During the discussion between Will Chesney and Clifford Chanin, executive vice president and deputy director for museum programs, those watching will have the opportunity to submit questions via live chat. In his time as a Navy SEAL, Will Chesney completed more than 600 missions. Basss resilience and mental toughness were obvious when he would perform to his usual gold standard, once we arrived at the objective area. During one mission and under cover of darkness, the vehicle Alex and Bass were travelling in began taking small arms fire as they approached their objective. On May 10, 2005, the couple got married in front of 40 guests at a. Benjamin was a former Navy SEAL who was number one in his class. Jonny Kim. Soon, he was completely hidden from view, which is when the gunfire began., Cairo had been shot at point-blank range but somehow, despite being seriously hurt, had managed to limp back to Chesney before collapsing. washington county tax assessor qpublic; jobs in statesville, nc on craigslist; lovers and friends festival fake At this point in our career Bass had already made a reputation for himself through his proven experience on his previous deployments. Bass would search the entire area and any buildings for improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and would often lead the team into ISIS-controlled territory to recover downs unmanned aerial systems (UAS). Nine years ago Will Chesney got an unexpected call: He was to grab his dog and head to Virginia, immediately. Our first training together was the basic handlers course in March 2015 in Indiana and my first impressions of his intelligence were confirmed. Driver: Titleist TSi1 (10 degrees) Shaft: Graphite Design Tour AD IZ 6 S 3-wood: Titleist TSi2 (16.5 degrees @17.25) Shaft: Fujikura Ventus Red 70 S Fairway wood: Titleist TSi2 (21 degrees @20.25) Shaft: Mitsubishi Tensei AV Raw Blue 75 S Irons: Titleist T200 (2021) (4), Titleist T100 (5-PW) Shafts: Aerotech SteelFiber i80cw F4 Wedges: Vokey [] I was his dad and I wanted him to feel how much I cared for him. The swift flow of U.S. combat forces heading there since March showed no sign of stopping, and since Aiello was in a Marine Infantry Battalion at Camp Lejeune, he was sure he was in line for deployment. It was to be their most dangerous and kinetic deployment yet and, with six months to train with their new team, Alex new they had to be laser-focussed on what was to come. Like. As I manoeuvred around the battlefield, Bass reacted with me, feeding off my emotions and patiently waiting for me to call him to work. The Yankee 72 crash in Mississippi killed seven Marine Raiders. Having watched him train and knowing how much he enjoyed biting, I often wondered what might happen if an unsuspecting civilian became caught in the crosshairs when Cairo was in hunting mode. He is an Afghanistan War veteran and served in the Marine Corps as a combat correspondent. If you're able to tap into a support network then you should. I was an ordinary kid from a small town in Texas. Humble, soft-spoken, unassuming. Harry Beal - Underwater demolition team member, he was the first to volunteer for the SEAL program at its founding in 1962. Will wouldnt have to wait long before Cairo had been given a clean bill of health and returned to Virginia to re-join SEAL Team. His fellow American warriors, whom he protected with deadlyContinue Reading, When the Navy sends their elite, they send the SEALs. Now, Chesney is trying to reverse that decision with the help of his business partner, retired SEAL Mark Semos, a producer for CBS's SEAL Team. Two dozen Navy SEALs descended on Osama Bin Laden's compound in May 2011. My older brother was a senior handler in the unit and was able to get myself and two classmates a shot at joining the unit. Consecutive nights of work meant rest was near non-existent, leaving the team physically exhausted. Visibly nervous, they shifted in their chairs, rubbed their palms . I have found huge comfort and strength in giving back to the military community through working with two non-profits who support veterans and MWDS. Alex helps to run non-profit, Talons Reach Foundation , with former MARSOC operator and Navy Cross recipient, Nick Jones and three other special operators. The job was done. September 22, 2021 December 24, 2022; I would like to introduce everyone to our new Design & Merchandise positions: Jimmy & Jen Zoellner! They were extremely professional and so capable at everything. While on a training exercise in Kentucky, Will and his unit from SEAL Team 4 were given the chance to watch the demo of a relatively new program within Navel Special Warfare. In a gripping autobiography, No Ordinary Dog, he chronicles his journey from enlistment through SEAL training and multiple deployments. James Clark Will Chesney served in the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group as an operator and dog handler. Traditionally, K-9 teams are lone rangers, attaching to deployed teams and earning trust on the job. Nine