I’m looking forward to reading the “Elementary Mathematics for Teachers” book you suggest as well. The cost of implementation is pretty reasonable. I looked into BJU press, Abeka, Horizons and Math lessons for a living education they all looked colorful and fun but expensive in the long run except for MLFALE which was affordable as I would have to buy them. . Colorful, spiral, and straightforward immediately make me think of Horizons. The two editions have a very similar overall approach,plus scope and sequence. She’ll be ready to go into a full high school geometry course. I just want to clarify something regarding mental math. It’s no wonder that many parents feel overwhelmed by all the choices! Do kids typically finish one level a year with BA? But you can get by without them, too. Do you think the Extra Practice for Primary Math would add confusion after doing Dimensions? Once you have a better sense of where he’s at, you may find Dimensions or Primary Standards more user-friendly. If your child has used the U.S. or Standards edition, he or she shouldn’t have any problems transitioning to Dimensions. Printed material is not yet widely available from other online retailers for the 2020 edition. Then she went to 1st grade in maryland and had a good year with common core. Hi Kate, Go with whatever you and your daughter will most enjoy using, and she’ll be well-prepared for whatever math she tackles next. I appreciate any feedback. Hi Kate, She is entering 2nd grade and I have two dilemmas: Just make sure you’ve finished a full grade level in one edition before transitioning to a different version, as some of the topics have been rearranged within each grade. Primary Mathematics. That’s wonderful that your daughter is enjoying The Good and the Beautiful Math so much! Many will work just fine for a parent working with one child, but some require a large group of children. (It’s so much easier to just learn an algorithm, and the constant switching of mental strategies is confusing for the one and too fast for the other) Yet I also feel the difficulty is “mind-stretching” and not completely fruitless. Would extra activities from the teacher’s manual be an adequate substitute for the workbook? It’s simple and easy to use, and it will provide very similar content to Dimensions. Thanks Supplemental material, other math, and more. Is this accurate? He enjoys trying to figure things out so I think it’ll be great for him. So, keep the focus on these core principles. I also used tons of manipulatives. Do you think this impacts the curriculum at all (reduces depth in favor of breadth)? Hi Kate: My daughter is almost 4 and has significant intellectual disability. Dimensions Math is published by Singapore Math Inc. and was designed to cater to the needs of U.S. teachers and students and said to be a sequel to Primary Mathematics. The best curriculum is the one that works best for your child. Yes, but your child should take a placement test first. I know you haven’t done a full review but hoping you could comment if it seems like a solid program from what you have seen? It does review much of what’s in Essential, but it reinforces that work and also introduces some subtle new twists. I was wondering if you thought the Dimensions Math program might work for her? Dimensions Math Kindergarten. The cost of adopting Math in Focus as your Singapore Math homeschool curriculum would vary according to the materials you would get. Which do you prefer in terms of how the content is presented, laid out, and broken down for learning, and how in-depth do they go? Singapore Math offers a lot of options for supplementing their programs. I gave her the pretest and she got most correct— the questions she did miss proved she was on the right track, but not quite there. I was thinking if I should find a different curriculum I’ve looked at RightStart and Singapore but I’m not sure if I should change or maybe keep pushing it. Costs would depend on the edition chosen. Would you recommend continuing with 6A/6B or trying out Dimensions? Dimensions Math is a comprehensive math curriculum for children from PreK through 8th grade. I know, it can be hard to make a decision–especially when you have two good choices! We live overseas and I need to plan ahead for the following school year. Could we do Dimensions with just the textbook and the teacher’s guide? In this Dimensions Math Review, I’ll introduce you the the components of the program and describe what makes Dimensions distinctive, as well as the bottom line on how to tell whether Dimensions is right for you and your family. It’s very stressful for kids to be placed at a level that’s higher than they’re ready for, and much better to build confidence with some review, even if it means starting a level lower. Each year of Dimensions is divided into 2 semesters. I couldn’t find ANY reviews then. I want him to understand all the concepts clearly and I am