What you are doing is to evaluate how entertainment may be infiltrated with government’s propaganda, which is “dangerous”, hence education should not be the main purpose. Just wondering if anyone has taken A levels last year, could you provide me with a list of the GP Paper 1 Essay questions of 2011? To what extent is this true of your society ? Hello do you mind doing an outline for qn3 too? 2. dying. Anyway, entertainment together with education is just one perspective that a student can take, not necessarily for all to use it. Pewdiepie, the no.1 channel on Youtube earned 12 million in 2015 alone. The GP A LEVEL GCE 2015 passages by Kate Robb and Alfred Benjamin touch on the merits and demerits of sport on individuals and the larger community today. August 2, 2017. the example I used was the proliferation of anti-Japanese dramas in China. 2) To what extent should income equality be a goal in your society? I did the public health one haha! And I did this question about 2-3 times before the A levels lucky me LOL, Hi, I attempted question 4 and might have went out of point, could you possibly come up with a short outline please? this is not a science and tech question asking about religion vs rational facts. 2016 Assess the view that traditional buildings have no future in your society. What do we mean by “managed”? Often GPs have very busy clinics. In GP, 're-expressing' is a very valuable skill because practically every question requires us to re-express the answer in our own words, especially summary. But I was just wondering how many types of energy you should talk about for qn 10 Are my examples valid? | The Culture, 2015 A-level H2 Mathematics (9740) Paper 1 Suggested Solutions | The Culture, 2015 A-level H1 Mathematics (8864) Paper Suggested Solutions | The Culture, 2020 A-level H2 Mathematics (9758) Paper 2 Suggested Solutions, 2020 A-level H2 Mathematics (9758) Paper 1 Suggested Solutions, 2020 A-level H2 Mathematics (9758) Suggested Solutions, Impact of removal of common last topic (CLT), 2019 A-level H2 Mathematics (9758) Suggested Solutions, 2015 A-level H2 Mathematics (9740) Paper 2 Suggested Solutions, 2015 A Level H2 Chemistry (9647) Paper 3 Suggested Solutions, 2016 A-level H2 Mathematics (9740) Paper 2 Suggested Solutions, 2015 A-level H2 Mathematics (9740) Suggested Solutions, 2015 A Level H2 Chemistry (9647) Paper 1 Suggested Solutions. yes it is definitely ok, don’t worry there is no misinterpretation going on here. I'll also be happy to answer any GP-related questions in this thread so shoot away! We understand that it is not easy for students to study on their own to excel in GP comprehension examination as it is difficult for students to assess the quality of their answers. ‘For the majority of people, the Arts are a waste of time.’ How true is this of your society? This app contains many easy-to-use features that will enhance your revision efforts, such as visually-attractive GP Facts infographics and the comprehensive GP Issues. yes Jen, unfortunately that will be a bit too narrow. So what question did u do? Student A November 5, 2015. I used it as a counter to those who suggested the lack of welfarism in singapore ( hence suggesting its public health not being effectively managed and promoted), Hey there again, yes it would be accepted. This product includes 3 separate documents: 1. GP Essay Questions ← GP Topics Guidance for Cambridge A-level GP Essay a level 2010 gp essay questions a school peon essay writing? Log In Sign Up. All the best for the rest of your papers! Top. Primary healthcare is a unique setting. Hii how about qn 7 >< ? – environmental impacts. Reading and Writing: Question paper (912. They are economically driven, which ties in to the demands of the economy- for us to be capitalistic, to be efficient and cost-effective in order to have an international competitive edge. Look at how the practice works as a unified team. Feel free to comment on these questions when we have them up. A and As Level General Paper 8004 About A Level General Paper Syllabus The Cambridge International AS Level General Paper encourages learners to develop a maturity of critical thought and argument, and a mastery of expression in the English language. Hi, it has been posted here. Therefore, his tuition mission is to motivate and cultivate students to be independent and confident thinkers. This was a moderately popular question, but it did provide a platform for some candidates to write the essay which they wanted to write, rather than one on the actual question. But health problems – power plant failure In your society, how well are the demands of the economy and the environment balanced? Past Years A-Level Exams 2017 GP A’ Level Paper 1. E.g belief in Madurai (a village in India) that sacrifice of animals will make God satisfied? 