Skip navigation. Follow the steps below to quickly subscribe to your creator's RSS feed: Log in if you're also a creator, you can tap on your profile image and switch to your patron profile If you monetize with affiliate sales, make sure the company gives you a simple link thats easy for you to say and your listeners to understand. This gives you somewhere to get feedback and ideas, and its also bound to motivate you in making your podcast. Here are a few places to find sponsorship deals: In the beginning, you wont have the leverage to demand your own rates. Check out the Podcast Sponsorship Calculator to learn how much you can charge for ads. creating a podcast hosted by Will Neff & Hasan Piker, Creating Accurate winter weather predictions with a bit of humor, Creating Erotic Pinups and Hentai Illustrations, creating Liquor Guns Bacon and Tits Lifestyle Content. For example, the top tier of supporters gets access to monthly livestreams. Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Any time there is a security threat the news gets talking, with the recent WannaCry malware a good example of that. Ive been writing about how to increase website traffic (and thus make more money) for eleven twelve years now. Though Im not religious, I am aware of the power of emails and how much people love receiving newsletters that are highly relevant to them. And the easiest way to do that is to tell them where its going. I personally find the pronunciation hiccups hilarious, and as a Kansan I laughed for a good five minutes during the episode where they had to look up how to pronounce Olathe. I think it was long overdue to be dismantled, especially with the shift the show has had this year. You could even set targets to hit. If allowed to, he would have likely continued his reign of horror forever. His most popular podcast doesnt sell ads, but together they make more than, Last Podcast On The Left has 11,290, which equal, Tiny Meat Gang has 10,638 patrons, which equals, Between ads, YouTube revenue, and Twitch revenue, The H3 Podcast makes just under. They cared about me. "Police issue a sketch of witness they hope will identify killer of teacher." A podcast about the best and worst of chain restaurants (really). If you do that, you really only have things to gain from joining Patreon. Effectively Wild is hosted by Ben Lindbergh and Jeff Sullivan who publish a few episodes per week on topics that blends analysis and silliness. Lately it has been hard to listen too because all they do is give their opinion and we get it!! Sep 2, 2019 at 8:00 AM. For Betty, death seemed the only way to free herself from the losing battle she had been fighting; however, despite her commitment to ending her life, Betty simply didnt have what she described as the fortitude necessary to go through with it. ; Patron pledges of support have increased by 33.37% since 2020.; Your audience may be small but they're dedicated.This allows for more intimate relationships with your subscribers . Other times the sponsor will give you more flexibility. To describe the theme of this page is a challenge, and the bio doesnt really offer any further clarity CGP Grey makes video for The Internet to enjoy on topics that catch his attention. "Corrections board assails city aides on Tombs suicide." Private audio for your company or paid memberships. Glen Allsopp, And thats why I think the next online millionaire is going to create a Patreon specifically for adult content and performers, Two of these businesses couldnt even have existed just a few months ago, and one would have really struggled to promote themselves, A huge update to our affiliate seo analysis is now live, gain access to over 1,600 informative and funny posts, deep-dives of various true crime docu-series, How 16 Companies Dominate Google Search Results, Pokedex100 is creating a pokemon hunting platform and making. There arent many game related screenshots I can add to this post, but its incredible how many NSFW games there are. No credit card needed. How much you are podcast makes from each revenue stream could be different. There are currently over 1,200 patrons. Thanks for letting us interrupt your Friday for a minute. The Hello Patreon! video on their profile goes into detail on why theyre only able to upload one video per month: Animation takes a lot of time. You know your audience best, so pick stuff that will resonate with them. Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. No extra content and theyre still netting 35k for the next two months?! CREATORS * Share what you make securely and exclusively with your biggest fans Sometimes a fresh set of eyes goes a long way. They make animated videos based on in-game events when playing Minecraft. Hannah Witton, host of Doing It!,has slightly fewer perks on offer than the Morbid Podcast, but theyre all carefully thought out. This is a private RSS feed where you can offer little thank yous for supporting you. Hosted by:Autopsy Tech @alainatothemax& Hairstylist @ashkell83PO Box 584 Stoughton MA or She has tiers from $1-250 (plus VAT), of which allows some of them to suggest future video and vlog topics for Sylvie to cover. Patreon is perfect for monetising your podcast while also building a community. The Bowery Boys have produced more than 200 episodes over the years with the aim to publish 25 per annum if they can maintain their Patreon goal of $3,500 in monthly donations. The surprising thing about having so much adult content on their site is that Patreon actually make it very difficult to find. We wanted to come on here as soon as we had a chance to pro June 10 at 6:18 PM Locked Ad-free is coming back Join now 512 Comments 1,035 Likes Become a patron to 321 Unlock 321 exclusive posts 12. I still listen to them but I was so disappointed with the patreon content. All US States and territories. With some Patrons pledging up to $200/m, (there is a $500/m option) I can only hope her numbers begin to grow. we play games to make stories out of sound, The ONLY Anti-Pedophile Podcast fighting the Sicko Elite. Its really odd because, again, their site is absolutely full of adult content. Their Patreon subscription had problems from the start. As with other similar projects on the site, patrons mostly get to support the project rather than get something in return, though those pledging more than $100 per month do get a personal Thank you phone call from Jo-Anne herself. Which is called CPM, cost per thousand. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn. Having picked up a nice Patreon URL at /law, Andrew and Thomas run a popular podcast on all areas of the topic. Tiny Meat Gang has 10,638 patrons, which equals $51,199 per month. Harvey Glatman "The Glamour Girl Slayer" Part 2. Depending on the tier they choose, some patrons get invited to AMA live streams and a Discord hangout as part of their contribution. Click the "three dot" menu button to the top right. Even though Im known to not be much of a podcast fan, I did find the episodes very funny. We dont know what the podcast owners pay just to run their show, so its hard to calculate the number we really care about: the profit. She had been struggling with depression and anxiety for some time, all of which seemed compounded by the problems of a society and culture that in 1961 seemed steadfastly unwilling to accept her for who she was. A true crime, supernatural, everything-morbid-inbetween podcast. For $100 per month (with a six-month minimum) you get to hang out with the guys and get featured on the show, which is a great deal if youre a fan. Ben now releases four episodes of the comic each month to his 13,000+ Patrons, each paying just $1 per month until very recently, where a new $5 per month tier has been introduced. Invite others, set permissions, and control who has access to what. The course costs $99. New York Times, January 10: 1.Gelb, Arthur. Youve got to pick stuff thats genuinely valuable, but wont take too much time away from your main podcast. Welcome Travelersto the Morbid Forest. As the audience has grown, so have the number of episodes of the comic, with over 80 released to date. Their listeners love that theyre painfully honest about their lives, both the good and the bad. history. The killer, thirty-year-old Harvey Glatman known as The Glamour Girl Slayer had a dark past and a seriously terrifying modus operandi. I know the hosts have addressed this before and vowed to do better, and honestly I cant fault them for having to get some information or personal stories out first. In 2020 alone, purchases on Etsy generated nearly $4 billion in income for small businesses. Some people like to tell everyone how much theyre making in total from Patreon, while others keep that information private. Today Im going to delve in to some of the biggest earners of the platform and share some of the most interesting projects Ive found. I apologise that I cant comment too much on the more religious Patreon projects as Im just not a religious person myself. Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. There are currently over 160 patrons donating between $1-500 per month, new pricing options range from $3-100. Gaming is an absolutely huge niche on Patreon so anything that could interest a large number of gamers is always going to be a hit. Heres the top 3 reasons you might want to set up a Patreon. For anyone with skills in Illustrator, I think this is such a cool side business opportunity. From what started as a hobby on a Facebook page, SnowFreaks now has over 8,200 patrons supporting the creation of weather news and predictions. 1973. Jason Scott, who works for the Internet Archive and funds a podcast through Patreon, called the change "a skyrocketed tax on small donations (the majority . With politics being a hot topic at the moment, its no surprise to see their latest episodes cover the news surrounding President Trump and ex-FBI Director Comey. Ad-free is coming back | Morbid - A True Crime Podcast on Patreon Good evening everyone! Based on these assumptions if you have 1,000 downloads per episode, sponsors arent interested in your show yet, but you can still make some money. The fourth tier has a limited number of subscriptions available, so it seems a little more special, for the most dedicated fans. Paste the RSS feed link you copied earlier, then click "Follow.". Of course we know that the only one to blame here is the vicious killer himself, and Roseann Quinn was merely a symbol for his rage. Your podcast structure needs to be on point if you want to keep listeners engaged Batch recording podcast episodes can save a lot of time and hassle. So you can set different levels of rewards for different contributions. Affiliate sales are similar to sponsorships, but instead of getting paid by the download, you get paid based on what you sell for another company. If you found some interest in this article, just start randomly browsing around Patreon and see whats there. Some of them are making incredible amounts of money. All you have to do is read your ads on your podcast recording according to your agreement. If it's not for you there's nothing wrong with that. Patreon is making up the lost 5 percent fee on creators by charging patrons an additional 2.9 percent + $.35 for each transaction. May 6000 6600 7200 6300 6900 0 Zoom 1m 3m 6m YTD 1y All Patrons 7,139 15.6% Earnings Per patron Are you a patron of Morbid - A True Crime Podcast? Patreon is ranked in the top 500 among websites globally. Teaches the Ukulele and creates Ukulele song covers. Ads and sponsorships dont always give a predictable revenue stream, there are always ups and downs. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. Want more brand awareness and new customers? While the duo has since taken their podcast on a live tour, their monthly income of $51,199 in 2019 and 10,638 patrons speaks for itself. Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. Patreon has different membership tiers too. Looking for a job in podcasting? Social sharing is appreciated (and always noticed). Some people get paid per video, per podcast episode and in this case, per book chapter. Yes, you saw that right, Agatha Christie disappeared for 11 days and stuff just does not add up. morbid. Whenever you read about successful subscription box businesses, the stories usually involve the creator earning at least five figures per month. Videos on the subject of criminology and psychology. KQ treat it like a job, not an afterthought. Offer things that you have the time and resources to deliver, and that can add value and build connections for your supporters. First of all, theres no NSFW or Adult category. I almost got it and I'm really glad I decided to subscribe to something else instead. Revenue: $15,250 per episode ($4500 for the 20 second pre-roll, $6250 for the 60 second mid-roll and $4500 for the 20 second post-roll) Listeners: 250,000 downloads per episode These YouTube stars. Two patrons pay $2,000 per month to support effort but the cost is justified: They get their website and logo on every page of his website, which reaches more than 500,000 unique visitors per month. In fact, many podcasts have negative cash flow because they spend money buying equipment and paying hosting fees before they earn a single dollar. City Room. His most popular podcast doesn't sell ads, but together they make more than $100,000 per month in affiliate revenue. There are three pricing tiers, ranging from $1.99-8.99, with the higher option providing email access to the creator. This article will cover how Patreon works, why you might want to set one up, and how to make it work for you and your podcast. There were previously more than 15 patrons currently contributing at least $15 per month to access this. corpse. Furthermore, like any business, podcasts have expenses. When we last left you Harvey had just murdered Ruth Mercado and was ready and absolutely set on the idea of abducting his next victim. There are currently 27 patrons making up the full amount. And the perk giving access to an email address where you can ask questions and make suggestions shows how Patreon can give podcasters feedback from their listeners. It takes time for listeners to decide you have value. The other company pays you a commission for each sale. Thats when I decided to change this article to make the best projects on the site at least in my mind easy to stand out. Dirty, again. Thats why I wanted to feature this more humble example which I still think is a great success. They are worth the same to advertisers. ", "Glen's recommendations helped us improve crawl budget, remove deadweight pages and led to overall improvements in organic traffic to our key pages. (Sarcasm). Creating BONUS CONTENT! And its uniquely good at building connections too. If your content and personality are good, there are plenty of people who will happily throw you a few dollars so you can keep producing episodes. So while some of the perks you offer can be one-offs, like immediate access to extra content, you should try to offer some perks that are ongoing too. Thats why it was so interesting to me to see someone making a decent side income by illustrating maps for these popular games. First, lets make a few reasonable assumptions. Creates animations from Minecraft gameplay. Features to help you grow and manage your podcasts. Her top tier of $100/m has a really smart offering for up to five people: She will doodle lettering in anyones planner for them once per month. One thing I love about researching new stories for Gaps and Detailed is finding niches that I would never fathom exist, never mind offer the chance to make a very respectable income. The reason I wanted to highlight her is not because of what shes doing, but because of how many people are supporting her. New York Times, January 6: 16.. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. His second most popular video talks about how he spends upwards of $200,000 per month on cards for the game, which is pretty insane. Daily newsletter and blog around political commentary. Their recent monthly goal helped them purchase a new piece of land which is crazy, and if they reach their next goal theyll be able to build a new barn for their animals. More like movie discussions, interviews, celebrity cases. (Currently at 10 dollar tier). Sean Howard, co-creator of the podcast network Fable and Folly, explains how important regular content is for Patreon. With a younger audience this might be understandable, but you would think the search function would provide a little more insight. Join our newsletter, your resource for everything you need to know to run your own podcast. Here are some ideas. So, if youre like me and just want to get to the guys of the story, beware that some tales dont start for 5-10 minutes into an episode. 