Bibilography: Hamid, Ahmad. He was also a man of contradictions. The village which has fallen into disrepair (watch video above) is currently the focus of a UNESCO rehabilitation and documentation project. Here, he concentrated on Paramount projects in Pakistan and Iraq. Hassan Fathy is one of Egypt’s most well-known and revered architects. Fathy utilized ancient design methods and materials. © TI Media Limited. Fathy designed many rural projects before New Gourna, personally involved in peasant housing through the family owned farming properties of Talkha and Baqliyya. ‘For many years Fathy’s projects have been described as Postmodern vernacular, and only recently has he been rediscovered as a master who proposed a different idea of modernity’ Hassan Fathy’s oeuvre can be understood as a continuous search to define an appropriate architecture with respect to the local context, one capable of expressing his arabité . Fathy utilized ancient design methods and materials. The Village was designed and built between 1946 and 1952 by the famous Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy (1900-1989). Also, Fathy’s most famous project, New Gourna, is for me less of “architecture for the poor” than it is a colonial project. One of the later houses designed by Fathy in which the use of mud bricks was replaced by that of stone. Photography: Viola Bertini, Andreoli Residence, 1984, Fayyum. Beyond design, he also studied construction, learning from history and the local vernacular to develop modern approaches to traditional Egyptian techniques including earth construction. Another reason that Fathy’s enthusiasm in promoting sustainability is due to the influence of his friend, E.F. Schumacher, an economist who proposed “small is beautiful”. Courtesy of the Rare Books And Special Collections Library The American University In Cairo. The book also publishes an interview with master builder Alāʾ al Dīn Muṣṭafa who worked closely with Fathy on numerous projects. Built for Katarina and Gerry Andreoli, who lived in Cairo during the 1980s, the house was located in the vicinity of Tunis al-Gabal village in Fayyum. Photography: Viola Bertini, Redrawing composed from various plans of New Baris village by Hassan Fathy, 1965, showing the general plan and the single plans of the buildings. 12 The photographic credits indicate that apart from material held in the rbscl (Cairo (Egypt), Ameri ; 3 Hassan Fathy dans son temps provides a substantial contribution to the literature on the Egyptian master. Fathy was in search of a modernism that would reflect the local context of Egypt, and throughout his career his aim was always to create an architecture that could be a model for the people who needed it the most. Courtesy of the Rare Books and Special Collections Library, The American University in Cairo, Inside ‘Hassan Fathy: Earth & Utopia’ published by Laurence King, Mausoleum constructed for a saint, Aswan, 1984. Consequently, it has All Rights Reserved. Remembering the Master and Hassan Fathy: Architecture for the Poor . A diverse group of projects from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Europe have been honored with the prestigious Aga Khan Award. Designed by a pioneer of sustainable architecture, Hassan Fathy, the village of New Gourna in Luxor, or ancient Thebes, was commissioned by the Egyptian Department of Antiquities in 1945. Photography: Viola Bertini, Spreads showing illustrated plans by Hassan Fathy, Plan of the village of Gourna, showing the public buildings in white, the main circulation system in red, and the semi-public squares around which each group of houses is arranged in orange. And music is architecture frozen in time." Fathy’s sense of social responsibility is reflected on his insistence that it is the obligation of architect to secure jobs of the craftsmen. Learn how your comment data is processed. This was a planned village commissioned by the Egyptian government in 1946 to house villagers who were to be displaced from the Antiquities Zone near Luxor, in order to stop them raiding the ancient tombs. Here you will find a compilation of historical narratives, archival documents, maps, photographs, and annotated bibliographies regarding a number of important Asian cities. The New Gourna project (1943-7) defined a courtyard system that combined residential and public life, and set a precedent for future work including New Baris (1965), amongst other housing developments, master plans and community schemes in Egypt, Pakistan and Iraq. He utilized ancient design methods and materials, as well as knowledge of the rural Egyptian eco… Quotable