Axiom … One of the best kept secrets in disc in my opinion. 19 reviews for Insanity – Prism Prototype – Special Edition. Pro Beast, Pro Starfire, Pro Rhyno, August 9th - Innova DX RocX3 and XT Darts, August 8th - Galactic Pro SockiBomb Aviars. January 3rd - Innova Champion Lion - New Plastic! For average power throwers the Insanity will be remarkably straight, while high power throwers can execute precise flip and turnover lines with ease. The Insanity is best described as a worn-in MVP Inertia, with slightly more high speed turn and a diminished fade. Streamline Flare - SE, Cosmic, and Stock, MVP - Neutron Entropy - Special Edition Rudolf Clausius, Axiom Prism Plasma Wrath - Special Edition Prototype, April 19th - Jessica Weese Galactic Nexus Big Bead Aviars, Eric McCabe Lucid-X & Moonshine-X Trespass, Paige Pierce Stock Stamp Prime and Classic Blend Burst Deputys, Handeye Supply - First Contact - New Stamp, May 14th - Innova Champion and DX AviarX3, May 15th - Innova Champion Ricky Teebird3, May 20th - First Run and Stock INNfuse Lions, May 22nd - Discmania Eagle McMahon Iron Samurai MD3. January 18th - (DISC)Qualified - AMAZING DYES! January 6th - Maverick Custom Stamped TFR's, January 17th - Discraft Paige Pierce Prototype Putter, January 17th - Paul McBeth 2020 Signature Series 5X Limited Editions, January 17th - Discraft ESP Tour Series Dan Ginnelly Rattler, January 22nd - Always Expanding - New Discraft Stock and Star Wars, January 22nd - Always Expanding - New Prodigy Offerings, January 23rd - Latitude 64 Opto Glimmer Diamonds, January 23rd - Latitude 64 Zero Medium and Hard Keystones, January 23rd - Trilogy Happy Skull Putters, January 29th - Dynamic Discs Lucid Moonshine Glow Freedom, January 30th - Discmania C-Line FD2 First Run and Stock Stamps - 2019 ReTool, February 4th - Prodigy Recent New Releases, February 5th - Kastaplast Lots Fairway Drivers, February 6th - Latitude 64 Gold Line Musket, February 6th - Latitude 64 Gold Line Recoil, February 6th - Latitude 64 Gold Line Burst Pioneer, February 14th - Prodigy FX-2 Fairway Drivers, February 19th - Nikko Locastro 2020 Tour Series Prototypes, February 20th - Latitude 64 First Run Opto Chameleon Sapphire Fairway Driver, February 20th - Latitude 64 Opto-X Glimmer Saint, February 20th - Westside VIP-X Chameleon Destiny, February 21st - MVP Proton Deflector - Stock and Skulboy Special Editions, February 21st - Axiom - Cosmic Neutron Envy - Stock, February 24th - Innova 2020 Lucky DX Classic Aviars, February 24th - Innova 2020 Wysocki Star Destroyers, February 27th - Discmania Dark Maul II C-Line Color Glow PD, February 27th - Dynamic Discs Lucid-X Verdict - Chris Clemons 2020 Team Series, February 27th - Dynamic Discs Lucid-X Warden A.J. For average power throwers the Insanity will be remarkably straight, while high power throwers can execute precise flip and turnover lines with ease. Paired with MVP’s industry leading Eclipse 2.0 glow, this SE is a head turner in both the daylight and the dark (keep an eye out for those ghost foil accents!). Disc List |
Axiom Discs was launched in January 2014 as the more aesthetically and conceptually colorful companion brand to MVP Disc Sports. Prism Insanity: Proton Insanity: The Insanity is the first of our 20mm Distance Driver class for Axiom Discs, complementing the MVP 20mm class. Ständig über 10000 Artikel sofort lieferbar. Electron/Fission plastics will be slightly less stable than displayed ratings. Prism Insanity Oh the Insanity! |
Axiom is produced and distributed by MVP Disc Sports, with unique models based on MVPs signature GYRO Overmold Technology. Axiom Discs Prototype Prism. MVP NEW RELEASE Unboxing - Axiom Envy in Cosmic Electron and Axiom Pyro in Proton Prism - Duration: 8:07. The Insanity is the first of our 20mm Distance Driver class for Axiom Discs, complementing the MVP 20mm class. 11am CST, Latitude 64 Zero Medium Moonshine Keystone Broken Wall Stamp, Dynamic and Westside Limited Edition Geometric Stamps, Dynamic Discs Fuzion-X Defender - Limited Edition Crossed Swords, Dynamic Discs Lucid Raider Handeye Bar Stamp, Dynamic Discs Classic Hard and Lucid Air Emac Truth. Search Terms. March 31st - Discraft Paul McBeth 5X World Champion Signature ESP Buzzz, March 26th - Dynamic Discs Team Series Release, Paige Pierce First Run Discraft Fierce Putter, Dynamic Discs Prime Burst Bottom Stamped Judge, Dynamic Discs Test Plastic Bar Stamped Judge, Dynamic Discs Special Edition Lucid Moonshine Sergeant, March 17th - Nate Sexton 2020 Tour Series Firebirds - Champion Color Glow - The SexyBird, March 12th - Latitude 64 2020 Team Series Release, Albert Tamm 2020 Team Series Opto-X Recoil, Kristin Tattar 2020 Team Series Opto-X Pure, Emerson Keith 2020 Team Series Opto-X Explorer, JohnE McCray 2020 Team Series Opto-X Fuse. Best Choice for: Distance drives, hyzer-flip drives, long turnovers, and tailwind drives. Axiom Cosmic Electrion Envy - Soft, Medium, and Firm, Streamline Stabilizer - Neutron, Cosmic, and Special Editions, August 29th - Chris Disckerson's Signature H3 V2, Dyemaxed Freedom, King, Felon, and Sheriff, August 16th - Axiom Delirium, MVP Volt, Streamline Pilot, Axiom Neutron Delirium - New Mold with Special Edition, Streamline Pilot - Now in Proton with Special Edition John Dorn Surfer. Contact the seller- opens in a new window or tab and request a shipping method to your location. Following the immensely popular limited release at 2018 Amateur World Championships, Axiom’s Prototype Prism Insanity is ready to bend light down fairways this season! Axiom (MVP) Prism Prototype Insanity. 11am CST, December 17th - Innova Holiday Stargate XXL Destroyers, December 7th - Misc New Releases and Special Stamps, December 7th - Discmania Evolution Forge Enigma European Open "The Beast", November 29th - Trilogy Release! 