“You can tell us anything. I wanna marathon all of the season.”. If you wanna give it a try, I say you’re hella ready. “Yes…,” Chloe replied in a breathy exhalation, pulling Max down with her as they collided with the bed and their own bodies. “I dunno, Chloe. I really like this slow burn in terms of Max and Chloe’s relationship. School, art, music – one day, you’re going to make the world bow.”, “We’ll make the world bow, Max,” Chloe said, swimming over to join her girlfriend further in the pool, “And you’ll be taking awesome shots of us with your camera to commemorate each occasion.”. She still kept to herself when it came to speaking up in class, but if Max was pointed to in class these days she spoke up a lot more quickly than she had the year before. “Good morning,” Max said pleasantly enough, being greeted in return before continuing on, “Have you seen your granddaughter?”, “Max…?” Rachel asked, sitting up from where Max figured she had passed out on the couch. Max eased up at that, relaxing a little as she took a deep breath and let it out. Her parents had splurged once her old phone had died and opted to not ever charge back up. Tattoos are cool!”, “You’re 16, Chloe,” Max said, the chastising tone in her voice making them both cringe, “I just mean that, well, you can’t even legally do it, so-“, “I have a plan, Max,” Chloe said, her chin back to where it had been resting on Max’s shoulder as the brunette had laid back down, “And I am just thinking about it. This is through my lens, my eye into the world, and I want you to have it.”, “No wonder Chloe loves you so much, you say the sweetest things as though they’re a Facebook comment or something,” Victoria teased before setting down the photobook to give her friend one more hug, “Never thought I’d say this after last year, but I’m going to miss you, Max Caulfield.”, “I-I’ll miss you, too, Victoria Chase,” Max said, “I…better get going. “The best Chloe is a well-fed Chloe,” Max said matter-of-factly, “The best way to a Price woman with blue hair is through her stomach. It’s just Mr. Jefferson…in a creepy underground lair…with Nathan Prescott…and possibly Rachel…, “The fucking hell…,” Max mumbled to herself, reaching across the hatch to grab the remainder of a pitchfork handle, “Better…Better safe than sorry…”. “I just worry that someday you will grow past me, to a place I can’t reach anymore. I love you. When they were back in Max’s dorm room, Max gasped when Chloe pushed her against the shut door. The weekend had been a reprieve, a break in the storm before the clouds returned to settle over Max’s heart. “Thank you,” Chloe replied quietly, Max feeling her girlfriend relax when she put her arms around the punk, “I don’t mean to pull shit like this, Max. I won’t let anything break us apart. I’m going to miss you two like fucking crazy,” Rachel said, burying her head against Chloe’s shoulder as Max stroked her hair, “You two are family. Plus, it’s a little more fun than I thought it would be.”, “Okay…,” Chloe said, walking up to Max and putting a hand on the other girl’s shoulder, “I’ll support whatever you do so long as it results in you not getting hurt.”, “I’m… I don’t want to be the shy little girl anymore, Chloe. The Team. They had gone to Seattle for the weekend, her parents were so adamant on their daughter spending at least one more birthday with them before she “went off into the world”. Dad called me on it earlier this morning, kinda.”, “Dude, I’d give anything asked of me to never set foot in Arcadia Bay again,” Chloe replied, the forlorn look on her face as they entered the building catching Max’s attention, “School sucks, Dad’s gone, Mom’s…struggling, and you’re way up here.”, “School will get better. Giving the photo a good shake, Max smiled at her prize and slipped it into her bag along with the camera. At one point, Chloe screamed along with a chorus and immediately clapped her hands over her mouth when she remembered they were in a car. She’s doing everything right, getting better grades in school and even handling a part-time job. Max was always right next to Chloe, though, holding her hand when they were passed out somewhere other than their room while holding the blonde as they slept in their bed. Only for Chloe, though. “Took you long enough, dork,” Max teased, her feigned chastisement resulting in the usual laughter when Chloe just grinned and pulled her in for a hug, “Hey, you.”, “Hey,” Chloe said, swaying them both from side to side as she looked down at her girlfriend and they shared a tender kiss before the tall punk glanced over to Max’s parents, “Yo, Mr. and Mrs. C.  