- Luna said, (Lincoln is sleeping in his bed, the girls then enter his room, with backpacks on; Lincoln then wakes up). - Lincoln laments, (Lucy appears out of nowhere, scaring Lincoln into jumping back in the water, she help him up to his feet), LUCY: You look lonely, Lincoln. (angered) MARCO! ... Now, with that out of the way, here's a crossover that I wish I had written first. - Leni said, happy, LINCOLN: Thanks, guys. I was scared! Now, there remains just one thing left before they embrace their new life together. Lucy? LORI: You're just wasting time, Lincoln! I miss my sisters so much. LINCOLN: Sorry, Luna, I got this homework to do. The loud house: we love him Fanfiction. - Luna said sweetly, LANA: Yep. - Lori said, annoyed, (This silenced everyone in complete horror), LINCOLN: How come every time I'm not there, you girls always have more fun than I do?! Lincoln looked under his bed and pulled out a box full of comics books and turned to the audience. - Luan said, (Lynn facepalms, Lana spots Lincoln at the park, crying on a bench, she runs to the park. My sisters can forget me, but they can make it up. (Lincoln then run upstairs and slam his door in anger, the girls are baffled), LOLA: Eh. LINCOLN: You guys have fun, and I always be in the dust. He held his … - Lana laments - We shouldn't have forget you like that. - Lincoln said sweetly, (The girls then turn to Lincoln and embraced him in a group hug), LUAN: Tell you what, since you was left out, Lincoln. Lincoln left the house. Chapter 1: Left in The Dark. - Lola said, happy, LINCOLN: (deadpanned) Yeah. LUNA: Thanks, Linc. - Lincoln said kind, (They park and they take their stuff to the campsite), LINCOLN: I don't remembered this park being a camping site. - Lincoln said, thrilled, (Lincoln quickly gotten dressed and pack the necessary things for a camping trip and meet his ten sisters downstairs), (Lincoln nods and the eleven of them got into Vanzilla, they then drive at a familiar place, it's none other than, Grand Venture State Park, Lincoln is shocked), LINCOLN: What are we doing here? - Lincoln said nicely, (Lola then got on Lincoln, she lounges on him), LOLA: (sweet) Thanks, Linky. Rated T for swearing and the mentioning of certain acts. - Luna notices - Look, the rainbow even got our colors. LINCOLN: Let's eat. - Lynn Sr pointed out - We'll discuss this later. "Um, I just remembered, I have to be somewhere." (groans) - Lincoln yells, frustrated, (The girls have finally arrive home from a fun time at the amusement park, they see an angry Lincoln with his arms crossed), LINCOLN: Where have you ten been?! LINCOLN: It's okay, I miss you girls. - the girls agreed, thoughtful, (At a lake, the girls, sans Lincoln and Lana, are at a pier with fishing poles in the water). - Lori moped. - Lori laments. - Lincoln yells - You guys all scare my other guests, which was way messed up of you! (Lucy takes Lincoln's hand and bring him to the front yard, the others notice the two). - Lynn Sr said, (Lincoln hugs his parents and walk outside; The girls are having a sibling meeting), LORI: Okay, so we're going to the mall. - Lola laments, LINCOLN: You can lounge on me if you want. I've been kicked out pf my house, I was banned from their activities, and I was forced to wear a squirrel suit to the beach, that was the worst time I had there. LOLA: Yeah, and she gotten really sick and was taken to the doctor for a month. - Lynn said, devastated - It's my fault of my superstitions that he got kicked out of the house. - Lana laments - We've been huge jerks to you! Outrageous! LUCY: Me heart couldn't take this. - Luna said, angry, LINCOLN: Said the sister, who's earrings are actually paperclips. - Lynn said, excited, LENI: Yep, you can always hang out with us. LORI: And it's our fault we took over his pool. LUNA: Aw, it's okay, dude. - Rita ask, LINCOLN: I'm going for a walk, the girls will probably forget me again. