The average annual salary of the Cambridge police department is $55,007. I cover real estate, economics and cost of living. What we like: Dallas is a huge city with plenty of opportunity. Below is a list of the top-10 highest-paying states for police officers: In California, the average salary for police officers is over $37,000 more than the national average, $105,220 vs. $67,600. The 3 highest paying police departments in every N.J. county An average officer made $123K in 2019 when accounting for overtime and outside jobs. The pay for police officers can vary depending on a number of factors, such as location, experience, and education. how much does a police officer earn in the US? The Cambridge police department is one of Massachusettss highest paid police departments. $120,000 to $130,000. A police officer in Washington earns an average salary of $74,170. Average total pay. Susanne Cervenka covers Monmouth County government and property tax issues, winning several state and regional awards for her work. Officers enjoy competitive salaries when compared to other cities on this list as well as opportunities for advancement and specialized units like SWAT, K-nine unit, traffic enforcement team, bicycle patrol unit, community policing teams along with state-of-the art training facilities. Massachusetts is the thirteenth highest-paid police department in the US, with an average compensation of $36.19 per hour and $75,280 per year. $130,000 to $140,000. In this article, we are going to focus on the salaries of different police departments. List of the Highest Paid Police Departments in Pennsylvania #1. Related: Top 15 Highest Paid Police Departments. Unfortunately, Nevada has the highest rate of assault per capita. The salaries within the police departments of Nevada depend on your capabilities and your education level. Primarily the people are associated with the profession of agriculture, and the crime rate is relatively low. No part of this site may be reproduced without our written permission. Below youll find the average annual wage for Police officers in all 50 states based on the latest data, from May 2019, according to the BLS. The pay in Nevada police departments is determined by your abilities and education level. Photo illustrations by Andrea Levy for Advance Local). . The highest-paid region is non-metro areas where an officer is paid $68,810. The Austin Police Department (APD) is the largest municipal police department in Texas and one of the largest in the country. The City of Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States and has a population of over two million residents. The national average annual wage of an police officer is $67,600, according to theBLS, a little over $15,000 more than average annual salary for all occupations, $51,960. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. Van Nguyen, Psychiatrist Total Pay: $238,485 14. With any luck, reading this article has helped you better understand how much the highest paid police departments in Massachusetts make as well as what they can expect to make in the future once the government adopts the raise in their pay scale. Hilltown Township Police Department #8. In this article, we have listed the highest paid police departments in Massachusetts. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary of police officers serving in Alabama State is $46,510. Officers also enjoy the citys low cost of living. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. The average annual salary of the Charlton police department is $52,004. According to BLS, Washington has the lowest number of enforcement officers per capita. However, the statistics reveal that Washington Dc has the highest number of crimes. According to different estimates, police officers in this region are making 47% more than the national annual average of the United States. Eight of the top-ten highest-paid officers cleared $300,000. Read also: Highest Paid Tv Actresses In The World | 2023 (Updated). For first-line. Some police officers might also be interested in finding a department with good benefits, while others might be more concerned about the cost of living in that area. In terms of pay for police department jobs, Massachusetts comes in at number 6 out of all 50 states in the U.S. Police Department jobs in Massachusetts pay an average of $51,078 per year as of August 8, 2022. The City of Austin is the 11th largest city in the United States and has a population of over 950,000 residents. Riley Yates is the lead data reporter for and The Star-Ledger. Deposit, 10 Tips To Build An Automated Money-Making System In 2023. In Mississippi, the lowest-paying state, police officers earn over $31,000 less than the national average wage. Alaska. Compensation and Benefits: Salaries for police officers vary by state and can range from $25,000-$50,000; on average, new police academy recruits earn between $45,000 and $55,000 annually. Mississippi has the lowest police officer salary of $30,822. With an annual compensation of $82,740, Washington is the fourth best-paid police department in the country, almost 26% higher than the national average. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. According to the bureau of labor statistics, the average annual salary of a, Since the cost of living is low, the wages offered to police officers are also common. Departments with higher median incomes also tended to have staff who have worked longer as police officers in New Jersey. Police departments offer various benefits and salary options, along with different types of working environments that suit everyones needs. Contact her at @scervenka; 732-643-4229; This makes $4,440 per month, $1,024 per week, and $2.62 per hour. Related:15 Highest Paid State Employees Washington 2022. 