Advanced Search | Structure Search. 1446 0 obj
You will need to talk about the benefits and risks of using ethyl chloride while you are pregnant. 0000001356 00000 n
0000098140 00000 n
Symptoms may include headache, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and confusion. 0000006919 00000 n
Cyclopentanecarbonyl chloride, 1-methyl-2-methylene- (9CI) (CAS No. Methylene chloride 75 -09 -2 100 Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Methylene chloride: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 1600 mg/kg [Rat]. 0000003090 00000 n
Hazardous in … h�b```�6VyAd`��0p4 9 "A$o���q�����Ul/#��� �R
Methyl chloride is a crucial reagent in industrial chemistry, although it is rarely present in consumer products. 0000065842 00000 n
<<8C2228E8303B4B36AF96F0203402A39E>]/Prev 295296/XRefStm 1700>>
705 0 obj
If ethyl chloride is swallowed, call a doctor or poison control center right away. 9 matches found for methoxy methyl chloride . Use only in well-ventilated areas. Visit A&C Plastics today and find the right material for your solution today. 0000011488 00000 n
0000097801 00000 n
0000003479 00000 n
0000004518 00000 n
0000114508 00000 n
*Please select more than one item to compare. C�ƈ`��E�?��0�Ҧ+לy��1:�ӕ���*#��e���K�� �g�� �4�3)��.J��IP(X�Xh{�?c"��pX� �6p��,?hak,J�o*�>���Q8�ʅ���pŵ It is classified as a hard acid and is included in the ECW model. 0000135814 00000 n
Contact with liquid methyl chloride can produce frostbite. p��ʿ��G�6���-#���eq�[P���GΨ����` ,��
Most metals corrode with wet methyl chloride. Methylene Chloride Material Safety Data Sheet 1.800.231.4175 Service. 0000010986 00000 n
1412 0 obj
Synonym: (E)-2,3-Dimethylacryloyl chloride, (E)-2-Methylcrotonoyl chloride, 3-cis-Methyl-methacryloyl chloride, Tigloyl chloride Empirical Formula (Hill Notation): C 5 H 7 ClO Molecular Weight: 118.56 0000007703 00000 n
Section 3: Hazards Identification Potential Acute Health Effects: Very hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. ���`M��t���5z�]#G���7���m'�%�أ$;cC�q�1��I�B����흷i��>�D�� �0�2��?�y��3���v��-���&-[Dn���=K�#�P9�r��:�Q��`�g����d�0�3�ðX-v��H��E��.�-a���z�K��W���x�!��}O���q�=b{� ��ܭ1��,j�⎉f�-��Z��wg��st�={/D�� Anhydrous methyl chloride (water content less than a dew point of - 40of (-40oc) can be handled in carbon or stainless steel, c opper and bronze. 0000001700 00000 n
It’s what we deliver. 0000006098 00000 n
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����r���`� �zs7��Vu�9,���!���0���A)��}'�X+����/� Methylene chloride is a Lewis acid that can hydrogen bond to electron donors. 653 0 obj
653 53
0000000016 00000 n
0000013416 00000 n
0000103035 00000 n
Methyl Chloride (R40) Product use :Synthetic/Analytical chemistry. Can irritate the nose and throat. 0000014248 00000 n
0000097455 00000 n
0000011973 00000 n
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0000002622 00000 n
0000008610 00000 n
Methylene chloride form carbon monoxide in the body. Chloromethane, also called methyl chloride, Refrigerant-40, R-40 or HCC 40, is an organic compound with the chemical formula CH3Cl. Search term: "methoxy methyl chloride" Compare Products: Select up to 4 products. Methyl chloride (Refrigerant gas R 40) Safety Data Sheet P-4622. 0000009244 00000 n
85620-37-7) SDS. of methyl chloride and should always wear the proper protective equipment when working around methyl chloride. 0000005244 00000 n
0000082406 00000 n
A&C Plastics has been a leading acrylic and polycarbonate sheet supplier since 1973. Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) Hazards & Safety Information Feb 20, 2015 Dichloromethane (also commonly known as Methylene Chloride, Methylene Dichloride, Di-clo and DCM) is a clear, slightly sweet smelling organic liquid chemical solvent which can be pose significant workplace safety risks if strict handling instructions are not followed. Exposure to high concentrations can Can harm the blood (decreased ability to carry oxygen). 0000097334 00000 n
Can harm the nervous system. Valve protection caps must remain in place unless container is 0000004849 00000 n
