Which of the following best describes wireless technology? Compute the balances in both accounts after 101010 and 303030 years. Additionally, employees are required to comply with their agencys information security policies, participate in information security training, follow security protocols for remote connectivity, and maintain security of any relevant materials, including files, correspondence, and equipment. But when most employees at an organization are allowed to telecommute, working remotely more often does not improve work performance, suggesting that enthusiasm about the arrangement may wane in such cases (Personnel Psychology, Vol. _____ refers to the option given to employees to work away from a centrally located office. Which of the following is true of telework? We are a customer driven technology division that provides innovative solutions that connects people and simplifies work. Which of the following is NOT a home security best practice? Which of the following is true of the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)? eligible to telework has formally received training and entered into a written telework agreement, these employees may be approved by their supervisors to telework on a case-by-case basis as the need arises. When using a fax machine to send sensitive information, the sender should do which of the following? b. Construct the confidence interval at 95% for the mean difference between the two populations. How can you protect your information when using wireless technology? Before allowing employees to work remotely, organizations should reevaluate policies around performance evaluation, promotion and salary increases to ensure they dont favor on-site workers, she says. You are having lunch at a local restaurant outside the installation, and you find a cd labeled "favorite song". What action is recommended when somebody calls you to inquire about your work environment or specific account information? Which of the following is an example of a strong password? -Make note of any identifying information and the website URL and report it to your security office. Which of the following should be reported as a potential security incident? Which of the following is an invalid guideline for securing telework computers and laptops , per the National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST ) Special Publication ( SP ) 800-114 ? -It never requires classification markings. You will get the details of all company-provided materials room & # x27 ; s cables nearest Canada Personnel management offers online telework training before they can telework shows the technical requirements - Oracle /a >. -It must be released to the public immediately. What is telework? In addition to formally exploring any cultural or ideological differences, collaborators should also consider how such teams are led. Store it in a shielded sleeve to avoid chip cloning. Identify the job design method implemented at Tech-Marketing. If aggregated, the information could become classified. D. **Insider ThreatWhat type of activity or behavior should be reported as a potential insider threat? They play an important role in interviews and selection decisions. Which of the following is NOT considered sensitive information? One analysis showed that the blurring of such boundaries causes remote workers to associate their homes with their work roles as work obligations repeatedly intrude upon family time (Eddleston, K.A., & Mulki, J., Group & Organization Management, Vol. Which of the following is true of telework arrangements? Advancing psychology to benefit society and improve lives, Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies, Workplace Redesign: Current Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities, Virtual Teams: Conceptualization, Integrative Review and Research Recommendations. Even within a specific role, some duties may be well suited to teleworking, while others are better performed in person. (Wrong). *INSIDER THREAT*What threat do insiders with authorized access to information or information systems pose? 1 Answer 0 votes answered by admic (1.0m points) selected by voice Best answer You must have your organization's permission to telework How does verbalizing an attitude make it more likely that the attitude will guide your behavior? e. finding children who were struggling academically. Exceptionally grave damage. CUI may be stored on any password-protected system. How many indicators does this employee display? A coworker uses a personal electronic device in a secure area where their use is prohibited. Employees should familiarize themselves with their agency's policy and any relevant procedures and collective bargaining agreements to ensure they are in compliance with their requirements. *TRAVEL*Which of the following is a concern when using your Government-issued laptop in public? New interest in learning another language? The Federal Government is a leader in the use of innovative workplace arrangements like telework. How are compensating balances reported in financial statements? Which is a way to protect against phishing attacks? Secure personal mobile devices to the same level as Government-issued systems. -Never allow sensitive data on non-Government-issued mobile devices. Chang invests $500\$ 500$500 in an account that earns 3.5%3.5 \%3.5% compounded annually. In a shared office full of potential interruptions, that can be hard to do.. 2, 2015). What type of data must be handled and stored properly based on classification markings and handling caveats? Which of the following practices may reduce your appeal as a target for adversaries seeking to exploit your insider status? What should you do? All of the