Megatron always did have a thing for that traitor, Dinobot. [Primal just glares] So if Tarantulas has a camera watching the web outside his lair, how is it possible that he didn't notice Dinobot stick the animal to the web and then bury himself to wait for him? The Dinobots have a perhaps undeserved reputation for being dimwitted, but Sludge is the genuine article. I still get choked up. The protohuman's yell of triumph echoes through the valley; and high above, a brief flicker appears in the void of space. The Maximals The Predacons Other show characters Characters from the Expanded Universenote Includes characters from the comics … Posthumus Erik Ekholm Flogging Molly Greg Laswell Immediate Music Johnny Cash Julia Ecklar Kalafina Le Shok Lorde Miracle of Sound Mourning Ritual NOFX. Nevertheless, the Nemesis rises from the ocean, with Megatron at the helm. Beast Wars Metals #3. Why, Dinobot, what a delightful surprise! See more of BEAST WARS Latinoamérica on Facebook. When Megatron lands to check out the mountain near the valley of proto-humans, he giddily tests his echo out with a loud "YAHOOOO! Dinobot is a character from the Beast Wars Transformers universe. The latest of the Beast Wars Masterpiece figures joins his teammates Optimus Primal and Cheetor on the front lines. This is probably the cheapest one on eBay right now: Transformers Takara Tomy Masterpiece Mp41 Mp-41 Dinobot Beast Wars Action Figure 4904810877172 | … The future is not fixed; my choices are my own. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good, and let me be judged accordingly. Spider's Game. (The entreaty to tell his story is also taken from earlier in Hamlet's death scene, although rephrased.) As with most of Megatron's plots to alter the timeline, the plan to destroy the human race before it evolves has a critical deterministic error; if he succeeds, then the golden disk would never have been created by. Beast Wars was set up as a sequel to the first Transformers series (which has since been rebooted in limited comic book stories by Dreamwave and IDW among others). Henkei! That’s just Prime! You're old technology, obsolete. His computer warns him that he must enter stasis lock to survive... a command which Dinobot overrides. As Quickstrike approaches Dinobot, his left shin is backwards. Dinobot in the Beast Wars TV show. This and the previous shot also indicate that Dinobot is. Related Pages. He often fought with Rattrap, who called him "Chopperface".He sacrificed himself by saving a early human village from a Predacon attack. “Beast Wars Dinobot Ver figure in stock.” View attachment 28641544. 1998 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Series 2 / Volume 3 (Siren Entertainment) The valley they are standing above, Megatron explains, spawned the human race. Entertainment Website. You may want to ask in Ask The Tropers about whether it's safe to recreate. Dinobot 's death - and Shakespearean death speech. Face it, Dinobot! Double Dinobot is the fourteenth episode of the Beast Wars TV series.. Synopsis [edit | edit source]. Let the battle be joined.". It's one of their stock images. Previous. After Prime fused himself with Primus's spark to save all of Cybertron, Megatron, seeing the error of his ways, disbanded the Decepticons, in honoring a sacrifice as great as what Optimus had done. As Sludge can't make much of an impression in the mental department, he likes to make his presence known physically. But before he could finish off the Maximal, Bonecrusher rammed him, sending both the clone and the cr… His thirst for battle is unquenchable. Dinobot contacts Optimus, who orders him to maintain position, but Dinobot knows there is no time to wait. Dinobot II attacked Rattrap, tearing him out of the crawler vehicle he was testing. I mourn him every day. You saved the lives of those who live here... and of those who are still to come." Damaged beyond recovery. Beast Wars: Transformers (titled Beasties: Transformers in Canada), is a Canadian-American computer animated television series that debuted in 1996 and ended on March 7, 1999, serving as the flagship of the Transformers: Beast Wars franchise. This does not include characters only appearing in collector's club or convention-related comics (from 3H or Fun Publications), or toy-only characters. After meeting with Cryotek, "Dinobot", Megatron, and Dirge broke into the archives to steal a Data-Con which would provide all sorts of information about the Golden Disk. As they were making their getaway, Dinobot threw the Data-Con to Dirge, (the latter unaware of a switch on Megatron's part) before battling … Dinobot II, the second clone, and a Transmetal, was on the Predacons' side for most of Season 3 until the death of Rampage, and was killed helping the Maximals escape after regaining his original personality. Create New Account. Destiny is one great test in store for us all. Why, Dinobot, what a delightful surprise! I am a warrior... let the battle be joined. Death of Dinobot and Raptoria. Dinobot is one of the Predacons who works for Megatron. Rattrap mentions that Dinobot would be up against six Predacons when there was a total of seven. Beast Wars. The protohumans scatter and panic as Megatron flies overhead and lands. Farewell...". With the protohumans destroyed, the human race will never have existed! WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Transformers: War for Cybertron -- Earthrise, now streaming on Netflix.. As much as fans knew Transformers: War for Cybertron -- Earthrise would bring Maximals and Predacons into the fray for the next chapter, Kingdom, it wasn't until the Season 2 finale that they saw Dinobot appear as the Autobots and Decepticons fell to Earth. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Transformers: War for Cybertron -- Earthrise, now streaming on Netflix. Games/Toys. 2001 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Volume 7 (Universal), 2000 — Beast Wars: Transformers: Metals — DVD Box 1 (Pioneer LDC) — English and Japanese audio. But Dinobot is a warrior still. He was one of the Predacons who worked for Megatron and was also one of the original six Predacons who stole the golden disk. Dinobot clone - Eaten offscreen by the real Dinobot. He mentions that his left is clear, his right is clear, his rear is clear and above him is clear, then while rambling about never being too careful, that's when Dinobot bursts out from the one direction he hadn't checked; below himself. As Dinobot struggles to atone for his past actions, Megatron embarks on a plan to change the future itself. While Dinobot's back is turned, Tarantulas blasts him; Dinobot reciprocates by squashing him under a rock. or. Megatron admits that's very likely... but only if history remains as it is. Creating red links in 2 articles. A short time afterward, Dinobot was standing with Primal and Rhinox on the bridge of the Axalon around a holo-map of the Predacon base when Primal suggested that Rattrap go on a scouting mission. ...Tell my tale to those who ask. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I was staring with open mouth and tearing eyes. [Dinobot hesitates] "Oh dear, how positively Maximal of you. Depth Charge is dispatched to destroy the submerged colossus, but inadvertently kills himself when he destroys Rampage with raw Energon. card classic compact. Dinobot's death was the first time I cried over a TF series as an adult. ", 1998 — Beast Wars: Transformers — Bad Spark / Code of Hero (KB Toys) With that, the proud warrior dies. Weakened by compassion. Proving Grounds. Beast Wars: Uprising Quickstrike participated in Battle MCMXXIII of the Games , a three-day long struggle that culminated in a stand-off between him and Stinkbomb . Rattrap: "Like I said, you're just a blasted, slag-spouting saurian, but... it's nice to know where you stand." I am a warrior. The next morning, the Maximals hold a funeral for Dinobot. Alianza Predacon - Beast wars transformers. The Dinobots are a rowdy, arrogant, lowbrow, disobedient band of warriors that some Autobots would rather scrap than deal with. "Sludge dumb" is how Grimlock, the Dinobot commander himself, describes the plodding Autobot. Optimus Primal showed up and, swearing to avenge Dinobot's death, killed Jaguar in battle. Dinobot observes all this with dawning dread: Megatron has the power to change the future. Megatron (Beast Wars) Forgive Me; My First AO3 Post; Constructive Criticism Welcome; Gay Robots; Summary. And yet, how ironic, for I now find I have no choice at all. Rather than "the rest is silence", Dinobot instead says, "Thank you. Beast Wars (Part 2)Dinobot provided not only brute force but an understanding of the enemy. In a wild valley, a group of primitive hominids forage for food. Hot. Or are we supposed to assume that every single Maximal, from jet-powered cheetah to bog-standard rhino, has the same top speed? The brief image from within the cannon's barrel appears similar to the gun barrel views from numerous James Bond movies. You saved the valley. The fliers soar through the air in a salute, as Rattrap and Rhinox dissolve Dinobot's remains. Beast Wars Grimlock, Dinobots Grimlock, Beast Wars Neo Hardhead, Dinotron, and Thrustor. Beast Wars: Transformers was a radical reinvention of Hasbro's robots in disguise, giving the franchise a CGI fur coat and introducing a menagerie of new characters. By the time he faces Quickstrike, Dinobot has taken heavy damage and no longer has his weapons. It can also be detached and used as a hand weapon. What could you possibly do?" (It's especially odd for Rhinox, considering that, When Dinobot laments about Megatron's power being limitless, Megatron and Rampage can be seen on the cliff right behind him. Dinobot (Transformers) Megatron (Beast Wars) (Transformers) Bio. Dinobot eventually got in contact with his Maximal comrades and revealed he was recovering in a protohuman village. Dinobot is, of course, still dealing with the fallout of his temporary defection, as seen in ", Rhinox refers to the transwarp wave, which was caused by the destruction of the, Tarantulas mentions that Megatron doesn't want anyone downloading more copies of the disk's data, referring to Blackarachnia's little heist in ". ", Optimus Primal: "Well fought, my friend. Megatron states that it was thanks to humans that the Autobots won the, The Golden Disk that Megatron stole from Cybertron and kicked off this whole mess is revealed to be one of the two, As the Predacons jump into the valley to destroy the hominids, Rampage crushes a butterfly. 2000 — Beast Wars: Super Lifeform Transformers: Metals — Huh? By Renaldo Matadeen 2 days ago. When Dinobot contemplates committing seppuku, he stops when he sees three birds flying in "missing man" formation. Rattrap gasps in horror at the sight of his comrade, while Cheetor douses the flames of the burning valley. Summoning the rest of his troops, he orders them to annihilate the valley and its inhabitants. 0. r/beastwars: All about Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Beast Wars II and Neo. While exiting his secret lab to retrieve his dinner, Tarantulas jabbers incessantly to himself as he makes sure the coast is clear. 