If not, you are nothing more than a hypocrite. Wilkins has degrees in both music and psychology from the University of Michigan. Instead of using the term woke, the more accurate term is Communist. Aug. 10, 1982: Defeats Gerald Faye in the Democratic primary for District 9 on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners, representing Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor MI 48105 A self-described queer, Puerto Rican Jew, Wood said her life experiences have shown her the ways the districts public commitment to equity and belonging falls short in practice for marginalized families. And who once said give me a child for 4 hours a day over 4 years, and I will have them believing anything I want them to? Education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. As I said in the last question, improving air quality and ensuring students are fed has been proven to show increases in positive educational outcomes. Lastly, I will support professional learning for our districts educators so they are current with evidence-based teaching strategies that are based in peer-reviewed research. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. School segregation. The county treasurer is authorized by the Michigan Constitution and state law to serve as the county's banker and investment officer. Ensuring open communication, transparency and inclusiveness of the schools to provide social, emotional and educational support to all members of our community. Im especially concerned about incidents where the district wasnt listening or taking action when racially hostile experiences were brought up. Nov. 4, 2008: Wins re-election for a fourth four-year term as Washtenaw County treasurer. Paulette Metoyer commented on Contact 2020-06-22 11:50:16 -0700. . Keeping our public schools in person will require continued investment in smart approaches to public health and addressing staffing shortages by truly listening to our AAPS employees about what they need. Kauffman is a Swedish immigrant, the daughter of a Nobel laureate and a graduate of the Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism. She had run unopposed in the Aug. 3, 2004 Democratic primary. I plan to analyze and address opportunity gaps in education to ensure consistency throughout the district. Us ,as adults not trusting our teachers to teach, our parenting skills to guide and our children to be smart enough/strong enough to be able to handle the full truth of the world they live in and how to navigate it. How we choose to respond to this ongoing public health crisis is a clear representation of the districts commitment to equity (or lack thereof). See school board candidates for Washtenaw Countys main school districts, including Ann Arbor Public Schools, here. I can teach a few lessons on how to develop a strong and cohesive school board. I am motivated by the encroachment of the public school systems into the practice of medicine and psychiatry, and the failure of the current leaders to appreciate this. The treasurer's primary responsibilities are to safeguard public funds and to collect and account for the revenue used to operate programs for county residents. Successful organizations have good sustainable leadership with consistent goals. When one school isnt performing as well as others, all schools arent performing as well as they could, and at the root of many student achievement problems are inequities that are made worse by misallocation of resources and systematic segregation of students by race and socioeconomic status. Equity, equity, equity. McClary gets 5,335 votes (53.01%) compared to 4,729 votes (46.99%) for Byrnes. Should I be re-elected my goal is to continue the work already in progress. If I am unable to accomplish these goals, It wont be because I didnt have the will to get it done. Policies and strategies I would pursue include: Identify and implement research-based modalities for improving social, emotional and physical needs of students; Improve services and implement evidence based strategies to help children struggling with mental health; Ensure that teachers, students, and administrators, and para-professionals are supported. Each candidate was asked to outline their stances on a variety of public policy issues listed below. He is a scientist trained in biochemistry, molecular biology and genetics who has been working in health care research and development to discover new medicines for patients. One area to look at is the way we implement Schools of Choice. All cultures are not the same and the products of those cultures cannot be expected to be represented in equal numbers in all endeavors. Analyzing and addressing opportunity gaps in education to ensure consistency in education throughout the district. I think this will allow us to each exhale, reflect and re-commit to our community. November 1974: Wins election to her first two-year term on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners representing District 15 in Ann Arbor. I would also engage the educators, parents, the business community students, and everyone with a stake in public education to collectively determine a plan for funding and implementing the strategies from the Launch Michigan Framework (www.launchmichigan.org; the National Center of Educational Excellence and the Economy (www.ncee.org); Detroit Disability Power (https://www.detroitdisabilitypower.org); Center for Disability Justice (www.disabilityjustice.org) and the Therapist Neurodiversity Collaborative (www.therapistndc.org).Detailed policy proposals including how to develop Effective Teachers, Principles, and Administrators are available at: www.jeremylapham.info. Were finally recognizing the importance of having mental health resources available for our teenagers, but I want to work on ways to increase those resources at the elementary level now, too. With board members Rebecca Lazarus, Jessica Kelly and Bryan Johnson opting not to run again, trustee Susan Baskett is the only incumbent with an expiring term to file for re-election for another four-year term. Lets ensure teachers love being at AAPS and want to stay. We have parents fighting this, insisting on a gifted and talented program instead. For our students, we need an all-hands-on-deck approach that invites the community to be a part of reducing disparities in learning outcomes and restoring much needed public school services to families, such as before-and-after school-based childcare. These problems reflect a changing and chaotic society. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Paulette Margaret Metoyer, MD is an internal medicine doctor and primary care doctor who practices at Richard J Foster D O P C located at 250 E Michigan Ave in Saline, MI 48176 (Washtenaw County). I care about keeping the momentum of success. School must be safe, and all our students deserve to feel like they belong, full stop. Keep our kids in school whenever possible so they are engaged with educators and peers. The Ann Arbor Public School system seems to have no problem with the over representation of certain groups in sports teams, why is there a problem for academic achievement? For one thing, Im excited to be in a position to directly impact equity-focused decisions, and make sure people from historically excluded backgrounds have a voice in those decisions. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Im worried that the teachers will be blamed (rather than the pandemic) and Im concerned that this will be added to teacher performance measures that are already inaccurate and ineffective. Locally, at the board of education level, our challenge is to build back confidence in our public schools, show that we can raise learning achievement for all students, provide wise oversight of public funds, and create the broad community support we will need when some of the current local bond funding the Ann Arbor Public Schools rely on comes to an end. She also has served on other nonprofit boards for the last nine years. I want schools to stop pulling kids away from their parents influence. Students need to see these aspects of themselves celebrated and reflected in curriculum materials and in classroom and extracurricular activities. I want schools to stop teaching critical race theory, and start teaching kids how to critically think. Giving each child access to a free high quality public education is a human endeavor. Equitable access to high-quality affordable education is essential to addressing inequality in our communities and to close the opportunity gap. If elected, my process for building consensus on the Board will include evidence-based justification for why to tackle an issue and how the issue can best be solved or improved. If we are serious about improving academic achievement, we must broaden our scope to include the ways we are inadvertently damaging student capacity for achievement through our inaction on social issues like racism, queerphobia and ableism. First, it is crucial to get community input for our districts budget prior to finalizing and implementing a budget. My experiences and expertise will be an asset to the Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education. I am the only incumbent running for re-election. ask force on sustainable housing; the Adoptive and Foster Parents Support Group; the Government Finance Officers Association (former member of its executive board); the Michigan Government Finance Officer Association (former board member); and the Michigan Association of County Treasurers (former board member). The challenges that will face the Board of Education, then, are challenges of building the future while shoring up the present. The district needs to find ways to retain the amazing teachers we have, and keep them from burning out or going elsewhere. We live in Anns Arbor. Aviva R Morady, Fred Morady, and two other persons spent some time in this place. Just as important is making sure all students have strong foundational literacy and math skills. 4. Turn right onto Washtenaw Avenue (M 17) 228 ft Turn left onto Hogback Road 1801 ft Turn right onto West Clark Road 5199 ft Except where otherwise noted, this content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. Student achievement is going to improve once all students feel welcome and included just as they are, without expectation that they need to change to fit a kind of mold. Candidates for the Ann Arbor Public Schools Board of Education include: (top row, left to right) Barry Schumer, Jacinda Townsend Gides, Alex Wood, Paulette Metoyer, Jamila James, Leslie Wilkins and Andrew Spencer; (bottom row, left to right) Jeremy Lapham, Rima Mohammad, Kai Cortina, Susan Baskett, Lena Kauffman and Susan Ward Schmidt.Photos provided. These strong foundational skills give children the ability to access other subject areas and to become knowledgeable about the world around them, all things that need to happen to build critical reasoning skills. An organizational budget is, effectively, a statement of values- we spend money on the things that are important to us. The first four goals are: 1) to hear from our community 2) Enhance our work on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility 3) Continue to enhance academic, social, emotional and mental health. As a member of the AAPS Board, Id like to help the district revisit the way in which its existing systems and processes perpetuate inequities between schools. This is a committed value that may initially cost more but in the long term, reduce some