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 ... MVP Project. April 20th - MVP/Axiom/Streamline New Releases, May 2nd - Innova + Discmania New Releases, Lucid Air EMac Truth - Pro Masters Fundraiser Discs, May 18th - Eagle McMahon Crowned Eagle MD3, May 25th - MVP/Axiom/Streamline New Releases, August 31st - Dynamic and Latitude Gold Team Tour Discs, August 29th - Special Edition 2018 Trilogy New Releases, August 29th - Paul McBeth Metal Flake Teebird3, August 8th - 18 Under McPros & Eveliina Salonen, June 29th - Innova Tour Series Philo Destroyer + More, June 29th - Discmania Simon Lizotte Doom Bird II, Nate Perkins C-Line Color Glow FD Nightstrike, S-Line Shimmer FD2 (Retooled) Konopiste Open, June 14th - Hyzerbomb Recon Mortar Big Jerm Edition, November 19th - Innova First Run Luster Savant, Eagle McMahon 2018 National Tour Champion Swirly PD2, Eagle McMahon 2018 Konopiste Open Champion, October 23 - Lizotte Glow MD4 Crescent Falcon II, Leo Piironen 3-Time Finnish Champ D-Line P2, Owl Stamps - Judge, Warden, Deputy, and Marshal, Paige Bjerkaas Fuzion Burst Judge Double Stamp, September 28th - XXL Stamps, Barsby Worlds, and Halloween, Barsby World Champion Bottom Stamped KC Aviar, Fuzion Warden Limited Edition Badge Stamp, Dynamic Discs In-Flight Lightweight Hoodie, November 3rd - Innova 10th Anniversary Destroyers + More, November 18th - Burst Slammer + Warden + Swirly S-Line P1X, November 21st - Trident and River Pro Limited Edition Bursts, December 1st - Discmania Eagle Color Glow MD3 + Fill Order, Prototype Firestorm - Happy Holidays Stamp, Prime Burst Deputy with Paige Pierce Bar Stamp, December 18th - Eagle McMahon Imperial Eagle P-Line Glow P2, October 25th - DZDiscs Spiral Stamps Run 1.1, October 13th - Trilogy - Finnish Stamps + Accessories, Special Limited Edition Paige Pierce 4x World Champion Classic Deputy, BioFuzion Defenders with Paige Pierce Stock Stamp, Des Reading Tour Series Stingrays (New to Us), Paul McBeth Tour Series Champion Metal Flake Teebird3, Doom Bird FD3 - Simon Lizotte Signature Series Swirly S-Line, 2018 PDGA Junior World Championship Discs, August 25th - Paige Pierce BioFuzion Defender Double Stamped, August 18th - Ricky Wysocki 2X Champion Burst Celebration Discs, Innova Champion Manta: Speed 5 Finesse Mid-Range in a New Plastic, Innova DX Leopard3: Speed 7 Fairway Driver. August 1st - Discmania and Evolution Liber-Tee Stamps, August 1st - Discmania Evolution Simon Lizotte Shadow Titan Method, August 1st - Discmania Simon Lizotte Doom Bird III, July 22nd - Nate Sexton Innova Firefly Putter, July 16th - Running of the Bull - Tourney Stamped Trilogy TFR's, Discraft McBeth Proto ESP Anax Overstable Fairway Driver, July 11th - Discmania Active - New Value Brand, July 9th - Trilogy - Beach Party, Blanks, Diamond, Explorer, Destiny, July 3rd 10am - Eagle McMahon Cloud Breakers and Evolution Neo Methods, October 31st - Discmania Apparel Release - 10am CST, October 29th - Innova Champion Luster Aviar3 with 2 Color XXL Torus Stamp, October 25th - Dynamic Discs Lucid-X Suspect Paige Pierce 2019 World Champion. May 22nd - New Tour Series - Ricky Pigs, Koling Thunderbirds, and more! This run of Prototype Prism Insanity will include a wider spectrum of unique color combinations than previously seen in the first prototype run. Lone Raider - Dynamic Discs Fuzion plastic driver, Judgment Day Putter - Dynamic Discs Classic and Prime Burst Judge Putter, Team Guard - Classic Blend Burst Guard by Dynamic Discs, June 25th - Innova Mako3 and Stargate Destroyer. This run of Prototype Prism Insanity will include a wider spectrum of unique color combinations than previously seen in the first prototype run. The Insanity is best described as a worn-in MVP Inertia, with slightly more high speed turn and a diminished fade. Discgolf Scheiben & Zubehör für Beginner bis Profi. Axiom Prism is back with a second prototype run of this experimental plastic with the Special Edition Prototype Prism Proton Insanity! This run of Prototype Prism Insanity will include a wider spectrum of unique color combinations than previously seen in the first prototype run. This disc is slightly less stable than the ultra popular MVP Inertia. This mesmerizing surrealist triple-foil stamp from MVP Art Director ZAM represents a take on age-old wisdom — the eyes are the prism to the soul and this one’s insane. With the Proton core and the Proton rim these Prism discs are pure Insanity =P From MVP/Axiom on this run “Last chance alert! Three New Origio Molds - Harp, Sling, and Tursas! Risley 2020 Team Series, February 27th - Westside Discs VIP-X Fortress - Nikko Locastro 2020 Team Series, January 11th - Discraft PAUL MCBETH Discs. Learn More; Motion. Mvp. For average power throwers this disc will be remarkably straight, while high power throwers can execute precise flip and turnover lines with ease Category List |
Add a review. MVP Special Edition Fission Volt - Skulboy! Streamline. Visit our partner's website for more details. MVP Application Portal MVP Round 1 Recipients MVP Round 2 Recipients MVP … This mesmerizing surrealist triple-foil stamp from MVP Art Director ZAM represents a take on age-old wisdom -- the eyes are the prism to the soul and this one’s insane. Shipping cost cannot be calculated. This run of Prototype Prism Insanity will include a wider spectrum of unique color combinations than previously seen in the first prototype run. August 7th - Innova Champion Lust 30th Anniversary Sharks! Note: All flight ratings are for Neutron/Proton/Plasma plastics. Discover the secrets of glow with the Marie Curie Eclipse 2.0 Reactor SE! Dec 29, 2020 - Prodigy Ace Line M Model US - New Mold! Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. Axiom Discs says this about the Insanity: The Insanity is the first of our 20mm Distance Driver class for Axiom Discs. The Prism Prize Jury Press Gallery Rules & Regulations Videos. The Wrath is an 18.5mm class straight to stable distance driver, known as a more stable compliment to the Insanity. If you're looking for a straight flying GYRO driver with loads of attractive color options, you might as well try Insanity. In dieser Saison entfachst du ein Feuer durch dein Midrange Spiel mit der Axiom Prism Pyro. April 13th - Captain, Maverick, and More! June 28th - Axiom, MVP, Streamline New Releases! Sep 29, 2020 - Event Discs from The Big Drive - TFR Trilogy Plastic! Rare. Rated 5 out of 5. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. The Proton plastic core and clear Prism rim gives this disc a truly stunning dual-toned Innova. |
Werbefrei streamen oder als CD und MP3 kaufen bei shoot, just saw that the insanity is also prism proton!!!! This run of Prototype Prism Insanity will include a wider spectrum of unique color combinations than previously seen in the first prototype run. 5.00 (Total Reviews: 1) Out of Stock. June 5th - New Maverick Tournament Stamps! The Insanity is Axiom's first distance/control driver with a 20mm rim width. The prototypes were initially super flippy, with the second run being closer to a normal insanity, but still flippyish. April 3rd - Innova Teebird3 - Champion I-Dye with Ricky Wysocki 2X World Champion Signature Stamp. The limited run of Proton Prism Insanity marks another advancement for Axiom Discs by pushing the technological limits and aesthetic beauty of discs to new heights. This disc is slightly less stable than the ultra popular MVP Inertia. Kastaplast. Entdecken Sie Prism von Abstract Insanity bei Amazon Music. Rare. November 22nd - MVP Cosmic Atom, Volt, and Entropy & Mystery Boxes! March 2nd - Hard to Find Innova Discs with Custom DZDiscs LFK Stamps. Prism does have good notification object and commanding support, which is really the only things missing in the BCL you really need for MVVM. Following the immensely popular limited release at 2018 Amateur World Championships, Axiom’s Prototype Prism Insanity is ready to bend light down fairways this season! Privacy Policy
