19th C. American Sea Chantey Browse more videos. ... Want to make Drunken Sailor (with audio) sound awesome on your harmonica? 0:46. Log in. 96 pages. What Shall We Do With "The Drunken Sailor" max upton. -7 6 -5 -4 4 4 Doctor Who Jon Pertwee Opening (1) DoctorWhoEpisodes. Learn to play Drunken Sailor by Dillon Green on your harmonica, the tab is below. Drunken Sailor Lyrics: What will we do with a drunken sailor? Dec 17, 2020 - Explore Kerin Gedge's board "Harmonica" on Pinterest. By admin ~ Learn to play Drunken Sailor by Dillon Green on your harmonica, the tab is below. More information... People also love these ideas Pinterest. Native Flute Native American Flute Tin Whistle Basic Music Notes Dnd Bard Bagpipe Music Ocarina Music Irish Flute Wooden Flute. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 5 6 Drunken Sailor tab by Misc Traditional with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more. HarmonicaChords help you find many tabs, licks and chords quickly. Will The Circle Be Unbroken 7. If you have a tune that you would like me to teach please message me. Drunken Sailor (Sea Chanty) Dm. Struggling to make Drunken Sailor sound awesome? Harmonica TABS for What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor on a Chromatic Harmonica with Tune Basics by Kerin Gedge Will the circle be unbroken 63. Captain Figgy McNutty and Captain Oddbod Hazard Sing The Drunken Sailor Song HaHa!! fresh tabs top tabs lessons submit videos . Published by Music Sales. Tune Basics. 5m17s. 4. Chorus: Way hay and up she rises Patent blocks o' diff'rent sizes, Way hay and up she rises Earl-aye in the morning 1. With Lyrics.The blue bunnys at the end of the video have to indicate to present arms nothing else as my name. What shall we do with the drunken sailor, What shall we do with the drunken sailor, What shall we do with the drunken sailor, Early in the morning? Chorus: Way hay and up she rises Patent blocks o' diff'rent sizes, Way hay and up she rises Earl-aye in the morning 1. Saved by Alexandre Schuler. Explore. Goodnight Irene 2. Details. Publish Tab Login Register. ~20,000 harmonica tabs, chords and licks. Need a tutorial on how to read harmonica tab? Drunken Sailor (melody) By: Unknown: Posted By: kroket101: Difficulty: Beginner: Key: C: Genre: General: Harp Type: Melody Maker: Audio: Drunken Sailor (melody) Created: 2012-11-22 03:13:54: Modified: 2012-11-22 03:13:54: Rating: Login to Vote: Avg Rating: More Votes Needed: Fav Count: 38: Ad: Want to make Drunken Sailor (melody) sound awesome on your harmonica? To learn more about JP Read More, Blues Harmonica For Beginners (Even if You Can’t Bend). https://www.buymeacoffee.com/KerinGedgeCheck out my Instruments on #Amazon! "Drunken Sailor" was revived as a popular song among non-sailors in the 20th century, and grew to become one of the best-known songs of the shanty repertoire among mainstream audiences. A collection of shanties and songs of the sea, arranged for easy Blues Harp (10-channel diatonic harp, system Richter) in C. You’ll find the „classics“ like Banks of Sacramento, Good night, ladies or What shall we do with the drunken sailor, but you’ll also encounter songs not as common and maybe even some you might never have heard before. By Randall Johnson. The Amazon Book Review Book recommendations, author interviews, editors' picks, and more. With Lyrics.The blue bunnys at the end of the video have to indicate to present arms nothing else as my name. Song facts: “Drunken Sailor” is a sea shanty and is thought to go back as far as the 1820s. subscribe share tweet. Drunken Sailor (with audio) Harmonica Tablature ⋆ Harmonica Tab For Drunken Sailor (with audio): -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -4 -5 -6 How to Play What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor on the Harmonica - No Bends. Harmonica [Sheet music + CD] Beuscher. Das Lied What shall we do with a drunken Sailor in der Gurgelversion. Doctor Who - S10E01 (065) Bonus - PanoptiCon '93 - Jon Pertwee on stage. Drunken Sailor October 24, 2020 Unknown (19th century) Arranged by Gary Jugert for Diatonic Harmonica and Chromatic Harmonica Gary Jugert's Big Book of Harmonica https://mammothgardens.com Ukulele Chords 14 years ago | 1.4K views. It is one of the best known shanty songs among mainstream audiences. Try improving your single notes and bends first with these easy video lessons >> Click here, Drunken Sailor by Dillon Green (for diatonic harmonica), Is it just me or are 2 notes missing from the third line? / What will we do with a drunken sailor? The version sung on ships usually told about a policeman accusing a sailor of being a black baller and the insulted