Tōtōsai revealed the heritage of Sesshōmaru's sword before creating a diversion to allow Inuyasha and the rest of his companions to escape. He continues to pay her regular visits often bringing presents with him; she is last seen receiving a kimono from him. Nihongo tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (57), 半妖の夜叉姫 | Hanyou no Yashahime | Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (Anime) (9), 臥虎藏龍 | Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Movies) (1), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, 半妖の夜叉姫 | Hanyou no Yashahime | Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon (Anime), 臥虎藏龍 | Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Movies), Inspired by Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, this is a catch-all for all side stories that don't belong in WG's main plot, each chapter will have its own tags and warnings and pairings, Inuyasha talking like a crude asshole because he has neither manners nor finesse, no one important dies it just happens as a part of a doctor's life. Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha started to battle. Sesshōmaru walked to a nearby waterfall and pulled out the Staff of Two Heads. The "human", actually Sesshōmaru, killed them all with one stroke of his arm. After his father died to protect Sesshōmaru's new hanyō half-brother, Inuyasha, and his human mother, Sesshōmaru began to hate them, considering such an act as pathetic and unworthy for a great yōkai such as Tōga was. It was… something more? Sesshomaru’s concern for her became even more noticeable during the battle with Moryomaru, as it triggered his Tenseiga. Kagura was happy she got to see Sesshōmaru one last time. Sesshōmaru Other than "kisama", he used "omae", either to Jaken or to Inuyasha, the latter being occasionally and not rarely. A large demon was wreaking havoc amongst Jaken and other demons resembling him when Sesshōmaru killed the demon with his mere claws. Kagome reacted angrily surprised when she realized that an attack by him in the remains of his and Inuyasha's father was intended to kill her. Sesshōmaru first ignores him but eventually accepts Jaken's request to become his servant. Anger welled up in his heart for not being able to use Tessaiga, the sword that could cut a hundred demons in one sweep which was left by his father, whom he highly respected. Sesshōmaru later prevents Kirinmaru from killing her and her husband, instead sealing them away in his father's grave to keep them safe, at the pretense of needing Inuyasha's Meido Zangetsuha. Affiliation However, once Inuyasha gained and used the Kongōsōha that broke Naraku's barrier, Sesshōmaru's attack tore him to pieces. However, in the anime he is cold and rarely shows emotion from his very first appearance. She also has other younger siblings: Jūrōmaru, K… Later however, before Kagura's death, Sesshōmaru sought her out and considered using Tenseiga, only to conclude that Tenseiga couldn't save her. Graduation of College: Sesshomaru Taisho got Kagura Kaze Pregnant. He made one final slash that ripped Naraku's head in half. Sesshōmaru found Rin in the grasp of the master of Hell. 85 kg (187 lbs) A-Un was a two-headed dragon yōkai who traveled by Lord Sesshōmaru's side for a long time. Naraku and Sesshōmaru start to fight at the castle, and Naraku attempts to absorb Sesshōmaru into his body. Age Inuyasha warned Sesshōmaru to stay away from Kagome for good. Naraku asked Sesshōmaru to use his gifts to defeat Inuyasha for him, an offer which Sesshōmaru accepted. See more ideas about sesshomaru, inuyasha, anime. Trapped with no way to return, Inuyasha and Kagome must work together to find a way back. In InuYasha: Movie 3, Sesshōmaru had his only witnessed encounter with his father (though it was somewhat apocryphal). Kagura directed Sesshōmaru to Tōkijin, and watched as the demon claimed his sword and wielded it against his brother. The Asano Clan happened to be on the brink of losing to an enemy, however, Sesshōmaru easily cut though the enemy lines with this claws on his way to find refuge. Kagura appeared, and informed him Naraku had gone to the Border between the Living and the Dead to retrieve the final Jewel shard. He's becoming like his father in the strangest ways," referring to his father's kindness to humans.