Quotes "Architecture is music frozen in place. Technology in Fathy’s eye is ‘a method of serving man and increasing his hope in the comforts of the good life’ (Hamid, 2010), but should not be the dominating factor in designing architecture. Intended as a model public housing project and perhaps the codification of a national style, the mud brick, domed dwell - Hassan Fathy . Fathy worked to create an indigenous environment at a minimal cost, and in so doing to improve the economy and the standard of living in rural areas. Publications. Photography: Samar Salma Damluji, East elevation of the Monastirli House, 1950. American University in Cairo Press, 2010. "The village of New Gourna, which was partially built between 1945 and 1948, is possibly the most well known of all of Fathy's projects because of the international popularity of his book, "Architecture for the Poor", published nearly twenty years after the experience and concentrating primarily on the ultimately tragic history of this single village. Photography: Viola Bertini. Difference in Street Life Between Hanoi’s outskirt and Ancient Quarters, Chongqing (1940-1943)/Bei Bei: Urbanization Experiment in the suburb, Yangon (2007-2017) / Reshaping of the downtown Yangon Image for an Other Agenda, Tokyo (1986) / From Utopia to Reality – Plan for Tokyo Bay, Americanization for the Filipinos’ good? 1958 – Housing Programme for Iraq (also Doxiades Associates) 1959 – Baume Marpent Enterprises, Kharga Oasis. Fathy worked to create an indigenous environment at a minimal cost, and in so doing to improve the economy and the standard of living in rural areas. This first dedicated and cohesive book on Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy (1900-89) compiles an rich amount of diverse material on the modernist architect known for his work developing traditional Arab architecture alongside principles of modernism. Acceptance speech – Hassan Fathy speech. The design stands out due to the usage of traditional techniques, materials and the use of vernacular … “Hassan Fathy.” 2007. Hassan Fathy is Egypt's best-known 20th-century architect. ... Housing Crisis lead to utopian ideas for city planning and mass production techniques to relieve the postwar reconstructive state. Therefore, Fathy proposed a quantifying method to determine if the technology is suitable to adopt by the means of sustainability. Hassan Fathy and Continuity in Islamic Arts and Architecture. 1960 – Ali Bey Fathy Apartment. Hassan Fathy devoted himself to housing the poor in developing nations and deserves study by anyone involved in rural improvement. New Gourna was a housing project masterminded by Hassan Fathy with the objective of re-housing the Seven Thousand people of Gourna, a village built on the site of the Tomb of the Nobles, part of the ancient cemetery of Thebes (now Luxor, Egypt). Harraniya Weaving Village Project (also Ramsis Wissa Wassef) Fares School. What he finds wrong in the modernization of architecture is the mass production method that totally neglects the individuality of human, and the attempt to unify the world with a singular method of production. Different from the approach of William Morris’ art and craft movement, Fathy’s approach incorporated the massing production of copies of windows, stained glass and etc. ln recovering lost traditional knowledge and skills, Fathy was a forerunner of the theories underlying the question of sustainability.New Gouma, Hassan Fathy's pilot-project… This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.By submitting your information, you agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy & Cookies Policy. The Souk and residential buildings at New Bariz, near Kharga Oasis, 1967. Geneva office: Maison de la Paix Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2e Building 5 […] well-known Arab architect Hassan Fathy on the project, who is famous for his regional modernism (2.1 Ideology of Hassan Fathy) and specialized in housing design (2.4 Iraq Housing Programme Design Drawing). Often, these cities attain extreme conditions of density, informality, hybrid identities, and infrastructure building when the trajectories of their regional histories combined unexpectedly with a post-colonial complex in the 20th century. He does not oppose international style simply because the western ideas are forcefully imply on the Arab region but rather the derivation of the modern style from the west is based on the common technology instead of common humanism. by Hassan Fathy through his housing project. Thus, he rejected architecture that is not indigenous rooted from the local