years ago Will Chesney got an unexpected call: He was to grab his dog and head to Virginia, immediately. Will Chesney and Cairo. Cairo wasnt needed upstairs. The most famous mission in modern history, a bad ass K9 that accompanied the SEAL team that conducted it, and the operator/handler that took K9 Cairo on that mission. Will was forced to say goodbye to his best friend still having two months of his deployment to complete. Fearless takes you deep into SEAL Team SIX, straight to the heart of one of its most legendary operators. Ziggy and I had a good thing going but another MPC returned from Afghanistan in December 2014 and was in need of a new handler. The Navy SEALsis anelite groupthat serves as the primary special operations force for the US Navy. Once the SEALs had blasted open the gates and doors into the compound, Cairo and Chesney part of the perimeter patrol crew, were responsible for clearing any security presence or move along any locals who came to investigate what was happening. In a training facility in North Carolina, on April 10 2011, Chesney and his fellow SEALs were given the details. Great job.. By It seemed impossible that the place wasnt laced with explosives so I kept Cairo on task tracking any potential explosive odors. Of course, there were some cultural shocks, but the training really prepared us. When Navy SEAL Adam Brown woke up on March 17, 2010, he didnt know he would die that night in the Hindu Kush Mountains of Afghanistanbut he was ready. I decided to take the leap and set up my own business, training pets and helping owners to troubleshoot some common but fixable issues with their K-9s. Ivy League K-9 Academy has become Alexs new day job, but Bass continues to play an active role. Training in additional K-9 capabilities that would aid the fight and aid my usefulness was something I was very excited about. Before Alex began the robust initial MPC training which included an additional 15-week basic handlers course where he was introduced to his new dog Ziggy. It's not a life that's for the faint-hearted. Warrior Dog is the story of Cairo and his handler, Will Chesney, a member of SEAL Team Six whose life would be irrevocably tied to Cairo's, specially adapted for young . In fact, the story of Chesney and Cairo is like any of a man and his beloved dog except the part where the U.S. Navy SEAL and his canine partner helped take out Osama bin Laden in 2011.. Its when people step away from the military life that it hits thats why there are 22 veteran suicides a day in the US. The organization takes small groups of former operators on retreats where they learn a range of therapies and classes to shed light on how the brain reacts to trauma and the operators lifestyle. Will Chesney served 13 years with the Navy SEALS and SEAL Team Six as an operator and Combat Attack Dog Handler. He, and his dog, Cairo, were involved in the US military's 2011 raid, Neptune's Spear, that resulted in the death of Osama Bin Laden. I took him home that night and we enjoyed a steak together. You may not be aware that Im a quiet guy, naturally, but training dogs requires you to be a noisy, energetic, enthusiastic character. Recipient of the Navy Cross. Calling my mom was not usual for me before deployments so I didnt want to alarm her by acting out of character.. Authors, Navy, Military, Veteran, PTSD Depression, Pets, Books. No public photographs exist of IIIs & IVs. In the era of Goggins and Jocko, when the alpha male bravado still reigns supreme, these words would hardly be the first ones most would reach for when describing a Navy SEAL. He was an incredible dog and will go down in history as a military legend. Metro-specific taxes are not considered in . Anyone that locks eyes with his intense stare can sense his intellect and see that Bass is no ordinary animal. We were on a night mission to take a suspected bomb-making facility. Born and raised in California, Kim enlisted in the United States Navy in the early 2000s before earning a Silver Star and his commission. The unit was able to facilitate the safe extraction and return of all the children. You'll doubtless be filled with pride for the important work your husband does. A bad training day can diminish you so much, but there is nothing better in the world after a great training session.. DALLAS, Nov. 10, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Former Navy SEAL Chief from Team Six, Will Chesney, the dog handler on the historic raid on the Osama Bin Laden compound, joins REV Social Network as the . On Monday, the 9/11 Memorial & Museum continued its new digital public program series by welcoming Will Chesney, former Navy SEAL and author of the new book No Ordinary Dog: My Partner from the SEAL Teams to the Bin Laden Raid. The role of K-9 within the military exploded during the 2000s while the War on Terror raged, often meaning the difference between life and death for thousands of military service personnel who relied on the skills of dog teams in the field to lead the way.