2014 Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level Examinations General Paper 8807 (Paper 1) 1. Consequently, they ignore the needs to prepare for the GP Comprehension paper for the GCE A Level Syllabus. The files below are self-made notes that I used for my revision before the A Level examinations in 2012. A well-known international example would be the Ant tribe (Over 25% of which are from the most prestigious universities in China and suffer from underemployment). And misuse of nuclear energy- weaponry, Yes sure will consider writing on it. Hi, can you do Qn 4 as well please? That this would be a more effective promotion and encouragement than mere campaigns and advertisement for the individual has a stake and a responsibility in the improvement of his or her health. Hi, I did q3 also! Sit in on reception or the emergency line and witness … How far is it possible for one country to forgive another for its past actions? 1. I have an upcoming highly important test that will test us on last year's essay questions. GP Essay Questions from 2019 A Levels. The aim of our outlines is to create discussions online on possible arguments or perspectives on the questions. However, the process is entirely the same, except we now do it mentally. Also, you are required to address what is “promoted” and what is “managed”. I can offer my perspectives. Hi, co-payment is to instill a sense of individual responsibility towards one’s health, otherwise you will suffer and have to pay the “penalty”. Here are the GP Paper 1 Exam Questions for the GCE A-Level Exams this year. Essay nature topics how do u start off a essay how to write an essay on pros and cons. Hi, can you do a suggested solution for question 6? Can this be counted as a separate point from “education imparts values”? 365psych. “Books serve little purpose in education as technological developments become more sophisticated.” How far do you agree? Square These are all skills of great use for university level study. Example from A Level 2018: "How far is failure an essential part of success?" A Level Materials. 3) Science is the only answer to global hunger.’ Discuss. Then counter saying that however there are some who disagrees that the government is managing and promoting public health efficiently. So perhaps a short outline:P. Hi, could you post the outline for question 10? “Parents have no right to impose their own values and beliefs on their children.” Discuss. Teacher's comment: ... 2015 Prelim Questions_Essay Plans Thanks! […] Back to: 2015 A’levels H1 General Paper (8807) suggested solutions […], […] H1 General Paper (By Christine) Paper 1 […], […] out Christine’s Comments on the recent GP Essays here […], […] 2015 A levels H1 General Paper (8807) Paper 1 Suggested Solutions | The Culture on “No cause is ever worth dying for.” Discuss […], CONTACT US done! 2015 A levels H1 General Paper (8807) Paper 1 Suggested Solutions, http://theculture.sg/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/the-culture-logo.png, https://theculture.sg/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Screen-Shot-2015-11-04-at-10.38.52-PM-825x393.png, The Culture Sg Copyright All Rights Reserved © 2018, 2015 A Level General Paper Essay Predictions. Yes, your points are definitely within the scope of the essay! The syllabus draws on […] – ensure its sustainable cos coal fuel are non renewable and alternative energy have limitations London WC1R 4HQ. To what extent should the arts in your society focus on local rather than foreign talent? Yes its very simplistic hahah. So would this be accepted. You could have also included the fact that currently, our job market is over-saturated with University Graduates. ‘Cultural and heritage sites have lost their relevance.’ How far is this true of your soci… We have kindly highlighted the questions whose topic we have correctly predicted. I wanted to write about tourism. “No cause is ever worth dying for.” Discuss. Fossil fuels – current energy source My HCI kids did mostly q10, my RI kids did q8, and h2 history students love to go for q2. The actual question paper is not included in this package due to copyrights held by CIE. All GCE papers are the sole property of CIE/UCLES. ‘We are merely paying lip service to the arts.’ How true is this in your society? Having taught students from all various Junior Colleges, KS adapts to students' abilities and help them better understand the topics. Thank you for taking time replying:)))) emmm actually I wrote about TV’s role in imparting values as the third argument but was a very rushed one as I didn’t provide example to illustrate how entertainment can exert bad influence:( then following up was the meshed-up point haha… But I defined the phrase in the question “simply to entertain” as “bringing only joy but nothing else to the audience”, and that’s why I wrote about entertainment can be used for a wrong cause and hence it should not be infiltrated with educative elements… Is this okay? Have been busy with my J1 classes. Perhaps entertainment serves no value in such a case, and that the media should just focus on educating the public instead- possibly in terms of imparting knowledge and values. Do questions where it's easy for you to mindlessly regurgitate relevant facts. Ana sayfa genel write essay my childhood memories the strongest childhood pecha kucha night, pune dinesh short essay the house, and memory and. OrangeBelt The GP A LEVEL GCE 2015 passages by Kate Robb and Alfred Benjamin touch on the merits and demerits of sport on individuals and the larger community today. ... GP Exam Questions • Past Years A-Level Exams 2018 A-Levels General Paper (GP) Exam Questions. “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” To what extent is this true? That's how I got A for gp without studying at all -- all I did was keep up with current affairs so I have some materials to use. no prob! KS has been teaching H2/H1 Mathematics and IB mathematics for the more than 10 years. After all, these are our national healthcare schemes that every Singapore can fall back on, assuming if we have enough funds in there in the first place:) Raising awareness is just one aspect, but if this is the only aspect that you have covered, then I am afraid the essay is a bit too narrow. But without controls – will be depleted and env problem Reply. […] Also, you are required to address what is “promoted” and what is “managed”. The outline has been out:) Let me know if you have any worries. In your society, to what extent is it acceptable for […] thats why i used it as an opposing point argument, Hello Christine, for Qn 5 one of my points was that the entertainment on TV could be potentially exploited by Gov as propaganda tools, therefore education should not be the main purpose of TV as such in explicit education deprives people of their rational thinkings. hi! ‘Language’ became the focus, notably 1. Understanding the notion that healthcare is expensive in Singapore will lead to the promotion of better health. But my school teacher told me it’s not valid as most of the medical tourist visits private hospitals. “Human actions should be based on scientific fact, not religious faith.” How far do you agree with this statement? To do well for this question, you would need to answer what is “effective” and set a criteria to measure effectiveness. Hi sorry for the very late reply Occassionally, you may also get questions that test harmonic progression (HP) - likely to find such a question in CAT than in the TANCET. These are all skills of great use for university level study. Recommended Readings: Internet Trends Report by KPCB 2015 Charlie Hebdo Attacks Fast Facts ... (GP) EXAM QUESTIONS. T he sequences and series topics includes arithmetic progression (AP), and geometric progression (GP). | The Culture, In your society, how well are the demands of the economy and the environment balanced? Hi, the question has been posted already. GP ESSAY - Question Choice (Review) ... (GCE A Levels, 2008) Example 2: ‘The Golden Years’. A-level H2 Mathematics (9758) Suggested Solutions (2017 – 2020), H2 Mathematics (9740) Suggested Solutions (2010 – 2017). With our cheap essay writing service, you can not only have the essay written in economical price but also get it delivered within the given A Level Gp Essay Questions 2015 … And this question is about public health. | The Culture, How far is it possible for one country to forgive another for its past actions? | The Culture, Consider the argument that the main purpose of television should be to educate rather than simply to entertain. Do have a look . And I did this question about 2-3 times before the A levels lucky me LOL. Have been busy with my j1 classes. =) ‘Any adaptation of a novel for a film, television or the theatre is never as effective as the […] | The Culture, “Books serve little purpose in education as technological developments become more sophisticated.” How far do you agree? 6. Many will question this. I only focused on the..softer aspects of the management of public health like raising awareness……, For Q3, I can see how why most students will be citing examples of medisave, medishield and even medicare schemes that we have here. To what extent can the Arts effect positive social change today? Thanks ! can you please post your a level gp 2016 predictions? =) ‘The past is not dead. Should there be any controls over the production of energy when the need for it is so great? Your point needs to be re-work a little to discuss how entertainment may not be necessary entertainment considering how the government controls the media and utilizes it for their own agenda. To do well for this question, you would need to answer what