area. New Baris public buildings with the museum in the foreground and the market vaults in the background, 2010. These communities included many functional buildings such as laundry facilities, ovens, and wells. The second part of the book explores this; publishing The Mud Brick Manual: Vault and Dome Construction written in 1984 by Fathy with Salma Samar Damluji, a text that sought to shine light into processes that could help building dwellings for large numbers of the poor in developing countries. The project incorporated traditional techniques and materials and vernacular styles with the benefit of contemporary know-how, generating an … This is an on-going and collective effort in recognizing that there are highly specific discourses that make up the historical and theoretical basis of Asian urbanism. That is, to judge the appropriateness of the idea from outside through the measure of thermal and energy efficiency, cost, etc. It was created to shelter the community of Old Gourna ( Gournii ) who had lived above the tombs in the ancient cemetery of Thebes and whose relocation was considered as a solution to reduce the damages to the Pharaonic Tombs. Safeguarding project of Hassan Fathy’s New Gourna Village in partnership with the Governorate of Luxor, the Ministry of Culture, and other international organisations, within the framework of the World Heritage Centre Earthen Architecture Programme (WHEAP) 3, under of the phase 2 (2009- 2011), which focuses on Africa and Arab States. Laureate media. He was far ahead of the thinking of the times and was widely known for his ideas. Axonometric view of a farm in Baqliya, gouache, 52 x 72 cm, 1940. Temporary Dwellings for Arab Refugees, Gaza. New Gourna was a housing project masterminded by Hassan Fathy with the objective of re-housing the Seven Thousand people of Gourna, a village built on the site of the Tomb of the Nobles, part of the ancient cemetery of Thebes (now Luxor, Egypt). Description. Courtesy of Viola Bertini, Mit Rehan or the The Casaroni Villa, 1980, Giza. The idea beneath the vernacular architecture he highly praised is Fathy’s belief that human is not interchangeable, and that architecture has to meet both the physical and psychological needs of human. Whilst mass consumption is doing the total opposite, Fathy hoped to stop the wash away of architectural artifact. Foundation Head office: Stockholmsvägen 23 122 62 Enskede, Sweden. Steele, James. After three years Fathy returned to Egypt where he opted to focus more on public consultation and speaking. • Hassan Fathy died in 1989 but left behind a legacy of 160 buildingprojects ranging from small projects to large-scale communitiescomplete with mosques and schools.• He designed and built superb villas of adobe and stone, but mainly hegrappled head-on with housing … View showing the back façade of the Andreoli Residence with the red garage door, 1985. However, when applying such technology, one must be very sensitive in handling the technology from the outside. Courtesy of the Rare Books And Special Collections Library The American University In Cairo, The sequence of the commercial units overlooking the courtyard at new Baris, 2010. Data. Courtesy of the Rare Books And Special Collections Library, The American University in Cairo, Spreads showing sections of the book on craft and culture, The Halawa House by Abdel Wahed El Wakil. Opening remarks place Fathy alongside a cohort of other modernist architects working within their national contexts who have recently been given the prominence they deserve including Jose Plecnik in Slovenia, Pikionis and Constantin Doxiadid in Greece – who Fathy worked with from 1957-1961 – and Luis Barragan in Mexico. The clashes between […]. Hence, he reprimanded architects not to take up projects that involve design more than 20 units, as he insisted that architects should remain true to the human dimension. ), Hassan Fathy dans son temps, Gollion: Infolio, 2013, p. 14. by Hassan Fathy through his housing project. I have tried to investigate most of these rural projects that were previously classified in the archives under the title of “unidentified farms”. At New Gourna, Fathy pedestaled his vision of vernacular building traditions and promot-ed precise forms and materials he had seen utilized in rural Egypt. Andreoli Residence, 1984, Fayyum was built for … He is one of the few architects who gained his fame not through flashy and complicated structures but through simple, cost-effective designs for the people. The substantial volume combines previously unpublished drawings, personal letters, interviews and