Transferring ownership of a house also means your property will likely be reassessed for tax purposes. List of County Register of Deeds . Fax Number:231-839-3684, Sanilac County Register of Deeds Please contact our friendly staff at your convenience. Suite 212 Phone Number: 989-846-9201 If you are adding a spouse or a child to your house title, the transfer typically will be excluded from reassessment. Fax Number: 810-768-7965 Fax Number: 231-258-3345 With a grant deed, you are making a promise that you are the current owner of the property and that there aren't any liens, mortgages, or other claims to the property that you haven't disclosed. Phone Number: 906-635-6312 515 Center Avenue Suite 102 5095 4th St. Fax Number: 989-731-7519 [1] 120 North Main 401 E. Houghton Ave. To continue the previous example, suppose you added your spouse to the deed for the house you bought for $100,000. Saginaw, MI 48602 Accessed April 10, 2020., Lenawee County Register of Deeds, Gladwin County Register of Deeds In short, no one can be passively removed from a title. The deed should include the grantor's marital status., Wexford County Register of Deeds, Arenac County Register of Deeds Issues of marriage and property ownership become complicated when a divorce is involved. 2 South 6th Street, Suite 11 The current owner would also be one of the grantees, the persons receiving the grantors rights to the property., Ionia County Register of Deeds, Midland County Register of Deeds, Otsego County Register of Deeds Roscommon, MI 48653-7664 839 10th Avenue Fax Number: 906-863-8839 Fax Number: 231-689-7271 407 West Harrie St. Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department. Munising, MI 48962 Approved. 200 Division Street, Suite 150 125 W. Lincoln St. If you have a tenancy by entirety, then it converts to tenancy in common. P.O. Be aware that adding a person to your deed can cause you to lose property tax exemptions, based on how the deed is worded. Holding Title: Tenants vs. "Tenants". Fax Number: 989-734-0506 Atlanta, MI 49709 As long as you retain interest in the home, its still going to go through probate. However, not every state has this type of ownership, and the application is different in every state. 200 W. Michigan Record the TOD with your county recorder of deeds, and rest assured that your loved one automatically owns your house when you have passed. Returning to the $100,000, suppose you create a TOD deed for your spouse. Fax Number: 616-994-4521 Fax Number: 989-269-8786 Email:, Livingston County Register of Deeds Adding someone to your house deed requires the filing of a legal form known as a quitclaim deed. With a tenancy by the entirety, one spouse cannot take out a mortgage on the property or do anything else to encumber the property without the consent of the other spouse. Here's a way to pass the interest in your home deed onwhile you're alive. There are different forms of deeds depending on the situation involved., Allegan County Register of Deeds Go to the county recorders office and get a quitclaim form. Email:, Alpena County Register of Deeds IRS. 800 10th Street, Suite 200 P.O. 111 South Canal Street, Washtenaw County Register of Deeds I want to sell it, but have back taxes. Phone Number: 906-863-2822 Some transfers are excluded from reassessment. Email: Please update to a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge to experience all features has to offer. Suttons Bay, MI 49682-9718 Note also that if there is an outstanding mortgage on the property, the owner must review the terms to see if there is a notification requirement. Box 70 8562 220 W. Ellsworth Street Fax Number: 231-627-8453 All searches are done either in person by coming to the Register of Deeds, by mail ($5.00 search fee per name/address) or by going online. Ithaca, MI 48847 For example, you may set it up so that you have an 80 percent interest in the property while your sister has a 20 percent interest in the property. The chain of title in real estate has been established so that an interest in real estate cannot be valued by the amount of time an owner has been in possession of the real estate. Even if the person you're adding doesn't give you money for ownership in your property, the lender still may view the transfer of ownership as a sale and can demand payment in full. County Building Your county recorder may charge a small fee to pull the deed, and typically will charge an additional fee to make a copy of it for you. Your state law may have other specific languages to use. Michigan has a practice known as "tenancy by entireties." Email: You can add someone to the deed if there is a mortgage, but it will not change who is responsible for the mortgage. This may include information such as the statement that the transfer is forever, or that the property transfer extends to the second person's assigns. 219 Paw Paw Street, Suite 102 Phone Number: 989-790-5270 He focuses mostly on finance writing and has a passion for real estate, credit card deals, and investing. The most common way to remove someone from a deed is through a deed of conveyance, such as a quitclaim or warranty deed. Phone Number: 989-743-2216 For example, it would work to say "Suzy Sunshine and Martin Moon as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common.". Government Center Phone Number: 989-832-6820 Building 12 East You may have to fill out a form to have the deed officially recorded, as well as pay a small fee. The form will include a blank for your name, the names of the people to whom you want to transfer the property, and the legal description of the property (which you can copy from your old deed). 415 Third Street This is wonderful!". If you're getting a copy from your local land registry office, search for your deed in their database or ask for assistance. Support wikiHow by Phone Number: 810-989-6930 Phone Number: 989-831-7337 Fax Number: 906-225-8420 Ionia, MI 48846 If you choose this type of ownership, then one cannot sell or dispose of the property without the consent of the other. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Box 609 Phone Number: 517-676-7216 In Michigan, a person must live more than 120 hours after their co-owner dies for the survivorship rights to take effect. Phone Number: 906-293-5521 That applies only to married couples. MCL 565.221. You cannot simply add someone to the deed in most cases, and it will require a change in the form of the deed on the property. I can now proceed with an easier and, "I asked if I could do this, and I not only got an answer, but also step-by-step instructions. Property ownership, transfer laws and deed practices differ depending on the state in which you live. Houghton, MI 49931 Court House If someone's name is on the mortgage and not the deed, only the person whose name is on the mortgage will be responsible for making payments. Fax Number: 906-789-5179 However, this action can have a financially devastating outcome if you dont prepare in advance. Pleasant, MI 48858 The answer to the question, "How do you add a joint owner to a property?" A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, Alcona County Register of Deeds 3. Fax Number: 989-832-6842 Harrison, MI 48625, Iron County Register of Deeds Lake City, MI 49651, Hillsdale County Register of Deeds Petoskey, MI 49770 1., Oscoda County Register of Deeds 200 N. Main Street Fax Number: 734-240-7395 Suite M-3 It's awesome and well-written, very clear on how, "Understanding how to add me to the deed, I had no idea of the consequences. Note that banks are often trustees. P.O. These clauses typically state that if you ask your lender for permission to add someone to your house title, they won't unreasonably refuse. Phone Number: 906-337-2229 1200 N. Telegraph, Cass County Register of Deeds 103 Phone Number: 906-884-4255 The transfer of ownership can occur during life (with a regular quitclaim deed, for example) or at death (using a lady bird deed, transfer-on-death-deed, or life estate deed).And, in the case of transfer-on-death or lady bird deeds, the . Phone Number: 989-269-9941 Phone Number: 906-875-3321 Marquette, MI 49855 P.O., Manistee County Register of Deeds If you add someone to the property deed and you are responsible for the mortgage, your lending institution might require you to refinance the loan in both names. Some common exemptions include homestead exemptions or exemptions for people over the age of 65. In this case, if one dies, the other automatically becomes the sole owner of the property. Box 800 Email: P.O., Macomb County Register of Deeds The separate interest refers to the monetary interest in the property., Luce County Register of Deeds To avoid probate, you must choose an ownership relationship that includes a right of survivorship. Phone Number: 517-264-4538 1101 Beach Street, Room 138 Tax Foundation. 287 W. Nepessing Street Suite 1 Phone Number: 989-317-4089, Delta County Register of Deeds 120 N. Broadway Generally, anyone who dies during the first 120 hours after . Phone Number: 989-734-2676 Fax number: 906-663-4660 My son has no interest in the property and has his own. unlocking this expert answer. Grayling, MI 49738 If you simply add your child's name to your existing deed, they won't necessarily have rights of survivorship. A trustee of a trust is the person or agent who is appointed to administer the trust. A deed and a mortgage are two separate things. Fax Number: 517-543-4134 This most simple answer is yes. Misconceptions and Realities It is a misconception that someone can be "removed" from the deed. When executed and notarized, the quitclaim deed legally overrides the current deed to. Tawas City, MI 48764, Marquette County Register of Deeds Phone Number: 517-279-4320 Phone Number: 231-533-6683 Baldwin, MI 49304, Van Buren County Register of Deeds She received her JD from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in 2006. Before you add someone to your house title, consider consulting an attorney to better understand the legal and financial repercussions of doing so. Procedures vary by state and altering ownership in your property can have repercussions, so it's wise to consult an attorney before adding anyone to your deed. We recommend that you consult an attorney or real estate professional for assistance in preparing the proper document that will convey the type of interest you want a particular person or entity to have in your property. emily in paris savoir office. Fax Number: 231-398-3544 Email: Box 885 Box 718 Approved., Branch County Register of Deeds, Cheboygan County Register of Deeds, Clinton County Register of Deeds Tenants by the Entirety. Email: Phone Number: 734-222-6700 Stanton, MI 48888 You can't have it both ways, however. That means he could pay substantially more in capital gains taxes than if he acquired the property when you died. Mt. Fax Number: 269-982-8659 Possibly enlisting the help of an attorney, you will prepare the new deed that lists the joint owner and mentions ownership interest, and then take it to get recorded at the county recorder's office. Email: 200 E Grand River Then, sign the completed form in the presence of a notary before submitting it to the recorders office! Phone Number: 616-632.7610 Adding someone to your house deed requires the filing of a legal form known as a quitclaim deed. Some states require extra steps, such . Jennifer reviews, fact-checks, and evaluates wikiHow's legal content to ensure thoroughness and accuracy. A transfer on death (TOD) deed. Fax Number: 989-895-4296 Fax Number: 989-790-5278, Alger County Register of Deeds They still used my income, but I'm not on the note. There are companies that will offer to provide you a copy of your deed, but you're better off dealing with the recorder's office directly. Survivorship (outliving your co-owner) affects more than just the four types of jointly owned property. Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Box 5 Fax Number: 734-222-6528 This is also where you specify how the two of you will own the property. Strike a line through any verbiage on the deed that does not apply to your circumstances. Manistique, MI 49854 : How to Add Someone to a Deed, LegalBeagle: How to Add a Husband's Name to the Deed or Leave the House to Him in a Will. 23 E. Pearl Street, Muskegon County Register of Deeds If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. This article has been viewed 206,090 times. "Avoiding Probate With a Transfer-on-Death Deed." The notary will need to verify your identity. Each type of ownership carries unique characteristics, and factors such as financial ability, family relations and marital . Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. 422 W. Lake Street Fax Number: 989-275-8640 County Government Building Phone Number: 231-258-3315 Kalkaska, MI 49646 Phone Number: 231-882-0016 In some cases, you may be able to order the deed online. Unless you know real estate and property records fairly well, it's usually safer to let the title company do it. Alpena, MI 49707 Box 388 The deed must be notarized., Oakland County Register of Deeds Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin are community property states. This may include information such as the statement that the transfer is forever, or that the property transfer extends to the second person's assigns. MI Earned Income Tax Credit, Retirement Tax, and Inflation Relief Initiatives Other information that is typically on a deed, no matter what state you are in, includes the property address and legal description, the city, county, state and the date. Adam Luehrs is a writer during the day and a voracious reader at night. P.O. In California, you can. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 206,090 times. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Jackson, MI 49201 Fax Number: 989-345-6221 Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645 If your goal is to avoid probate, you must specify in the deed that you are claiming as joint tenants with a right of survivorship. Fill in the recording information. This article helped point the way. Getting married does not automatically transfer a property to become a tenancy by entirety. It doesn't matter whether money was exchanged or not., Mason County Register of Deeds If you are added to the deed of someone else's home, you are not automatically responsible for the mortgage and payments, only if they add you to the mortgage, too. One of the most common questions about deeds is: Can a person's name be on a deed without being on the mortgage? Last Updated: June 3, 2020 P.O. 234 W. Baraga Avenue Grand Rapids, MI 49503 ", a right of survivorship. The short answer: No. 12220 Fillmore St., Room 146 Nor can a co-owner simply take away another party's interest in a property by executing a new deed without that other party. Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity Department. Cadillac, MI 49601 wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. For example, Sacramento County charges a one-time tax of 1.1% of the value of the property when you file a new deed. Phone Number: 989-895-4228 Especially with large lenders, it isn't uncommon to get a bill for the balance of the mortgage when the transfer is complete. Newberry, MI 49868 That means when you die, your spouse will absorb your ownership share of the property. Flint, MI 48502 If you live in a community property state, you can specify the home or land is community property with a right of survivorship., Osceola County Register of Deeds Fax Number: 906-524-6432 Fax Number: 313-224-5884 Fill out the form and sign it before a notary to make the transfer legal., Mecosta County Register of Deeds ., Gogebic County Register of Deeds Detroit, MI 48226 113 Chestnut Street Fax Number: 810-667-0293 225 W. Main Street She received her JD from Indiana University Maurer School of Law in 2006., Dickinson County Register of Deeds, Iosco County Register of Deeds Room 136 It can also affect inheritance rights of heirs and devisees. Make sure you select the one that best suits your needs. If your mortgage contains a due upon sale clause, talk to your lender about adding someone to your deed. However, if you transferred the property to your spouse at your death, for example through a transfer-on-death deed, his capital gains basis would be the fair market value of the house when he acquired it. Sandusky, MI 48471 Please contact an attorney for any legal questions you may have. Box 296 Email: You can also find out by contacting the tax assessor's office in your county., Monroe County Register of Deeds There are four common ways to hold title to real estate in Michigan: Tenants in Common. Phone Number: 989-224-5270 Complete the deed, filling in your name as the current owner, and your name along with the additional person's name as the people to whom you're deeding your property. Fax Number: 810-648-5461 319 Court Street How do I add someone to my deed? You can get a taxpayer name and address for free by calling the Macomb County Land File Office at 586-469-5313 or the local Assessor's Office in that City or Township. The current owner the person giving away their rights to the property would be the grantor in the quit claim deed. If one person owns a piece of real estate and wants to bring on another owner, this means that the current owner would give up their interest in the property to themselves and the other person. Many reasons might exist that would make you want to add someone to the deed to your house. 200 N. Moore Street, Oceana County Register of Deeds Box 438 Fax Number: 231-533-8317 We use cookies to make wikiHow great. 200 Grand River Avenue Transfer on Death Deed Forms All deed forms offered here: Are available for immediate download Are fill in the blank on your computer Include step by step guide explaining every blank on the form Include completed example of forms for reference Meet state statutory requirements for content Are formatted to meet county requirements for recording Phone Number: 616-527-5320 To add a spouse to a deed, start by reading over your mortgage carefully with your spouse. Midland, MI 48640 Take the deed to your county recorder's office to have it notarized and recorded. Email: We do not have any blank deed forms available in our office. Phone Number: 517-437-2231 In some areas, your spouse also must sign the deed. Email: Spell out ownership percentages only if the parties involved are to share ownership in a split other than 50-50. Phone Number: 517-546-0270 L'Anse, MI 49946