is “effective” and set a criteria to measure effectiveness. Hi, for q12, if I only discuss human actions in the field of science, would that be narrow scope? Do check back on this page for it. The actual question paper is not included in this package due to copyrights held by CIE. All GCE papers are the sole property of CIE/UCLES. My examples include SportsSG $100 credit to access public sports facilities such as gyms and swimming complexes that promote better public health, 3M approach – Medisave/Medifund/Medishield, pumping in a lot of money into better public health during Budget 2015 such as the Pioneer Generation card, providing subsidised healthcare facilities such as polyclinics and hospitals, new infrastructure to meet demand for public health in many regions of SG such as Eng Teng Fong hospital, raising awareness for better public health such as iQuit Smoking Campaign… I also considered in some one-off cases where public health is not so effectively managed such as failure to contain the recent Hep C cases and long waiting times at A & E (but nevertheless our healthcare system is on the whole, still world-class and many countries wish to emulate us). GP Study is a mobile learning application for JC students to explore and understand the significance of real world issues that are featured and tested at the GCE A Level General Paper examinations. Thought I would help to give next year's students a head start for their General Paper Exams by providing this year's "A" Level Questions for reference. This product includes 3 … Stay tune for our short outlines on these questions. Hi, what questions have been most popular this year for As? Hope this clarifies a little:) I will post up the outline soon, when I am not so busy with work. Hi, for q10, do u think my points are ok? Comments on Specific Questions Question 1 Is there any value in preserving minority languages in the world? The GP GCE2014 passage by Emily Speight touches on the various issues related to our use of the internet today. Appreciate any help, thank you! Hi there! 88 [A Levels] GP Paper 1. Observe how GPs identify potentially serious symptoms and escalate these, when appropriate, to a secondary healthcare setting. all the best for ur papers. In the process, indirectly, healthcare is promoted as individuals do not want to incur these extra healthcare costs unless it is really inevitable. If you have any fears or doubts, pls feel free to ask. 5. ... From the Charlie Hebdo incident to the fight for net neutrality, the media had a relatively prominent role in 2015. Learners broaden their outlook through the critical analysis of - and reflection on - issues of global significance. Contact us, or simply hit our personal page for more contact information. 4. 1) How far should countries have relations with others whose human rights record is poor? Here are the General Paper (GP) Essay Questions for the Nov 2017 GCE A-Levels exams. 3. Consider the argument that the main purpose of television should be to educate rather than simply to entertain. Any questions feel free to ask. Texas college essay examples summer vacation essay in arabic language, kinds of restaurants essay, write an essay on my hobby stamp collection uc application essay prompts 2018. Is this a true of reflection of life for the elderly in Singapore (NJC Common Test, 2008) ii) Identification of the ‘Conflict’ in the essay question (in order to derive the 2 sides of the debate and achieve Balance) The term seems to suggest a form of deliberate and subtle control by the state, so what is it that the state is doing. In response to the topic, ‘The past is not dead. [2015 GCE A-Levels GP Essay Question #1] - There is no such [2015 GCE A-Levels GP Essay Question #1] There is no such thing as bad publicity? Cambridge International AS Level Global Perspectives prepares learners for positive engagement with our rapidly changing world. Yes ur examples are valid, but your arguments are of course more important in the essay! yes, I will have it up asap. Just because there is a lack of welfarism in Singapore, doesn’t necessarily mean that public health is not the concern of the government, or that it is not effectively managed and promoted. Writing instructions (Recipes) Two for one. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Busy with my J1 classes. 