[25]. [9] Naraku was forced to fight both Sesshōmaru and Inuyasha at the same time. If a recent poll shared … He stayed there afterwards, and warned Kagura not to do anything that would get her killed. In Episode 185, he left Rin and Jaken behind to keep Kohaku. Finally after a few moments, Kagura stomped into the hallway, out of Sesshomaru's office. As Sesshōmaru lay wounded, a young human girl seems to care for his well being, and despite Sesshōmaru's rebuke and defensive stance, she gives him food and water. [9], At the same time, Inuyasha had also tracked down Naraku's castle. Sesshōmaru was more or less emotionless, with only anger, annoyance, and dissatisfaction showing on his face. Sesshōmaru seiyū, Ken Narita, narrates a 20 second CM in character, promoting the release of the fifth volume of. When Sesshōmaru peered into Kohaku's eyes, he realized he was an empty husk and was being commanded to perform his actions. Humanoid formSesshōmaru appears handsome and frail-looking at the same time, appearing as a tall and slender young man. In response, Sesshōmaru took his daughters away for a rite of passage. Sesshōmaru Sesshōmaru proceeded to tell Inuyasha that if he didn't answer, he would kill the woman in the carriage, Inuyasha's mother. In his daze of anger, Sesshōmaru appeared, and asked him why he was so inconsolable. After he slayed the yōkai, he realized Rin wasn't reviving, and stated that enhancing and strengthening his sword was not worth the price of Rin's life. Species Though he initially tried to scare her off, she returned to him, heartened at the smallest show of interest. He grabbed Inuyasha and pulled a black pearl from Inuyasha's eye. In an effort to strengthen and enhance Tenseiga's powers even further, Sesshōmaru visited his mother in search of a way to make a complete Meidō. Miroku was poisoned and rendered unable to fight. Ken Narita Sesshōmaru could only learn to understand the worth of a life and gain a truly compassionate heart when the life that was worth the most to him was lost, and "a compassionate heart" was what was necessary for the one who wields a destructive Tenseiga, which could dispatch enemies to the Netherworld. On his journey, he was accompanied by a two-headed dragon named A-Un, a demon imp named Jaken, an orphaned human girl named Rin, and eventually Sango's younger brother Kohaku. Sesshōmaru was the son of Tōga and another Inu Daiyōkai. Due to his father's will, he was given Tenseiga instead of the other two swords to eventually teach him compassion. When Sesshōmaru was injured by the Wind Scar after trying to steal the Tessaiga again from Inuyasha, Rin bravely attempted to care for him as he lay near a tree, bringing him water and food. Tōga (father, deceased)Unnamed motherIzayoi (stepmother, deceased)Rin (wife)Towa (older twin daughter)Setsuna (younger twin daughter)Inuyasha (younger paternal half-brother)Kagome Higurashi (half sister-in-law)Moroha (half-niece) The infant then creates itself a shield using parts of different demons and humans. What if Kagura was resurrected using her fan and feathers from her hair? Before Kirinmaru could kill the parents, Sesshōmaru gouged out Inuyasha's black pearl and used it to send them to the Border of the Afterlife. The InuYasha Wiki has 194 related images. It turned out to be another of Sesshōmaru's shadow beasts, and the villagers fled in fear. Naraku was secretly planning to absorb Sesshōmaru into his own flesh as Sesshōmaru hacked away at his body parts and surrounded himself with Naraku's fallen flesh. In his battle with Mōryōmaru, the villain insulted the dying Kagura, which angered Sesshōmaru, and he shattered Mōryōmaru's indestructible shell (and his only weapon in the process). When Kagura opens her eyes, the first thing she sees is the brilliant blue sky. He used to feel nothing for anyone, but meeting various people, such as the ever-changing Inuyasha, Naraku with his numerous proposals, and Rin, had brought change to his heart. He even refrained from killing Kohaku when he could easily do so, when he looked in his eyes and saw emptiness and that he had given up everything. After Mōryōmaru flees, Sesshōmaru finds Kagura, who is slowly dying in a field of flowers as a result of Naraku's miasma. He constantly rescues her and looks out for her despite claiming he did not care for her. The level of his demonic powers are such that he is can nullify demonic auras in an instant by touching the object that has been possessed. Inuyasha then sliced off one of Sesshōmaru's arms, so he was forced to flee. Anyone in his way was considered an enemy he would exterminate without hesitation. However, he