1977. At 3 episodes per week, this podcast is earning $900,000 per month and $10.8 million per year! Creates miniature art and miniature art tutorials. If people really value what youre making, chances are, some of them will be willing to pay to get exclusive access to more of it. The testimonial on the Gaps homepage is from someone doing very well teaching photography so its great to see another example of that. Patreon's income grew from a projected $15 million in 2017 to 30 million in 2018, 55 million in 2019, and $ 80 million in 2020. Dr. Patrick is the creator of Found My Fitness, a YouTube channel and website covering the latest science of health. I have a prime membership even. Harvey Glatman "The Glamour Girl Slayer" Part 1. You can negotiate a deal with any sponsor, but most new podcasters start with sponsorships by going through a broker. So be careful not to take your Patreon supporters for granted. The incentives are important. Patreon is a platform to help you get paid for the stuff you create. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor. Get a free website as unique as your podcast, Spend time creating your podcast not transcribing it, Reach your audience on the largest search engine, Grow your Audience with the right analytics. They knew who I was. Even if youre like me and not into things like Magic The Gathering, Rudy talks about investing in the cards to make money down the road. So how much money can podcasters make? Preview of Spotify. You put three ads in each episode: a one pre-roll, one mid-roll, and one post-roll ad. Go and explore whats out there to inspire and dictate your next moves to make money online. Sometimes the sponsor will give you a script to read. Even if youre not into food and cooking youve likely heard of Binging with Babish, Olivers YouTube channel which has over 9.7 million subscribers. So its best to create multiple revenue streams. Serial killers are HORRIFIC they are disgusting human beings. Going to check out killer queens now! Morbid is Removing Patreon As of January 31, 2023. Vue.js makes some of the best UI ideas more approachable, so that any developer can quickly pick it up. They also take the audio from each episode and put that out as a separate podcast. That can include anything from bonus content to livestreams to handwritten letters. Wow, they had a lot of people on patreon . As per IRS guidance released Dec 23, 2022, applicable reporting thresholds for 2022 calendar year earnings will remain as follows: US STATE. Examples include access to private Instagram stories, and a private Discord channel. You get ad free episodes and thats really it. Jim C. Swim provides criminology and psychology videos for a vast audience. Another perk is access to a private Discord channel, creating a lovely little community around Hannahs content. Direct support is when you simply ask your fans to send you money to support your show. May 18. Videos sharing their journey around the globe. Patreon is great at building connections with your most dedicated listeners. Thousands of people are making money with web comics, funny podcasts and even YouTube channels documenting interesting murders. And dont be afraid to ask for their thoughts too - use the poll option on Patreon to ask people what theyd like to see more of. Photo essays on refugees around the world. The discussion feels organic every time, and its like having a regular conversation with my friends about true crime. It can be a cool insiders club for fans to become a part of. So if your show was getting 5,000 downloads per episode, and you charged $20 CPM, you'd make $100 for that ad. So think about what you realistically can manage without compromising on your podcast. We hear the question How much money can podcasters make all the time. 2% of your audience with support you on Patreon. If you want more, head over to Patreon for extended and bonus shows! What puts Morbid in the top tier for me is the balance of levity, fact, and sincerity. All the tools you needs to host, distribute and grow your podcast with ease. You will only receive a Form 1099-K from Patreon if you are in the United States and reach the following threshold for the 2022 calendar year and moving forward. Another, called My Favorite Murder, previously made over $3,500 per month. Roseann Quinn was a young, single school teacher working at St. Josephs School for the Deaf and pursuing a graduate degree that would help her advance her career. If you have 10,000 downloads per episode, people will really start to notice your show. Now when a podcast gets advertisers they typically charge between $15 and $30 per 1,000 downloads that ad gets. Videos on internet security, privacy and freedom. The fourth tier has a limited number of subscriptions available, so it seems a little more special, for the most dedicated fans. I thought people would love the table because for the first time ever, they could finally see who the biggest earners were on Patreon. Thats certainly the case with Darul Arqams videos, made to help children with learning the Quran. A monthly livestream Q&A might not need much prep, and a private Facebook group can give your Patrons a chance to connect to each other with just an occasional nudge from you. And start small. Listener discretion is advised. The search function does nothing however if you desire to find more. Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more. There are actually a lot of ways to monetize a podcast. According to web traffic by Semrush, Patreon ranks 255th among websites globally as of the September 10 update this year. We can see how that has resulted in people making a lot of money, through the following Patreons: Two of these businesses couldnt even have existed just a few months ago, and one would have really struggled to promote themselves. So lets talk about some practical numbers. Randomly uploaded, but obsessively created.. Well they do claim to donate it. "Suspect seized in Indiana in teacher's slaying here." The best perks depend on what your audience wants, and what youre capable of delivering. Every other week!! So don't go down the wrong path, least you find yourself lost within the Morbid Forest. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This was very helpful. Just listen on Amazon Music and you can listen to episodes earlier than Apple Music or Spotify. You can price your ads differently depending on where you place them within your episode. If you would like to watch a video of the post, Ive embedded it below: Note that while I start with the lowest earners and get to the highest, I found more inspiration in the less-funded pages, so I wouldnt skip straight to the end. We only know what they tell us and what we can deduce. Helping brands and business to do more with podcasting. Join us for a heavy dose of research with a dash of comedy thrown in for flavor. Don't give these people your money. There are countless similar examples on the platform: If youre not looking to make millions and see an opportunity to use Patreon to support a personal mission to serve others, you may be able to get financial funding much quicker than you think. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Copyright Podcasting Ltd 2022 All rights reserved, Oops, something went wrong. This trend I saw over and over again is that you dont need a lot of supporters to make a great side (or even full-time) income. In return, they get access to your Patreon feed. Whats interesting to me about Adam is that hes making money in the fitness space but hes not some big YouTuber and doesnt actually seem very confident behind the camera. Like Hannah says, these supporters are basically my insider focus group of producers!. A father of a child with Autism created a safe space so other children with the same condition can play Minecraft together online, and safely. Let our team create engaging short video clips for Tiktok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube for your podcast. Our tips will help you set a budget that works for you. So if youre making a podcast for free, Patreon can help you monetise it. They have over 1.8 million YouTube subscribers who enjoy watching their travels around the world (and arguing in the comments about how Riley afforded the boat in the first place). Where do you find sponsorship deals? I watched a few of her videos and got a new perspective on the fortune of my own situation, which I think is always important. Partner with us to create an impactful B2B podcast for your brand. Patrons also gain access to over 1,600 informative and funny posts that have been created to date. 1977. I have a feeling most Gaps and Detailed readers will be interested in this open-source social networking software called Mastodon. 1998. After listening to some podcasts on their site, Im most impressed with the technology that allows you to skip ads within the audio. Morbid is a true crime, creepy history and all things spooky podcast hosted by an autopsy technician and a hairstylist. More Charts: By Patrons , By Earnings , By Growth 1 Year 6 Months 3 Months 1 Month 48,339 Patrons 1 Patreon Rank Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast Creating Hot Casts +7,847 +2 3 month change: 43,361 Patrons 2 Patreon Rank True Crime Obsessed Creating podcasts of the non-garbage variety A deep dive podcast focusing on true crime docu-series. Creating Videos about portable music/headphones and tech junk. Dennisis a content marketer and web developer with years of experience helping startups and small businesses build their online platforms. You just need a place on your website for them to order. I think it's a good thing. Pre-roll ads run at the beginning of the show, usually for about 15-30 seconds. Congratulations! It's no wonder he's racking in cash with this podcast. You can look it up in the sub to see other peoples opinions. I never knew Apple Music was covered under prime until a few weeks ago. "Teacher, 28, slain in her apartment on West 72d Street." They rolled out multiple updates and features per month.. Creators may opt out of Estimated Earnings by contacting Graphtreon using the contact form. 1973. Take a look at the Morbid Podcast Patreon page to look at whats offered in more detail. Part two of Harvey Glatman is here and it is wild! 8 of the top 10 most popular creators on Patreon produce podcasts. More than 4.4 million people use their own hosted version of the software, which is no small feat. As someone who has spent a lot of the last few years in Thailand, it was really cool to come across Sylvies unique journey in the country. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. I imagine they had even more patrons a few months ago! Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income has two podcasts. Its almost hard to believe a podcast like this exists but Mike Mitchell and Mick Wiger have been able to make it very successful. 1973. If you sign up for the patreon membership, do you get access to all older patreon episodes as well? We all hate these evil people. You publish four episodes per month. I also love that they do a good mix of well-known cases and obscure ones. I'll keep my $1, thanks. That means that theyve been making $35k+ a month in Patreon alone, even when they stopped posting on there consistently. our recommendations for the top podcasting gear, integrations with Stripe, Zapier, and more, Where to Find Podcast Jobs (Including the Best Job Boards), How to Set the Right Podcast Budget (And Stick to It), B2B Podcast: The Benefits and How to Get Started, Seriously Simple Podcasting WordPress plugin, Chapo Trap House has 32,874 patrons, which equals, Pat Flynns Smart Passive Income has two podcasts. I can't express my disappointment enough. Theres loads of different ways you can use the service, and it all depends on you and your goals. podcast episode) you create. Rope: The Twister Life and Crimes of Harvey Glatman.