Partnership's employees have access and are welcome to enjoy the following: . What should you do after you have ended a call from a reporter asking you to confirm potentially classified info found on the web? Which of the following is true about knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) that are required for a job? Which of the following is NOT an example of CUI? Do not access links or hyperlinked media such as buttons and graphics in email messages. Using OPM's Open Season Online system. the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 (the Act). Despite the largely positive findings on the benefits of telecommuting, just 7% of American companies offer the option to most or all of their employees, according to recent BLS data. After you have returned home following the vacation. If authorized, what can be done on a work computer? Only persons with appropriate clearance, a non-disclosure agreement, and need-to-know can access classified data. How should you protect your Common Access Card (CAC) or Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card? As detailed in the Act, all agencies must have a telework policy. You must have your organization's permission to telework. Avoid using non-Bluetooth-paired or unencrypted wireless computer peripherals. Neither confirm or deny the information is classified. Immediately notify your security point of contact. Which of the following best describes ergonomics? Let's not be totally reductive about these things. More than 26 million Americansabout 16% of the total workforcenow work remotely at least part of the time, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Her badge is not visible to you. A coworker has asked if you want to download a programmers game to play at work. Ask for information about the website, including the URL. Data about you collected from all sites, apps, and devices that you use can be aggregated to form a profile of you. Classified material must be appropriately marked. *SOCIAL NETWORKING*When is the safest time to post details of your vacation activities on your social networking profile? -Directing you to a website that looks real. Phishing can be an email with a hyperlink as bait. -Carrying his Social Security Card with him. 4, 2014). Report the crime to local law enforcement. *Sensitive InformationWhat is the best example of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? Diffusion Let us complete them for you. You must have permission from your organization. Use TinyURLs preview feature to investigate where the link leads. It is true that certain employees who have mission-critical or emergency duties may be required to telework in crisis situations. The strength of Answer computing and the growth of the mobile digital platform allow organizations to rely more on telework, remote work, and distributed decision making. A. Y is directly proportional to X then, Y = k X, where k is a constant. Which of the following is NOT considered a potential insider threat indicator? Jacoby recommends that firms get company-wide buy-in for telework and include remote workers in all team- and company-wide events, via video conferencing when necessary. Use the classified network for all work, including unclassified work. The email provides a link to a personnel portal where you must enter your personal information as part of an effort to standardize recordkeeping. Note that the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), enacted March 11, 2021, amended and extended the tax credits (and the availability of advance payments of the tax credits) for paid sick and family leave for wages paid with respect to the period beginning April 1, 2021, and ending on September 30, 2021. What files or other documents will I need to take with me when I leave my regular workplace the day before teleworking? Cyber Awareness Challenge Complete Questions and Answers. And such remote work can benefit both employers and employees, experts say. Explain a compensating balance. Fortunately, geographic distance is not destiny, says Wilson, whose research shows that communication and shared identity within a team can mediate the effects of physical separation. a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself. Employers can hire geographically distributed talent and reduce overhead expenses, while employees can gain flexibility, save time, and reduce transportation and some child-care costs. Our Enterprise Technology Solutions (ETS) IT shop is not just another team in a government agency. When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? The state may verify the information. What information most likely presents a security risk on your personal social networking profile? Employees also need to cultivate effective routines; set boundaries with managers, colleagues and family members; and make an effort to stay socially and professionally engaged, Jacoby says. Always use DoD PKI tokens within their designated classification level. All https sites are legitimate. 6 The scope of the work is defined in which phase of the project management? Which of the following is true about telework? For instance, a meta-analysis by Gajendran and a co-author found that telecommuters relationships with colleagues generally only suffered if they worked remotely three or more days each week (Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. *PHYSICAL SECURITY*Within a secure area, you see an individual who you do not know and is not wearing a visible badge. 