still retains traces of his former ruthlessness, having entered a mountain belonging to ogres and killing all of them mercilessly to practice and develop Meidō Zangetsuha. Browse more videos. During his battle with Mōryōmaru, he became noticeably angry when Mōryōmaru insulted her memory. The Inuyasha gang spotted Sesshomaru carrying Kagura and immediately had questions. When Sesshōmaru answered "no", Tōga left, and took both the swords that Sesshōmaru wished to possess with him. Jaken deeply respects and always praises Sesshōmaru, much to Sesshōmaru's annoyance. Years later, Kohaku would take in and train Sesshōmaru's younger daughter Setsuna as a Yōkai taijiya. Mind-controlled, Kohaku was ready to kill Rin but Sesshōmaru arrived at the scene, deciding not to kill Kohaku, knowing that was what Naraku wanted him to do and he does not play by Naraku's rules. It was… something more? Sesshōmaru also shares another trait with his younger brother: having a temper and being very easy to annoy (Inuyasha being loud in his anger, Sesshōmaru being subtle), as he had been known to hit Jaken when he said something that displeased him, similar to how Inuyasha was with Shippō. Sesshōmaru (殺(せっ)生(しょう)丸(まる), "Destruction of Life") was a powerful Inu Daiyōkai, feared throughout the Feudal Era. This notion angers Sesshōmaru and he breaks Tōkijin while attacking Mōryōmaru; it also gives him the energy to break free from Mōryōmaru's grasp. Skills information Dead bodies in Hell surrounded them, and with his grief for Rin, he used Tenseiga to purify them. Sesshōmaru appears as a handsome, tall and slender young man. Instead, Sesshōmaru tracked Naraku to his castle. Arranged marriage AU. Once again, Inuyasha battled his brother as Tōtōsai's protector, but had to face Sesshōmaru's newest defense, a dragon's arm. Mayoi no Mori no Shōtaijō, https://inuyasha.fandom.com/wiki/Sesshōmaru?oldid=111789, Superhuman strength, speed, durability and olfactory senses, According to Rumiko Takahashi, Sesshōmaru's name means "killing perfection", though it can also be translated as "the perfect killer/assassin", "circle of destruction" or "complete destruction of life.". Sesshōmaru did not even hit him all that hard, or Inuyasha would have been injured. Inu yōkaiInuyasha's Group (loosely) Sesshomaru - Relationship; Kagura/Sesshoumaru (InuYasha) Higurashi Kagome/Sesshoumaru; Sesshomaru; Kagura; Kagome; Funny story; Sesshomaru is weirdly adorable; Miroku is a good bro; Summary. No,sesshomaru didn't like kagura.But kagura has a wild crush on sesshomaru.In an episode she says she wants to see sesshomaru for the last time as she was going to die but she doesn't die cuz sesshomaru saves her.But sesshomaru doesn't like kagura . 65 talking about this. Testing his theory, Sesshōmaru destroyed Naraku's body, but the force of Tōkijin was sent back by Naraku's barrier. Sesshōmaru's compassion for Rin was evident, but he preferred to disguise it, because it would taint his pride. Sesshomaru saw Kagura's body dissipating fast and he confided to himself that he would test out the tenseiga and used it on Kagura without a moment's hesitation. When she became a victim of a hit-and-run and was saved by a certain family, would they help her experienced many kinds of love? Just as Kagura thought she would die alone in the field of flowers, Sesshōmaru appeared before her, much to the wind sorceress's surprise. Towa and Setsuna are his twin daughters. … Hi ! However, when he is with Bokusenō, Sesshōmaru treats the tree with respect and drops his normal haughty tone with which he usually speaks to people. He then thought "I, Sesshōmaru, will be the one to decide if she died for nothing." Jaken, having arrived from giving Kagome and Inuyasha their plans to destroy the Grim Comet, formed a barrier to protect them from any yōkai hunting them. A retelling of episode 15 of Yashahime: Done right. But Naraku and Sesshōmaru become real enemies when Naraku orders his incarnation Kagura to abduct Rin. Rated E for safety; individual chapter ratings will be included at the beginning of each chapter and in the title. He often avoids killing in front of her, unless it is the only way to protect her. Upon arriving, Naraku revealed his true demon form, a collection of rejected demons, and attacked Sesshōmaru. He also revived a young otter yōkai's father, claiming that it was the will of Tenseiga. When Kagura was injured, Sesshōmaru originally intended to leave her in the river she was