The sub-station tends to have some medical loot and a weapon crate and magazines. To the northeast of the gas station is an electrical sub-station. A lot of players like to jump on the roof of the storage buildings and use a scoped weapon to hit other players roaming the area, particularly players roaming around Big Red. Across the main road to the north of construction is a bus terminal with a bunch of abandoned busses parked in it, but there isnt a lot of loot in this area worth mentioning. Customs Therapist Doom room 114 key Military Checkpoint . Scav 4 114 Key Room 114 21F . I've been watching Jaeger at reset for the past couple days hoping to get a Military Base Checkpoint Key on barter and it's just not restocking. Military checkpoint key (Checkpoint) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. It's located on a turning off the main road southeast of the large customs building. Scavs and popular amongst players patrol the area. Military checkpoint key (Checkpoint) is a Key in Escape from Tarkov. If you go past the roadblock to the wall and hug it heading north, you will pass between a fence and a building. Customs is one of Escape from Tarkov's most popular maps played, and for good reason. It is used for therapist quest if u dint give her the docs case and instead give it to skier. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. . On the first floor, there is an old couch with a duffle bag that should be looted. (500k+ on flea market on EU). About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . The building has two unlockable rooms in it, and a view on the shortcut. Its another bunker entrance that can be found by following the industrial walls at the southern edge of the map. Military Base Checkpoint Key at Jaeger not restocking? A key to the military base checkpoint gatehouse. Join Our Newsletter and keep up to date on the latest from HyperX. Escape from Tarkov Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. A lot of players are going to go after him, and most will have no problem with sneaking up on you and killing you after you have already done the hard work for them. Military Checkpoint Loot: . The cabinet key will unlock the furthest door. Smugglers Boat wont be available in every game you play. A medbag can spawn inside the rubble that is worth picking up. For more information, please see our Find the river from the main section of the map and follow it right to reach this spot. If it is available, there is an extract downstairs. The description doesn't even say it gives exp, only rep. Not worth it. To get into the two-story dorms, you can enter using the stairs to the second floor on the side of the building. Video guide on where to find the \"Checkpoint\" key for the military checkpoint building on Customs. Both of the bunkers are on the southern end of the shipping yard and act as extraction points. The storage room in the gas station has a medbag and medcase. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The shipping yard is across the street to the south of the gas station and the scav checkpoint. Confess your love of Super Smash Bros. via email,or catch him on Twitter. Subscribe: | Membership: the newest videos: formerly known as Military Base Checkpoint KeyBusiness Enquiries: Contact@Piranha.TVKeys: Key Guide Details ---------------This is a guide for the Customs Key, Military Base Checkpoint Key in Escape From TarkovOther Guides:*Therapist: Trust Regain - Notes:*Only 2 can be held in your PMC inventory at one time*Needed to be found for the Therapist task; Trust RegainKey Spawn Location:*In Jackets*In the Pockets and bags of Scavs \u0026 Player Scavs*On Customs sitting next to the Dead Scav on the couch in the boiler building on the east side of CustomsKey Trading:*Skier T4 (after Completing Flint) - M-2 Tactical Sword: 2x Military COFDM wireless Signal Transmitter, 1x Military base checkpoint key, 2x Chain with Prokill medallion, 2x Phased array element*Jaeger T2 - Military base checkpoint key: 2x Technical documentation, 5x Bottle of vodka Tarkovskaya, 3x Can of beef stewKey Lock Location:*This key unlocks the door at the end of the main road on Customs for the military checkpointBehind the Lock:*One Weapon rack*One Grenade box*Two Wooden ammo boxesFor more information visit: About Piranha ---------------Hey guys, this is the Official Piranha YouTube channel! Use or Ctrl + for windowed/regular fullscreen. New Gas Station is a building at the western side of the map, near the main road. Trust Regain is a Quest in Escape from Tarkov. You can also head in through the fence to get into construction, but that entrance isnt recommended. Prokill. Customs is a popular map, and Reshala and his gang are part of a quest and have some excellent loot. Military Base Checkpoint (SCAV) -This location is in the northeastern area of the map. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Esteflavin, There is a roadblock outside of the station that includes a bus. Construction is a two story concrete frame of a building. Created Nov 9, 2015. Draw them into an enclosed space like inside the dorms. East of the storage area is the main Customs area marked by the prominent warehouse called Big Red. Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter, Key to the closed premises of the Health Resort, Health Resort management warehouse safe key, Health Resort east wing office room 107 key, Health Resort east wing office room 108 key, Health Resort west wing office room 104 key, Health Resort west wing office room 112 key, Health Resort west wing room 321 safe key, Health Resort office key with a blue tape, TerraGroup Labs manager's office room key, Car dealership director's office room key, Unlocks the door at the military checkpoint tower on, Only 4 can be held in your PMC inventory at one time. Two loot locations of note are a van and a railway car. Anyone know if this is a bug, poach bots or what? Subscribe: | Membership: the newest videos: Enquiries: Contact@Piranha.TVKeys: Extract Guide Details ---------------Extract guide for the Scav only Military Base Extract on Customs in Escape From TarkovThe possible Extracts that you can use during your current Raid appear under the timer when you load into the Raid and can be pulled up at any time by holding the O button on your keyboardFor more information visit: About Piranha ---------------Hey guys, this is the Official Piranha YouTube channel! There are several spawn points along the road that other players will target, hoping for a quick kill, head to the storage area instead. Requires: Factory Key, lever in Warehouse 4. 4. The ZB-1011 extraction point is located in the southeast corner of Customs, on the boiler area of the map. Nope, its worth a ton for a quest that is entirely optional and only gives you loyalty points with therapist. As the name suggests, its a disused gas station, making it quite easy to spot. These grenades should be used if you plan on going after the boss. The guard room can have a weapon spawn, a weapon crate, and some ammo crates. You might not be able to kill all of them, but you may be able to kill one or two of the followers, which can be a bit nasty. It is necessary if you are going for kappa container. The sniper scavs can be used to complete The Tarkov Shooter questline as they tend to be more numerous and spawn fairly frequently. I have the quest. It won't be accessible in every game, so keep an eye for green flares lit in the area as you scope it out. The eastern building is three stories tall while the western building is two stories tall. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications!If you feel inclined in to supporting me please use this link that will take you to Mind charity, Stream Schedule ---------------Streams everyday starting at 8AM GMTLivestreams: Discord and Twitter for updates on Streams--------------- Video Details ---------------Outro Song: Dubby Steps 7 - Niklas Gustavsson--------------- Piranha's Playlist Links ---------------All Piranha Videos: Piranha Shorts: Tarkov Videos:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKay6PRUt_nRFb_4NWspE4OJYAll Cycle Videos: Useful Tarkov Links ---------------Keys:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKazChCtRR2TaEBKhvV33mDZXTasks:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKayPUL1OmubMKgvatIr45AXhExtracts:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKax0XTjC98oU8Mc0blUajuyLLooting:\u0026list=PL0Fxb-VMRKazmY6D5ZC-ef9CvXUBchbVtTarkov Maps: Prices: https://tarkov-market.comTarkov Ammo: Piranha's Links ---------------Twitch: #escapefromtarkov #guide . You need to be looking close to the end of the railway tracks. r/TwoSentenceHorror She looked across the room frightened and said, "My family was living in Ruston, Louisiana in 1947 when my brother and three of his friends tied this poor black kid to a barbed-wire fence and took turns beating him, because I lied and told them he whistled at me." The Military Base CP extract is a player scav extract located in the southwestern side of the Customs map. Getting through Customs in real life can be a painful experience, but in Escape From Tarkov? Powered by Invision Community. Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter. Military checkpoint key. The hills can be used to set up an ambush for Reshala and any other scavs in the area. If so, you can head down to extract with the boat here. Youre in a world of hurt if you dont know the Customs map extraction points. Military checkpoint key - price monitoring, charts, price history, fee, crafts, barters blamwhocares 631 442 . Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! ZB-1013 is a doorway located underground in Reshala'sbuilding in the center of the map. If you go in through the fence, you will end up in a bottleneck that is often near a couple of scav patrol routes, use one of the other entrances to the site instead. Video guide on where to find the "Checkpoint" key for the military checkpoint building on Customs. It is necessary if you are going for kappa container. Escape from Tarkov Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Tarkov Lighthouse Map 2023 - Here You Will Get A Complete Guide On Escape From Tarkov Lighthouse Map Check Here And Enjoy Your Game. The flash drives are needed for a quest and can be sold for a fair amount of money on the flea market. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. So I got the infamous Military Base Checkpoint Key from a player SCAV I killed and I don't know if it'd be smart to keep it or sell it for the whoppy 184K profit (Therapist). 2023 BATTLESTATE GAMES. Another Customs map extraction point thats easy to find and available to both PMCs and Scavs, RUAF Roadblock is located on the southern border of the map, just east of the large river. The key can be found in jackets or on dead scavs. Just east of construction is a gas station. On the roof is a weapon crate that can be looted. There is a van near the gas pumps with its back doors open, and a key can be found that is used for a quest on Interchange. Several of the dorm rooms are locked and require keys. . It's found on the couch of the dead SCAV inside the South-. Only 4 can be held in your PMC inventory at one time, Main Working Area (O11), on a desk with a laptop and 2 phones behind a cage with an orange robotic arm, Behind the orange dome in the Working Area (O11), on a stack of grey containers. I've been watching Jaeger at reset for the past couple days hoping to get a Military Base Checkpoint Key on barter and it's just not restocking. Read more about our cookie policy. There are more warehouses on the eastern side of the shipping yard with loose loot and weapons crates, as well as a few keys. Most battles will take place at mid to close range. So, I got lucky and managed to grab one just now on the reset. After choosing one of the sides USEC or BEAR the players character starts to make his way out of the city. x 2 Chain with Prokill medallion. Once used, itll close off for the rest of the game. The Dorm Room 114 Key can spawn inside the jacket when searched. Escape From Tarkov is a tactical first-person shooter with MMO type features as all players attempt to complete tasks as well as survive in Tarkov before taking . This room has a circle on the floor like the one in Woods that can spawn any high-tier item available in the game. Just follow the road along until you reach the corner with a gate that says STOP and a truck outside. Inside the cabinet is a safe. Crye Precision CPC plate carrier (Goons Edition), S&S Precision PlateFrame plate carrier (Goons Edition), Mystery Ranch NICE COMM 3 BVS frame system, LBT-1961A Load Bearing Chest Rig (Goons Edition), In the area between warehouse 17 and the repair shop. If the light is on, the extraction point is open and active. 19. These blue buildings can have some loose loot. There are a couple of computers inside that can have flash drives.; Keys; Military base checkpoint key (Sniper Tower) $$$ Key Spawn Location: Customs: On the couch next to the dead Scav in the boiler warehouse building on the east side of the map. On the north end of the construction site are factory shacks that can have some loose loot in them. Just wanna know if there is anything really useful there, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. These dorms are the location of many Quests and unlockable rooms. The easternmost region of the map is heavily wooded to the north with the gas station and the sub-station being the only significant man-made areas. Or is it more worth to get the M-2? Head into the grassy corner area with trees to the left of the buses to reach the extract point. The central area of the map contains the dorms to the north with the factory shacks and warehouse 17 to the south. The sniper scavs are the only real problematic ones aside from the boss and his followers. I believe it's needed for a quest and it's also used to trade for M-2 Tactical sword which is the highest damage melee weapon in game. appledabbabro This site uses cookies to provide enhanced features and functionality. The area is split between the trailer park, a storage area, and Big Red. Nowadays, Tarkov is separated by unseen borders, controlled by different groups. ZB-1013 is a doorway located underground in Reshala'sbuilding in the center of the map. The guards are heavily armored with tier 2-6 vests and tier 3-5 helmets with visors. Four bridges cross the river, a makeshift bridge on the northern side of the river, the main bridge just south of the makeshift bridge, and two land bridges south of the main bridge. Customs is a very easy map to learn and master, up to 13 players can be in a game at once together making it a high PvP map, but most importantly, Customs is very rewarding when it comes to looting. Be careful, as Raiders may spawn in the area when the lever is flipped, and players occasionally camp the extract for