Starting June 1 all season badges are $20. Badge pick-up will be at Borough Hall, 423 Warren Ave., from 9 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. Daily badges, $8. The beaches open Memorial Day weekend and badges are needed seven days a week through Labor Day. In New Jersey, of course, you'll need a beach badge to access the sand almost everywhere, but savvy badge buyers know that the holiday season is a great time to get beach tags often at a discount. On-site sales at Seven Presidents Oceanfront Park start on weekends as of May 14, and daily as of June 18, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. daily. 1503. Free for children 11 and under. 1 (weekdays, 9 a.m. 4 p.m.) to make a purchase and an appointment time to pick up your pass. Those 60 to 64 can get a discounted beach badge for $8 through May 31, and those 65 and older can get a free tag with ID; you must pick up in person. All rights reserved (About Us). 732-449-0800 5. Beach parking fees are $20 per vehicle for daily parking and $100 for a season parking pass. Bring a friend and let's play on the water. Be social with us! Season badges are for purchase with cash oronline through the Viply app. Beach admission is free for children 11 and younger and for active and retired military personnel and their dependents, with the appropriate Common Access Card, Uniformed Services ID Card, DD Form 214, or Veterans Benefit ID card issued by the VA. Season badges are $30 through June 5, $40 from June 6 on. Certificates can be redeemed for 2022 season passes when beach badges go onsale in May. North End & South End pavilions have food, outdoor showers & restrooms daily beginning Saturday, June 17, 2023. Daily badges, $5 Monday through Friday; $7 weekends and holidays; $3 for students ages 14 to 17. Daily badges are $10 and can be purchased at the sales shed on Downer Avenue, between the Firehouse and Municipal Building. SHOCKWAVE 3/8 in. Photo taken at Spring Lake. The office can be reached at (609) 264-7350 ext. Smoking is not permitted on boardwalk, beaches and access points along its waterfront. In nearly every New Jersey beachfront town, itll cost you whether you call them beach tags, badges or passes. Children 13 and under free. Visitors will be able to purchase season passes online this year There will be a limited number of daily and season passes sold. Last year, Spring Lake made 5,500 season beach badges available for the upcoming season. Season badges:adults, $25 before June 15, $30 after that date; children under 12 are free when accompanied by a paying adult. Please send a check or money in the exact amount to City Hall, 9001 Winchester Avenue, Margate, NJ 08402 (made payable to the City of Margate). Buy them from the beach tag office at the welcome center, through the Viply app, or through the vending machine in the lobby of City Hall, 233 JFK Blvd. More: Nearly 30 restaurants open for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day at the Jersey Shore, More: Suneagles Golf Club gets 500 artificial Christmas trees for Eatontown needy. Daily badges are $6 Mondaythrough Friday, and $9 on weekends and holidays. Princeton, NJ. In addition, there are seven free public beach access ways on Ocean Avenue that are identified by signs. Season beach badges must be purchased using a Community Pass account. Seasonal Badge: $110 Senior: $75 Daily: $10 11 & Under: FREE. No lifeguards are present on those beaches and they are governed by the rules in Chapter 66 of the Code of Sea Bright. Aug 25, 2016 Crowded in the weekend? New Jersey beaches are the perfect place to spend a summer day. Pet-Friendly. Allow one day after you place your order to pick up badges. LONG BRANCH: Season beach badges are onsale through Jan. 31 at the Recreation Department Office, 231 Wilbur Ray Ave., and the Tax Collector's Office at City Hall, 344 Broadway (masks must be worn)Cost is $40 for adults, 18 to 61 years old, and $25 for students, ages 14 to 17. You can reach Margate City Hall at (609) 822-2605. Spring Lake (732) 449-0800 Check on-line status 2022 Beach access fees: All purchases are conducted online at: Community Pass Season badge $110, season citizen badge $80 , Daily badge $10. Beaches open starting Memorial Day weekend. Daily beach badges can be purchased at any open beach gate. NEW JERSEY The temperatures may not feel like summer just yet, but is it ever too soon to start thinking about those days on the beach? Lifeguard & EMT Application 3 blocks from the beach in spring lake 5 badges. Spring Lake is an upscale vacation community in southern Monmouth County featuring large sandy beaches and a 3 mile boardwalk. For additional beach information and questions, please call Spring Lake Borough 732-449-0800. There will be room for everyone. Season memberships are $95 per badge, and badges are not required for children under age 12. For more information, contact Beach Control Headquarters Bath House, Boardwalk and N Street, Seaside Park, NJ 08752. For more information, contact the Beach Fee