willing to spend more time to make him understand. Dimensions Math 6–8 brings the Singapore math approach into middle school. The more holes I seemed to see in her learning. She just finished Abeka book 1 and the repetition helped a lot. Go with Standards or U.S. edition instead so that the lessons don’t provide so many options to sort through. That's a series that's actually been used in Singapore and what most of us use and love. It’s definitely easier to follow than the Primary HIG, but with the downside of having to do some picking and choosing between the many options. I haven’t used the Standards or Common Core version myself, so I can’t address the issue of how these differences affect the overall programs. Here they are, for you to use for free in your homeschool. Hopefully it will help me to get acquainted with the main ideas. I am really confused which edition to pick. If you use the U.S. edition for elementary, have your child finish U.S. edition Grade 6 and then move into Dimensions 7. Getting Started with Dimensions Math. Sounds like just lots of other optional activities, which I agree the text and practice book definitely provide lots already. It’s labeled Primary Mathematics Standards edition (and sometimes labeled as Primary Mathematics California Standards edition, since it was originally written to align with California’s standards in the early 2000s.) The middle school program has already been out for quite a while, while the elementary program was brand-new in the fall of 2018. Sorry, I’m not familiar with Themeville or the MFW math. Primary Mathematics was adapted to the U.S. market by Singapore Math, Inc. Primary Mathematics does not offer any online learning tools. Thank you for the review. Advanced students could go to 7, but in general, Dimensions 6 would be the next step after Standards Edition Grade 5.”. She is in second grade now and I would put her on a first grade level (the basics of addition and subtraction). 4. They provide extra practice and reinforcement in a fun or active way. . He is most likely on the Autism spectrum and extremely bright but struggles with visual processing and handwriting skills. We started primary mathematics, cc version, level 3 a few weeks ago. Our Shop … Thanks for the great review, Kate. There are textbooks, workbooks, manipulative and teacher’s guides for each grade run from $9 Continue reading » Features in the Math in Focus textbooks consists of “Recall Prior Knowledge”, “Math Talk”, “Math Sharing”, “Games”, “Math Journal”, “Put on Your Thinking Cap”, Chapter Wrap Up”, “Chapter Review”, “Assessment Prep” and “STEAM Project Work”. I began to panic, but then I see that if you finish through their level 8, you’ve actually accomplished quite a bit of high-school math. They have switched to Dimensons for 6th grade math this year. Honestly, you can’t go wrong with any of those options…as long as you pick one and stick with it. Thanks!! if it would be better to pause from the lessons and take a month to work through your “Division Facts that Stick” book to give them a basis of some division facts before trying to work on mental strategies. My daughter just finished Right Start Math Level A, and passed the Dimensions Math Placement Test for 1A. Hello! Like everyone here, your reviews (and other advice/articles) are so helpful! Manipulatives. (I’ll add that my kindergarten program won’t be out until next summer, so that won’t be a possibility for a while yet.) (Primary Mathematics U.S. edition offers only 2-color textbooks after 2nd grade, although the Standards edition textbooks are color for all grades.) Dimensions Math is the newest publication by Singapore Math Inc. In 1982, the first Singapore math program, Primary Mathematics, was published by Singapore's Ministry of Education. He is definitely a concept mathematician and not procedural. Thanks again! Math in Focus: Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide to Transition. I found the teachers manual very difficult to use, so we’ve been jumping around with different curricula since then. Both are still excellent programs. The Singapore Math curriculum becomes popular due to its consistent top ranking on Trends in International Math and Science Study (TIMSS). Regarding the other programs you mentioned, I think you’re right that it may be a bit late to jump into RS. I would like to teach her something standard based to ensure she doesn’t miss out on anything in case she is re-enrolled in public school. I did Primary 1A and B with my son last year and I thought the intensive practice workbooks were really helpful for extra reinforcement. Primary Math CWP Dimensions Math More Home Let's Meet! Check out my curriculum page for reviews of my other favorite programs to help you find one that’s a good fit for your family. Math in Focus Grade 3 Homeschool Package (with Answer Key). (Mostly just because of the colorful pages!) My son can’t seem to grasp