anyone . The map is a confusing one, but weve highlighted all the, The final PMC extraction point is by far the most complicated exit. Press J to jump to the feed. Customs is one of the best playable maps for beginners in Escape from Tarkov. Started Yesterday at 10:44 AM, By By Another sniper scav is in the shipping yard. We promise to handle your information in line with our privacy policy. Outside of the gas station and past the blue fence to the west is some rubble with a concrete cylinder. Follow it north all the way to the northern border wall . This one wont be available in every game, however. Just head as far into the southwest corner of the map to reach the barrier with buses behind it. By using the site, you are consenting to this. He spent his younger life studying the laws of physics, even going so far as to complete a PhD in the subject before video games stole his soul. Therapist (21/08/05 28,350). Started February 26, By If you loot the scav, you can find the unknown key needed for a quest. The Smugglers Boat is a PMC-only extraction point located to the north of the east bank of the maps large river. Youre in a world of hurt if you dont know the Customs map extraction points. Ground Cache | Military Checkpoint. The guards are very aggressive and will try to rush you instead of taking cover. Inside tents on roofs of Rogue Buildings. The quest is given to you by Elvira Khabibullina, known by her alias "Therapist". The trailer park is to the south of the storage area, and the customs warehouse is right in the middle of the customs side of the map. Be sure to watch your corners as you move to keep from getting surprised. Parked outside the checkpoint is a blue passenger car with its hood and trunk door open. SG-C10. The construction site is heavily patrolled by scavs that can have some decent loot if you are willing to take on several of them. The Customs side of the map is a bustling area. This area can be dangerous, but the medical loot will make it worth investigating. The Scav equivalent, Old Road Gate, wont charge you to extract. Getting through Customs in real life can be a painful experience, but in Escape From Tarkov? Cost of all components. Your previous content has been restored. You have to extract from the side of the map opposite where you spawned. Started 46 minutes ago, By Construction is a two story concrete frame of a building. There are boxes, including weapons crates in almost every room and a lot of loose loot throughout the building, but several of the rooms require keys. You can learn the basics of the game thanks to its distribution of Scavs and the . The map is divided into two sides, the Customs side to the west and the Boiler side to the east. Cookie Notice Customs Office Key, Military Base Checkpoint Key; Dorms . There are some bushes in this area with a dead scav. Oh. Military Checkpoint is at the end of the road past the New Gas Station. The room on the upper level also has a key for Shoreline. Customs is a beginner-friendly map that is a lot easier to learn than most of the others inTarkov. By It's worth like 500k or more on the flea. To the south of the main road are a shipping yard, factory, and the old gas station. A key to the military base checkpoint gatehouse. Every Customs raid starts with a 35-minute time limit. To the east and west of the dorms are small campsites that should be looted if you get the chance. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Head into the basement and you can find a locked door to the extraction. Its located on a turning off the main road southeast of the large customs building. Welcome to the world of market Vultures ). Below are the details on all the PMC extraction points including what youll need to access them. The Old Gas Station is a PMC-only Customs extraction point on the southern side of the map. Chernobyl_52 Once you enter the bus, you can find a key on one of the seats that unlocks East Wing 310 on Shoreline. Even if the filing cabinets seem tedious, the loot inside can at least be sold if not in some way useful. Why is it so much worth? Another scav sniper spawns on top of one of the two distillation towers on the southern side of the map. This is a large area with several warehouses and bunkers to be explored. Kill him with a headshot or multiple chest shots. If you spawned on the Customs side of the map, you have to extract from the Boiler side and vice-versa. The last sniper spawns on top of the construction site across from warehouse 17. The locked rooms can have weapon crates, weapon safes, medbags, and a lot of other good loot that should not be passed up. Started December 28, 2022, 2023 BATTLESTATE GAMES. Extraction for this map is pretty unique but very straight forward. If they're present, that means the extraction point is . A free, community made, and open source ecosystem of Escape from Tarkov tools and guides. Before you can access it, you first need to ensure that the lever in Warehouse 4 is