drowning in, but when Rin fell in trying to save her and Jaken followed Rin, Sesshōmaru pulled all three from the river. Following Naraku's defeat and after some input by Kaede, Sesshōmaru agrees that Rin needs to reside in a village to get used to living with humans once again and where she is safe from potential harm. While Inuyasha and his friends escaped before they felt the full brunt of Sesshōmaru's new weapon, Kagura decided that Sesshōmaru could be strong enough to destroy Naraku. She is bound to his service; her betrayal would mean certain death. Jaken is (reluctantly) aware of Sesshōmaru's compassion toward Rin, he knows that he, too, must responsibly protect her or else face the wrath of his master. 5 years ago | 6 views. Episode 5 They fought for a while before Miroku stepped in and used his Kazaana. Kagome Higurashi, who was knocked back by Jaken, with the sword in her hand, pulled it out by accident. When Kagura leaves, Rin guesses the reason Kagura is helping Sesshomaru is because she loves him; after, "she said all those nice things. At first, Inuyasha didn't believe that the woman was his mother. Inuyasha arrived, and tried (but failed) to pull it out. In this scene it is implied that leaving Rin in the village for now is to allow her to choose which world Rin wishes to live in when she matures. Later on, Shippō told Inuyasha that Kagome, Miroku, and Sango stopped breathing due to the poison. Thus leading to the birth of their daughters. Bokusenō reacts to Sesshōmaru's visits with mirth and is always willing to give him whatever information he requires. Weapons Sesshōmaru then keeps learning more and more about Naraku's heart. Only shown for a small amount of time, Sesshōmaru's mother's name is never stated. However, when Sesshōmaru's mother revived Rin, he was very relieved. Sesshōmaru placed the sleeping twins next to a tree in a forest. He stayed with her afterwards and warned her not to do anything that would get her killed. On several occasions throughout the series Sesshōmaru's group happened to encounter Inuyasha's group while both teams were hunting down Naraku and Sesshōmaru more or less willingly helped out Inuyasha and his friends which he always claimed as not have been his actual intentions in any of such situation. When Zero woke Kirinmaru up to hunt down Inuyasha along with his and Kagome's newborn daughter, Moroha, Sesshōmaru seemingly helped him but unbeknownst to Kirinmaru, his true goal appeared to be to protect them, having clearly warned Inuyasha and Kagome before allying with Kirinmaru so Inuyasha and Kagome could have Hachiemon take their daughter to safety. Sesshōmaru had a very inquiring mind when there was something he cared about, but at the same time, he had almost no tenacity of purpose. So yes, Rumiko introduced Kagura as a love interest for Sesshomaru in order to try to deter the fandom from shipping Sesshomaru with Rin, meant all the Sess/Kagura stuff in a romantic manner, and then she forgot about Kagura afterwards as usual. He walked off, and Rin followed him, becoming his traveling companion. Sesshōmaru told Kagura that he picked up the scent of blood and miasma. What does he, the Great Lord Sesshomaru, desire? She believed that only Sesshōmaru could defeat him; she also seemed to have romantic feelings for him, just like Sara Asano had. Gold Because he respected his bloodline so much, he despised Inuyasha as well as Inuyasha's human mother Izayoi. His mother told him not to expect her to do this twice, placing the Meidō Stone around Rin's neck. He wore sashinuki hakama which were gathered at the ankles, producing a "ballooning" effect. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. When she asks Sesshōmaru if he is okay with it, he simply turns around and walks away, indicating that he wasn't allowed to save his daughters less Zero kill them herself. Game Debut His clothes and armor also change as the manga progresses. When Kagura gets a text from Sesshomaru to meet him, she can’t help but wonder what’s to come this close to Christmas, with the boss she just can’t get out of her head? "Sesshomaru, aren't you going to take me to lunch?" He had never met her personally, but though he joined forces with Kirinmaru, it was shown that Sesshōmaru had no intention to kill either Inuyasha or Moroha, as he clearly warned Kagome and Inuyasha so that they could send her to safety, showing he does care for her. He was nervous, and she could see that. Movie Debut [12], Also, when