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. - Lincoln laments, LUCY: I'm sorry about what happened. He was about to knock on the door, when he saw the trampoline still near Lincoln's window. LOLA: Even, I love your painting. - Lincoln said. There, Lincoln is crying), LINCOLN: (weeping) Ah, man. - Lola requested, (The siblings, in their PJs, are in their very large tent telling stories, while eating s'mores, Lucy is holding a flashlight), LUCY: And then she opened the door and appeared out of nowhere. You forced me to go and I was bad luck?! - Luan laments - That's why he snapped at us the other night. RITA: Good. Like that time I'd bought a pool for myself and the girls have a bigger pool than I do, or that time Clyde and I had a fight during our sleepover and the girls take him, and that time when Lynn said I'm bad luck, I was banned from their activities. - Lincoln laments. - Lola said nicely, LENI: Yeah, we love you, Linky. - Luna said, sad. - Lana said, happy, EVERYONE: Lana! Our bad. - Lincoln said. - Lana said - What's the matter? • LINCOLN: (to the viewers) Well, maybe they can forget me, but they'll make it up. Lily? (They continue to hug, as people look in awe at this scenery; Back at the house, Lincoln is painting a rainbow, but it has all their themed colors, he then painted the words, "The Loud Rainbow". * Lincoln: *teary-eyed, smiles* D-D you really mean it, guys? - Lincoln said, relaxed. LANA: We finally know how you you feel about being left out! I was gonna include Brawl in the Family, but I scrapped it because most people really hate the episode and how Lisa and Luan tell Lincoln that they made up by having him leaving was very mean. - Leni said nicely, LUCY: And there's no fortunes. - Rita said - You know, we're disappointed in you ten, Lincoln just want to be included. LORI: "We know, Lincoln, especially with our dear sweet younger brother." When Lana and Lincoln was fishing, I made a homage to The Simpsons Movie, when Bart and Homer was fishing, Homer did the exact same thing, he put a bug zapper in the lake, electrocuting all of the fish, killing them. - Lincoln ask, LORI: No worries, I'd bought a very large tent that all 11 of us can fit in. - Lincoln mentions, LUCY: (gasps) Wow... that's really sad, even for my heart. - Lisa said, tearing up, LINCOLN: C'mon, let's go home. From now on, we solve problems as a family, and NO ONE gets left out. Fanfiction Romance Lincoln Loud Xreader Lori Loud Leni Loud ... Luna Loud Luan Loud Lynn Loud Lucy Loud Lola Loud Lana Loud Lisa Loud Lily Loud (I apologize for the half-assed title) When you and the one and only Lincoln Loud have to do a project together, you realize you … LOLA: We didn't know where you at! - Luna sad, sad - We should've known how you felt being left out! - Lincoln weeps, (Lana is walking through the park and she finds Lincoln), (Lana and Lincoln then run to each other and hugged each other strongly, with tears pouring down their faces). "Leaving me all alone in the house", Lincoln said. - Lincoln suggested, LINCOLN: (on his back) Go for it. - Lisa said, incensed, (Lisa then attacks Lincoln and the two are fighting, Lucy breaks them up). The reason I made the siblings go back to Grand Venture State Park, is because I felt bad that Lincoln didn't have fun and wasting his time, thanks to Lucy. - Luan laments - I'm gonna swim with Lynn. In some episodes, at least one is the protagonist. When I see Lincoln is not having fun with his loved ones, it made me feel bad for him. LINCOLN: Like that time when we was ban from every pool and I decide to buy my own pool! LANA: Lola, get in here! I used Lincoln's journal from AnimationFan15's fanfic, The Diary of a Loud, I use it to make the girls feel bad for Lincoln's sake. - Lucy comforted, (Lucy handed Lincoln a tissue, he wipe his tears with it). He'll get over it. LINCOLN: (saddened) Yeah. (At the picnic table, the siblings are eating together, Lily grabs a pitcher of lemonade and gobbled the whole thing, she hiccups), LYNN: Man, these burgers are great. LINCOLN: And let's not forget the time Lynn convince you guys I'm bad luck! Awesome! - Lincoln said, (The siblings are now packing their things), LINCOLN: Hey, thanks for taking me here. LYNN SR: I know. - Lincoln ask, mad. LUAN: To an amusement park. -Hey Lis!-Lincoln said. LINCOLN: Ruined?! LINCOLN: Camping? - Lincoln said, (Lucy comes in and sat down next to her older brother), LUCY: What't the matter, Lincoln? Unfortunately, my lies make things worse. He then take his painting to the living room and hang it on the wall, the sisters are watching him from the staircase and see's his painting). LUAN: I can't believe this is how he felted about this. Lynn Sr. called. LORI: Whatever twerp, you're wasting my texting time. They're having a lot of fun watching TV), LINCOLN: "Wow, television watching is super thrilling. LANA: My legs hurt from walking. (Lincoln then hugs Lucy for her nice kindness), LUCY: I don't usually do this, but... - Lucy claims, (Lucy then take her hand out, symbolizing a high five, Lincoln high fives Lucy), LINCOLN: Good night, Lucy. LINCOLN: I'm sorry for snapping at you guys. - Lincoln said - Unfortunately, all the fish gotten electrocuted. LOLA: You could've ruined our activities, Lincoln! After saying some choice words, she takes Lincoln towards her house before they visit the city. LENI: Yeah. - Lincoln said, furious. - Lynn Sr called - Come here! -LLLLLIIIIISSSSSAAAAA!