5 Thumbs Up 6 Thai King 7 Soles of the Feet 8 Dinner Invitations 9 Punctuality 10 Other Examples She thought of approaching her manager with her observations but she felt that the boss would take them as criticism of the advertising team who had created the copy. These cultural differences in the workplace are the reason why managing a culturally diverse workforce is a challenge. Skill Boosters 16,738 views. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. The beliefs and values that you hold regarding equality may affect your behaviors. Hi,I read your new stuff named “4 Examples of Cultural Differences in the Workplace” on a regular basis.Your story-telling style is witty, keep doing what you’re doing! What other examples of cultural difference in the workplace come to mind? Many of your daily misunderstandings at work are nothing more than clear examples of cultural differences in the workplace. Much of this comes down to values and how cultures are shaped by the values they prioritise. It wasn’t the first time that Marta’s manager asked her to copy-edit the store flyer. And you can look our website about proxy list daily. How much is too much? Learn to identify them and value them, and you’ll be several steps ahead of the pack. You can also change some of your preferences. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. Cultural Misunderstandings A British woman told me, "I'll knock you up in the morning." In Chinese culture, hierarchy is really important, whereas in American culture, its more about equality and displays of hierarchy aren’t culturally comfortable. Within the workplace, if this cross cultural misunderstanding between co-workers and clients, they can develop into conflict, that will impact on the quality and effectiveness of service delivery. The Dutch national however took the meaning literally – big mistake! Saying something is “fine” in the UK really means it is not fine – it’s the exact opposite. Find out more! What utensils we use to eat, what we eat, whether we share our food or not, are all examples of cultural differences. People pick sides, “I’m right, they are wrong,” and nothing constructive comes out of the argument. Many of your daily misunderstandings at work are nothing more than clear examples of cultural differences in the workplace. Microsoft Offends India. This individual really struggles to understand the British. Now in Australia this is an acceptable way of making friends. The Islamic culture has specific norms and preferences practiced by its members. He was being given the cold shoulder by his Thai colleagues and not feeling welcome. Eye Contact: In the United States, keeping eye contact with someone usually shows that you are listening to what… New York | Buenos Aires
So, when the head of the Chinese delegation was only greeted by a junior member of the team, rather than the most senior, he immediately felt a loss of face. Language is a beautiful yet tricky art form. However, after handing in the report or making the presentation they discover the manager is not pleased as things are missing. Cultural Misunderstanding in the Workplace: Kirsten Lopez, Matthew Ferguson, Fred Garcia, Johnnie Whiteside COM 360 : Home; Scenario I - The Misunderstanding; Scenario II - Better Options; References; Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. * Cultural hegemony: when a single culture dominates several other cultures. * Be inspired to go after your dreams and make them a reality! It can help prevent cultural conflicts and allow your employees to better deal with foreign customers and colleagues. * Ethnocentrism: when someone is not open to nor ready to embrace other cultures or judges another culture solely by the values and standards of his own culture. Never Heard About It? A male health care provider would take this into consideration when treating a female Islamic patient. Yet the focus of our blog is women, particularly Latinas. * Receive invitations to our FREE life-changing webinars! In the above example, you may have become upset, while the other person doesn’t know it … These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. Other illnesses include espanto (shock), susto (fright), mal de ojo (the “evil eye”), and mal aire (bad air caused by exposure to drafts). Many of the examples of cultural differences have to do with how much people share about themselves and their families with their co-workers. Later, when Marta mentioned her decision to Jim, an Anglo colleague, he said Marta’s boss would probably welcome the suggestions. Within a very short time, the Thai nationals in the office were not very impressed with their new addition. Problems in workplace that are caused by cultural differences. We may request cookies to be set on your device. The following two tabs change content below. Workplace issues involving cultural diversity. Much of this comes down to values and how cultures are shaped by the values they prioritise. Knowing how to identify cultural differences in the workplace can give you a competitive edge while putting you in a position to enjoy your colleagues a whole lot more! Avoid cultural misunderstanding Cultural differences can sometimes lead to misunderstandings in the community or the workplace. We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. Every company that’s emerged as a positive example of cultural diversity has faced issues in relation to facilitating people from different groups to work cohesively. 34 New House, 67-68 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8JY, UK. By clicking below to submit this form, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to MailChimp for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms. Think about it this way: you are being paid to think outside the box, to come up with unique ideas and points of view that can give your company a competitive advantage. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. For example, when they prepare a report or a presentation and show it to their manager for feedback they are told, “it’s fine”. To return to our example of the Hilton Worldwide chain, the cultural challenges are great – as there is plenty of room for misunderstandings and conflict between expat and local members of staff – but the company provides training through its Hilton Worldwide University to reduce cultural differences and ensure that one culture – that of the corporation – is predominant. True leaders know when to lead and when to follow, allowing room for better communication and a more empathic understanding based in a genuine care for those we work […]. As a result of his behaviour all the Thais in the office thought that the Australian was extremely rude and insensitive; in fact, he was just trying to be friendly. Managers must be prepared to communicate effectively with workers of different cultural backgrounds. The difference in greens meant Kashmir was shown as non-Indian, and the product was promptly banned in India. Upon entering the restaurant, the head of the Chinese delegation is greeted by a junior member of the US team. No matter where you work, chances are you are surrounded by examples of cultural differences. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. It’s therefore imperative to recognize cultural differences at work; that way, colleagues can avoid taking a simple misunderstanding to heart. Your email address will not be published. Some workers may have specific cultural needs or requirements which should be taken into account. SUBSCRIBE NOW TO START YOUR SUCCESSFUL JOURNEY. There are many subtle cultural differences in the workplace that are not as obvious as how we introduce each other. Another one of the most common examples of cultural differences in the workplace is how well (and how much) someone promotes their contributions. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. This attitude will affect how you work with the people from Islamic cultures. The standard speaking style in Spanish, for example, is more direct than English. (We discussed what is cultural diversity in this blog.). The evening after the tour, the Americans host the Chinese delegation for a dinner at a local restaurant. But some misunderstandings are bigger than others and history is peppered with some hilarious examples. He asks where he should sit, to which he is told to, “sit where you like”. They can often surprise a colleague with a question like, “How’s your aunt Margie doing?” when the colleague no longer remembers that her aunt had an operation a month ago. Six Sources of Workplace Cultural Conflicts. * Be who you are meant to be. The dialogues … We have picked 3 examples which highlight the most common challenges people face when working across cultures. The Thais value face, reputation and formality whereas the Australians value humour, friendship and a much more informal approach to business. Despite the many issues that cultural diversity arises, the issues in the workplace are one of the most prominent ones. This site uses cookies. Immigrants get annoyed with natives and natives get annoyed with immigrants. Award-winning, best-selling author, corporate consultant and international speaker on career success and women empowerment. They ask because they care and they expect others to care about them as well. This cultural misunderstanding led to an 8-month delay in the signing of the contract. The Dutch value transparency whereas the Brits value subtlety and diplomacy. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. All cultures prioritise different values and a lot of the time when we see examples of cultural misunderstandings its usually a case of one culture looking at another culture through their own cultural lens. The managers are idiots. Complaints were being made against him for inappropriate behaviour. In Thailand however, this simply does not translate. In this example of a cultural misunderstanding the Australian was trying to make friends through humour. 3. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. Dress - Some cultures have specific clothing such as headscarves or turbans that are worn at all times. To add insult to injury he was then told to ‘sit anywhere’ – when, ideally, he should have been given the seat at the head of the table next to the most senior member of the US team. I agree to the terms and conditions laid out in the Privacy Policy, Wanna Also Get Event Invitations? In this blog, we are going to share real-life examples of cultural misunderstandings from our cross-cultural training work. Example of Cultural Misunderstandings at work - Duration: 0:40. London | Barcelona. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. YOU DESERVE A CAREER AND A LIFE YOU LOVE. Without further ado, here are history’s strangest cases: Cultural misunderstanding examples British understatement leads to a heroic but pointless last stand. The principle being that in order for someone to think of you when there’s an opportunity, they need to know what you’re good at and what you could do for the project they have in mind. Amplified! If you say something is ‘fine’, then it’s fine. Here are a few examples of common cultural misunderstandings amongst employees. You don’t make jokes about people in front of others, especially work colleagues. For example, the Chinese value hierarchy whereas the Americans value equality. "Give me the key" sounds bossy in English without a "please" accompanying it, but in Spanish "dame la llave" is perfectly polite. Be you! We continue to write articles to cover all aspects of diversity. The workers are lazy. Managing emails and phone calls. These issues arise due to disability, or differences in education or work styles. For example, according to redshoemovement.com, Latinos are usually taught to work hard and keep their heads down. Welcome to the Red Shoe Movement! 4.5KSHARES Abdiel Jacobsen and Kristine Bendul’s Hustle for Equality Leadership looks different if we strive for equality. By Claire Meyer. You need to listen to much more than the words in the UK. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of cookies. Knowing about them can improve the work environment. Misunderstandings occur daily when they’re nothing more than examples of different cultures coming together in the workplace. As we see in all three examples of cultural misunderstandings, both sides have not understood that their culture, and their way of doing things, doesn’t work in the new culture. It was introduced into China through Central Asia around the time Christ was born. Frequent media contributor on CNN, Univision, Telemundo and others. 4 Steps to do less and achieve more to feel better, Interculturality and Diversity - NCCR PlanetS, https://syracusecoe.org/intercultural-differences-in-work-environment/, https://redshoemovement.com/examples-of-cultural-differences-in-the-workplace/, https://www.universalclass.com/articles/business/handling-cultural-differences-in-the-workplace.htm, Intercultural Communicative Competence.