the concepts being presented and I’m having trouble teaching them even with the teachers guide. I left a comment for you earlier, about the pacing of Dimensions with my 11 and 9 year olds; we are currently in Dimensions Book 4A, and just finished the unit on multiplication. I’ve really relied on the Home Instructor’s Guide, especially for extending the lessons and finding more challenging problems. Durable, colorful math education toys, tools, and games for all grade levels . It’s a spiral program that gives kids a lot of opportunities to figure things out and have those aha-moments. Edition Home Instructor Guides (A & B), Primary Mathematics U.S. I haven’t looked at in depth, so I’m afraid I don’t know any more than that. For a free math assessment, please contact us. But, knowing the features of each will help you pick the one that best fits your teaching style and fits your child’s learning style. You can use these books for kids who need more challenge. Singapore method is demanding and relies heavily on mastery of the material. The program emphasizes problem solving and empowers students to think mathematically, both inside and outside the classroom. It’s easy to prepare for Dimensions Math ® lessons! Or will your Kindergarten curriculum be out soon?? Even with a math-y kindergartner, I wouldn’t skip Singapore 1A (although you may be able to whip through it pretty fast). Do you recommend any of the supplementary books? Beast sounds like it could be a great fit for your 8 y.o. If you’re new to Singapore Math and your child is in 2nd grade or younger, Dimensions Math is a great choice. Students completing Singapore Math’s Primary Mathematics series are faced with an unusual problem when they complete the sixth level. A placement test is a very good idea. Dimensions meets or exceeds Common Core standards (which is a necessity for any company hoping to sell books to schools these days), but it’s based on the overall Singapore approach…which existed for two decades before the Common Core standards were created. Hi, Kate. My daughter 2nd grader is 7 years old we are working with MUS alpha. Also if it is not out of the topic can you suggest some good books about Science? Is Dimensions 4 the right thing after US Edition 3? Math-U-See is a very abstract program, and the concrete applications in MLLE would likely be a breath of fresh air. There is some material that you can only purchase from the publisher as an educator so it is easier to purchase it from other online homeschool book retailers. The straight-forward style, constant review, and focus on basic arithmetic help to make math concrete in a way that many kids who struggle with math need. We’ve been issuing Math Mammoth, and that has been my only issue. Now I’m wondering if conceptual understanding is what she needs instead of memorized computations. Save the Date! I love that she loves it but I also want to make sure she’s getting a good foundation. If we do switch levels, would you recommend Dimensions or Primary? ). If you find that it goes better, then go ahead and stay the course with RS. SWITCH to Sonlight and save $50 until 1/31/21. Getting Started; Dimensions Math® Digital Products. She already knows addition facts to 12 in her head and was refusing to do the manipulative work in Good and Beautiful like it was insulting to her, lol. Here’s the direct quote from an email I had with someone who works there: Children who have finished Standards 5B “may find some things in Dimensions 6 to be repetitive. Out of these options, your daughter would likely enjoy Math Lessons for a Living Education the best. Pick the one best suited for your child. Your daughter might just need a little more time with topics for them to fully sink in. My son(4th grade) is struggling with Math and the concepts. I want to understand all the concepts clearly before he starts middle school. I don’t want to expend the extra money if is just going to be the same thing and not help her. If I were to pick Dimensions I think I would dive into the B book as there are only a few more months left in this semester. If Abeka worked well for your daughter, you may just want to continue with it. We also worked through your book Addition Facts that Stick, and that book was a life saver at a time when she was struggling (it was the only program that worked to help her learn and understand addition). As another option, I’ve found Rod and Staff to be a really good fit for my tutoring students who struggle with math. How many examples are presented in the textbooks? Incorporate the ten-frame as much as you can with the activities, and I think you’ll have a good fit for the rest of the kindergarten year. But I started the MUS curriculum at the beginning because she didn’t know any of her facts. Shopping cart (0) items You have no items in … 3. Some parents prefer Math in Focus worked examples and some prefer the more lean approach to Primary Mathematics. It’s