photography unfolding the story of his philosophy and work. Fathy envisioned a new village of mud brick houses in quaint streets and squares that would become a prototype for eco-nomical and sanitary housing sensitive to rural lifestyles (Figure 1). Attiya Restaurant BOBINAGCO for Electrical Industries: production of Enameled Round Copper Wire, PVC insulated cables, and Silicon rubber insulated cables (single and fiberglass coated). Hence, he reprimanded architects not to take up projects that involve design more than 20 units, as he insisted that architects should remain true to the human dimension. The first book on the philosophy and work of Egyptian architect Hassan Fathy. ‘If you want to design for the people, you have to go and understand their way of life,’ Fathy is quoted in the book. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Andreoli Residence in Cairo, Egypt. He invented a housing type drawing from a wide range of constructive and typological Egyptian models. Fathy’s 1945 housing project for the relocation of the village of Gourna in Luxor was his most famous and internationally renowned project. concrete housing projects. Description via Amazon. He designed nearly 160 separate projects, from modest country retreats to fully planned communities with police, fire, and medical services, markets, schools, theatres, and places for worship and recreation. Project for a Factory, J.J.P Oud 1919, (never constructed) Villa at Huis ter Heide (concrete villa), Rob van't Hoff, 1916, Huis ter heide netherlands ... Hassan Fathy, Sedad Hakki Eldem, Rifat Chadirji. The goal was to use local materials and techniques to relocate Old Gourna, a community of amateur archeologists that had sprung up near the ancient sites, and in doing so, curtail damage and looting at nearby Pharaonic … Fathy set great store by local cultures of a country and believe that vernacular architecture is evolve from a place’s culture, religion, climate and environment. The Socio-political Ideology of Manila Plan, Sewoon Sangga/ Beginning of the Modern Korea, Specific developments as Japan’s “agricultural appendage”, Ideologies on the Green Corridor Plan (1975): the City Beautiful Movement, Taipei (1996-2006)/ Community Environment Remodelling Scheme: 2.5 – Collaboration of Professions, First impressions on Old Tashkent from the West / Through Central Asia, Henry Lansdell (1887), Taipei (1996-2006)/ Community Environment Remodelling Scheme: Historical Document, Green Corridor Plan (1975)/Historical images of green areas in Ulaanbaatar, Tashkent Earthquake/ General Plan of development of Tashkent, Pyla, Panayiota I. The design stands out due to the usage of traditional techniques, materials and the use of vernacular architectural solutions. Even though Fathy holds a strong stance in defending the authenticity of culture, he remains open in adapting technology for construction. "An architect should live in the spaces he has created. To link to the entire object, paste this link in email, IM or document To embed the entire object, paste this HTML in website To link to this page, paste this link in email, IM or document To embed this page, paste this HTML in website He has done an experiment in the 1970s in Egypt to test out the building techniques in seven chambers to identify the suitable construction method for the Egyptian climate condition. “Hassan Fathy Revisited.”. Welcome to this urban research blog led by students from the Department of Architecture, University of Hong Kong. Hassan Fathy was a cosmopolitan trilingual professor-engineer-architect, amateur musician, dramatist, and inventor. Serageldin, Ismail. Video&Audio. T: +46-(0)8-70 20 340 F: +46-(0)8-70 20 338. For More Information. Courtesy Of The Aga Khan Trust For Culture, ‘Hassan Fathy: Earth & Utopia’, £65, is published by Laurence King and available from 15 October, Share your email to receive our daily digest of inspiration, escapism and design stories from around the world. View of the craft school from the north at new Baris, 2010. FATHY HASSAN GROUP, is one of the leading companies in the Copper industry in EGYPT. Wallpaper* is part of TI Media Limited. Images. Hassan Fathy's Home Photo: Margaret Randall Photo: Margaret Randall. §, The cover of ‘Hassan Fathy: Earth & Utopia’ published by Laurence King, Study for the Korangi Housing Project, plan of a settlement centre with the mosque and the public buildings, Pakistan, 1959. View of the main patio at the villa, with the octagonal water fountain in the middle and the main qā a on the right, 2010. 