Office, 265 42nd Street, Brigantine, NJ 08203. Season badges are $70 for adults, $30 for those 65 and over with identification verifying age. Weekly badges are $20 and daily badges are $7. fishing is permitted ONLY in the . You can also find other Amusement Places on MapQuest If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Last year, Spring Lake made 5,500 season beach badges available for the upcoming season. NJ Advance Media reported last month that the initial 5,500 season beach passes placed on sale in December quickly sold out. Check the Manasquan borough website for updates. . More information on the Seaside Park website. The park fills early; follow Island Beach State Park on Facebook for notifications on closures and openings. Badges can be purchased at the clerk's office at Borough Hall, 300 Engleside Ave., from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. In-person sales and badge pick-ups will take place at Beach Control Headquarters, on the boardwalk between N and O streets, on Saturdays and Sundays through Dec. 19. More information here. designated areas below Seniors over 65 and veterans can get free daily wristbands with proof of ID. Season badges:adults 18 to 61 years old, $45; students14 to 17, $30. 2-mile boardwalk, bathrooms, plenty of bicycle parking, lifeguards in summer and more. Please call Spring Lake Boro ENTER NOW: Rihanna's Super Shopping Spree, Person struck, killed by NJ Transit train near Spring Lake station, Travel + Leisure magazine singles out 12 small towns as NJs best, Two New Jersey Towns Make Major National Best Beach Towns List, The Three Top Jersey Shore Christmas Towns According To You (So Far), Beloved New Jersey Shore Business Owner Passes Away Leaving Sweet Memories, New Jersey Farm Opens High Quality Meat Market In Monmouth County, NJ, Embrace Tradition At The Annual Italian Festival In Spring Lake, New Jersey, 5 Jersey Shore Breathtaking Towns You Absolutely Must Visit This Summer. The beaches are operated by the Bay Head Improvement Association. Since 1878, The Ocean House Bed & Breakfast invites you to relax on our wrap-around porch, explore our town, and indulge in our hospitality. Badges must be picked up at borough hall, 7606 Long Beach Boulevard, and will not be mailed. Free Admission. Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association Office. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. No dogs permitted on Borough BEACHES, May 15th through September 30th, inclusive. Purchase badges at the North or South Pavilion Beach & restrooms are HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE. Season badges: adults, $70; seniors (62 and older with ID), $20; teens, 13 to 17, $20. Middletown Township / Leonardo Beach Badges. While I got reports that season badges in the beautiful beach town were once again sold out, I was wrongly informed. Contact her: @jeanmikle, 07 October 2022. Dont miss some of NJMOMs favorite beaches in NJ too. SEASIDE PARK: Customized holiday beach badge certificates can be purchased online and will be emailed to the recipient or can be printed out and given as a gift. Children 11 and under are free. Free for children under 12 and active duty military and their families. Mar 2, 2023 - Rent from people in Spring Lake Beach, NJ from $20/night. SEA BRIGHT: Half-price beach badges are available for $50 through Dec. 31. Order badges through the Viply app(www.viplypass.comand search for Seaside Heights), andcan be picked up at the municipal building, 901 Boulevard, during regular business hours. BELMAR: Badges are on sale at Borough Hall, 601 Main St., Mondays to Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. They can be purchased online and picked up. Lifeguards will be on the beach beginning at 10 a.m. Season badges:adults, $150;children under 12, free. Daily beach badges, adults, $11 Monday through Friday; $12 weekends and holidays. Free season tags are available to active military members, their spouses and their immediate children up to age 23, and to veterans (only the veteran). Under 12 Free & Parking Free Beach Badge Fee. Veterans also free with ID. Weekly (Saturday to Friday):$20. Purchase at Ventnor City Hall or on the beach by any beach badge inspector. Cost is $100 for adults, $55 for seniors, 65 and older, and $55 for young adults, 12 to 18. LAVALLETTE:A holiday season badge sale will be held through Dec. 23. For more information, order your badges through Viply. Season badges are $55 per person until May 31; the prices increase to $60 starting June 1. There are several access points, handicap access and restrooms. Badges can be purchased at Village Beach Gatehouse, Euclid Avenue, Ocean Place, Loch Arbour, NJ 07711. For more information, visit 532 Lake Ave., Bay Head, NJ 08742 at (732) 892-4179 or visit Viply. $110.00 Full Season 12+ For all the best things to do with your family around New Jersey, be sure tosign up for our weekly newsletterdelivered right to your inbox each week, and dont forget to tag your photos#NJMOMand@njmomfor a