70%. The Best Criminal Justice Schools In California. The department is holding open-houses at police headquarters twice a month. The average annual salary of the Boston police department is $52,250. The average salary for an officer in Illinois is $69,910. That's when prosecutors say Montano was Tased and arrested, while Vasquez-Lasso was rushed to Mt. The City of San Antonio is the seventh largest city in America and has a population over one million residents. However, if you are a qualified veteran who is actively serving in the military or has been discharged, you may add up to four years of service time to your age, but you must not have turned 36 as of the exam date. The Deputy Chief of Police, who earns up to $138,000 a year, is just behind the Chief of Police. It is the 16th state to have the highest-paid police officers. No. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It should be noted, however, that only 16 states have police officer salaries that are higher than the national average. Updated: Mar 3, 2023 / 04:29 AM EST. Washington D.C has the 5th highest-paid cops in the USA, and the officers who are working in the capital of the state can earn up to $72,000. Nation's highest-paid cop is SF chief San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr's annual pay exceeds $300,000 Aug 27, 2012 By Police1 Staff SAN FRANCISCO With annual pay exceeding $300,000, San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr is the highest-paid cop in the nation, according to city payroll records. Officers at the Elgin Metropolitan Police Department are the highest-paid police officers in the state. Average pay:$87,708Number of employees: 48, Average pay:$87,748Number of employees: 102, Average pay:$87,934Number of employees: 39, Average pay:$88,426Number of employees: 50, Average pay:$88,830Number of employees: 29, Average pay:$88,938Number of employees: 20, Average pay:$89,335Number of employees: 430, Average pay:$91,149Number of employees: 31, Average pay:$91,193Number of employees:154, Average pay:$92,020Number of employees: 60, Average pay:$92,636Number of employees: 39, Average pay:$93,109Number of employees: 46, Average pay:$93,112Number of employees: 32, Average pay:$93,329Number of employees: 129, Average pay:$94,437Number of employees: 30, Average pay:$94,576Number of employees: 50, Average pay:$94,996Number of employees: 35, Average pay:$95,243Number of employees: 101, Average pay:$96,317Number of employees: 68, Average pay:$96,804Number of employees: 31, Average pay:$96,911Number of employees: 41, Average pay:$97,544Number of employees: 75, Rochester NY Police Department / Facebook, Average pay:$97,723Number of employees: 711, Average pay:$100,296Number of employees: 49, Average pay:$100,632Number of employees: 723, Average pay:$101,028Number of employees: 29, Average pay:$102,115Number of employees: 38, Average pay: $104,524Number of employees: 62, East Fishkill Police Department / Facebook, Average pay:$107,458Number of employees: 29, Average pay:$138,855Number of employees: 31, Interested in more Upstate government coverage? Because of the hustle, the police officers receive quite a good salary. The Department is dedicated to offering the highest level of expertise in crime prevention, crime investigation, arrest and prosecution of lawbreakers, safe and effective traffic control, and enforcing motor vehicle laws. Deterring crime, putting an end to crimes in the act, conducting investigations into crimes, and acting as first responders in crises and circumstances that endanger public safety are the principal duties of the police department. Its a question that is often asked but not easily answered. 1. That salary is not enough to rent a parking space in San Jose, much less a home. Being a police officer demands integrity, responsibility, knowledge, patience, and more. 3063. A: There are many benefits to becoming a police officer in Texas. What we dont like: The cost of living can be high. Police And Military Phonetic Alphabet Codes Language Of Leos, Can You Become A Police Officer With A Felony ? When a police officer remains in the job for more than 5 years, he gets a steady growth in pay. Nevada has the sixth highest-paid cops in America. But just like any other profession, where you live will determine how much you get paid. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); on Top 15 Highest Paid Police Departments, Therefore, make sure to go through the list until the end to get to know about the pay of the. The San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) is the second largest police department in Texas and employs over 2300 sworn officers. The Worcester police department is one of Massachusettss highest paid police departments. A police officer working in Georgia can earn up to $44,700 in a year. In Connecticut, top-level police officers can earn up to $96,000 per year, while senior-level cops can earn up to $88,000 per year. The law enforcement profession is respected in this region, and people wish to serve their country by choosing this profession. These citys all have competitive salaries when compared to other states in the country along with great opportunities for advancement like specialized units or earning a bachelor degree. Its located close to New York and business hubs. If you are confident that you can meet your expenses in this amount, you