CNN has made a public spectacle of passing the torch to Jake Tapper from longtime election-night fixture Wolf Blitzer, who will not anchor the cable outlets election desk for the first time since 2004. And -- but that means that you have evidence that may incriminate you. How Rich Is Dave Lee Travis? He brought down the Soviet Union. The fact is -- the fact that theyre going to meet next week, Chairman Xi and Putin, to discuss this unholy alliance that they have, to put weapons into Ukraine, to me is very disturbing because while maybe Ukraine today, its going to be Taiwan tomorrow. It has been widely reported that the two anchors came to blows last year amid allegations of sexual assault by aGood Morning Americaproducer. Can you give us a sense, first, of of what that was like? SULLIVAN: Well, Martha, every phase of this war, the president has tried to make sure that the Ukrainian military gets what they need. RADDATZ: Georgia's grand jury forewoman recommends multiple indictments in the election interference case against Donald Trump, and his allies. Stephanopoulos wont be involved in ABCs election night coveragean apparent victory for his rival David Muir in their ongoing cold war. They do not know when they will ever be able to return. George has been away from his co-hosting duties on GMA this week and fans were starting to wonder why. We have seen that over the past year up close on numerous trips to Ukraine, but never was it as evident as it was this week when we returned again to Lviv, where I was the night the invasion began, as people looked ahead to another year of war, and looked back on how dramatically their lives have changed. This woman obviously doesn't care, and wants, as Terry said, her 15 minutes. MUIR: Let me ask you about a conversation that people are having at home. To learn more about George Stephanopouloss illness, whereabouts and wife, continue reading the article below. The network then leaned onStephanopoulos to cover"special report responsibilities," which he did to acclaim, thus building the reputation of the organization. Up next, the Republican chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, just back from a visit to Kyiv himself. This copy may not be in its final form, may be updated and may contain minor transcription errors. RADDATZ (voice over): And yet the priest, like all Ukrainians, endures. They can plead five. People are worried that they're being forgotten. And I said, and if you are engaged in the same kind of brutality by supporting the brutality that's going on, I said, you may face the same consequence. M1A1 Abrams tanks. SULLIVAN: I'm glad you asked this question because I think this has been the subject of some confusion. Ukrainian people show brave, resilience, and we ready to fight. RADDATZ: But with tens of thousands killed, how will this bloody war end? I still think the majority in the Congress support this. Biden: Well, first of all, I'm not sure how many are asking that. EMILY KOHRS, GEORGIA SPECIAL GRAND JURY FOREPERSON: I will tell you it's not a short list. The American people want to feel better about their personal circumstances as well as the country. RADDATZ: An ABC/Washington Post poll earlier this month found that 50 percent of Republicans believe the U.S. is doing too much to support Ukraine. That exclusive interview, next. But there were also those three weather balloons shot down very quickly. Her Husband, Earnings, Net Worth And Family Life. George Stephanopoulos has been part of Good Morning America as a co-anchor since replacing Diane Sawyer in 2009. The spat revolved around the chief anchor title, which Stephanopoulos had previously held. On the night of the invasion, 180,000 Russian troops began their brutal assault. Records show the political news anchor donated $25,000 three times between 2012 and 2014. RADDATZ: Three months later, Artem died fighting. Her film credits include Jerry Maguire, The Real Blonde, Office Space, and more. As President Zelenskyy rallies the Ukrainian people, President Biden shores up alliances. We know you were on that train with President Biden going in and out of Kyiv. Youve said that. We need to be there because the Ukrainian people have suffered so much, and they're standing up for all of us, for democracy, for a country that invaded them. MARTHA RADDATZ, ABC "THIS WEEK" ANCHOR (voice over): Year two of the war in Ukraine begins. Before that, the husband and wife jetted off to Paris, where they shared many pictures of their trip. You talk often about how the inflation the rate of inflation has begun to slow. "The network reached out to David two years ago asking for a long-term commitment and for his patience. Thus, recent developments along with Georges new contract confirmed that the esteemed host is not leaving Good Morning America anytime soon. Find His Net Worth, Career Earnings, And News After Appearing In Public With Marianne Griffin. Appreciate it. This is what she tweeted: We need a national divorce. CNN reported that ABC was so eager to appease Stephanopoulos that then-Disney chairman Bob. And you slow down, a little bit, the older you get. Were not giving them the weapons systems they need that, when we talk to President Zelenskyy, when I talk to our top military commander, say that they need artillery (ph) right now. And this is actually an example of Joe Biden rallying the global coalition to get Ukraine what it needs. For previous show transcripts, visit the "This Week" transcript archive. That doesn't seem like a winning slogan there. Because, probably, for the last year leading up to the midterms, I really dug deep on inflation, and I will say I was the first person to raise my hand and say I thought that that was really going to derail Democrats in the midterms. There's stuff that's implied about taking five. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Today we will have a --. Stephanopoulos reportedly threatened to leave for a rival network last year over tensions with Muir. I mean, Democrats did very well in the midterm elections. SULLIVAN: Well, all I can say is what youve heard from the secretary of state, youve heard from other officials in the administration, and you just heard from President Biden, which is, we have, at this point, not seen them take the step of providing weapons to Russia for purposes of the war in Ukraine. GOOD Morning America host George Stephanopoulos has revealed the real reason why he is absent from the show. Thus, people were even more surprised when history seemed like repeating itself, and George suddenly stopped appearing in GMA and This Week at the beginning of 2021. BIDEN: Ive got to call her and find out. He's very --, And I don't say no words. Otherwise, what are we doing in Ukraine? Ive met with the Ukrainians being trained by the Poles on the Leopard tanks, which will go in in two weeks as this offensive takes place. His post came just days after he mocked a video of his GMA co-hostRobin Roberts. And I think, if we look at the inflation picture today, the economy is, by most metrics, healthier than it was six months ago. And, again, thats where the energy and the emphasis of the U.S. military is in helping the Ukrainian military get the tools it needs to be able to carry out that mission. The GMA host smiled and wore a teal dress shirt and khakis. Be -- be -- how you say? ANNOUNCER: From ABC News, its THIS WEEK. I'm not being facetious. He just says, "Watch me.". So, why is that? You can see theres some Ukraine fatigue. And is it too late? In Lviv this week, we saw that loss up close. February 26, 2023, 6:15 AM. Please, the judge said, don't -- don't damage the investigation. Although Muir now has the privilege of covering breaking news and special events, he does not hold the title of Chief Anchor, but was allegedly told it was only a matter of time when negotiating the transition in 2019, according to the Daily Mail. Others have different expectations about his current predicament. I think the president should have gone to Palestine, where we had this major chemical spill. George Robert Stephanopoulos is not leaving and will stay on as a co-host for Good Morning America. At the beginning of 2020, fans were concerned when George suddenly stopped appearing on the TV show. George and Ali married in 2001 and they have two children together. This is about continuing to invest in the American people, invest in the future of America, which is what the Biden-Harris administration has been doing and what they will continue to do. About. MCCAUL: Well, Chairman Xi and Putin are they have this unholy alliance since the Beijing Olympics. The administration has also warned China not to offer lethal military assistance to Russia. White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is interviewed on ABC's "This Week", Sept. 25, 2022. Republican Josh Hawley said this week that the Republican Party can be the party of Ukraine and globalists or the party of East Palestine and working Americans, not both. I believe together with the United States and our partners, we very quickly de-occupate our territory. Her 26-year-old son Artem (ph), a special operations soldier who first fought to defend Crimea in 2014 was overseas when the Russians invaded this time. Read More: Is Robin Roberts Leaving Good Morning America? I think one of the other, sort of, caveats, though, for the president is this ongoing Justice Department investigation of classified documents. He shared an article about the Hulu series Power Trip. When I asked you last month about -- about her serving on the Homeland Security Committee, you said you think she has matured and is trying to become a team player. What would be useful would be German tanks. You said, in Ukraine, while you were there, that you're seeing increasing momentum towards getting long-range missiles and F-16. And we will cross the bridge of future phases of this war when they come. And we are joined now by President Bidens national security adviser, Jake Sullivan. He needs artillery. Can you think of anything you (ph) turn on the television and go, God, that makes me feel good? George Stephanopoulos has been absent from GMA all week. We have differences of opinions. In August, she posted a picture of herself and Stephanopoulos on Instagram embracing while standing next to a gorgeous pool in Greece. 7News: Is Angie Asimus Pregnant? "It was 1984 and yes @gstephanopoulos I was young and hungry!! I've seen nothing in the plan that would indicate that there is something that would be beneficial to anyone other than Russia if the Chinese plan were followed. And that means tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles. I think to your point it's interesting about the prosecution because -- I mean, the Georgia case, there are so many multiple different legal challenges that the former president is facing. Thats not the way prosecutions should be run. CNN further traced Stephanopoulos' alleged beef with Muir all the way back to when Muir replaced Dianne Sawyer, a positionStephanopoulos reportedly wanted. DONNA BRAZILE, ABC CONTRIBUTOR: Well, first of all, he has to get a budget back through Congress. Furthermore, Stephanopoulos absence appears to represent a victory for Muir in a long-standing, behind-the-scenes feud between the rival ABC News stars. However, the matter was seemingly settled before blowing up, and George retained his position on GMA. Moreover, while being a part of GMA, Georges new contract also led ABC to launch his own production company George Stephanopoulos Productions through which he will take on various projects with his wife. What is your message to Russia, to Vladimir Putin? Later, Robin shared the clip to her Instagram page, writing: "Talk about waaaaay back Wednesday. After that, he stopped using the social media platform. Apart from watching George Stephanopoulos on Good Morning America and This Week during the A.M., fans can now tune in at night to cheer him on as Jeopardy! George Stephanopoulos was missing from his usual GMA slot on December 19, 2022, and fans are curious to know why. Whether they support you or not philosophically, you're the president; you're the governor. He'll get some criticism, but he should go. His wife often took to social media to share their various adventures. You'll see it here first. However, news about Georges ongoing feud with David Muir wafted out of the network as the two reportedly were at odds over the title of chief-anchor. Additionally, reports even claimed that George had threatened to join a rival network in the light of such altercations. The new job meant that . I will say a divisive rhetoric I think polarizes this nation and I think it hurts this nation. BRAZILE: No, and that's not going to be a slogan if he decides to run for re-election. REPORTER: Are these recognizable names? With that title, and despite Muirs ever-increasing role in anchoring ABCs news coverage, Stephanopoulos led the outlets special events coverage, including the 2018 and 2020 elections, while Muir focused on hosting World News Tonight.