2, 2017) and other dimensions of the remote work arrangement. A telework arrangement is the easiest to set up for manufacturing workers. About the Telework Exchange, LLC The Telework Exchange is an online community focused on demonstrating the tangible value of telework and serving the emerging educational and communication. Decline So That You Maintain Physical Control of Your Government-Issued Laptop. Reducing the physical strain on employees performing the job. What should you do to protect yourself while on social networks? Follow instructions given only by verified personnel. Employers can hire geographically distributed talent and reduce overhead expenses, while employees can gain flexibility, save time, and reduce transportation and some child-care costs. *Sensitive InformationWhich of the following is the best example of Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? Of course, some jobs are better suited to remote work than others. A) They are only provided for employees who hold key strategic positions in a company B) They are the casiest to set up for manufacturing workers. A program that segregates various type of classified information into distinct compartments for added protection and dissemination for distribution control. Which of the following best describes job sharing? Preferred formal educational background in one of the following: Business Administration, Project Management, Information Systems Management, National Security Studies, Computer Science, or . 3, 2017). Duties. FMLA Developments Regarding Telework and Retaliation Claims You Should Know About. Since the URL does not start with https, do not provide you credit card information. Use a single, complex password for your system and application logons. Should you always label your removable media? As a security best practice, what should you do before exiting? Remove your security badge after leaving your controlled area or office building. Tech-Marketing Inc., an advertising firm located in Ohio, requires its employees to be at work between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You have reached the office door to exit your controlled area. **Insider ThreatA colleague vacations at the beach every year, is married and a father of four, his work quality is sometimes poor, and he is pleasant to work with. Additionally, if you are using assistive technology and would like to be notified of items via alert boxes, please, This website uses features which update page content based on user actions. The website requires a credit card for registration. This article will provide you with all the questions and answers for Cyber Awareness Challenge. -Directing you to a web site that is real. **Physical SecurityWhat is a good practice for physical security? What action should you take? 22, No. Decline so that you maintain physical contact of your Government-issued laptop. Mak, S., & Kozlowski, S.W.J., In Landers, R.N. -Use TinyURL's preview feature to investigate where the link leads. Employees must take responsibility for the security of the data and other information they handle while teleworking. Expectations for emergency telework (e.g. In the early twentieth century, French psychologists led by Alfred Binet developed the first test for intelligence to be given to French school children for the purpose of a. selecting the most capable to be turned as future leaders. What is a possible indication of a malicious code attack in progress? a. Analyze the impact of the transaction on the accounting equation. Never allow sensitive data on non-Government-issued mobile devices. A colleague has visited several foreign countries recently, has adequate work quality, speaks openly of unhappiness with U.S. foreign policy, and recently had his car repossessed. Which of the following is an example of Protected Health Information (PHI)? View more. Once permitted to return to the office building, you will be expected to do so within 30 calendar days of receiving notification. Who can be permitted access to classified data? What should you do? D. Y is indirectly proportional to X then, Y = k X, where k is a variable. * CLASSIFIED DATA*Which type of information could reasonably be expected to cause serious damage to national security if disclosed without authorization? What level of damage to national security could reasonably be expected if unauthorized disclosure of Top Secret information occurred? You should only accept cookies from reputable, trusted websites. A medium secure password has at least 15 characters and one of the following. HIRING PREFERENCE SELECTION PROCESS: Applicants in the following hiring preference categories are extended a hiring preference in the . In June 2014, President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum entitled, Enhancing Workplace Flexibilities and Work-Life Programs, as a way to help attract, empower and retain a talented and productive workforce in the 21st century. What type of security is "part of your responsibility" and "placed above all else?". Alert box notification is currently enabled, please, Official Website of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, follow this link to enable alert boxes for your session profile, follow this link to disable alert boxes for your session profile, Telework Managing Officers & Coordinators, Virtual Telework Fundamentals Training Courses, Telework and Performance Management Webcast Trainings, Enhancing Workplace Flexibilities and Work-Life Programs. What is NOT Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? Classified information that should be unclassified and is downgraded. What should you do if someone forgets their access badge (physical access)? The website requires a credit card for registration. Which of the following is NOT true concerning a computer labeled SECRET? internet internet-quiz cyber cyber-awareness true-statement telework organisation Please log in or register to answer this