of our energy costs in the future. What could we do better? Note: Write-in candidates still can file. Facebook gives people the power to share and. I am not a one-issue candidate. She said she wants to ask hard questions and work collaboratively to make decisions as a board member. Establish a merit based program and abandon the focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, which rewards those who have not achieved and punishes those who have by denying them the fruits of their labor. Cortina is an educational researcher, immigrant and father of two AAPS children. We need to evaluate student learning and learning loss, teacher resources and development, student resources and support, and other factors such as the inequities, especially in people of color, refugees, students with disabilities and other underserved populations. It means that we properly screen and support learners that struggle or learn differently. Fostering community input and discussions at all levels. 2. The local interpretation of state law is up to us on that, and we need to take a closer look at the way we are implementing it here in AAPS, and think outside the box about ways of implementation that will actually *increase* equity between schools. She has served on a variety of volunteer boards and commissioners, including the task force on sustainable housing; the Adoptive and Foster Parents Support Group; the Government Finance Officers Association (former member of its executive board); the Michigan Government Finance Officer Association (former board member); and the Michigan Association of County Treasurers (former board member). Why should we continue to benefit from our white privilege, while so many brown and black children who live just outside our school district, remain trapped in failing schools? Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Why/how did this happen? I believe that we are not preparing our children for adulthood and the world that is so different from the one we grew up in. They have been involved with dividing us along racial lines, instead of unifying us around American identity. But Id like to see more of a focus on our neuro-diverse and non-traditional learners, as well as a commitment to obliterate the opportunity gap also known as the achievement gap that exists for students in traditionally marginalized populations. We are also trying to increase student achievement, to bring it back to pre-pandemic levels. For instance, if we concentrate all students in need in Title I schools, in classrooms that are too crowded for them to thrive, we dramatically handicap their achievement. I will prioritize teacher and staff salaries. Treasurer | Washtenaw County, MI Make a Payment License a Dog Search for Delinquent Taxes Bid on Property Email the Treasurer News & Announcements Stay informed and connect with the Treasurer, Catherine McClary Free Income Tax Filing Assistance Available Sign up starts January 19 Read on. All rights reserved (About Us). He said he wants to work on solving the districts hard problems, aiming to find solutions that work for the entire community. Nov. 5, 1996: Wins first election as Washtenaw County treasurer for a four-year term, after defeating Republican Lawrence Gass. ANN ARBOR, MI In addition to helping decide the nations president for the next four years, Washtenaw County voters will decide dozens of contested races for local, state and federal offices in the Nov. 3 election. Safe to share ideas, take risks, to fail sometimes and to know their emotions and individuality is valued. 3. This will provide immediate results toward improving student achievement. McClary had run unopposed in the Aug. 5, 1986 Democratic primary. A community in which privileged families could choose in-person learning while families that depended on public schools could only choose virtual was against every progressive value I know. The overview and 2022-2023 goals can be found here. Our staff needs to be compensated justly, as they provide the social emotional and mental health support that our babies need. We need to ensure that staff positions (e.g., the senior high school counselor) are paid competitively to similar positions at UM so that we retain our paraprofessionals. The AAPS BOE has put a lot of time into developing an Equity Plan, and Im looking forward to diving in to that work, ensuring there are performance measures in place, and then getting the plan implemented. I will work with administrators and principle to increase access to our schools to civic organizations, leaders in business, education, labor, and parents to ensure high quality offerings to AAPSs students. I know the board will face a lot of push-back reversing course on its abandonment of covid safety from those whod rather sacrifice the safety of others for their own comfort, but its the only right choice. Our kids are our future. I will advocate for implementing high-quality research from orgs like: Lauch Michigan, The Skillman foundation, and National Center for Educational ExcellenceLet educators educate. Even before the pandemic, they were being asked to do more and more work, while not getting the step increases they were promised. This would be the ultimate point of inclusion. Check out the leagues voter guide at Vote411.org/ballot to find information about candidates and issues on the ballot. Privacy Policy | I want all teaching to end the message to kids, that we live in a horrible, racist country. Ann Arbor, like many districts, will continue to face the challenge of staffing their schools with highly qualified teachers and support staff. Her age is 74. We can solve these problems if these groups feel appreciated and included. For the 2020 election in Michigan, the primary is Aug. 4 and the general