should take a step and join the police department in Kentucky to serve your country. On the other hand, compensation includes holiday pay, longevity pay, and uniform allowance. Another benefit of becoming an officer in Texas is that youll have opportunities for advancement with specialized units like SWAT and traffic. The Fort Worth Police Department is a great place to work and offers many benefits to its employees. According to this data, Minnesota ranks 14th among the states with the highest-paid police officers. What we like: Competitive salaries when compared to other cities on this list. If you have the passion, you can choose to become a police in Massachusetts in one of the highest paying departments. You have to be dead honest with your profession and demonstrate integrity throughout your professional career. San Antonio offers great opportunities for career advancement with its many specialized teams, along with state-of-the art training facilities. Officers enjoy competitive salaries when compared to other cities on this list as well as opportunities for advancement and specialized units like SWAT, K-nine unit, traffic enforcement team, and more. What is Vevo? What we like: Fort Worth is the 12th largest city in the United States. Tonawanda (town) Average pay: $87,748 Number of employees: 102 Google StreetView 28. The median salary for a New Jersey police officer this year is $93,000 with a median of 13.6 years in the state's pension system. The department has an annual budget of several millions of dollars and offers many benefits to its employees such as health, dental, vision, life and long-term disability insurance, along with a 401(k) retirement plan. Illinois offers the 7th highest police salary to its police officers. Related:Highest Paid Police Departments | 10 Best States for Police Officers in USA. This makes $3,502 per month, $905 per week and $22.3 per hour. Contact us today well be glad to point you in the right direction! How to Use Popmoney For Transaction in 2023, South Carolina Business Startup Laws at a Glance | 2023, The Best Luxury Picnic Business Plan | 2023. However, Irving can be expensive to live in. According to various statistics, New York is home to the second-largest number of police officers in the country. When it comes to the highest-paid police officers in the United States, New Jersey ranks second. Nevada is ranked tenth in the country in terms of highest-paid police officers. EDITORS NOTE: This story is part of The Pay Check, an in-depth look at every dollar earned by 24,000 law enforcement officers across New Jersey in 2019. New Jersey's highest paying police departments In New Jersey, the average police officer earned a $95,146 salary last year, even excluding overtime, work details and other compensation,. According to estimates, police officers in Oregon earn 18.7% more than the national annual average in the United States. Those in Cook Country area receive even more. The Irving Police Department (IPD) is among the 20 best police department agencies to work for in Texas. Lets look at police officer salary by state. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. $982 a week or $4,256 per month is what this equates to. What we dont like: It can be expensive to live there. The El Paso Police Department (EPPD) is the fifth largest police department in Texas and employs over 900+ sworn officers. See also: 15 Highest-Paid Firefighter Departments | 2023 (Updated). CAMDEN, New Jersey (WPVI) -- Officers from the Camden County Police Department spent Friday afternoon reading books to the students at Thomas H. Dudley Elementary School as part of the annual . This is where all State Police recruit training takes place.Over 90 distinct courses of instruction are offered during the recruits 25-week, live-in academy with mitigated stress. In Plymouth County, they have granted a particular set of police powers to the Abington Police Department. What we dont like: Not the most diverse city in Texas. Reading Police Department #4. 1:18. Therefore, make sure to go through the list until the end to get to know about the pay of the highest paid police departments. What we dont like: Odessa does not offer the diversity that other cities on this list do. According to the bureau of labor statistics, the average annual salary of police officers working in Illinois is $69,910. Given the difficult task that police officers perform, you may have these and other questions. Your email address will not be published. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, police officers earn an average of $29.45 per hour or $61,270 per year. LEO Acronym What Does LEO Mean In Law Enforcement? The number 14th on the list of highest-paid state police in Tennessee is famous for its parks and beautiful mountains. of officers. The average annual salary of the Greenfield Town police department is $50,011. What Was Found In The China Spy Balloon What We Know So Far, Firearm Identification and Forensic Science: The Vital Connection, What Is A Victims Advocate & Job Opportunities in Victim Advocacy. Odessa is a safe city to live and work in and offers its officers a good quality of life. Police officers can increase their income by advancing to detective or chief positions within the force. The police officers in Allegheny County who face the highest crime and poverty rates in their communities are also typically the lowest paid, the Post-Gazette found. What we dont like: Traffic can be a nightmare. Below is a list of the 60 largest agencies. The salary is relatively low, but it is pretty good