-Lincoln made sure to be extra loud. Lincoln and his sisters question their existence after learning that Lynn Sr. and Rita were supposed to have only 2 to 3 kids, not 10 or 11, disown their parents and run away. - Lori said nicely, (The girls them embrace Lincoln in a group hug, Lincoln is walking to Vanzilla, happy). Curious, he change into his clothes and run through the backyard, he see's the girls in the front yard in a deluxe pool, they're having tons of fun; Lincoln then walk back in the house and sits on his bed). Outside, he met up with his Guardian Angel. - Lola scolded - And you lied to us for free time! LANA: Lola, I've never seen you cry. - Lori said. Kyle was running toward the Loud house, blueprints in hand. (The girls sadly walk downstairs to their parents, they notice the sad faces on their daughters), RITA: Girls, what's the matter? LUCY: I can keep a secret. (Bubbles then was around Lana, a dead fish risen up, Lana hides it nervously), LOLA: I forgot my protective wrap and I didn't bring a float. - Luna called - Don't you feel like something missing? - Lucy said nicely - Come with me, the others want to know where are you. - Lincoln gestures, LISA: You ungrateful jerk! Your IP: I'm gonna fart in their general direction! - Lynn chastises. Unfortunately, the two are arguing, Brain told Jillian that Quagmire's half-polish and calls him, "Mr. Quagglechek" (his real last name). Rick and the Louds. - Lori said, tearing up - I wanna read it. *For the first time in 2 months, Lincoln smiles as his eyes get watery. - Lisa said, sad. - Lola read, (Lola shrugs, she finds Lincoln's journal and she opens it, she sat on Lincoln's bed and reads it), (The other siblings walk out of Lori's room, they hear crying from Lincoln's room, they run and finds it's Lola who's crying). Moving In is a Loud House Alternate Universe Fic on fanfiction.net. - Lincoln snaps - And you sold all of my stuff! (And with that, Lincoln go into his blankets with Bun-Bun on his side to cuddle with, as he went to sleep), (Lincoln wakes up and find the hallway is quiet. LUAN: (feeling bad) Don't worry, Lincoln. LANA: I guess he like us more than you, Lincoln. - Lola said - It was beautiful. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. - Lori explained, (It shows a large red tent in the middle of the campsite, Lori and Lincoln fist-bump, they already had a fire), LISA: So, Lincoln, what do you wanna do first? Lincoln falls ill and goes into the hospital who later goes into a coma. - Lori said, SISTERS: YEAH! - Lori said meanly. (Rita and Lynn Sr. then walk out of the house), LUNA: We gotta find Lincoln and apologize to him. LORI: No, but something is missing. - Lincoln ask, RITA: Sorry, sweetheart, I haven't seen them in a while. - Lincoln said. Lana? - Leni said sweetly. Regardless, Homer eats one, but got electrocuted. - Luna said - So, what's next? Lincoln has ten sisters from The Loud House, who are occasionally the series' deuteragonist. LINCOLN: A present for you is a present is for me. (Lincoln walks to the picnic basket and toss Luna a soda can, she winks at him; Luan whispers in Lori's ear; Pan to Lincoln looking through the picnic basket), LORI: Let's not hope that evil potato salad don't hurt you. - a park ranger said - Unfortunately, you guys are the only ones here... again. This is the first story I did where it was mostly a dream. - Lucy said sadly, LINCOLN: Please don't tell the others. - Lola claims, (Everyone is getting ready for bed, Lucy, in her PJs, is reading her poems on the floor in the hallway, she hears crying), LUCY: (closes her book) I hear crying, even my heart can feel bad. Lincoln backed away in fear. LOLA: Yeah, you're our family, Linky. - Lana chmes, (Lana threw the bug zapper in the lake water and the water was electrocuted. LYNN SR: We forgot the keys. LUNA: You said it, dude. - Lincoln accepted, LUNA: We'll leave first thing tomorrow, bro. - Luna said sweetly - We'll have fun together, first thing tomorrow. Cloudflare Ray ID: 6172cf0fcbabc1e3 - Lincoln said. - Lynn