sailor knocking the policeman down and ending up in jail. Read it now. Harmonica Tabs Website share tabs for Free – Our goal is to have a website where everyone can find and share all of their Harmonica Tabs in one central location. I feel like there should be a huge list of Songs for the Instruments here for others to learn and play. Want to make Drunken Sailor (melody) sound awesome on your harmonica? Report. You Are My Sunshine 9. Watch fullscreen. You can also access our site through your mobile phone https://harptabs.mobi. 0:27. How to Play Bella Ciao on a Chromatic Harmonica Part 2. Drunken Sailor tab by Misc Traditional with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more. -7 6 -5 -4 4 4 It doesn’t quite fit, Hawaiian Harmonica Retreat With JP Allen A musical harmonica vacation… a time for resting, relaxing - and playing a whole lot of harmonica! A collection of shanties and songs of the sea, arranged for easy Blues Harp (10-channel diatonic harp, system Richter) in C. You’ll find the „classics“ like Banks of Sacramento, Good night, ladies or What shall we do with the drunken sailor, but you’ll also encounter songs not as common and maybe even some you might never have heard before. Why not try the ukulele! What shall we do with the drunken sailor 60. How to Play What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor on a Tremolo Harmonica with 24 Holes Part 2. Oh! Bending Tips. Amazing Grace 3. When the saints go marchin’ in 61. Hey guys! "Drunken Sailor" was revived as a popular song among non-sailors in the 20th century, and grew to become one of the best-known songs of the shanty repertoire among mainstream audiences. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 -6 -7 7 Once you're finished here, go browse my other free harmonica tabs. It is one of the best known shanty songs among mainstream audiences. Similar items. Drunken Sailor tremolo - Harmonica Academy has online lessons that really work "a very good site for learning how to play the diatonic harmonica" Tabs, blues backings, audio Browse more videos. Details. guitar pro. Search for tabs or chords for harmonica : Show filter Favorite Report. Harptabs.com is a continuing to grow community of harmonica players. Latest Editor Picks Trending License Videos Featured Channels vivafrei AFV Viral Hog DailyCaller NewsmaxTV … How to Play Oh Susanna on a Chromatic Harmonica. Respect and thanks to the Gershwins for writing this amazing song. Sign In 0 Rumbles. Harmonica tab : 6666666456 What'll we do with a drunken sailor, -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 4-4 -5 What'll we do with a drunken sailor, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5-5 6-6 What'll we do with a drunken sailor, 6 5 -5 -4 4 4 Earl-aye in the morning? Hooray and up she rises, Hooray and up she ri… ‘Way hay, ‘n’up she ris-es Required fields are marked *. Drunken sailor (a) Табы для губной гармошки ⋆ Harmonica Guide & Tabs Online: I have copyed the text from Jamtharp, but have altered the tabs a little and Your email address will not be published. Drunken Sailor tremolo - Harmonica Academy has online lessons that really work "a very good site for learning how to play the diatonic harmonica" Tabs, blues backings, audio "Drunken Sailor" is a sea shanty, also known as "What Shall We Do with a/the Drunken Sailor?. Tune Basics. РАБФАК feat. It is one of the best known shanty songs among mainstream audiences. 353. Ear-lye in the morn-in’ Song facts: “Drunken Sailor” is a sea shanty and is thought to go back as far as the 1820s. enjoy What shal we do with the drunken sailor, -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -4 -5 -6 What shal we do with the drunken sailor, 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 5 6 What shal we do with the drunken sailor, -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -7 7 -8 Earl-aye in the morning? For Harmonica. Drunken Sailor (a capella version) Ray Mullins. Harmonica [Sheet music + CD] Music Sales. This Land is Your Land 6. -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -3 -4 -5 Playing next. 2:42. Want to make Drunken sailor (a) sound awesome on your harmonica? About the Music. Doctor Who Jon Pertwee HD … The modern version usually tells a story about a sailor meeting a pretty young damsel. Drunken Sailor October 24, 2020 Unknown (19th century) Arranged by Gary Jugert for Diatonic Harmonica and Chromatic Harmonica Gary Jugert's Big Book of Harmonica https://mammothgardens.com Ukulele Chords Search. Song facts: “Drunken Sailor” is a sea shanty and is thought to go back as far as the 1820s. The #shanty was sung to accompany certain work tasks aboard #SailingShips, especially those that required a bright walking pace. Pla... ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ Irish Rovers/Pirate Harmonica - Drunken Sailor - F Harmonica, 4th position in D ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ A cover of the Irish rovers/pirate song Drunken Sailor. Key: D Such work songs were the only ones allowed in the Royal Navy, and were often sung when raising a sail or raising the anchor. Master tight single notes, rock solid bending and more with easy video lessons ->click here. Please feel free to look around and post the harp tabs you have or request ones you are looking for. By admin ~ Learn to play Drunken Sailor by Dillon Green on your harmonica, the tab is below. … Search for tabs or chords for harmonica : Show filter Favorite Report. Drunken Sailor - Harmonica Academy has online lessons that really work "a very good site for learning how to play the diatonic harmonica" Tabs, blues backings, audio Written by admin on November 4, 2010. Learn to play Drunken Sailor by Dillon Green on your harmonica, the tab is below. Title: What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor? Folk Songs for Beginner Harmonica Players www.leedsharmonica.uk Songs 1. 5m17s. What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor? Drunken Sailor - Harmonica Academy has online lessons that really work "a very good site for learning how to play the diatonic harmonica" Tabs, blues backings, audio The Drunken Sailor Harmonica Tablature ⋆ Harmonica Tab For The Drunken Sailor: 19th C. American Sea Chantey Key: D Time: 2/4 6 6 6 4 5 6 ‘Way hay, ‘n’up she The Sailor and the Sinner Man Choral 2-part SA, Piano [Octavo] Santa Barbara Music Publishing. How to Play What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor on a Tremolo Harmonica with 24 Holes Part 2. Drunken Sailor tabs for Tin Whistle. "#DrunkenSailor" is a #SeaShanty, also known as "What Shall We Do with a/the Drunken Sailor?" Sling him in the long boat till he's sober, 2. Captain Figgy McNutty and Captain Oddbod Hazard Sing The Drunken Sailor Song HaHa!! 0:27. Pat-ent blocks o’ dif-f’rent siz-es It is one of the best known shanty songs among mainstream audiences. No musical experience needed. We have over 25441 free tabs to choose from. Yankee Doodle. It is one of the best known shanty songs among mainstream audiences. Listen Details. Drunken sailor (a) Harmonica Tablature ⋆ Harmonica Tab For Drunken sailor (a): I have copyed the text from Jamtharp, but have altered the tabs a little and Song facts: “Drunken Sailor” is a sea shanty and is thought to go back as far as the 1820s. See more ideas about harmonicas, harmonica lessons, auld lang syne. Blue-Ray. Tune Basics. 2:23 (What Shall We Do With) The Drunken Sailor - Jon Pertwee. Playing next. Once you're finished here, go browse my other free harmonica tabs. Follow. Follow. ~20,000 harmonica tabs, chords and licks. Read More, Ukulele Lessons Fancy learning a new instrument? What shall we do wi’ a drunk-en sail-or How to Play What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailer on a Tremolo Harmonica With 16 Holes Tune Basics. The Drunken Sailor (chrom) Harmonica Tablature ⋆ Harmonica Tab For The Drunken Sailor (chrom): 19th C. American Sea Chantey Key: D Time: 2/4 -3 -3 -3 -1 -2* Harmonica tab : 6666666456 What'll we do with a drunken sailor, -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 4-4 -5 What'll we do with a drunken sailor, 5 5 5 5 5 5 5-5 6-6 What'll we do with a drunken sailor, 6 5 -5 -4 4 4 Earl-aye in the morning? / What will we do with a drunken sailor? -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -4 -5 -6 What shall we do with a drunken sailor -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 4 5 6 What shall we do with a drunken … Continue reading "What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?" Tune Basics. How to Play What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor on a Tremolo Harmonica with 20 Holes. Take this course and play the tune instantly. Drunken Sailor Guitar Tab by Misc Traditional learn how to play chords diagrams. ‘Way hay, ‘n’up she ris-es INSTANT HARMONICA – play Summertime and Drunken Sailor right now! Song facts: “Drunken Sailor” is a sea shanty and is thought to go back as far as the 1820s. Tune Basics. Robin Bland. Posted in Blog: Harmonica Articles, Harmonica Tabs. #ailtonrios #gaitaC #gaitatremolo #suzuki #gaitadeboca #harp #harper #harmonica #suzukitrrmolo #drunkensailor #musico #musica #aprendamusica #estudemusica #aulasdemusica #professordemusica #fiquebem #cuidese #quarentena -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -4 -5 -6 What shall we do with a drunken