2017 GP A’ Level: Essay Topics. Posted on After posting this year's CGE A-Levels GP Paper 1 Essay General Paper Essays - JC GP Tuition Singapore and the actual GCE 'A' Level General Paper questions, Our belief is that by using general paper essays sample … 1 year ago. I was just wondering if there should be a distinction between public health and healthcare since public health means the general health of the public.. I’m quite scared cos i didnt mention examples like medisave, medishield which many of my friends did. Hope this clarifies a little:), Hi would be acceptable to argue for question 3 that healthcare is effectively promoted because of the adoption of copayment. If you do like our site, do pass on our website to your juniors who can look it up for resources and guidance. – prevent risk of nuclear meltdown using controls like strict safety measures, and sg do not allow nuclear plant as its a huge risk Would really appreciate it . Definitely, it will be the latter but at an affordable price. :S. Hi dear, I have just posted up a very short outline on this question. Click on the questions for a short suggested outline for each of the question. As someone who loves to teach mathematics and sees it as a truly useful tool in life, KS seeks to enable students to appreciate math. YEAR TOPIC/TYPE QUESTION 2016 People who do the most worthwhile jobs rarely receive the best financial rewards. 1. Hi, I attempted ... out Christine’s Comments on the recent GP Essays here […] November 5th, 2015 10:34 PM. As predicted correctly, this year’s paper has a fair mix of topics that we have proudly identified for students! Hot off the Press! Do you know whether many people attempted the question on public health? After all, these are our national healthcare schemes that every Singapore can fall back on, assuming if we have enough funds in there in the first place:) Raising awareness is just one aspect, but if this is the only aspect that you have covered, then I am afraid the essay is a bit too narrow. Wish you all the best in your work!!!:D. Texas college essay examples how do i make an essay shorter short examples of expository essays. Hi, Qns 4 is done:) Pls have a look and help us to share this website with your friends! Your point sounds like you are a little confused in the writing, as you basically mesh up the points on both education and entertainment. gce a level gp essay questions South korea’s students rank among the best in the … The question requires you to compare one against the other. Watch how they skillfully extract key information from patients in a timely manner. Yes, I will notify you when I have it up asap. registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion Or I misinterpreted the question haha. Hi, can you do a suggested outline for question 2? HCI 2015 Prelims Application Question Q: Alice Walker severely criticises modern cities in general and argues that there is … Thank you! Archived [A Levels] GP Paper 1. did anyone else just get cucked and nth they studied for came out because please send help AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO FELT LIKE THIS aAAAA User account menu. A and As Level General Paper 8001 About A Level General Paper Syllabus The Cambridge International AS Level General Paper encourages learners to develop a maturity of critical thought and argument, and a mastery of expression in the English language. Hi, for q7, is it possible to argue that parents shouldn’t because certain morals and beliefs that they have been growing up with is less in line with today’s revolutionized world in terms of women rights/animal rights? I’m afriad that my points are not suitable for the question cos there are 2 key words to tackle simultaneously “promote” and “manage” hence I’m not sure if my points are valid. For the benefit of our students and their revision, here’s the questions for the 2014 paper. A Level Gp Essay Questions 2015 of the whole work. Past Papers for Cambridge O Level, A Level, IGCSE subjects A Levels General Paper 8001 (AS Level only) (8001) Past Papers PDF - GCE Guide Past Papers | GCE Guide Follow up lesson creative writing. Summary usually attracts only 8 marks and we have no time to do what we could do in O-Level summary. The term seems to suggest a form of deliberate and subtle control by the state, so what is it that the state is doing. ><. I’m really worried that I will be out of topic thank you in advance. How to write a good body paragraph in an essay definition essay about life mathematics education essay questions, how to write a award winning essay write an essay about family relationships, essay on pollution class 10.Executive summary example for essay … Can the use of animals for scientific research ever be justified? There are more questions on public health because I have yet to post a suggested outline. LKS2 Socrates Biography & Reading Comprehension Distance Learning Bundle, LKS2 Augustus Biography & Reading Comprehension Distance Learning Bundle. Created: Aug 25, 2017| Updated: Feb 15, 2020. Also, do note that children have lots of rights in countries like Sweden:) maybe sth for u to look up. I just mentioned fossil fuels and nuclear energy We would love to hear from you. Can I have an essay outline ? But to score for the question, you would need to tie this point to the “demands of the economy” and argue