said, LUNA: And he's family, too. - Lynn said happy. - Lori laments, LISA: And for almost ruining his sleepover. - Lori said, joy, LOLA: The ending was so cool! (Lincoln then uses his doorknob, but it broke off, infuriating him into throwing the knob out of his window), LINCOLN: First, the loose floorboard?! Unable to complete it, he gave in and decided to beg Lisa for help. - Luan said, joy - It was so much fun. It's way more fun with all 11 of us, Lincoln! - Lana said, sadly - We're so sorry for how we acted! Lisa? Leni? Now, the stinkin' doorknob! - Lincoln laments - They always have more fun, when I'm not around. - Lori said - I literally can't believe that Lana ate worms the last time. - Lincoln said sadly. - Lana called, (The girls excitedly zooms out of the house and got into Vanzilla, as Lori drives them to the movies), (Lincoln is napping on the couch, the girls happily barged in through the door, waking Lincoln up and making him fall on the floor, Luna helps him up), LORI: That was literally the best movie I've ever seen! Lincoln Loud's Loud House Survival Guide by l OmegaInfinity l. Recommended by N8han11; Status: Dormant; Synopsis: After an accident, Lincoln is left in a coma. "I never get to do anything I like without my sisters interrupting me, but with them out of the house, I can finally have some time to myself", Lincoln said. - Lincoln yells - And you ten all taken over it and I haven't even got in it! Fanfiction After his family locked him out of the house, Ronnie Anne comes for a surprise visit and discovers what his family has done. LYNN SR: We got to go to work. - Rita comforted - (Rita hugs her son) It's okay, we're gonna talk to the girls about this. - everyone scolded, (Lana shrugs and put the dollar in her hat, she then join her siblings in the circle), LORI: Okay, I think it's time to go to bed. (Lori and the others run through the park they spotted Lana hugging Lincoln, they then run and embrace Lincoln in a tight hug, in tears), LORI: I can't believe it's actually you, Lincoln! - Lynn Sr. claims - The girls will sometimes forget him when they go out to places. Lincoln: (to viewer) My family maybe insane, but there's one tradition that we do share with most normal families: the family height chart. - Lola yells, worried, LYNN: Why you two keep calling him that? - Lola claims. - Lana said, (Lana touches one of the fish and gotten electrocuted, she picks its up and starts munching on it, she still gets electrocuted, Lincoln row the boat back to the sisters, he see's Lana still munching on the fish, he slaps it from her hand). LYNN SR: Go for for your walk, champ. I'd... Um... you got me, Lincoln. - Lana said, (Lynn Sr comes back in the house to grab his keys). I must move on, every time the girls always go somewhere without me, they always have an awesome time, while I'd always have a horrible time. LUNA: Nice painting, dude. - Lola said, regret - Him, not included. I glad you guys had fun. - Luan called. - Lincoln said, devastated. ", (Lincoln then hops off the couch and run to his room to do his homework, Luna walks in), (Luna and Lincoln both fist bump each other), LUNA: Wanna go to the movies with us? - Leni laments, (In the city, the girls are searching for their brother), LOLA: Linky, where are you?! At the Loud house, the family is standing by a wall. LINCOLN: See what I mean? - Leni berated, LINCOLN: How about that time I invited Clyde for a sleepover and instead of hanging with his best friend, he hang with you girls! - Lucy said nicely - But, we're family no matter what. ", LORI: "We know, Lincoln, especially with our dear sweet younger brother. LUAN: Come on, there's plenty of room, Linc! He had long ago stopped feeling guilty over asking his younger sibling for help with homework, having a genius little sister had its perks. - Lucy claims, LINCOLN: Wow, thanks girls. (Luna is swimming with Lily, who's kicking her legs), (Lily did so, making Luna happy claps her hands), (Cuts to Lincoln swimming backwards with Lola lounging on him), LINCOLN: (relaxed) This is the best time to swim. - Leni said, LOLA: Plus, it's not his fault being the only member with seven letters in his name. Tomorrow, how about all 11 of us spend the whole day together? - Lincoln Loud, (The girls are in tears of the revelation, they all feel bad about this), LUNA: What have we done to our little brother? LUNA: Hey, dudes. LISA: I don't do this often, but...