sailor -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 -6 4 5 6 What shall we do with a drunken … Continue reading "What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?" By admin ~ Learn to play Drunken Sailor by Dillon Green on your harmonica, the tab is below. Publish Tab Login Register. What shall we do wi’ a drunk-en sail-or #ailtonrios #gaitaC #gaitacromatica #gaitadebotao #gaitadeboca #harp #harper #harmonica #gaitablues #drunkensailor #musico #musica #aprendamusica #estudemusica #aulasdemusica #professordemusica #fiquebem #cuidese #quarentena It has been performed and recorded by many musical artists and appeared in many popular media. Need a tutorial on how to read harmonica tab? Jan 5; How to Play My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean on the Harmonica Part 2 - No Bends. What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor? 29:46. This Is Your Life - Jon Pertwee (Reconstruction) Grantwheelwright. #ailtonrios #gaitaC #gaitacromatica #gaitadebotao #gaitadeboca #harp #harper #harmonica #gaitablues #drunkensailor #musico #musica #aprendamusica #estudemusica #aulasdemusica #professordemusica #fiquebem #cuidese #quarentena Tune Basics. To check out my ukulele video lessons Click Here Read More, About JP Allen JP Allen has been teaching music for over eighteen years. Drunken Sailor (Sea Chanty) Dm. 3:54. Ear-lye in the morn-in’, Your email address will not be published. $12.95 - See more - Buy online Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - In Stock. video. Also known as “What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor?”, this is one of the best known of all sea shanties. 5 years ago | 9 views. 14 years ago | 1.4K views. Jan 17; How to Play Bella Ciao on a Kalimba with 10 Keys . With the advent of merchant packet and clipper ships and their smaller crews, which required different working methods, use of the shanty appears to have declined or shifted to other, minor tasks. -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -3 -4 -5 Drunken Sailor (Sea Chanty) Dm. HarmonicaChords help you find many tabs, licks and chords quickly. 26:33. 6 6 6 -6 -7 7 Tune Basics. The Spongebob Squarepants theme is a variation of this tune. In addition to harmonica he teaches piano, guitar, and drums. How to bend a note on Harmonica? Library. Time: 2/4, 6 6 6 4 5 6 It has … Drunken Sailor (a capella version) Report. Book and Audio CD. Buy Me a Coffee! Harmonica tab : I have copyed the text from Jamtharp, but have altered the tabs alittle and added some. Whiskey Johnny 62. Master tight single notes, rock solid bending and more with easy video lessons -> click here. Similar items. Red River Valley 5. For SA choir and piano. Drunken Sailor (with audio) By: Unknown: Posted By: TabsGaita: Difficulty: Any: Key: Any: Genre: General: Harp Type: Any: Audio: Drunken Sailor (with audio) Created: 2019-01-20 22:12:57: Modified: 0000-00-00 00:00:00: Rating: Login to Vote: Avg Rating: More Votes Needed: Fav Count: 1: Ad: Want to make Drunken Sailor (with audio) sound awesome on your harmonica? What shall we do wi’ a drunk-en sail-or Sign up. Joshua Fought The Battle of Jericho 8. Contenu : Amazing Grace Armstrong Drunken Sailor Elle a fait un bébé toute seule Frankie et Johnny Georgia on my mind Le Sud Le Temps des cerises My Babe Oh Happy Day Saint-Thomas Summertime Sur la route Sweet Hom… 20.48 EUR - Sold by Note4Piano Pre-shipment lead time: 3-10 days - In Stock Supplier. Jan 19; How to Play What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor on the Recorder. Listen Details. How to Play What Shall We do With the Drunken Sailer on a Tremolo Harmonica with 24 Holes. A blog about how to play the diatonic harmonica, chromatic harmonica, tremolo harmonica, tin whistle and recorder. Tune Basics. By David Harp. VTO - Drunken Sailor. "Drunken Sailor" is a sea shanty, also known as "What Shall We Do with a/the Drunken Sailor?. Just for fun! ... harmonica. ) DoctorWhoEpisodes solid bending and more with easy video lessons - > click.. Harmonicas, harmonica lessons, auld lang syne Gedge 's board `` harmonica '' on.. Help you find many tabs, licks and chords quickly Kalimba with 10 Keys theme. Message me a Coffee the diatonic harmonica, tin whistle Basic Music notes Bard! On how to Play Drunken Sailor 60 have over 25441 free tabs to choose.. - No Bends online Pre-shipment lead time: 24 hours - in Stock 2-part SA piano... - No Bends Lyrics.The blue bunnys at the end of the best known shanty songs among mainstream audiences more... Notes Dnd Bard Bagpipe Music Ocarina Music Irish Flute Wooden Flute max upton Sailor on the Part. 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