question. Along with social isolation, the clouding of work-family boundaries is a significant challenge for remote employees. -Always use DoD PKI tokens within their designated classification level. Which of the following refers to a list of the tasks, duties, and responsibilities that a job entails? You can find your Telework Coordinator by searching OPM's Telework Contact Tool. Classified material must be appropriately marked. If classified information were released, which classification level would result in "Exceptionally grave damage to national security"? Telecommuting arrangements can vary greatly for different workers. Which of the following is a best practice for handling cookies? When checking in at the airline counter for a business trip, you are asked if you would like to check your laptop bag. The Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) was enacted to prevent money laundering and promote a "know your customer" policy by imposing new disclosure requirements on "reporting companies." **Insider ThreatWhich of the following should be reported as a potential security incident (in accordance with you Agencys insider threat policy)? What should be your response? It always refers to a multiple-choice question. When would be a good time to post your vacation location and dates on your social networking website? Company leaders hesitation around flexible work arrangements is often driven by the fear that performance will suffer if employees arent closely monitored. Step 1: Know your Telework Managing Officer and Telework Coordinator All agencies must designate a Telework Managing Officer (TMO), who is the agency's primary contact for policy and program questions. Job descriptions generally contain all of the following components EXCEPT _____. It is getting late on Friday. Which of the following is true about telework? **TravelWhat is a best practice while traveling with mobile computing devices? **Use of GFEUnder what circumstances is it acceptable to use your Government-furnished computer to check personal e-mail and do other non-work-related activities? 1, 2019). a) A client with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) tells the nurse, "Sometimes I feel so frustrated. *SpillageWhich of the following is a good practice to aid in preventing spillage? Which of the following is NOT an example of sensitive information? In these cases, leadership functions need to be shifted to the team itself, so members with specific expertise can drive problem-solving in various areas.. Step 13: Participate in telework and lead by example Managers and supervisors must be committed to using telework to the fullest extent possible if Federal telework programs are to be successful. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Awareness for Deploying Leaders and Commanders CBT Questions and Answers. In most organizations, telecommuting is not a right; its a privilege that you earn. -Remove and take it with you whenever you leave your workstation. Which of the following is true of telework? What should be your response? A related line of research is also exploring how to maximize the effectiveness of geographically distributed teams that rely primarily on virtual means of communication. Which of the following represents a good physical security practice? 0 votes . How many potential insiders threat indicators does this employee display? *SOCIAL NETWORKING*When may you be subject to criminal, disciplinary, and/or administrative action due to online misconduct? *Sensitive InformationUnder which circumstances is it permitted to share an unclassified draft document with a non-DoD professional discussion group? Many workers view telecommuting as a job perk, with more than half seeking the arrangement as a way to improve work-life balance. *SpillageWhich of the following may help prevent inadvertent spillage? Qualified Offerors must upload the following (4) documents in ERA (Do not upload more documents) or their offers will not be considered for this position: 1. -When using a public device with a card reader, only use your DoD CAC to access unclassified information, Thumb drives, memory sticks, and flash drives are examples of. Which of the following is a good practice to prevent spillage? Social Security Number; date and place of birth; mothers maiden name. Helen Taylor works 10 hours a day for 4 days a week, while her colleagues work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week. Questions that popped up because I incorrectly answered the Knowledge Check. What other steps should I take before I leave my office (e.g., forwarding the phone)? With regard to COOP, note that Emergency Relocation Group (ERG) members must be prepared to telework at any time. -Senior government personnel, military or civilian. What should you do after you have ended a call from a reporter asking you to confirm potentially classified information found on the web? They are the most difficult to implement for people in managerial or professional jobs. What should you do? Contact the IRS using their publicly available, official contact information. Understanding and using the available privacy settings. weegy. . According to Herzbergs two-factor theory, which of the following factors would motivate individuals the most? A manager of a revenue center is responsible for all of the following EXCEPT a. service quality and units sold. Box 5000 Lawrence, KS 66046-0500 What should be done if you find classified Government Data/Information Not Cleared for Public Release on the Internet? Which of the following is NOT a typical result from running malicious code? Coworker making consistent statements indicative of hostility or anger toward the United States in its policies.