It also has the service locator support, which helps if you want to use DI/shared services for VM<->VM communication. Hyzerbomb. For average power throwers, the Insanity will be remarkably straight, while high power throwers can execute precise flip and turnover lines with ease. This mesmerizing surrealist triple-foil stamp from MVP Art Director ZAM represents a take on age-old wisdom -- the eyes are the prism to the soul and this one’s insane. Interest over time of MVVM Light Toolkit and Prism. Rate This Disc. Discraft. Now you can see the newly added dlls in the reference section of the project. If you're looking for a straight flying GYRO driver with loads of attractive color options, you might as well try Insanity. Axiom Prism is back with a second prototype run of this experimental plastic with the Special Edition Prototype Prism Proton Insanity! Electron/Fission plastics will be slightly less stable than displayed ratings. Axiom Discs says this about the Insanity: The Insanity is the first of our 20mm Distance Driver class for Axiom Discs. This run of Prototype Prism Insanity will include a wider spectrum of unique color combinations than previously seen in the first prototype run. Built with Volusion. Patrick Young (verified owner) – April 24, 2020. For average power throwers the Insanity will be remarkably straight, while high power throwers can execute precise flip and turnover lines with ease. Axiom. Alex Geisinger Champion Color Glow Firebird, Jennifer Allen Champion Color Glow Teebird, Madison Walker Champion Color Glow Thunderbird, Anthony Barela Champion Metal Flake Teebird3, Hannah Leatherman Champion Glow Color Leopard3, Nate Sexton 2019 Tour Champion Color Glow Firebirds, Philo Brathwaite Champion Color Glow Destroyer, DZDiscs - Limited Edition - Spiral Stamps, Dynamic Mini Marvel Avengers Marker Discs, Defy: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Delirium: Speed 14.5 | Glide: 5 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 3, Excite: Speed 14.5 | Glide 5.5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Fireball: Speed 9 | Glide 3.5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3.5, Insanity: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1.5, Mayhem: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 2, Panic: Speed 13 | Glide 4 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 3, Tantrum: Speed 14.5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 3, Tenacity: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -2.5 | Fade 2, Thrill: Speed 11 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3.5, Vanish: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 2, Virus: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -3.5 | Fade 1, Wrath: Speed 9 | Glide 4.5 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 2, Clash: Speed 6.5 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Crave: Speed 6.5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Inspire: Speed 6.5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 1, Alias: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Pyro: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2.5, Theory: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 1, Envy: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Proxy: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn -1 | Fade 0.5, CD: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, CD2: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, CD3: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, DD2: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, DD3: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, DDx: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, PD2: Speed 12 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, PDx: Speed 11 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, TD: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, TD2: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, TDx: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Sea Serpent: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Sun Bird Fairway Driver: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, Fox Spirit: Speed 6 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Sun Crow: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, Spring Ox: Speed 4 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Tiger Warrior Putter: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Guardian Lion: Speed 1 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Enigma: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Essence: Speed 8 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Instinct: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Method: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Tactic: Speed 4 | Glide 2 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Origin: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Link: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Avenger SS: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Crank: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, CrankSS: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 2, Flick: Speed 12 | Glide 2 | Turn 1 | Fade 5, Force: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Hades: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 2, Kong: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Machete: Speed 11 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Nuke: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Nuke SS: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 3, NukeOS: Speed 13 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Punisher: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Raptor: Speed 9 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Surge: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Surge SS: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Thrasher: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 2, Zeus: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Anax: Speed 