as compared to the salaries of other professions, so if you are living in Georgia and you want to become a police officer, so dont get disheartened because the agency might be paying you more as you move to higher ranks within any police department of Georgia. A: The cost of living in Texas varies depending on the city you live in. Which state has the highest-paid police officer? The average hourly wage in Washington is $38.78. $110,000 to $120,000. Minnesota has a total of 8,947 police officers. Owing to the great importance of law enforcement officers, different agencies are paying high wages to attract new talent in their agencies. Miami-Dade, the police department also known as Dade County Sheriff's Office formed in 1836 to provide essential police services in the unincorporated area of Miami . El Paso County is one of the most diverse counties in America and offers great career opportunities for those who love diversity. Most police officers are required to graduate from the police academy and have earned criminal justice degrees. As a result of its proximity to New York, business activity is high at all times. California lies on the first number in the list of police salaries by state. 0:00. The officers working in Henderson, Paradise, and Las Vegas are receiving much more salaries. California is ranked top on the list of states with the highest-paid police officers. The police pay scale has been a contentious issue for a long time. For example, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the states with the highest median annual salaries for police officers in 2022 Again, these figures are from 2022 and may not reflect current pay rates for police officers in these states. This makes $3,541 per month, $915 per week and $22.48 per hour. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary of, The bureau of labor statistics reveals that the average annual salary of, According to the bureau of labor statistics, the average annual salary of a police officer serving in. All agencies. This is a BETA experience. Additional resources. $130,000 to $140,000. That data shows Michigan has roughly 17,000 full-time uniformed police officers who work for more than 600 state, county and local departments. Some people might prefer to work in a smaller town while others may want the excitement of working in a large city. Depending on the state, however, the average salary of a police officer can vary significantly. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, police officers in New Jersey earn an average yearly pay of $90,700, with an hourly wage of $43.61. . August 23, 2022 by victory Leave a Comment. 2023 All Rights Reserved. The major police force in Harwich City is the Harwich Police Department. This makes $4,040 per month, $932 per week, and $23.31 per hour. Amid the havoc wrought by the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the jobs of first responders like paramedics, emergency medical technicians, firefighters and police officers have become more vital than ever. The average annual salary of the Springfield police department is $49,283. Crime analysis, training, the records bureau, licensing, and the Departments off-duty assignments are all under the administrative divisions control at the Worcester Police Department. $140,000 and up. However, life in California is not cheap, and the police must spend a significant amount of money to maintain their quality of living. The Lynn police department is one of Massachusetts's highest paid police departments. Different surveys reveal that there are approximately 700,000 law enforcement officers working in the state, including detectives. 10 Best Cryptocurrency Exchange Company in Nigeria | 2023 Updates, New York Islanders 15 Highest Paid Player | 2022, 15 Highest Paid Surgeons in California| 2022, Best Banks in Pennsylvania PA in 2023 | Rates, Account Types, Min. Officers across the state make an average of $77,230. Suffolk and Nassaus counties are paying the highest wages to the police officers, and those working in these regions make up to $97,910. A police officer in Washington earns an average salary of $74,170. Forces in metro areas like Alexandria, Washington, and Arlington earn an average of $68,000. Read more: Highest Paid College Basketball Coaches | Salaries and Their Networth. Detective Ryan Raker was arrested on February 28, 2023, by the Kentucky State Police on a warrant issued by the Estill County Sheriff's Office and charged with Criminal Abuse 2nd Degree - Child 12 or under. He has spent most of his career covering criminal justice. With a marginal difference of about 10 percent, the states average yearly salary is still higher than the national average. Top 10 police Officer Earnings Breakdown By State #1 California $80,200 #2 Alaska $87,870 #3New Jersey $86.840 #4 WASHINGTON $80,200 #5 Hawaii $78,720 #6 Illinois $78,350 #7 New YOrk $77,490 #8 Colorado $75,720 Delaware $73,740 #10 Nevada $73,660 States With The Highest Salaries For Police Officer With many different cultures around the country moving to Texas every day, its important police departments are able to provide equal opportunities for people regardless of their background or ethnicity. Most police officers make average or above-average income in the United States. Hotbed:Organized crime has a long history at the Jersey Shore, NJ teacher pay: People who educate your kids make wildly different amounts town to town, Six figure :At least 43 NJ mayors make more than $100K from taxpayers. Get A Criminal Justice Job Faster And Easier. Percentage. 