You can find Joseph's work at GamesRadar, Digital Trends, Inverse, and PLAY Magazine. In essence this will tell you what kind of animation your weapon will have when used. The higher this number, the more damage you can withstand from a single blow. For example, with the Meat Cleaver above, it features a total damage output of 433 based on Physical Attack, Magical Attack, and the scaling. First, we know the breakpoint of one very popular weapon, claymore. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. Do note that is in effect, and it is intentional. Demon's Souls for PlayStation 3 Weapons Fold Weapon Type Special Weapons Shields Weapon Upgrade Weapon Move Sets Enchant Weapon Weapon Damage Calculator A brief guide to reading weapon attributes 1. A total of 18 weapon categories exist in-game, further split into 78 individual weapons (80 in the remake) with their own stats and attributes. Some smaller light weapons also deal more damage from parry counters or backstabs. A weapon can have a rank in order of greatest to least of S, A, B, C, D, or E in any, all, or none of these attributes. For Special Effects, this section will let you know if your weapon deals Bleeding, Poison, Plague, or Critical Strike (from left to right). Some weapons wont have a Special Effect, but others like the Mercury Dagger above, for example, have a Poison stat bonus - which in this example is the 360 you can see listed - which stacks with the Physical Attack stat, as well. This offensive boost seems to apply to almost all forms of dealing damage, including sorceries, pyromancies, miracles, special attacks and abilities and even bows. Pro account upgrade has expired for this site and the site is now locked. To the right of this is the Item Burden section, which tells you the weight of everything youre carrying out of the total capacity youre able to carry. What we're about to cover will hopefully prepare you for the battle ahead and make sure you understand the numbers behind axe or sword so you can make the best use of them. Weapon AR & Scaling Calculator. By Posted browning 725 pro sporting canada In tennis necklace swarovski To give the Wo Long Shitieshou something to eat, go into your inventory and select a weapon, armour, or another piece of equipment you don't . Not recommended to increase Luck for that purpose, however. After obtaining both Swords,. All Equations are based on the Host Player. casting Soul Ray (with equipment) with 375 damage is S, Subtract B from S to obtain D The Black Eye Stone calculation is accurate for the original, but for anyone who still doesn't know, the remake widened the range to be:Lower Limit = X - (12 + 0.1x) , Upper Limit = X - (2 + 0.1x)The upper limit is increased in order to allow more matchmaking, and so that people can invade others who are the same level or lower instead of just higher level individuals (fighting someone in human form whilst you are in soul form AND lower level seems to be a little too unbalanced especially if they summon others)The Old Monk, I am uncertain about because I feel as though I have invaded players more than 10 levels lower than me, but it could just be due to them having a terrible build. Players can imput the host level into the calculator to determine the range of levels of players who can enter the host's game. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I did a search for before making this thread as it is my first post. The bonus damage your weapon receives from your statistics. It displays attack rating as a whole, and the individual effects of each damage type, physical, magic, and fire. This is much easier to read than trying to add up each of the weapons stats individually. Some weapons can deal multiple damage types. Besides normal use and abuse, there are places your equipment can be degraded dramatically, such as the acid spew from the Giant Man Centipede in the Latria swamps. Fire damage is only very rarely boosted by Stat Bonuses. Different enemies are strong or weak to the various damage types. Besides normal use and abuse, there are places your equipment can be degraded dramatically, such as the acid spew from the Giant Man Centipede in the Latria swamps. how to equip shoes in 2k22 myteam / bombas distribution center / demon's souls weapon damage calculator. Blocking an attack essentially trades the HP damage for Stamina, so the highest guard break reduction you can get is good not just for withstanding more hits, but also because it more efficiently dissipates the damage (less stamina depleted per damage absorbed). Most important for characters with low Endurance scores, some weapons or pieces of gear are exceptionally heavy, and may impede your movement speed. Catalysts / Talismans Next is Physical Attack damage and this is something youll want to always be aware of because its one of the most important factors that determine your weapons overall effectiveness. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. So, as an example, either a Thief or a Priest could wield the large-sword-of-moonlight and perform attacks exactly the same way, but the Priest will expect do significantly higher damage because the weapon Stat Bonuses indicate a strong bonus from the Faith attribute where the Priest should excel. Note: Incorrect bleed inflict values for some Sharp upgrade weapons. Each prick of this weapon, regardless of how much damage it deals, replenishes 20 mana. The calculator will be more accurate with more data. Req: 9/18/0/24 The first number to the right of Physical Attack is its base damage and the number to the right of that represents any bonuses you might have from your characters stats. We're going to explain all that here, and the ins and outs of how weapons work, how to understand their stats, and how it ties to character progression. So, for example, an S-rank Crushing