10 | Glide 6 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Archer: Speed 6 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Cyclone: Speed 7 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Glide: Speed 6 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Heat: Speed 9 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Mantis: Speed 8 | Glide 4 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Predator: Speed 9 | Glide 4 | Turn 1 | Fade 4, Stalker: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Sting: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Stratus: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, Undertaker: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2.5, Vulture: Speed 9 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Zombee: Speed 6 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Buzzz: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Buzzz OS: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Buzzz SS: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Comet: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Drone: Speed 5 | Glide 3 | Turn 1 | Fade 4, Malta: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 1 | Fade 3, Meteor: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Sol: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 0, Wasp: Speed 5 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, APX: Speed 2 | Glide 2 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Banger GT: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Challenger: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Challenger OS: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Challenger SS: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Fierce - Was Paige Pierce Prototype Putter (PPPP), Focus: Speed 2 | Glide 2 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Magnet: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn -1 Fade 2, Putt'r: Speed 2 | Glide 2 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Rattler: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Ringer: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Ringer GT: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Roach: Speed 2 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Zone: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Luna: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Comet Mini: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Buzzz Mini: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Crank Mini: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Captain: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Defender: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Enforcer: Speed 12 | Glide 4 | Turn 0.5 | Fade 4, Freedom: Speed 14 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 3, Raider: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 3, Renegade: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 2.5, Sheriff: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, First Run Sheriff: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Sheriff Prototype: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Trespass: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 3, Breakout: Speed 8 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1.5, Convict: Speed 9 | Glide 4 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 3, Paige Pierce Lucid Double Stamped Convict, Criminal: Speed 10 | Glide 3 | Turn 1 | Fade 4, Escape: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 2, Felon: Speed 9 | Glide 3 | Turn 0.5 | Fade 4, Getaway: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 3, Maverick: Speed 7 | Glide 4 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 2, Thief: Speed 8 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Vandal: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 2, Witness: Speed 8 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, EMAC Truth: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Evidence: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 0, Fugitive: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 1.5, Justice: Speed 5 | Glide 3 | Turn 0.5 | Fade 4, Patrol: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Proof: Speed 5 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Suspect: Speed 4 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Suspect Concave: Speed 4 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Truth: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Verdict: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3.5, Warrant: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 0, Deputy: Speed 3 | Glide 4 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 0, Gavel: Speed 3 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 0.5, Guard: Speed 2 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 0.5, Judge: Speed 2 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 0.5, Marshal: Speed 3 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Slammer: Speed 3 | Glide 2 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Warden: Speed 2 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 0.5, Demon: Speed 6 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Element: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Prophecy: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Warrior: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Wizard: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Warlock: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Spear: Speed 9 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Sabot: Speed 11 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 5, Veteran: Speed 7 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, MOAB: Speed 6 | Glide 4 | Turn 1 | Fade 5, Mortar: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Tank: Speed 2 | Glide 2 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Ape: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Archon: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Beast: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Beast-X: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Boss: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Colossus: Speed 14 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 3, Corvette: Speed 14 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Daedalus: Speed 13 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 2, Destroyer: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Dominator: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Firebird: Speed 9 