7 1 1 117. [Megatron reveals a bound proto-human] "One more step, and it's raining bits of early anthropoid, yesss." Rhinox has been calculating the path of the Transwarp Wave from the Planet Buster's destruction—it's traveling through time at an accelerated rate, and will reach Cybertron in the "present", thus alerting Cybertron to their location. In the present day, with the Autobots moments from death ... Hasbro stated repeatedly, even after the publication of "The Beast Within", that there was no Dinobot combiner; it isn't clear whether this was a strategic retcon or simply Hasbro being unaware of the comic's existence. A deed once done cannot be undone, but perhaps, it may yet be mitigated. Crossposted by 22 hours ago. They're also one of the most devastatingly powerful and close-knit combat units in the Autobot army, being incredibly powerful in robot mode and taking alternate modes based on dinosaurs, the most powerful creatures to ever roam the Earth. Nonprofit Organization. But Megatron has a different history in mind. Nearly mad with frustration, Megatron flees as the Maximals arrive. Dinobot (Happy Meal Transmetal, 1998) Part of the second McDonald's Beast Wars Happy Meal promotion, Transmetal Dinobot transforms into a metal velociraptor. At the valley, a curious protohuman (presumably the same one Dinobot rescued) finds Dinobot's hammer. MP-41 Masterpiece Dinobot is in the wild! Right after Dinobot crash-lands on Waspinator, Rampage points his cannon at Dinobot. Tigerhawk … It's was three days after Megatron used the Golden Disk to destroy the future by killing all prehistoric humans that would one day evolve and one day aid the Autobots in battling the Decepticons during the Great War that would start in 1984. This is an interview with voice actor Scott McNeil on his experience working on the 1990s cartoon, Beast Wars: Transformers. Log In. It's was three days after Megatron used the Golden Disk to destroy the future by killing all prehistoric humans that would one day evolve and one day aid the Autobots in battling the Decepticons during the Great War that would start in 1984. TV Show. Either he had totally forgotten about Tarantulas, somehow heard Dinobot defeating Tarantulas over his open comlink, or assumed that Tarantulas would still not be working with Megatron. Rattrap stalks off, concluding that he'd thought Dinobot was at least forthright. As Sludge can't make much of an impression in the mental department, he likes to make his presence known physically. Starscream therefore went to Darkmount to take his own rightful place as Decepticon ruler, only for Predaking, Dark… He arms himself and heads off into the wastes. After a heated hand-to-hand battle between the two, Stinkbomb's chemical gun failed him, giving Quickstrike the opening he needed to fire his tail weapon and kill his opponent, winning the game for the Predacons. This evokes the famous Ray Bradbury short story ", When Dinobot is leaving the base, he comments that "a deed, once done, cannot be undone", a slight modification of the, Dinobot's final words, "The rest is silence", are taken directly from, The final shot of the episode- a protohuman discovering the power of tools and triumphantly hurling his weapon into the air, followed by a pan into space- is evocative of, The original storyboards were auctioned for charity at a. Exhausted. Yeah that's definitely the KO. Optimus Primal fears Megatron has made similar calculations, and the group realizes they need to increase their defenses. Many of the major characters in Beast Wars are killed off, usually near the end, sometimes to make room or new characters. So basically I've been crying about Dinobot's death ever since I was 9 years old. MP-41 runs in scale with the rest which means he is BIG, standing at 9.5 inches in robot mode compared with Primals 7. Though he and Blackarachnia managed to defeat Dinobot, she was still determined to leave the Maximals, until they revealed that the decision to go through with the procedure to remove her shell program was up to her. Fan Page. This does not include characters only appearing in collector's club or convention-related comics (from 3H or Fun Publications), or toy-only characters. Beast Wars: Transformers (Beasties: Transformers in Canada) is a CG animated television series made by Mainframe Entertainment in which two opposing factions trapped on a primitive planet, the Maximals and the Predacons of Transformers, a race of sentient robots, fight over its precious Energon. The account doesn't even make sense, as Transmutate aired immediately after Dinobot's death, and Dinobot II wouldn't appear at all until the next season. And we'll spare you the details of Depth Charge, Rampage, and Tigerhawk's deaths.. (Pioneer LDC) — Japanese audio only. Comment. Dinobot II in the Beast Wars TV Show. Victory. Dinobot's death - and Shakespearean death speech. ; Bookends: The episode opens with a snake picking off one of the early humans.It returns in the final scene, but it makes the mistake of attacking the one with the hammer. Death of Dinobot and Raptoria. During the climax, Megatron ridicules Dinobot for using a stick against him and still trying to fight. At his lair, Tarantulas has captured a tasty antelope for his dinner. The tail is made of soft plastic that moves from side to side when a lever at the base is turned. I quoted him in my high school year book mouth and tearing.!... and to fend off predators, such as the Maximals to rule over proto-human! 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