chance to be featured on our social media. Cost is $30. Cash or check sales or pick-up of badges ordered through the borough's Viply app ( will be available from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. No limit on badge sales. Seniors 62 and older (with ID), people with disabilities, active duty military personnel and their spouses and dependents,and city residents who are veterans are also admitted free with ID. Season badges are $3.50 for senior citizens. Daily badges, $5. Senior citizen season badge (age 65 and older with ID), $5. Children under 12 are free, but must be accompanied by an adult. (65 & older) Get your free Map & Guide VIEW: Upcoming Events SIGN UP: Spring Lake News The Irish Festival returns 6/17! Get directions, reviews and information for Spring Lake Beach in Spring Lake, NJ. All purchases are conducted online at: Community Pass, pdf But Asbury Park is selling "beach pass gift certificates" for the holidays; certificates are available forthe amount of 2021 season beach fees, which were $70 for adults; $20 for seniors, 62 and older, with ID, and $20 for teens, ages 13 to 17. Season passes Passes can be purchased at the township's recreation office, 270 Chambers Bridge Road, Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. All U.S. military members, including active duty, National Guard, Reservists, retired and veterans, and their spouses and dependent children, can enter the park free of charge. MANASQUAN: Season badges are on sale and must be ordered through the borough's Community Pass platform, which can be found on Manasquan's website, Anyone picking up badges must have valid picture I.D. Remsen Ave (far surfers) Badges can be purchased via mail and held for in-person pickup at a later time. Children 11 and under and seniors 65 or older are free. Monmouth County is home of some of the best public golf courses in America. Beach badges are needed from this point on between 9 AM and 5 PM. Season badges for those 65 or older are $12 and must be purchased in person at borough hall, 10 E 7th St., Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Children 11 and under are free. Weekly badges are $20, and daily badges are $10. Purchase beach tags on your mobile device through Viply, or contactVentnor City Hall / Beach Patrol Headquarters, 6201 Atlantic Avenue, Ventnor City, NJ 08406. Washington Avenue Email Except in the fenced area near Pitney Avenue from sunrise to 9A. Individuals who are totally disabled can get season badges for $15. Mercer Ave (north & south) Season passes for park access and parking can be purchased by phone until June 17 for pick-up at Thompson Park Headquarters in Middletown weekdays. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Passaic Ave Jetty (north & south) For those 65 or older the tags are $5 through June 17, $10 after. For questions or help with Viply, e-mailsupport@viplypass.comor call 732-800-1771. People who bought 2022 state park passes will receive refunds, he said. Season badges:adults, $60 from May 1 to June 30,$65 after that date. A Community Pass account is necessary to purchase;go to and click on "Bathing Pavilion" to create an account. Season tags are sold at the Avalon Tax Collector's Office at Avalon Borough Hall, 3100 Dune Dr.; at the Beach Tag Booth at Avalon Community Hall, 30th Street and Avalon Avenue, and the Avalon Chamber of Commerce, 2989 Ocean Dr. Beach tags also can be purchased using the Viply app. NORTH WILDWOOD, WILDWOOD, WILDWOOD CRESTThe beaches are free and guarded daily from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. from Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day. They are $4 for children 5-11 on weekdays, $5 on weekends and holidays, $12 for adults 12 and up weekdays, $13 on weekends and holidays. POINT PLEASANT BEACH/JENKINSON'S: Privately owned Jenkinson's beach is the largest in Point Pleasant. A Christmas tree overlooks the crashing waves in Normandy Beach. However, non-residents said the cost wold quickly add up for families that visit the beach regularly. Season badges are $70 for adults and $30 for seniors over 65 with ID. It's bad for you anyway! Season badges:adults, $110; children, ages 5 to 11, $55; seniors (65 and older), $80. S eason badges are $110.00. Seniors (65 and older with photo ID), season badges are $12. The cost remains $110 for people ages 12 to 64, and $80 for seniors. Parking passes are $75 with no discounts. For more information, contact 732-449-0800. Deal Casino Beach Club has a waiting list for memberships and does not offer single-day beach access for swimming. Our beloved town boasts pristine beaches, lakes, parks, shopping and dining. Guarded beaches: Approximately every other beach from 4th Street to 25th Street. Call-in with credit card: 732-842-4000, ext. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Phil Murphy announced the park entrance fee (and the entrance fees at all New Jersey state parks) will be rescinded. Season badges can be purchased at borough hall. (114 KB) Spring Lake NJ