whether corporations being profit motivated will lead to “unbalance” between economy and the environment. The syllabus draws on […] Thank you:D. Hi Mush, thanks for your comment. If you are able to produce AQ responses of similar quality at the A Level GP Exam, rest assured that you will be able to score well. Cambridge H1/8807 GENERAL PAPER: GCE A LEVEL 2015 Paper 2 Suggested Answers, Cambridge H1/8807 GENERAL PAPER: Introduction to Counterarguments, Cambridge H2/9748 Literature in English Paper 1 Section A: Comparative Approach to Poetry. | The Culture, 2015 A’level Suggested Solutions | The Culture, To what extent should the arts in your society focus on local rather than foreign talent? If you are a TANCET aspirant, you could restrict yourself to questions on AP and GP. But bearing in mind that you guys are just 18, Cambridge should cut some slack in the marking:), Ok thankyou for taking time to response. It’s one in which aspiring medics will see a multitude of key skills in action, including: 1. Posts about General Paper written by freealevelnotes. A-Level Essay Question- 'The key criterion for good government is how well the economy is managed.' Stay tuned! Oh haha then I m relieved thank you for clarification:))) it’s really kind of you to take time to answer our questions so thoroughly!!!! The outline has been out:) Do let me know if you have any worries. Posted by. Feel free to add on more points. Yes you can argue from the perspective that corporations being profit motivated are unlikely to take into account environmentally-friendly methods of production, especially if these production processes are expensive/costly. AICE AS Level: General Paper 8004 Curriculum Map CCPS 6/3/2014 . ‘We should abolish state funding for the Arts.’ How far do you agree that this should be the case? ‘Censorship undermines the arts.’ Comment. Conditions. It is not even past', this essay is written to stress the importance of the magnitude of the event and to, also, present a philosophical perspective. Congrats:) But do note that though these points are “correct”, you would need to compare and assess why control still outweigh even though demand is surging or so great. Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. Annotated define I think this question violates the Community Guidelines. You can clarify your points with me meanwhile first. A level gp essay questions 2018. Control: “There is no such thing as bad publicity.” To what extent is this true? I’m just curious, if you have many wide-ranging examples on public health, but the organisation of points on the whole are kinda messy (although they do answer the overall question), will I still do well as a whole? This GCE Advanced Level General Paper past years' exam papers' questions and solutions manual includes sample essays / compositions to every essay / composition question and answers to every comprehension question in the past years' GCE 'A' level General Paper exam papers. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. I will also be providing some of own thoughts, and insights in the following days. Is it okay to add points that argues about Singapore not managing the environment and demands well due to certain reasons like corporation being profit maximisers at the expense of environment, etc? It is not even past.’ Discuss. Since different schools may emphasise on different topics and cover particular areas more extensively for that year only, do take these notes as mere guides to supplement your own school work. Archives – Secure 2015. I have posted a suggested solution for qns 6! A level gp essay questions. When a government’s finances for social welfare are limited, should they be directed towards the young or the old? Things are more complicated than that. How effectively is public health promoted and managed in your society? Our JC2 students have just completed their GP exams, and here are the essay questions that came out for Paper 1 this year. It has been posted up since yest. 2015 To what extent should the arts in your society focus on local rather than foreign talent ? 88. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and I wrote a paragraph for both manage and promo. What do we mean by “managed”? To address what is “ effective ” and set a criteria to measure effectiveness of key skills in action including... Proliferation of anti-Japanese dramas in China do you agree, could you post the outline for qn3 too the is! Children have lots of rights in countries like Sweden: ) I will be... Facts... ( GP ) Exam questions for a short suggested outline for question 10 to forgive another for past... As bad publicity. ” to what extent should income equality be a goal in your?... ) how far do you think been a level gp questions 2015 popular this year the or! 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