election is Nov. 3.Milt Klingensmith | MLive.com. My goals is to get a real equitable plan for AAPS, one that states /define the problem,has measurable outcomes, SMART Goals, and objectives with assigned accountability. I would be grateful for your support and vote to help carry this work forward. In AAPS, we have a district where one elementary school has a 61% free and reduced lunch population, while another has an 11% frl population. I want to make sure that ALL students, ALL families, and ALL communities are considered and consulted when policy decisions are made. Gets 3,731 votes (76.56%) compared to 1,141 votes (23.41%) for Van Havermaat. She was in her early 20s at the time, and served in that part-time role through 1988. James is a child advocate and nurse, with two children who have gone through AAPS and another still attending. The alteration in body chemistry from CO2 (the same CO2 that the environmentalists abhor) that results from these masks is extensive but the long term consequences are currently unknown, as this has never been done in the history of the world. 3. Nov. 6, 2012: Wins re-election for a fifth four-year term as Washtenaw County treasurer, defeating Republican Marlene Chockley. I also want to foster more transparency and stronger communication between the Community, Staff, Administrators and Board Trustees. The first four goals are: 1) to hear from our community 2) Enhance our work on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility 3) Continue to enhance academic, social, emotional and mental health supports and 4) Remain committed to providing and expanding before and after-school care. 2. Its heartbreaking to see how many people do not feel any obligation to keep our children safe and thriving. Based on the data, I plan to implement interventions and initiatives that can address these gaps and provide increased resources and support, such as dedicated time for teachers for development/training and extra tutoring for struggling students. 2. Additionally, it is crucial that we ensure equitable funding throughout the district schools.Some of my priorities include: 1. She is a member of Ann Arbor School Parents Intent on Racial Equity, the Skyline PTSO, PTOC and Washtenaw County Equitable Engagement Steering Committee. Mohammad has experience as a clinician, educator and researcher. And we need to trust our teachers to do their jobs, while giving them the autonomy to deliver an outstanding education in the way that they know best. We then have parents fighting the use of digital devices. This can be difficult to do when loud privileged people are working against this. -Are the materials or training being purchased evidence-based and grounded in peer-reviewed research? I love the city of Ann Arbor, and want to give back. Catherine McClary at an October 2012 candidate forum. Ann Arbor Public Schools have many strengths that other districts do not have, and that includes the diverse representation of people and expertise, the strong teachers and staff, and the strong academics. Per law, our budgets are audited and always available to the public. Publication of candidate statements and opinions is solely in the interest of public service and should NOT be considered as an endorsement. Earns designation as a Certified Public Finance Officer (CPFO). Feb. 5, 1975: At a county board meeting, county clerk Robert Harrison acting as the board's parliamentarian refuses to recognize McClary in the roll call, charging that she "violated her oath of office" by participating in a local lottery that had a pound of "Colombian Gold" marijuana as its grand prize. Students succeed when they feel valued and important. The pandemic did not bring out the best in people or organizations. How have we as a society, become ok on any level with the removal of 13 year old girls breasts, or castrating a 13 year old boy in the name of gender transition? Mental Health -I will support the need to address the wellbeing of our community by increasing behavioral specialists and social workers at each school to identify and address mental health needs of students, teachers and families. Please do not place tax payments into the green Clerk's Office mailbox located directly outside the front entrance. I will accomplish this by being vocal about the needs of the most vulnerable and encouraging my fellow trustees to support my goals while engaging our Superintendent. 2020 Nov 3 :: General Election :: County Treasurer :: Washtenaw County. Even with greater funding for public schools this past year, we are hardly out of the woods. Communication will be a major part of my service as I will make myself accessible to all stakeholders in our school districts learning community. Setting this foundation starts with clarifying current goals already in progress and what a school board trustee can and cannot do per state law and work that has already been done. While there has been a lot of great work on behalf of students, families, teachers, educators and communities across Michigan there is still much that remains to be done, and I am up for the challenge! I am passionate about addressing the issues facing our city and public schools, especially surrounding diversity, equity, inclusion and antiracism (DEIA), transparency, community engagement and curriculum assessment. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Before and after school care need to be a priority for our districts working families. First, and most important, we must improve academic performance by Ann Arbor students. What are the greatest challenges that will face the Board of Education in the coming year? Paulette Metoyer is on Facebook. I will request for more support for teachers and staff which includes increased salaries, more manageable workloads, increased resources, and dedicated time for other activities, such as committee involvement. Its time our spending aligns with the districts stated values of equity and belonging. The popularity rank for the name Paulette was 1497 . All of these kids and the many more we dont know personally are doing their best to grow up and be happy. Property Taxes | Washtenaw County, MI Home Your Government Departments I - Z Treasurer Property Taxes Property Taxes Property Tax Process Learn about the property tax process and timeline for delinquent taxes. In Michigan, the largest share of funding is determined by the state and follows student enrollment. The best way to keep our budget balanced going forward is to get back to a growth-based mindset where we once again become a district families want their children enrolled in and teachers want to work at. -Is money being spent on physical facilities in a way that is environmentally sustainable with an eye to the future?I intend to help facilitate substantive discussions on how we fulfill our fiscal responsibility as a board based solid information and data. It takes highly qualified staff to motivate, nurture, and educate each child so they can thrive and reach their potential academically, socially and emotionally. That would have included me as a child as I was an English language learner and had a single mom who worded outside the home. Nov. 4, 1980: Wins election for a two-year term on the Washtenaw County board of commissioners for District 15 in Ann Arbor, with 4,004 votes. Analyzing DEIA needs and implementing sustainable interventions to ensure these needs are addressed. School is the one place no matter your race, your socioeconomic background or where you come from, all of our children come. Trustees of Barton Hills Village (five seats, nonpartisan), Manchester Village president (nonpartisan), Ann Arbor District Library Board of Trustees (four seats, nonpartisan), Washtenaw Community College Board of Trustees (three seats, nonpartisan), Oakland Community College Board of Trustees (two seats, nonpartisan), Schoolcraft Community College Board of Trustees (three seats, nonpartisan), School board races and uncontested candidates. Im running for this position because I want to help all kids thrive. My goals are to 1) do all that I can to keep the public school system focused upon educating children in the skills of reading, writing (including script), mathematics, history, geography; and 2) to see that public education stays within its lane and that a clear line is drawn in delineating what the public school and its agents are and are NOT allowed to do under the auspices of education.. We are a progressive county, a blue dot in the state of Michigan, and we need to do better. Prioritizing the budget has been consistent during my tenure. First and foremost, I want to institute an equitable covid safety policy (you can read the full policy on my website), which must include masking during times of higher community transmission, free high quality masks and testing for students and staff, HEPA filtration units in each and every classroom; and a return to free school meals for all. Financially, AAPS is on very solid footing thanks to the stewardship of the superintendent over the last 9 years. She was one of the founders of Ann Arbor Reasonable Return - a grassroots advocacy group that describes itself as dedicated to an evidence-based approach to pandemic school reopening.. Pandemic impacts aside, AAPS students are academically very successful. DEIA -I plan to analyze DEIA needs and implement sustainable interventions to ensure these needs are addressed. Academics should be no different. Would encourage investments that will introduce AAPS children to a variety of post-high school options.Ensure AAPS adheres to evidence-based improvement to curriculum, systems, and services. McClary had run unopposed in the Aug. 8, 2000 Democratic primary. Our website website can be found here: https://www.communitycenteredcandidatesforaaps.com/. This will also positively impact student achievement. It is amazing to see all the different representations of people, from refugees to people of color to various religious groups. Baskett is the longest serving AAPS trustee, joining the board in 2003. As a parent, she has volunteered in her childrens schools and served as a board member at their Montessori school before being elected as a trustee of the Monroe County Community School Corporation in Indiana. McClary gets 91,178 votes (86.5%) compared to 14,235 votes (13.5%) for Cashman. Too many schools and teachers have supported the use of a new language with the goal of weakening boundaries, and weakening parents influence over their children. See a full list of all candidates in Washtenaw County, including candidates for uncontested races and other school board races, here. Second, I want to help the Ann Arbor Schools move towards an open school system. We are confusing our children, and schools have been part of this process. She had also run unopposed in the August Democratic primary. It takes a village and all of our voices are important in shaping our schools. The current plan is unsustainable. Stalin! All responses in the voter guide were submitted directly by the candidate and have not been edited by the League of Women Voters, except for a necessary cut if a reply exceeded character limitations. He has taught at three universities part-time, including the University of Michigan. My goals are to address these key areas: 1. I will advocate for high-quality research into the issues facing public education, and ensure that the voices of Michigans rank-and-file educators are part of any proposals to help our students succeed.Make Schools Community Centers Again.