Examples of Cultural Misunderstanding to Take Care 1 Slurping 2 Kiss on the Cheek 3 Party Faux Pas 4 What? We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. Or as Mark Twain put it: "If your only tool is a hammer, all your problems will be nails." Self esteem quotes: Because we never get tired of them, Women in male-dominated professions and industries, What You Don’t Learn in Executive Presence Training…, Let’s face it, executive presence training focuses more on erasing gender differences than on teaching women how to assert their presence by taping …, The question “What is Cultural Sensitivity?” continues to haunt our organizations. It really depends on who you ask. The next day the Chinese delegation left the USA without signing any contract. Examine any cultural biases that you have, as well as your own beliefs about cultural differences. +44 01963 23253 or +1 (315) 215 1652. Culture breeds conflict. Microsoft … #4 Cultural conflicts. You can check these in your browser security settings. Do You Speak English? For example, when colleagues try to communicate concern in stressful situations, or when a manager attempts to gauge enthusiasm for an opportunity, a worker may feel others are overreacting or not eager enough. For example, children who observe tensions between their parents may grow sceptical of the idea of marriage and just as citizens of USA and Mexico may have a growing hatred for each other due to the bickering their leaders have. Sometimes, gestures, facial expressions, and tone are not clear to a person from another culture. However, workplace diversity, besides being a favorite buzz word among human resources managers, is a desirable attribute of your company’s culture. 3 Real-life Examples of Cultural Misunderstandings in Business. A little misunderstanding can turn a compliment into an act of war. HR personnel and the company’s leadership should be responsive to these issues. So when nobody asks Latinos about their sick child or their cousin who got married, they tend to feel isolated and disengaged. You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. One challenge with many misunderstandings is only one party is aware. This applies to both colleagues and customers. Read on! Cross-cultural understanding, along with local market knowledge, lends itself the production of more effective marketing strategy and materials.For example, high quality and culturally sensitive translations of websites, brochures, and other assets are essential. However, sometimes … The Dutch are used to being open, frank and honest when giving opinions. 1950 W. Corporate Way PMB 25615, Anaheim, CA 92801, USA. Benefit: Cultural sensitivity, insight, and local knowledge means higher quality, targeted marketing. In Chinese culture, people tend to hide their feelings. * Wanna Also Get Event Invitations? But the reality in workplaces across America is that people who fail to speak about their accomplishments are often passed over for promotion. The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. Print Issue: June 2020. Employees from some countries such as Canada and the UK tend to look for greater autonomy from their managers, while those from Mexico and Pakistan may be more apt to expect more frequent direction, according to Laroche. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. He would make jokes about his Thai colleagues in front of other people. They are taught that they will be recognized by their hard work. One factor is the generation issue. A diverse workforce poses various communication challenges to an organisation. Your success depends on it! Their company served a large Latino population and Marta was happy that more Latino items were being offered at local supermarkets. This along with other communication challenges is really bothering the Dutch national. This is particularly important in today’s multicultural environment. Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. 3:04. For example, a woman should not be touched by a man who isn’t a member of her immediate family. 3 Real-life Examples of Cultural Misunderstandings in Business. People say one thing but mean another. online e-Learning cultural awareness course, 10 Cultural Differences Between Japanese and Western Workplaces, 10 Culturally Different Valentine's Celebrations From Around the Globe, 10 Deadly Misconceptions about Iran We Hear in Cross Cultural Training, 10 Very Cool Facts About South Korean Culture. WE CAN HELP. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. Cultural misunderstandings can happen anywhere, so to keep peace within your workplace it is important to be aware of cultural differences that exist. We use MailChimp as our marketing automation platform. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. How a Lack of Cultural Awareness Can Cost a Business Big! An example is believing that Muslims are wrong and Christians are right. Cultural Misunderstandings and Empathy - Session 1 Lesson Plan/Related Activities 4 Buddhism was created by Sakyamuni in India around the 6th century B.C., believing that human life is miserable and spiritual emancipation is the highest goal to seek. As she worked on the flyer featuring the new products, Marta noticed that the items were not being promoted in a way that would appeal to Latinos. What’s fascinating is that classic examples of cultural differences are often misinterpreted as mere personality traits. In this example, we have an Australian national who moved to work in Bangkok, Thailand. This webpage demonstrates the misunderstandings and successes that occur during intercultural communication. 3 Examples of Cultural Differences in the Workplace. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. Misunderstandings can occur around the simplest things, such as: • food • language • greetings • gestures • facial expressions • eye contact • touching • pointing • … Cultural Misunderstandings and Values. Posted May 25, 2010 – The wannabe linguist, Outcomes from Mutual Mentoring Circles in NYC. Latinos tend not only to share a lot about themselves but also to ask about other people’s families. They are taught that they will […]. Fortunately, by making effective communication an important part of organizational culture, we can avoid breaking out the nuclear missile codes and strive for office peace.Here are five examples of common miscommunications in the workplace, and how to work past them: Relations have been going well and the Chinese have been invited for a factory tour in anticipation of the contract between the two companies finally being signed. The US team had to work hard to repair the damage. Misunderstandings, inaccuracies, inefficiencies … Need examples of cultural misunderstandings in business? This is just one of many examples of cultural differences in the workplace. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. So we’ve outlined a few examples of cultural differences in communication and how they become apparent in the workplace, along with some easy tips on how to better understand your international peers. It’s useful to recognize examples of cultural differences in the workplace to avoid taking things personally & improve relationship w/ coworkers. For this reason, the team did not say anything at the time. Otherwise you will be prompted again when opening a new browser window or new a tab. However, when dealing with people from diverse backgrounds it is also possible that cultural differences have caused the problems. How aligned are your aspirations with your career? 1 June 2020. GET MARIELA DABBAH’S POWERFUL & ACCLAIMED CAREER ADVICE RIGHT IN YOUR INBOX:
Workplace diversity can lead to misunderstandings and miscommunications, but it also poses opportunities to improve both workers and organisations. Conducting meetings and making decisions So isn’t it possible that it could happen in the workplace? Déformation Professionnell. Lola Ramona, one of our Shoe partners! Cultural barriers in communication ought to be dealt with efficiently, in order to enable healthy communication. These differences may be due to ethnic and racial background, age, geography, religion, and even the kind of school people attended. I appreciate your article but it gives very little advice or insight into managing a culturally diverse group of people and instead focuses on a small segment of the workforce. So she kept her mouth shut. They can’t understand why they are being told something is fine, to only find out later, it is not fine. 1. Click on the different category headings to find out more. Why Do Middle Eastern Men Wear a Chequered Head-dress. Click to enable/disable essential site cookies. Some Example Cultural Issues. Men say things woman don’t want to hear. Well, it’s all about how different cultures communicate. ‘Banter’ between colleagues is normal and people will make jokes about one another as a means of showing friendliness. Her latest book "Find Your Inner Red Shoes" is the backbone of the Red Shoe Movement. The New Normal: The Future of Work Is Here. […] in the workplace’ https://syracusecoe.org/intercultural-differences-in-work-environment/ https://redshoemovement.com/examples-of-cultural-differences-in-the-workplace/ https://www.universalclass.com/articles/business/handling-cultural-differences-in-the-workplace.htm […], […] it would be important to have an intercultural speaker/mediator on board. It requires a give and take – a balance. Cultural Misunderstanding in the Workplace: Kirsten Lopez, Matthew Ferguson, Fred Garcia, Johnnie Whiteside COM 360 : Home; Scenario I - The Misunderstanding; Scenario II - Better Options ; References; Intercultural Communication Misunderstandings & Successes . It would have been a better article if it had a broader spectrum or advised for a less specific segment of the population. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refuseing them will have impact how our site functions. As we see in all three examples of cultural misunderstandings, both sides have not understood that their culture, and their way of doing things, doesn’t work in the new culture. Here’s all you ever wanted to know but were too politically c…. Days later the US team received word that the Chinese felt humiliated and were reconsidering the business relationship. When colouring in 800,000 pixels on a map of India, Microsoft coloured eight of them a different shade of green to represent the disputed Kashmiri territory. Don't miss out on our communications, make sure you add us to your list of contacts! Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. Jim is right. The BEST and most cost-effective way to achieve career SUCCESS. An example of cultural difference: Waiting to be recognized rather than boasting about your accomplishments. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. The answer; by promoting cultural awareness in the workplace and improving your employees’ cultural literacy skills. About how different cultures coming together in the workplace come to mind or the workplace that are clear... Chinese delegation left the USA without signing any contract on our websites and the we...: when a single culture dominates several other cultures to failure is one! Headings to find out later, it is also possible that it happen. 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