: NTSC UC Filesize: 791.03 KB Added: Thu. Its main purpose is to allow save games to be imported and exported to and from these images. In addition to … Like most emulators, PCSX2 supports the use of savestates. Use HD video recording to record your games by means of a GSdx plug-in. i7 4771 3.5Ghz,GTX750TI,16GB RAM MSI GE72VR 6RF,6700HQ,GTX1060,16GB RAM. How do I use this .cbs save game file (100% on Splinter Cell) with PCSX2? Due to utilising executable packing PS2 Save Builder has been flagged by some anti virus products as … Guides. A Pcsx2 That Has Bios Plugins Download fresh windows warez idm adobe avast crack keygen nero facebook. PAL PCSX2 Save File Collection Memory Card 1 Contents. Find. Raiders of the lost hardware. I tried putting it inside memcards folder, but it didn't work so I guess it isn't supposed to work that way.. CPU – Pentium 4 or High. Registered. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 delivers an extreme 3D fighting. Guides. Step 2 – Open Extracted myMC Tool folder. Digimon Rumble Arena 2 - 100% Everything Unlocked - NTSC UC 2. S Rank on all stages. However, the Sharkport and PCSX2 ".ps2" formats are not compatible with each other. The player does not need to find a game save point or wait for a lull in the action - a single hotkey press is all it takes to trigger the creation of a savestate. y2kz Newbie. Members. Notify me about new: Guides. Reader Reviews; Critic Reviews; … 32 Cruiserweight Wrestlers CAWs For WWE SmackDown Shut Your Mouth. Download myMC – a PS2 Memory Card Image Utility Tool. SafeROMs November 7, 2020 Comments. Home. Want to reminisce playing old games, of course now is the time to play again. Results for tekken. Download Name: ... Category: PlayStation 2 PS2 Memory Card Save Files (Emulator).. Can someone give me a naruto Ultimate Ninja 5 save file ? (USA) … SafeROMs November 7, 2020 Comments. PCSX2's currently supported savestate version is displayed in the console after launching the emulator. Step 11 – Now your Saved Game File Successfully Exported, Enjoy. Savestates can be made at nearly any point in a game even where saving is traditionally unavailable, like during cutscenes, in the middle of a battle in progress, etc. How To Use mymc, a PS2 Memory Card Image Utility. PCSX2 TEKKEN 5 SAVE is hosted at free file sharing service 4shared. Now if I use either the PS2 Save Builder, the PSV Exporter and/or the PS2 Save converter for the files, they will be usable correct? PCSX2 uses .P2S files for saved states (or files without an extension in earlier versions of the software).. RAM – 512MB or More. Savestates will only work a specific version of PCSX2, check the chart below for compatibility with older savestates. Now you can select this ps2 file as a memory card for pcsx2 and load the saves provided that you have the proper iso for the game. race 2 subtitle indonesia 3gp dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3 pcsx2 save game. Cheats. Want to play the exclusive Powerplant level without having to play through the first 5 levels of the game when I've beaten the game a dozen times on Xbox. Description: 100% Everything Unlocked Memory Card Save File For PCSX2 (.ps2) PCSX2 Save File Collection Memory Card 1 Contents Version: NTSC UC Filesize: 666.21 KB Added: Thu. Questions. This convenience is the biggest and most popular reason for using savestates. Where am I supposed to place that save file in the PCSX2 folder? PCSX2 is a free and open-source PS2 emulator for Windows, Linux, and macOS that supports a wide range of PlayStation 2 video games with a high level of compatibility and functionality. Games ‹ Download dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3 save file probook 4530s. AR Max, CodeBreaker, nPort, XPort, Sharkport, this program supports them all and more. From smajere (07/04/2010; 1486KB) All Licenses complete w/ 15 license prize cars, $110k, 0.0% Completion. WWE SmackDown vs. This file describes mymc, a utility for manipulating PlayStation 2 memory card images as used by the emulator PCSX2. Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix Save File Pcsx2 Download 2016 January 24 2019 Here you can download kingdom hearts 2 iso pcsx2 rar Shared files found Uploaded on TraDownload and all major free file sharing websites like 4shared.com, uploaded.to, mediafire.com and many others. Sharkport PS2 files can be converted to other PlayStation 2 save formats using PS2 Save Builder. PCSX2 emulator is praised for its compatibility with the majority of PS2 games and great performance owing to its long lifespan of development. From swebarb (12/13/2007; 1486KB) Gran Turismo 4 100% complete save. Thanks. Reply. PCSX2 forums; Download links; Tools. Includes a frame limiter to launch games at higher or lower speed. Day 2129, 257 cars avaliable in garage, all special black cars purchased. Jun 13, 2019 Downloads: 15 Based on his work on Apollo and dots_tb’s ps3-psvresigner, bucanero has released PSV-Save-Converter – a Windows command line based tool that’s perfect for batch conversions of your old PS1 & PS2 save files into PSV saves.. NO cheats used. Like most emulators, PCSX2 supports the use of savestates. Continue browsing in r/PCSX2. Learn how to transfer save game files between the PS2 and your computer easily! PlayStation 2 PS3 Virtual Memory Card Save (ZIP) (North America) From Victor_Bless (09/13/2019; 29KB) Save 100% complete, all fighters unlocked, challenges finished with rank S. PlayStation2 CodeBreaker Save (North America) From The Whyte Fox (09/16/2006; 28KB) Game completed 100%. January 2021; December 2020; November 2020; October 2020; … creates a savestate in the current slot. 2. And probably she want use PSU Paste function in uLE. Join. Urban Reign - (PCSX2 Memory Card Save File) Description: Game Completed 100%, All Characters and Modes unlocked, S Rank on all Stages - NTSC UC Memory Card Save File … Step 2 – Open Extracted myMC Tool folder. Size: Unknown. ! Description: This file contains memory card file for epsxe and pcsx2 which contains save file … Jan web Apr 3, 2 at higher or lower speed myMC, a PS2 file. Professional wrestling video game developed by … file: PCSX2 TEKKEN 5 save rar of can still all,... Saved game file successfully Exported, Enjoy Professional Wrestlers … can someone send me save., error jan web Apr 3, 2 Image (.ps2 ) that uses... Budokai tenkaichi 3 delivers an extreme 3D fighting, savestates are `` snapshots '' of the emulator the! Combat 5 and it was still broken browser for the next time I comment the all save... The files necessary to create a save file from PCSX2, Select any one file... 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King of Fighters - Maximum Impact - Everything Unlocked - NTSC UC 2 ’ s Wrestlers for! If min 0 is reached, it will loop back to point at slot 0 … 5 Locate... 2006 - Everything Unlocked - NTSC UC Filesize: 682.71 KB Added: Thu in 1... To PCSX2 memory card, savestates are `` snapshots '' of the emulator at rogue... If min 0 is reached, it will loop around to point at slot 9 to other PlayStation 2.. Xport, Sharkport, this program supports them all and more savesate slots, depending on the game CRC!, the Sharkport and PCSX2 – Now your Saved game file on PCSX2 memory card ) file your. Save games to be imported into your memory card ) file of your PCSX2 Click! ) more posts from the PCSX2 folder Image (.ps2 ) that PCSX2.... Receive a PS2 file, you may need to convert Sharkport 2 (.sps. view Discussion... I comment 0.0 % Completion made in disc 1 are incompatible with savestates from disc 2 savestates made in 1... If I want convert the file to a.max format or … WWE vs! 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