12501. The nation's highest paid police departments are usually one of these three agencies: Suffolk County (NY) Police Department Nassau County (NY) Police Department Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Police Department What are the largest law enforcement agencies in the US? The Quincy Police Department aims to forge an active collaboration with the citys residents to meet the neighborhoods requirements best and improve the quality of life for Quincy residents. Still, in return, you will be rewarded with much respect by the countrymen. We only included departments with 20 or more police employees.The averagesdo not account forpension contributions, health insurance, and other fringe benefits. Officers also enjoy state-of-the art training facilities, along with a Police Academy that is one of the best in the country. Seattle Police responded to a man throwing rocks at an occupied car in the Wallingford neighborhood late Tuesday afternoon. Departments. This makes $4,108 per month, $948 per week and $23.71 per hour. According to the bureau of labor statistics, the average annual salary of police officers in Oregon State is $65,890. The Houston Police Department (HPD) is the fourth largest police department in the country and employs over tons sworn officers. Department heads and managers make up the top-paid employees, which also includes information technology workers, civil and traffic engineers. Officers at a starting level earn $45,370 while junior-level police earn $59,050 per year. 10 Best Ways To Make Money From Dogs In 2023, Minergate Reviews 2023: Is It Legit Service Or A Cloud Mining Scam, How To Cash A Cashiers Check Online In Less Time | 2023 Update, 15 Highest Paid Surgical Technologist 2023 | Best State, How to Get Free Money on Cash App with these Easy Steps, 50 Best Mother Teresa Quotes On Giving | 2023, 30 Best ECommerce Business In India For 2023, 10 Best Places To Sell Disney VHS Tapes in 2023, Facet Wealth Reviews 2023: Legit or Scam | Benefits | Pros & Cons, Best Banks In Utah In 2023 | Rates, Account Types, Min. Plano is a prosperous city with a low crime rate, and the PPD is proud to be part of it. These questions are important to ask yourself when looking for the right police department. There are approximately 6942 police officers in Oregon. This depends on the level of education, skills, and number of years in the profession. In addition, the cost of living in Dallas can be expensive, but the average salary offered by DPD is relatively solid. The average salary of officers who work in the states capital is $72,000. Since the cost of living is low, the wages offered to police officers are also common. Officers also enjoy a competitive salary when compared to other departments on this list, although the cost of living in San Antonio is relatively high. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Table of Contents Show What are Packaged Foods?Are Packaged Food Jobs Physically Demanding?What are the Important Skills Needed, Table of Contents Show Who is a property-Casualty Insurer?How Does Property-Casualty Insurer Work?What are the Property and Casualty, Table of Contents Show 14 Best Companies in US Transportation FieldConclusionFrequently Asked Questions on What Companies are in, Table of Contents Show How To Get The Best Jobs in NashvilleDo Best Jobs in Nashville Pay Well?Are, Table of Contents Show Do Jobs in Florida Pay Well?Where Are The Best Jobs in Florida?Best Jobs in, Table of Contents Show Who is a Janitor?What is the workplace of a Janitor like?Janitor ResponsibilitiesEducation, Training &, Top 17 Highest Paid Police Departments 2023 in USA. Average total pay. The highest salary is said to be given to police officers in Gaithersburg and Annapolis. This list was created based on metrics such as the cost of living, diversity, quality of life and overall well-being of the city. The average annual salary of the Somerville police department is $49,306. The average annual salary of the Quincy police department is $50,625. After graduating from Cadets, the starting salary of an officer is $57,708. The average hourly wage in Hawaii is $39.17. According to the bureau of labor statistics, the average annual salary of a police officer serving in North Carolina is $47,340. They attempt to collaborate with the community to reduce crime and public fear of it and assure public safety. Want to host Outside The Badge at your event or conference? The Irving Police Department is a nationally accredited law enforcement agency that employs over 400+ sworn and civilian personnel. According to BLS data, a police officer in Oregon earns $65,890. The same is the case with police departments, the best-paid police departments are in areas where the cost of living is more, and the officers are paid more so that they can maintain their living standards. (Shutterstock photography. A top-level police officer can earn as high as $96,000 while a senior-level police officer earns $80,920. The figure is approximately 52 % higher than that of the national average. The 11th number on the state with the highest-paid police in North Carolina is known for its education, technology, and employment opportunities. Here the officer of the law earns $69, 440. The City of Plano is the ninth largest city in the state of Texas and boasts a population of over 278,000 residents. Georgia is on the last number in the list of highest-paid police in us. The City of McAllen has a population over 140,000+ residents and is located in the Rio Grande Valley region of Texas. 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