a solid, sequential program, and you’d be able to stick with it through the rest of his schooling if you found it to be a good fit. Hi Kate! For your 11 y.o., I don’t think I’d recommend Dimensions. For example, here are the books for the first semester of Dimensions Math first grade. Primary Mathematics Standards Edition Teacher’s Guides (A & B), Primary Mathematics Standards Edition Extra Practice, Primary Mathematics Standards Edition Tests (A & B), Primary Mathematics Common Core Teacher’s Guides (A & B), Primary Mathematics Common Core Tests (A & B), Primary Mathematics Common Core Extra Practice, Primary Mathematics Common Core Challenging Word Problems. How essential is buying the Teachers guides at this grade 1 level? Would your book, Preschool Math at Home, still be a good place to start? We are in 2A and it’s going great This year I am starting school with my 2nd who is starting Kindergarten. Your child could easily move into Dimensions 1st grade with either path. And Dimensions will not be available until sometime in 2020! If you have a question, you can contact me here. Buying in bundles can also result in savings. Thanks Kate for all the useful information you have on your website. Beginning in 1st grade, most Dimensions lessons follow a consistent 5-step format: Think, Learn, Do, Activities, Workbook. I’m using Primary and the HIG are just not my favorite. If you prefer to keep your math lessons short and sweet, you may find the amount of parent teaching time a bit long, even if you skip all of the optional Activities. I have Math degree background and my son (5yo) is advanced in math. US Edition has worked for many years, but I find the layout a little tedious. I just started Singapore Standards 1A with my kindergartener (nearly 6). He sounds like a great match for the kindergarten program that is in process for next year. Does this mean that I can DRASTICALLY slow our pace on lessons to get through this, or should I consider a different curriculum. My son is being and does well in math, but isn’t super mathy. Math in Focus PARCC Test Preparation Teacher Edition, Related Post: Primary Mathematics U.S. I use Singapore Math US edition with my oldest who grasps math concepts quickly and easily. RightStart has been good for him so far because there are more hands-on activities than worksheets, but I think the clear and bright illustrations in Dimensions might help him. The scope and sequence is similar to Primary Mathematics, with an updated look, and user-friendly Teacher’s guides. In your shoes, I think what I would do is skip the division chapter and start the fractions chapter after it. It’s time to love your homeschool experience. Would you recommend taking the leap to Singapore or is it similar to Right Start? We started homeschooling 2nd semester of 1st grade. Parents who are unfamiliar with the Singapore method usually find it very user-friendly, and you won’t have to sort through the many activity options in Dimensions. Choosing the Best Singapore Math Curriculum. And also what would you recommend to supplement it with if it is not a stand alone type of thing? You shouldn’t have a problem either way. I have some questions about two different kiddos. It seems like a tough concept for first grade, but I may be out of touch with what first grade math should look like! Below are sample pages from the Math in Focus textbook. Primary Math CWP Dimensions Math More Primary Mathematics 4. I don’t expect your son wouldn’t have any trouble moving to Dimensions for 6th. Then I went to buy it and discovered dimensions (insert Emoji of lady smacking herself in the forhead!). Easier to use than Primary HIG? I’m having him take the placement test for Singapore Math to see if we need to switch levels. It is a rigorous program that balances supervised learning and independent practice while encouraging communication. Oh how I wish that his review was out in June! We have been doing Math u see but she does not remember the concepts even after all the mastery exercises and pretty much hates it. You mentioned that all 3 versions cover the same material in each grade. Is the 6th grade Dimensions user friendly for a homeschool environment? She is not understanding place value and the idea of regrouping. Dimensions 4 is indeed the right thing after US 3, and I think you’ll find the transition very smooth. I was thinking something colorful like math dimensions could work, but you said it is not the best fit for struggling students rather rod and staff. I would also love some feedback. I tried Standards but it just didn’t teach ME enough on how to teach it to my kids. That’s how she counts them out. I think you might be the person who can answer a question that’s been driving me crazy. I’d LOVE something more “hand’s off” but really want our kids to get a solid conceptual approach, even if it is a bit painful :-). 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