activated It's on the ground floor, and when you flip it, ZB-1013 will be listed as an active extrtaction point to all players. [deleted] 3 yr. ago. and our Inside the gas station is a back hallway, you will need two keys to open the doors. The Pharmacist quest in Escape From Tarkov is available to complete on the Customs map, one of the earliest locations added to the game. These towers are not accessible to players and can make this guy a bit of a pain if you get in range. And the real reason why people do quest is for the kappa container not the rep. The area houses a customs terminal, fuel storage facilities, offices, and dorms, as well as a variety of other infrastructure and buildings. The Tarkov Shooter - Part 1. That quest isn't worth doing if all it gives you is a little rep when you are already at her max tier to buy from her. Everything you need to know about Customs. Used to trade for M-2 Tactical Sword that's worth 1mil+. The room in the upper level of Big Red requires a key that can be found on scavs, filing cabinets, or on the flea market. The majority of the keys can be found on scavs or be purchased from the flea market. Requires: 5,000 Roubles per player (max 4). Escape from Tarkov - Customs Map Extractions - Military Base CP ExtractionEFT is an intense game and without an in-game map, it can be tough to know where yo. This is a spawn location for scavs, and the AI can be very dangerous, but there is a lot of loot, making it worth raiding. Military COFDM Wireless Signal Transmitter (SG-C10) is an item in Escape from Tarkov. SELL. . If you spawn on the Customs side of the map, do not run straight up the road. The guard desk key unlocks the room in the front of the building by the couch with the duffel bag. Be sure to search the vehicles in and around the station as they can have some loose loot. The Dorm Room 114 Key spawns by the Military Checkpoint on the east side of the Customs map. Locations: Dorms, Gas Station, tower north of Gas Station and Military checkpoint near Gas Station Hostiles: Reshala and four heavy guards Top rewards: Bitcoin, Roubles, TerraGroup Labs key card . The followers will continually try to close in on your position; if you end up getting cornered by them, there is only a slim chance of surviving. The three-story dorm isnt too different from the two-story dorm. Much like ZB-1011, this Customs map extraction point is PMC-only. The location of the actual extraction is inside the eastern Hermetic Bunker door, down the catwalk and behind the chain fence. Some players like to camp on railroad tracks or in bushes in the area to pick off other players headed to extraction points. M4tz3TTV The map is a confusing one, but weve highlighted all the Escape From Tarkov Customs map extraction points for PMCs and Scavs below for you to easily reference. Youll also need to have a. in order to open the door to the Customs extraction point. The unofficial Subreddit for Escape From Tarkov, a Hardcore FPS being created by Battlestate Games. There are several locked doors throughout the building, but the keys can be found on dead scavs and in filing cabinets throughout the map. The layout of the dorms allows you to reposition and change levels very easily. On the paracord extract side. On the easternmost side of the map, there is a sniper across the main road in the wooded area just north of the extraction point on the eastern end of the road. This key unlocks the door at the end of the main road on Customs for the military checkpoint. East of the river is the Boiler side of the map. Meet all the criteria and youll likely face little trouble getting out here. here. Escape from Tarkov Customs Map - SCAV Spawn & Sniper. For the followers, you should carry grenades and wear tier 4 or better armor and a helmet with a visor. Note: The Dorms are located in the south. Customs. Customs is a location in Escape from Tarkov. The Old Gas Station is a PMC-only Customs extraction point on the southern side of the map. The building has two unlockable rooms in it, and a view on the shortcut. It wont be accessible in every game, so keep an eye for green flares lit in the area as you scope it out. Military Checkpoint is at the end of the road past the New Gas Station. East of the gas station and along the main road is the scav checkpoint. Wild Hearts Nodachi Build guide Best Nodachi build in Wild Hearts, Player utilizes Elevenlabs Voice AI to generate voice-acted quests in World of Warcraft, Match your Series X fridge with an upcoming Series S toaster. Two-way Speaking Military COFDM wireless AV+data Signal Transmitter SG-C10 Only 4 can be held in your PMC inventory at one time 1 needs to be found in raid or crafted for the quest Lend-Lease - Part 2 5 need to be found in raid or crafted for the quest Special Equipment 4 need to be found in raid or crafted . Click on the map to enlarge. On the chair in the 3rd story drop-down room of Black Bishop (School), On roof of white pawn building on wooden crate.