206. In the 1960s, Fathy planned a community for agricultural development, New Bariz, in a desert near Kharga Oasis, middle Egypt. However, the factory-production method in a larger sense of architecture is still inappropriate in Fathy’s eye, where he thinks prototyping is being inconsiderate and the meaning of an architect’s work is lost. Hassan Fathy devoted himself to housing the poor in developing nations and deserves study by anyone involved in rural improvement. "A house where the children play happily is a happy state." This year, nine projects were in places where Muslims live. Photography: Samar Salma Damluji, A street in New Baris with the market on the right and the administration building on the le , 2010. 1st ed. Photography: Viola Bertini. When elements that are not suit to a local culture are implanted, the traditional of a culture would inevitably erode and disappear, resulting a contradictory situation for the place. His ultimate belief is “architecture is for human beings” and this is where he began and entailed his paradigms regarding how architecture should be. 2.2 Doxiadis Commentary on Fathy’s Housing Plan, Overview – Doxiadis in Iraq: a Scientific Imposition | ASIAN CITIES RESEARCH, MUMBAI/ Visionary Suburb Planning: The role of Eastern Avenue (1910-1920), 7. In 1959 Hassan went to work under Doxiadis Organization in Greece. Hassan Fathy’s New Gourna. The traditional wisdom, technical know-how and understanding of the natural environment have helped to shape strategies for development. Hassan Fathy, who worked in Doxiadis Associates for five years from 1956 to 1961, is an Egyptian architect famous for his humanity approach towards modern architecture in the Middle East region. In his book Architecture for the Poor, Fathy sets out his philosophy and techniques in the context of his most well-known project, New Gourna. Even though it aspired to revive peasants' pride, regenerate the Egyptian countryside, and provide the foundation for The book celebrates a growing global interest in Fathy’s work at a time when the history of architecture is being rebalanced as colonialism begins to be reassessed through a more critical lens. 11 Leïla el-Wakil (ed. The cover of ‘Hassan Fathy: Earth & Utopia’ published by Laurence King. He came from a wealthy background and had a western-style training. Study for the Korangi Housing Project, plan of a settlement centre with the mosque and the public buildings, Pakistan, 1959. Not colonial in the sense of foreignness, but in the approaches and techniques of imposing on a local population the vision of an architect coming from the capital commissioned by a central state to build following state orders, rather than following the desires of the … Written by Salma Samar Damluji, an architect and writer who worked directly with Fathy, and architect and scholar Viola Bertini who researched a PhD on Fathy at IUAV Venice, the book takes on a personal approach from the very first pages with a series of forewords that highlight memories of Fathy, quotes and set the local scene within which he worked. The independent jury for the 30th anniversary of the award program placed special value on meaningful collaborations and exchanges of ideas. Fathy believes that craftsmanship work is an important part in human life, because it does not only provide pleasure for an individual and that artistry as a way to ennoble man but also can help a society to regenerate itself in line with its own traditions. It is regrettable that construction was interrupted by the result of the third Middle East War. Please use the menu on the top to explore the cities that our students are researching, or the links below to explore the range of narratives or documents that are available in this blog. The first part of the book follows Fathy’s research and participation within Egyptian culture, community and construction, alongside architecture, that all became integral to his design thinking: as a Sufi Muslim, he was aware of the history and practice of Islamic architecture; he was also a playwright, completing The story of al Mashrabiyyah (1942) and even designing costumes for it; he was a painter, designing architecture in watercolours; he was a journalist, interviewing community members about their experience of life. Not only did he introduce traditional styles but he taught the Pakistanis how to befriend nature. Beyond a book, Hassan Fathy: Earth & Utopia is like an album or even a scrapbook, bringing together diverse source materials, it is a valuable document for learning about Fathy, the challenges he faced and his importance today in Egypt and globally. 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