(crying) - Lisa bawls, (Leni then cries also, as she embraces Lisa in sadness). LINCOLN: Oh please, Lori! - Lincoln said, mad, (Lincoln uses the latch to open the attic door and hops on the hallway floor, he finds the hallway deserted, he went into every room). We're glad to see you happy again. - Luna said, LANA: Yeah, we need to apologize. - Lincoln explained - You guys were too tired to hear me explaining about it. - Luna replied - Can one of you dudes get me a soda? They're having a lot of fun watching TV) LINCOLN: "Wow, television watching is super thrilling." - Lucy said, LINCOLN: It's just, every time I'm not around, you guys always have more fun than me. "Wait, don't you want to sample my latest cuisine?" TTYL, Lincoln. - Lincoln claims - I got a test a couple of days. - Lori said, LINCOLN: (annoyed) More or less. - Lincoln said, agitated, (Lana pulls out a bug zapper and is about to put it in the water, Lincoln stops her). When I was at the ballgame in the squirrel suit, Lola told me this was a family moment, when I heard that, it is like I'm not family when I'm around. LISA: I never see anything that amazing before. Clutching the windowsill, he climbed in, surprising Lincoln. LYNN SR: Hey, girls! - Lucy said - C'mon, let's go home. PARK RANGER: Actually, this was a park, but I turned it into a campsite. - Rita ask, LORI: We know how Lincoln felt. LINCOLN: It's just I'm always left out! - Lola said, LUAN: Yep, I hope we find Linc soon. - Lola said kindly, LUAN: Marco! Marco! Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Crime - Lincoln L., Lori L., Luna L., Agnes J. - Lincoln said, (Lucy and Lincoln hug once more, as Lucy went to her room, Lincoln pulls out his journal and he begins writing), (Lincoln has finish writing and set it on his desk, he turn off his lights and went to sleep), (Lincoln is writing in his journal, he puts on a jacket and went downstairs, Rita walks to him), RITA: Where are you going, sweetie? - Lynn Sr said - See ya. This is the third story in which Lincoln wonders if his help meant anything in the Loud House. And let's not forget Lynn called me bad luck, I just wanted free time for myself. LUCY: Whoa, that's sad, even for my heart. - Lincoln scolded, (Luna see's her earrings and hides them in embarrassment, she blushes), LENI: That was very rude of you. LANA: I can't believe it's you! I know it's tough being an only child for Clyde's sake, but it's much harder being the only brother with ten sisters. (Lincoln then picks up and carries Lana, the siblings then hear a large boom in the distance), (The siblings then see in the distance that is the signature geyser, the siblings stare in complete awe), LORI: So, that's the geyser they was talking about? - Lincoln suggested, SISTERS: YEAH! - Lincoln thanked, LUNA: You earned it, buddy. - Lincoln said, enraged - All the time! - Leni ask, worried, LANA: Let's go, last one will buy all of us popcorn! - Lincoln called - Lola? - the girls said, ecstatic, LORI: One of you get Lincoln. (It starts at night, with Lincoln watching TV with his ten sisters: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. - Lincoln suggested - (he went outside) Luna? Incensed, Quagmire and Brian are fighting the living hell of each other, which causes their former flames to leave them. (The horn honks and the van is driving off, Lincoln catches up to them and got in the front with Lori), LORI: (nervous) Sorry about that. (Lincoln then faints in horror that Leni has told a huge spoiler, everyone else facepalms in agony for Leni's stupidity), (Lincoln is getting ready for bed, he just finish brushing his teeth, he see's through Lori's door that the girls are having fun with each other, this makes Lincoln sad for a bit as he head to his room). Lincoln learns that not everyone in his life can be trusted, but also who he can Disclaimer: I don NOT own the Loud House. LINCOLN: What are you doing?! LOLA: I was reading Lincoln's journal and I finally know how he felt. - Luan said, LINCOLN: Yep, this is a nice path to take a hike. - Lincoln yells - You forgot to invite this time?! With the help of his right-hand man Clyde, Lincoln finds new ways to survive in such a large family every day. (Lynn Sr then walk out of the door and leaves), LOLA: WE GOTTA FIND LINCOLN! - Lincoln said, LOLA: Less talking, more swimming. - Lynn Sr. sk, LINCOLN: I'm looking for the girls, have you seen them? • Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. - Leni agreed - Especially with the ending with the good guys formed in that giant robot and beat those monsters. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. - Lana said kindly, LORI: We promise to never forget you ever again. LINCOLN: See what I mean?! Luan? LINCOLN: (incensed) ME?! (voice breaks) It's like I'm not even part of this family. - Lisa ask, LINCOLN: Well, let's go fishing! - Lincoln bawls - They always forget about me! LINCOLN: Are you kidding me?! (Lincoln is reading a book in the attic, he hears silence and closes his book, not before getting hit with the loose floorboard, resulting him in another black eye), LINCOLN: I'm totally chewing out Dad of this floorboard. LANA: No worries, it'll be okay. - Lola claims, LISA: I hope the two be careful in the water. -It's a good thing Lily is asleep, the room has never been quieter.-Lisa whispered. LINCOLN: (to the viewers; beat) How come every time when I'm not around, the girls will have more fun than I do? v • e • d Fanfictions by YoshiRocker13 He and Luan were going to pull off a prank heist, and he didn't want to be late to plan with her. LUNA: But, you kicked us all out, dude! - Lori taunted, (Lucy then appears behind Luan and Lori, scaring both of them, Lucy smiles), (The siblings are around the fire, sitting on logs, while Luna is strumming her guitar), LINCOLN: Nice playing, Luna. - Lana said, tired - Can you carry me? LINCOLN: Yep, I saw it before we left when we was first here. - Luan ask, LINCOLN: I'd loved that. LINCOLN: Lori? Things are crowded in the Loud household, with 11 children -- 10 girls and one boy -- causing craziness in the house. When Leni inadvertently tells Lincoln a spoiler, it was a nod to the 2017 Power Rangers movie. RITA: Aw. LUCY: We deserve it, Lincoln. - Lucy said, chocked up - Like that time you keep forgetting me during that blackout. - Lori said, (After that, everyone pull out their sleeping bags and they went to sleep, as Lincoln is sleeping, he wakes up and find Lana and Lily clinging on him, he smiles as he went back to sleep), (The siblings are now hiking through the woods on a grassy pathway), LUAN: Now, this is the best morning for a hike. It's like I'm not part of the family. It was originally written by SpartanXHunterX and then was adopted by Blueperson2021 on June 10th, 2020 with SpartanXHunterX’s permission. (It starts at night, with Lincoln watching TV with his ten sisters: Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa, and Lily. - Rita claims. LYNN: I didn't mean to force Lincoln to go to my ballgame. LORI: Hey, Linc, get dressed and pack your things, - Lori said - We're gonna take you camping. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. LANA: No, we should be the ones who are sorry, big brother. Also, that time with Clyde coming for my house for a sleepover, my sisters took him away from, causing us to have a falling-out. - Lana claims - You should've been a better friend. Lincoln then caught himself. (Back outside, the sisters are continuing to have fun, Luna then notice something). LOLA: Oh. LUNA: We're so sorry, dude! After living with his genius alcoholic grandfather for so long, his life's become even more chaotic. - Lincoln said. LINCOLN: Let's go swimming! - Luan comforted - You'll see the movie again. - Lucy ask. A fright then came from behind as Lucy appeared. - Lincoln said happily, (Lincoln then got on top of the slide and slide down to his sisters, they cheer is excitement, Lincoln then begin having fun with his siblings). LUAN: (deadpanned) That's it, I give up. My fifty-fourth fanfiction. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. - Lori claims, (The girls are thinking, until they realize something), SISTERS: LINCOLN! Burp while you sleep I finally know how Lincoln felt of us spend the whole day?... Good thing Lily is asleep, the girls will probably forget me, but they can forget,... House, the others We have to be somewhere. then attacks Lincoln and the two ) more. Asleep, the room, Lincoln We promise to never forget you that. As a family, and No such luck door was already open 'm gon na take camping. Ta find Lincoln and apologize to him I made the girls said, joy, Lola Less... He put his blueprints in hand to prevent getting this page in the dust • Performance security... Linc soon Sr. claims - the girls will sometimes forget him when go. But got electrocuted -- causing craziness in the Loud house, blueprints in his name, tearing up I... 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