How goes it? Hell, you pressured me into getting drunk and you fucking tricked me into getting high! How…?”, “I…might have just set myself up for a life sentence of grounding,” Max said, cringing at the thought of herself in an orange jumpsuit with bars where her bedroom door used to be, “I kinda lied and told my parents that Joyce told me it was okay to come down…”, “You what?? Following Rachel into the girl’s actual bedroom, surprised at how much it looked like her bedroom back in Arcadia Bay, the brunette admired her friend’s taste before they took a seat on the large bed. “Yeah?” Max asked before she had some potatoes. Seeing Chloe’s face get red, feeling her own warm up as well, Max glanced over her shoulder at Joyce and David to see him eyeing some new piece of equipment from Joyce as Joyce smiled down at her and Chloe. Looking down at her shoes, brows furrowed, Max’s anxiety started to bubble up and she nearly jumped in her seat when Chloe put a hand on her back. A hasty note left behind for her parents, the brunette was out the door with it locked behind her as she ran for the bus stop a block down the street. …Unless you want-“, “N-No! God, Mom, do you hear yourself? “Tomorrow, dork,” Max said, standing on her tip-toes to bump her forehead against Chloe’s, “Like I’d let you wander Seattle alone while taking your ‘sabbatical’. Um, how about more along the lines of ‘Why did you three opt to come here, where I work, for our getting together today’? She’s still Chloe, though. Why would you think-?”, “I wasn’t, evidently,” Chloe replied grimly, hands clasped together as she leaned on her elbows, “Max, I… I just wanted to escape, I guess. “Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Max. Walking to the curb, Max hailed a taxi and as they waited for a cab to pull up she had to endure the slight onslaught of tickling that Chloe put her through. Chloe’s room had undergone a transformation since she had seen it last, but that had been some time ago. Max let go of Chloe’s hand, and in that moment she could see Chloe’s eyes widen at the loss of connection before the reassurance came back when Max took her by the arm and clung to her a little as they drew closer. “Oh! Going now at a dead sprint, her legs feeling so numb from all the running that she thought she might collapse at any moment, Max finally made it to the barn and had to lean against it to catch her breath. “We’ll see you in the morning, okay? Max was not kidding when she said that a trouble-free day was in order, and she did her best to be polite and civil whenever David inquired about something in her school life. There’ve been laughs, heartbreak, and a lot of tender moments. Max, are you in there?? The girls both panicked, Max putting her phone away as Chloe began to call Rachel over and over. Simple enough, and they don’t class with your style. Max smiled at how shy Chloe suddenly looked, and tucked some of her loose blue hair behind an ear before she leaned in to give her punk a kiss. I-I don’t want to hear anymore!” Max yelled, Mr. Jefferson taking a step back as rage dawned on the face of Max Caulfield. “Max?”, “I won’t apologize anymore, Chloe, because… That day wasn’t the end of anything…,” Max said, her voice weighty as conviction steeled her resolve, “I refuse to let that be the end. “Shit, are you okay?” Chloe asked, wincing at the scrape on her knee. Chloe whined, Max pulling the taller girl in closer. When the numbness and disassociation began to subside and Max became aware of her surroundings again, she reached up with a trembling hand to touch Chloe’s cheek she weakly smiled when Chloe caught it halfway and pressed it to her chest. She’s still at work, right?”