Byakuya, Naraku's newest incarnation, was about to take Kohaku, who had one of the last three shards of the Shikon no Tama, back to Naraku, Sesshōmaru appeared and launched a ranged Meidō Zangetsuha (still in the crescent moon shape), barely missing him. The following year, Rin gave birth to Sesshōmaru's twin daughters, Towa and Setsuna. After learning the Meidō Zangetsuha for the first time, a breeze blows and Sesshōmaru decides that he, Sesshōmaru, will decide whether or not Kagura died in vain. Naraku telepathically ordered Kohaku to murder Rin. He did not hold back his power, even against women. The issue with the full body comparisons, is that Sesshomaru wears looser fitting clothes and … When Kagura gets a text from Sesshomaru to meet him, she can’t help but wonder what’s to come this close to Christmas, with the boss she just can’t get out of her head? foto of Sesshomaru for fan of Sesshomaru and Kagura 10283797 Sesshōmaru, enraged by the fact that a lowly human could pull out Tessaiga, demanded Kagome to submit the sword to him. Jaken convinced Kirinmaru that Inuyasha's Meidō Zangetsuha would be needed in the future. Inuyasha told Kagome that she was crazy to think that he needed to believe in the sword to make it work. easily one of the saddest scenes in Inuyashiki history (jk inuyasha) Canon divergence from chapter 542 onwards. Japanese Seiyū Like the other demon characters in the Inuyasha guidebook, his true age isn't given - only his age in terms of human years. Most, if not all, will be AU. Inuyasha started to strike Sesshōmaru, but the illusion disappeared, suggesting it was all in Inuyasha's head to begin with. Anime Comics Kagome And Inuyasha Anime Manga Anime Shows Sesshomaru Manga Anime Inuyasha And Sesshomaru Cartoon. Sesshōmaru suddenly realized why Naraku had abducted Rin - as a method of distracting him in case of needing to escape. Everything about this perfect couple: Sesshomaru and Kagura. In fact, when Sesshōmaru did kill enemies, he did it in a quick and efficient manner, disregarding any form of unnecessary violence. Naraku has been seen a few times throughout the series trying to use Sesshōmaru to kill Inuyasha for him. Sesshōmaru's true form is a giant silver dog with markings similar to the ones he had in his human form. As he rested, Sara hid behind trees and gazed at Sesshōmaru, often listening to his unconscious mutterings about wanting the Tessaiga. Miroku and Shippō fought Jaken, who used his Nintōjō, tossing fire at them. Kagome then rose out of the sludge, unharmed because Tessaiga had protected her. 50 years prior to the beginning of the series and shortly after Inuyasha was sealed to the sacred tree, Sesshōmaru was encountered by Panther Demon Tribe (Tōran, Karan, Shunran and Shūran). Status Right after Kagura left, Sesshomaru grabbed his phone, and called his wife. Possibly watching Naraku's attempt to kill Kikyō, Sesshōmaru appeared before Naraku; he believed that since he had emerged from hiding, he had grown stronger. He also remarked to Inuyasha that Inuyasha's love for humans was what made him weak, just like his mother. When Inuyasha arrived to see Kikyō's broken bow, Sesshōmaru berated his brother for not being able to save her, telling him to chase Naraku instead of yelling at him. The unwilling Tōtōsai had Inuyasha defend him, causing the brothers to fight. Please consider turning it on! His calmness often kept his thoughts clear of emotional influence. Sesshōmaru realized his true potential as a true Daiyōkai after Tenseiga's fighting technique, Meidō Zangetsuha, was given to Inuyasha. The illusion disappeared, suggesting it was to make sure that she despises things! Then blew, which did n't manifest until later on in his humanoid form, where went! For having left Tessaiga to Sesshōmaru 's arm in character, promoting the release of the,... His thoughts clear of emotional influence humans and hanyō alike, then toxic! Sesshōmaru encountered Jaken when he used Tenseiga to be reforged as a detector and.! Him ; she also seemed to have romantic feelings for him to pieces changed Sesshōmaru mother! A small amount of time, Inuyasha and pulled out the Staff of two.! Humans, which excludes the lowly likes of you. Tōtōsai, Sesshōmaru passes the plains of Musashi where! 'S neck he started to cry, for he was `` very happy ``. When his opponent insulted her memory, narrates a 20 second CM in character, promoting release. 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