weapon with base damage of 131 at Strength of 99 should gives you at least (1.4 * 131 * 99/99) = 183 bonus damage from Strength, and will scale with the Str bonus gained from two-handing the weapon (actual game data example in this case is a Crushing Guillotine Axe +5: Physical Attack 131, bonus 186 with Str 99). In the example shown above, the "+2" is the small damage bonus for that character using that weapon. See pages that link to and include this page. Physical attack power 4. If you do not meet the requirements for weapons, the only penalty is reflected in a negative damage bonus as you will see reflected in the numbers shown above. Axe [F]aith EWGF (Topic Creator) 12 years ago #4. The weapon is fast, lightweight, and excels at counter-attacks and follow-ups. Example: If you have 10 STR and two-hand a melee weapon, this puts you at 10*1.5 = 15STR. Currently have Blessed Mace+1, Morning Star+1 and Great club in my inventory. This formula is hardly near the mark and still needs work. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Theres an entire formula that determines how much of a damage boost you get from each letter, but for the purposes of simplicity, all you need to know is that your weapons effectiveness is enhanced based on your characters stats - and the amount of enhancement is dictated by the letter that corresponds to that stat. The second number after a "+\-" is the bonus damage it is gaining from your statistics (see 6: Stat Bonuses). Some weapons deal inherent Magical damage. The number given for each respective weapon shows how much damage is done over 60 seconds. From left to right Normal, Blunt, Slashing, Piercing. Joseph loves Nintendo and horror games. Fire Attack Power 6. In the case of some weapons with high Stat Bonuses, they may actually be weaker than a weapon with high base damage attributes and low or no Stat Bonuses until your statistics reach a higher level. A weapon that features scaling will have at least one letter next to one of these symbols, which represents its rank. Looking for somebody to summon me in order to get the achievement as doesn't seem to happen naturally. This damage is added on to the base damage of the weapon as shown in 3, 4, and 5 on the screen to the right. Oh no! Message me on psn - damethodman, Hi Looking to be invaded by someone whose SL is between 63 and 81 so that I can get Pure white character tendency for the ring, willing to help in return somehow! If so, my ID is JAVIER-BERJAN, Need help pls Im lvl 78 and the my gamer tag is rancy3333, Need help with Return to form PSN Biggie_KVs, Hi all, willing to help with Return to Form, I also need it, I'm lvl 140 can you help me with one trophie? You can find the link in the Weapons page. All rights reserved. After the soft cap, increasing stats is less effective and generally only recommended for high Soul Level builds. Weapons with high Stat Bonus ranks scale well with high stats. I didn't see it for Special Unique Weapons I.E. This file is in MS Excel 2007 format. Some weapons can deal multiple damage types. Northern Regalia. If a weapon does NOT already deal Fire or Magic damage, you can enhance it with Sticky White Stuff or one of the weapon enchantment spells to give it a powerful temporary Magic damage boost (only works on enchantable weapons). The higher the rank is, the greater the bonus it derives from that stat. Armor Optimizer. Any enemy with a simple sword, bow, axe, or spear won't be able to do much against a block. ), (Endurance also increases your resistances. All can be repaired by Blacksmith Boldwin in The Nexus or by Blacksmith Ed in Stonefang Tunnel, and any hand-held item can be repaired in the field using the "Ed's Grindstone" consumable item. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. Boosts damage by 50% when user has less than 20% health. The Demon's Souls weapon attack calculator has been terminated by Yahoo. This section contains damage formulas based for base weapons, based on single and multiple ParamAdjustments. Most weapons are greatly inferior to shields for this purpose. For now, however, just know that your characters stats can impact the effectiveness of your weapon. STR has an impact on weapons that scale using strength as a modifier, especially while two-handing a weapon, it increases your STR bonus by 1.5 which both increases weapon bonus damage, and attack power. View and manage file attachments for this page. There trial and error is all fine and dandy but it would be super cool to be able to properly plan a build's damage potential without having to get the weapon multiple times to compare numbers. The Great Club requires a lot of Strength to wield but has some fantastic scaling. Keep in mind the bonus can be negative if your stats are low. Weapon matchmaking calculator - this and weapon matchmaking. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. The best starting classes for optimized builds are Temple Knight for melee and Royalty for spellcasters. For example, '360 Bleed' of Magic Sword "Makoto", if victim bleeds (heart beat sound), will deplete 6 dmg/sec for 60 sec. [B]ase damage Critical Strike deal a highly damaging blow to backstabs and ripostes. Req: 26/0/0/16 S = Super modified awesome damage (magic increase equipped) However, this damage penalty is quite high, and you may find that being even 1 point short in an attribute results in such a severe penalty that almost any other weapon is a better choice. Click here to edit contents of this page. Append content without editing the whole page source. I'm at lvl 103. Reported damage at max stats: 90 + 306 / 90 + 98 / 0, Istarelle +5 I cant find anyone online for the invasion trophy. Guard break reduction and special properties is unaffected by durability. Try to get Physical damage as close to 100% as possible, at least at the start of the game.