. “’Bout yay high, likes pot? The flash blinded her for a moment as the film came out, and with it also came a moment of disorientation. Max screamed the second her skin touched the brisk water, hands on her snapback to ensure it stayed on. That seemed to snap Chloe out of her angry fugue, the punk immediately stepping back only to cry out when Max dropped the baggie on the ground and stomp on its contents repeatedly. Mom wants me home now, but it’s two hours away! “God, we’re such a hog for seats. When her eyes darted around the room, trying to gauge what was happening, they locked onto the mirror when she caught just an initial glance at the glass. Max, what the fuck?! When Max woke up the next morning, she had a headache so massive she had to check her nose to ensure it was not bleeding. The sundress on her friend looked amazing, complimented with a denim vest and boots that gave her a soft punk vibe. “I’m… I’m in a relationship, for fuck’s sake. He’s cute, and friendly enough, Max thought, I just wish he’d get a clue. Dad is awesome! Seeing the developed picture, Max cringed at how her eyes were halfway open. Lab-Created Diamond Flower Earrings Reg. Chloe: Brace yourself for some hella epic smooches, Caulfield. What are we going to do?”, “Uh…,” Max started, remembering distinctly that leaving Arcadia Bay was her girlfriend’s idea, “Well, um, you could call Rachel and see if her grandma will let us stay with her in the meantime? Chloe slid over in the seat to give Max a hug and they just held each other in the car for a moment before getting out together. Hearing something coming from the bathroom, though, Max walked in to find Chloe shuddering as she stood at the sink with a pair of scissors. Did you fall asleep back there?”, “O-Oh!” Max blustered out, poking her head around the corner with an embarrassed grin as she popped an earbud out. Max was on one side of the kitchen island with Chloe on the other, each one eyeing the other with a mischievous grin. Driving from city to city, town to town, as we just try and evade all the bullshit? Girl turns 16 and decides to go off and be a pirate on her own…”, “Never, Captain Bluebeard!” Max replied, hand to her chest that was negated by the grin on her face. That a good way to describe what I’m aiming for? Max thought, a hand going to her face only to pull it back when she felt wetness on her fingertips. “Max… You don’t need to go changing just because-“, “Yes, Rachel, I do!” Max blurted out, the brashness and volume of her own voice making her wince before she just rolled her eyes. Hands trembling as she returned Chloe’s chopsticks to her, Max let out a slight gasp when their fingers touched and Chloe bit her lip before yanking her hand back. No worries,” Chloe said, the calm in her voice alleviating the fleeting tension that had manifested, “I just… I feel that doing this now feels right. The girlfriends exchanged looks of concern, Max sliding into the middle of the seat when Rachel approached with a decidedly more cheerful look on her face as she tossed her duffel bag into the truck bed before climbing in. “…You get this boxing thing in the bag, you’ll become a force of nature…,” Chloe said, her eyes far away, “You’ll be capable of anything…”, “I…get scared sometimes, Max. “…You’ll see, Max,” Vanessa said, bumping her shoulder against the smaller girl’s, “Seattle will be great. With the tag getting scanned before Chloe tugged it off, the transaction was completed and the two were outside and heading towards the car with enough briskness in their steps that it looked as though they were powerwalking. “I don’t know whether to cry or kinda roll my eyes,” Chloe grumbled, rolling her eyes in an exaggerated way before flashing that crooked grin of hers, “Kidding. You…You can’t just go around and do whatever you want, thinking that’s okay! In fairness, though, Max had not really changed any after Portland save for a style alteration. “I won’t go back to Seattle unless Chloe’s with me,” Max had said flatly, taking a drag of the smoke when Chloe had passed it to her, “Not going to happen.”. So, um, what movie?”. C’mon, give your girlfriend a chance!”, “That look always means you have something in mind that I might wind up regretting…,” Max said, the hesitation in her voice only making Chloe’s grin more pronounced, “My getting drunk earlier this year being a red flag.”, “Well, there’s no booze and no pot involved in this Chloe Price Challenge,” Chloe said with a wink, walking over to her duffel to retrieve a small shopping bag, “No peeking, though. “Yo, Mrs. C,” Chloe said, dropping the duffel before she aimed a pair of finger guns at the older Caulfield woman. “Well, uh, I guess that’s a good thing…? “I heard that!”. I love you….”. Love. 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