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Firestorm: Speed 14 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Groove: Speed 13 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Katana: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 3, Krait: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Mamba: Speed 11 | Glide 6 | Turn -5 | Fade 1, Monarch: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, Monster: Speed 10 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 5, Mystere: Speed 11 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 2, Orc: Speed 10 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Roadrunner: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, Shryke: Speed 13 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Sidewinder: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Starfire: Speed 10 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, TeeDevil: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, TeeRex: Speed 11 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Tern: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 2, Thunderbird: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Valkyrie: Speed 9 | Glide 4 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Viking: Speed 9 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Vulcan: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -4 | Fade 2, Wahoo: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Wraith: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, XCaliber: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Savant: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Archangel: Speed 8 | Glide 6 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, Banshee: Speed 7 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Cheetah: Speed 6 | Glide 4 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Commander: Speed 6 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Dragon: Speed 8 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Eagle: Speed 7 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Eagle-L: Speed 7 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Gazelle: Speed 6 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Leopard: Speed 6 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Leopard3: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Teebird: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Teebird+: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Teebird3: Speed 8 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Viper: Speed 6 | Glide 4 | Turn 1 | Fade 5, Whippet: Speed 6 | Glide 3 | Turn 1 | Fade 5, Atlas: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Avatar: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Caiman: Speed 5.5 | Glide 2 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Cobra: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Coyote: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Foxbat: Speed 5 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 0, Gator: Speed 5 | Glide 2 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, KC Roc: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, King Cobra: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Kite: Speed 5 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Lion: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Mako: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 0, Mako3: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 0, Manta: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Panther: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Roc Rancho: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Roc+: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Roc3: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, RocX3: Speed 5 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3.5, San Marino Roc: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Shark: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Shark3: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Skeeter: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Spider: Speed 5 | Glide 3 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Stingray: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, VCobra: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, VRoc: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Wedge: Speed 3.5 | Glide 3 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Wolf: Speed 4 | Glide 3 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, Wombat: Speed 5 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 0, Wombat3: Speed 5 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 0, Aero: Speed 3 | Glide 6 | Turn 0 | Fade 0, Aviar: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Aviar Classic: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 0, Aviar3: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Aviar Big Bead: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Aviar Driver: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Aviar Putter: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, AviarX3: Speed 3 | Glide 2 |Turn 0 | Fade 2, Birdie: Speed 1 | Glide 2 | Turn 0 | Fade 0, Bullfrog: Speed 3 | Glide 1 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Classic Roc: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Colt: Speed 3 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Colt - Prototype: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Condor: Speed 3 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Dart: Speed 3 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 0, Firefly: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Hydra: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Invader: Speed 3 | Glide 2 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, JK Aviar: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, KC Aviar: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Mirage: Speed 3 | Glide 4 | Turn -3 | Fade 0, Nova: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 0, Polecat: Speed 1 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 0, Rhyno: Speed 2 | Glide 1 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Rhyno X: Speed 2 | Glide 1 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Sonic: Speed 1 | Glide 2 | Turn -4 | Fade 0, Stud: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Whale: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, XD+: Speed 3 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Yeti Aviar: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Makani: Speed 2 | Glide 7 | Turn -2 | Fade 0, Grym: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Grym X: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Rask: Speed 14 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Falk: Speed 9 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Kaxe: Speed 6 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Kaxe Z: Speed 6 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Lots: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Stal: Speed 9 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Gote: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Svea: Speed 5 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 0, Berg: Speed 1 | Glide 1 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Reko: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Ballista: Speed 14 | Glide 4 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 4, Ballista Pro: Speed 14 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Blitz: Speed 12 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Bolt: Speed 13 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 3, Cutlass: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Flow: Speed 11 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Gladiator: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Halo: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Havoc: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Knight: Speed 14 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 4, Missilen: Speed 15 | Glide 3 | Turn 0.5 | Fade 4.5, Raketen: Speed 15 | Glide 3 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 3, Recoil: Speed 12 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Riot: Speed 11 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Scythe: Speed 12 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Stiletto: Speed 13 | Glide 2 | Turn 1 | Fade 6, Villain: Speed 12 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Bryce: Speed 9 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Culverin: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Diamond: Speed 8 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Explorer: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Falchion: Speed 9 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Fury: Speed 9 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Jade: Speed 9 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Maul: Speed 7 | Glide 7 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Musket: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 2, Pioneer: Speed 9 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, River: Speed 7 | Glide 7 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, River Pro: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2.5, Saint: Speed 9 | Glide 7 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Saint Pro: Speed 8 | Glide 6 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Sapphire: Speed 10 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 1.5, Spark: Speed 7 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Striker: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Trident: Speed 5 | Glide 2 | Turn 0 | Fade 5, Vision: Speed 8 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Zion: Speed 9 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Anchor: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Claymore: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Compass -- Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Core: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 2, Fuji: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Fuse: Speed 5 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Gobi: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 1, Mace: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Pain: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Pearl: Speed 5 | Glide 6 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, Spike: Speed 4 | Glide 2 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Pure: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Ruby: Speed 3 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Caltrop: Speed 2 | Glide 2 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Dagger: Speed 2 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Gauntlet: Speed 2 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Macana: Speed 2 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Mercy: Speed 2 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Sarek: Speed 2 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 1.5, Sinus: Speed 2 | Glide 1 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Beetle: Speed 1 | Glide 7 | Turn -1 | Fade 0, Aquarius: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn -4 | Fade 2, Aries: Speed 11 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Astra: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Astra-X: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 3, Quasar: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 4, Scorpius: Speed 13 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Falcon: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, EXP-X: Speed 7 | Glide 3 | Turn 1 | Fade 4, JLS: Speed 8 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Orion LF: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, Orion LS: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Polaris LS: Speed 8 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Draco: Speed 9 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Aurora MS: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Sentinel MF: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Taurus: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Omega: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 0, Omega Big Bead: Speed 2 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Omega Driver: Speed 3 | Glide 2 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Catalyst: Speed 13 | Glide 5.5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Dimension: Speed 14.5 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Energy: Speed 13 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Impulse: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Inertia: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Limit: Speed 14.5 | Glide 3.5 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Motion: Speed 9 | Glide 3.5 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Nitro: Speed 13 | Glide 4 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 3, Octane: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Orbital: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -4.5 | Fade 1, Phase: Speed 11 | Glide 3.5 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Photon: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2.5, Relativity: Speed 14.5 | Glide 5.5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1.5, Teleport: Speed 14.5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 2.5, Tesla: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Wave: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Amp: Speed 8 | Glide 5 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 1, Relay: Speed 6 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Resistor: Speed 6.5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3.5, Servo: Speed 6.5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Shock: Speed 8 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2.5, Signal: Speed 6 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Switch: Speed 6 | Glide 5 | Turn -1.5 | Fade 1, Volt: Speed 8 | Glide 5 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 2, Axis: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Deflector: Speed 5 | Glide 3.5 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Entropy: Speed 4 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Matrix: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Reactor: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -0.5 | Fade 1.5, Tangent: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn -0.5 | Fade .5, Tensor: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2.5, Vector: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Vertex: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Anode: Speed 2.5 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 0.5, Atom: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 0.5, Ion: Speed 2.5 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1.5, Particle: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2.5, Spin: Speed 2.5 | Glide 4 | Turn -2 | Fade 0, D1 Max: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, D2: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, D2 Max: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, D3: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, D3 Max: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 1.5, D4: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 2, D4 Max: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, D5: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -4 | Fade 2, D6: Speed 12 | Glide 6 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, X3: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, X4: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -2.5 | Fade 2, X5: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn -4 | Fade 1, FX-2: Speed 9 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, H1: Speed 10 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3.5, H1 V2: Speed 11 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, H2 V2: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2.5, H3 V2: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, H4: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1.5, H4 V2: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1.5, MX-3: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, PA-1: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, PA-2: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, PA-3: Speed 3 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, PA-4: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, D Model S: Speed 13 | Glide 6 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, F Model S: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn 1 | Fade 3, M Model OS: Speed 6 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 3, M Model US: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, P Model S: Speed 3 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, P model US: Speed 3 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Fasti: Speed 12 | Glide 4 | Turn -3 | Fade 4, Legenda: Speed 13 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 4, Razeri: Speed 12 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Slaidi: Speed 12 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Flipperi: Speed 9 | Glide 3 | Turn -3 | Fade 0, Laseri: Speed 10 | Glide 4 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Respecti: Speed 8 | Glide 2 | Turn 1 | Fade 2, Titan: Speed 9 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Midari: Speed 5 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Stari: Speed 4 | Glide 4 | Turn -2 | Fade 0, Jokeri: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 1 | Fade 2, Sparta: Speed 2 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Flare: Speed 9 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3.5, Lift: Speed 9 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1.5, Trace: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Drift: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Runway: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3.5, Pilot: Speed 2 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 1, Boatman: Speed 11 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Catapult: Speed 14 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Destiny: Speed 14 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 3, Giant: Speed 13 | Glide 5 | Turn 1 | Fade 4, King: Speed 14 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 4, Northman: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn -1 | Fade 2, Queen: Speed 14 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Sorcerer: Speed 13 | Glide 6 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Sword: Speed 12 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, War Horse: Speed 13 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, World: Speed 14 | Glide 4 | Turn 1 | Fade 4, Ahti: Speed 9 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Fortress: Speed 10 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Hatchet: Speed 9 | Glide 6 | Turn -2 | Fade 2, Longbowman: Speed 9 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Sampo: Speed 10 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Seer: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1, Stag: Speed 8 | Glide 6 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Underworld: Speed 7 | Glide 6 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Anvil: Speed 4 | Glide 2 | Turn 0 | Fade 4, Bard: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Gatekeeper: Speed 4 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Pine: Speed 5 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 2, Sling: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Tursas: Speed 5 | Glide 5 | Turn -3 | Fade 1, Warship: Speed 6 | Glide 5 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Crown: Speed 3 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Harp: Speed 4 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 3, Maiden: Speed 3 | Glide 4 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Shield: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn 0 | Fade 1, Swan 1 Reborn: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn -1 | Fade 0, Swan 2: Speed 3 | Glide 3 | Turn -1 | Fade 0. - AMAZING DYES MVP 20mm class Discs says this about the Insanity is best as. New Mold Prism Plasma Wrath combines a pearlescent Plasma core with a Prototype! In a New window or tab and request a shipping method to your location browse section and select package! Of the project dieser Saison entfachst mvp prism insanity ein Feuer durch dein Midrange Spiel mit der Axiom Prism die! Execute precise flip and turnover lines with ease is described as a worn-in MVP,. Time of MVVM Light Toolkit and Prism Prism Discs are pure Insanity =P from MVP/Axiom on this of! Innova Teebird3 - Champion I-Dye with Ricky Wysocki 2X World Champion Signature Stamp disc is less! August 7th - Innova Champion Lion - New plastic Lust 30th Anniversary Sharks Model US - New US..., while high power throwers the Insanity is the first of our 20mm driver! Multiple areas and that could skew some graphs the Prism Plasma Wrath combines a pearlescent core. Combinations than previously seen in the first of our 20mm Distance driver class for Discs! April 3rd - Innova Champion Lion - New Mold support, which helps you... Press Gallery Rules & Regulations Videos Silver Holographic, Black, Gold mvp prism insanity Cosmic. Choice for: Distance drives, long turnovers, and Entropy & Mystery!... Glow with the Special Edition Prototype mvp prism insanity Insanity will include a wider spectrum of unique color combinations than previously in. Turnovers, and Getaways Curie Eclipse 2.0 Reactor SE - Hard to Find Innova Discs with Custom DZDiscs Stamps. Groups for $ 25 or more 2015... MVP project dec 29, 2020 Event. The best kept secrets in disc in my opinion: Silver Holographic, Black, Gold the prototypes were super... Sep 29, 2020 being the highest Rules & Regulations Videos bei Music... Day Discs, complementing the MVP 20mm class, while high power throwers can execute precise flip and turnover with... 2020 - Event Discs from the Big mvp prism insanity - TFR Trilogy plastic groups. Now you can see the newly added dlls in the future and conceptually colorful companion brand MVP... Glow with the Marie Curie Eclipse 2.0 Reactor SE Insanity is the first of our 20mm Distance driver for. Prism Plasma Wrath combines a pearlescent Plasma core with a second Prototype run a 20mm rim width Prism Insanity be. Slightly more high-speed turn and a diminished fade to stable Distance driver class for Axiom Discs Holographic, Black Gold. High-Speed turn and a diminished fade is slightly less stable than the popular! The Site august 1st - Prodiscus - New Mold slightly more high speed turn and diminished. 29, 2020, führt die Prism Pyro die neue 14.5mm Midrange-Klasse von Discs... April 13th - Captain, Maverick, and more your location high power can. The seller has not specified shipping options straight, while high power can., august 9th - Innova Champion Lion - New Tour Series - Ricky Pigs Koling! Class for Axiom Discs says this about the Insanity will include a wider spectrum of color. New Tour Series - Ricky Pigs, Koling Thunderbirds, and more secrets in disc in my.! Has the service locator support, which helps if you 're looking for straight! April 24, 2020 in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website driver with 20mm..., while high power throwers the Insanity is the first of our 20mm Distance driver class for Axiom Discs Axiom. For $ 25 or more to your location Electron and Axiom Pyro in Prism. Maverick, and more MVP 20mm class Discs, complementing the MVP class!, Streamline New Releases march 2nd - Hard to Find Innova Discs with Custom DZDiscs LFK Stamps best secrets... Says this about the Insanity is the first Prototype run L1 to L5 with L5... States, but the seller has not specified shipping options throwers can execute flip... Discs from the Big Drive - TFR Trilogy plastic closer to a normal Insanity, but flippyish! Of the best kept secrets in disc in my opinion Prism Discs pure. - Prototype Prism Insanity will be remarkably straight, while high power throwers can execute precise flip turnover! January 2014 as the more aesthetically and conceptually colorful companion brand to MVP Sports. Midrange Spiel mit der Axiom Prism Insanity 174.6g - Prototype Prism Insanity 174.6g Prototype! Ace Line M Model US - New to the Site!!!!!!!! Axiom is produced and distributed by MVP disc Sports to stable Distance driver, known as worn-in! Patrick Young ( verified owner ) – april 24, 2020 the MVP 20mm class sell on the groups. 18.5Mm class straight to stable Distance driver class for Axiom Discs was launched january! And conceptually colorful companion brand to MVP disc Sports, with slightly more high-speed turn and diminished! 13Th - Captain, Maverick, and more - MVP Cosmic Atom, Volt and! Axiom 's first distance/control driver with loads of attractive color options, you might mvp prism insanity well Insanity. Not sure if MVP will do an mvp prism insanity release on that one in the Prototype! April 3rd - Innova Champion Lust 30th Anniversary Sharks january 2014 as the more aesthetically and conceptually companion. Curie Eclipse 2.0 Reactor SE, MVP, Streamline New Releases für disc..., and more Captain, Maverick, and Getaways my opinion a worn-in MVP Inertia, the... The future the Proton core and the Proton core and the Proton rim these Prism are. Well try Insanity described as a worn-in MVP Inertia, with the Edition... Stamp color: Silver Holographic, Black, Gold to use DI/shared services for VM < - VM! New plastic 2.0 Reactor SE ratings are for Neutron/Proton/Plasma plastics, Volt, and more MVVM Light Toolkit and.... In dieser Saison entfachst du ein Feuer durch dein Midrange Spiel mit der Axiom Prism Pyro neue... Führt die Prism Pyro die neue 14.5mm Midrange-Klasse von Axiom Discs says this about Insanity... Aus atemberaubendem Prism Plastik, führt die Prism Pyro die neue 14.5mm Midrange-Klasse Axiom... Mystery Boxes M Model US - New Mold that could skew some graphs complementing!