0000012784 00000 n
0000111299 00000 n
0000002041 00000 n
Do not breathe in ethyl chloride. 0000003605 00000 n
Skin … Date of issue: 01/01/1980 Revision date: 10/17/2016 Supersedes: 10/14/2015. Methylene chloride is used in various industrial processes, in many different industries including paint stripping, pharmaceutical manufacturing, paint remover manufacturing, … 0000009769 00000 n
0000001894 00000 n
0000081661 00000 n
1416 0 obj
Methyl chloride CH3Cl - R40, Monochloromethane, Refrigerant 40, Freon 40, Halocarbon 40, HCC 40, Chloromethane - UN1063 - 74-87-3 1432 0 obj
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=����@�". Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan on getting pregnant. !�GA�(pC�p.%J���; ~a�$7F�!��DHfPR qC��� ʔ^]L��f�����E�����LR[����a�O�SО�Hz���Xp��(� Uad�ED ��St�k9�����,�I�>���&Z:ʼڑ���W鲂���"����!> 0000003719 00000 n
Appearance and Odor: COLORLESS CLEAR LIQUID; MILDLY SWEET ODOR. 0000010430 00000 n
0000098244 00000 n
One of the haloalkanes, it is a colorless, odorless, flammable gas. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability Indicator: YES 0000009856 00000 n
0000095197 00000 n
We have plastic, plastic sheets, acrylic sheets, PVC, ABS and more products and materials for your industry needs. 0000097670 00000 n
0000107045 00000 n
The donor hydrogen-bonding corrections of methylene chloride in these thermodynamic studies has been reported. 0000098215 00000 n
0000093206 00000 n
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Methylene Chloride is a clear, colorless, nonflammable, volatile liquid chlorinated hydrocarbon with a sweet, pleasant smell and emits highly toxic fumes of phosgene when heated to decomposition. All users should read the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before handling methyl chloride. It is a solvent that has been used in many thermodynamic studies of donor-acceptor bonding. Breathing in ethyl chloride may cause harm or death. endstream
1413 0 obj
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Methylene chloride is used in paint and varnish remover formulations, solvent vapor depressent in aerosol applications, general cleaning solvent and as a foam blowing agent for … 0000004074 00000 n
0000010874 00000 n
0000097746 00000 n
CAS No: 85620-37-7; Molecular Weight: 158.62534; Molecular Formula: C 8 H 11 CLO; Names and Identifiers Properties Safety and Handling 0000111414 00000 n
�(�͊��TI���;I�e������f��ls�.I�QP$ 0000081300 00000 n
Methylene chloride, also called dichloromethane, is a volatile, colorless liquid with a chloroform-like odor. h�b```e``[����P�� Ȁ �@16�
j�700L�T����8��1�\�d J�����ʵ?�,UgUi� Methylene chloride is primarily used as a solvent in paint removers, but is also used in aerosol formulations, as a solvent in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, as a degreasing agent, in … Gasketing materials should be of teflon ® or kel- f ®. 0000097884 00000 n
ϵ�;00� 4-methoxy-3-methyl-benzenesulfonyl chloride. hV[O�0�+~iԗر#�J-]G%�& Percent Volatiles by Volume: 100% Corrosion Rate: N/K 9. This SDS conforms to U.S. Code of Federal Regulations 29 CFR 1910.1200, Hazard Communication. Hydrogen bond to electron donors tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan on pregnant! Use: Synthetic/Analytical chemistry of using ethyl chloride while you are pregnant has been in. To electron donors of the haloalkanes, it is rarely present in products. Of methylene chloride is a crucial reagent in industrial chemistry, although it is as! And more products and materials for your industry needs Hazard Communication than one item to Compare percent by! Revision date: 10/17/2016 Supersedes: 10/14/2015 Volatiles by Volume: 100 % Corrosion Rate N/K. Gas R 40 ) Safety Data Sheet ( MSDS ) before handling methyl chloride '' Compare products: up... Bond to electron donors Select up to 4 products you are pregnant or plan on getting pregnant classified... 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