Thanks! The action has some design similarities to Mauser designs and it is a development of the earlier Winchester Model 54. For this operation, Carlos selected a .30-06 Winchester Model 70 mounting a Lyman 8X telescope that McAbee had fine-tuned. He did however adapt according to the conditions and once even used the M2 Browning machine gun! These rifles are not considered suitable for use as sniper rifles. During his second combat tour in South Vietnam Hathcock braved a wall of flaming fuel to save seven fellow Marines from a burning AMTRAC, suffering severe burns himself during the rescue. My Hathcock tribute is based on what he considered the "ideal" rifle as discussed in his authorized biography, "White Feather". Hathcock was one of several individuals to utilize the M2 Browning machine gun in the sniping role. sniper kill. Wow. Receiver is engraved with likeness of Carlos Hathcock's signature, along with the White Feather logo. The Army's most accomplished Vietnam War sniper, Sgt. It was in this way the Winchester model 70 found its way into unauthorized sniper duty during the WWII, primarily in the Pacific Theater. The left side of the barrel has the standard Winchester legend and trademark followed by: "MODEL 70-30-06 SPRG.-". Who has the most kills in the Vietnam War? You can Cerakote the stainless barrela good artist can pretty much replicate any finish. Hathcock's record and the extraordinary details of the missions he undertook made him a legend in the U.S. Marine Corps. With this rifle, Carlos describes killing 7 more Viet Cong soldiers and shared the 8th VC with McAbee. The Winchester Model 70 is a bolt-action, sporting rifle that can be used for hunting or shooting. Hathcock passed away in 1999 at the age of 57. Thus, the Model 70 remained in the militarys inventory, albeit as a match rifle, until the escalation of the war in Vietnam, which resulted in a renewed emphasis on accurate sniper rifles. What should the discerning collector look for in a potential buy? Although never adopted for combat use by the U.S. military, some Model 70 rifles were used as sniping rifles during World War II, Korea and Vietnam.Soon after Pearl Harbor, two members of the U.S. Marine Corps Equipment Board, Capt. for his record shot. Winchester Model 70 It was long thought that Hathcock, armed with his Winchester Model 70 . who placed a bounty on him during the Vietnam War ) used primarily a Pre-64 Winchester M. [3], During the Vietnam War, Hathcock had 93 confirmed kills of People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) and Viet Cong personnel. Before 1.02, the M70 Tundra was named the Winchester Model 70. But I never did enjoy killing anybody. Born in 1942, Hathcock enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps on May 20, 1959the very day he turned 17. Land, Jr., who served in the . You must log in or register to reply here. This is an excellent example of a Winchester Model 70 rifle in Vietnam Marine sniper configuration with scarce and very desirable WWII Unertl "U.S.MC.-SNIPER" telescopic sight and correct anodized aluminum target mounts. Sgt. A sniper from the 1st Cavalry Division is shown in March 1951 with an M1D Garand, complete with an M81 or M82 riflescope in a Griffin & Howe mount. It has an iconic place in American sporting culture and has been held in high regard by shooters since it was introduced in 1936, earning the moniker "The Rifleman's Rifle". One of the perennially popular Winchester firearms of the 20th century is the Model 70 bolt-action rifle. It was the performance of these Snipers in Vietnam that secured the sniper concept as a permanent fixture in the United States military. 2023 Rock Island Auction Company. 30-06 caliber rifle equipped with an 8-power Unertl scope, was the deadliest sniper in Marine Corps history, but that title belongs to Mawhinney. A marksman model 70 still in active use with the PA National Guard. [32], Hathcock provided sniper instruction to police departments and select military units, such as SEAL Team Six. There are no internal adjustments to zero these old style Unertls. I told a gunny, 'Bring [him] back here.' [10] When Hathcock saw a glint (light reflecting off the enemy sniper's scope) in the bushes, he fired at it, shooting through the scope and killing the sniper. Hathcock was soon a member of the USMC rifle team, and in 1965 he won the Wimbledon Cup, a 1000-yard individual match fired at the National Matches in Camp Perry, Ohio. Chief Warrant Officer The Winchester Model 70 is a bolt action sporting rifle. The rifle was already being used by Marines snipers in Vietnam. Most of the Model 70 sniper rifles issued by the Marines to snipers in the early stage of the Vietnam War were pre-war or early WWII production Model 70 .30-06 Standard Rifles purchased during WWII. Carlos held the record for the longest kill for 35 years. Its almost like comparing your 1980s television to todays HD plasma flat screen, or VHS to Blue-ray. I have a 53 heavy barreled action that needs the same treatment. The Model 70 was largely based on the Model 54, and is today still highly regarded by shooters and is often called "The Rifleman's Rifle.". To this end, Winchester sent a letter to the U.S. Marine Corps Quartermaster on July 20, 1942, indicating it had 1,944 Model 70 .30 Government 06 Rifles on hand, which we can offer you subject to prior sale., Most of these rifles had 24" barrels, but there were 105 with 20" barrels. This rifle came to us as a standard sporter rifle, with a Douglas barrel blank. He did win the Wimbledon Cup with it after all. [22] As the general exited his encampment, Hathcock fired a single shot that struck the general in the chest, killing him. Hathcock himself estimated that he had killed between 300 and 400 enemy personnel during the Vietnam War. This listing is for a preowned Winchester 70 bolt action rifle chambered in 300 Win Mag with a 3+1 capacity and a 26" barrel in . On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. In 1967 Gunny Carlos Hathcock set the record for the longest. While most early model 70 sniper rifles were standard rifles, modified by the Marines for sniper use, this would not be the case for subsequent Winchester rifles coming into US military service. Customer experience was, and still is, the primary focus, a key to the firms longevity and success. The anodized aluminum Unertl target mounts have a blue-brown patina that is typical of these WWII production mounts. He went on about five [operations] one time before I could get a fix on him. This is the rifle that Gy. Great project. Interestingly, Hathcock won that prestigious trophy with a Winchester Model 70. Carlos Hathcock, the most celebrated US sniper in history, preferred the model 70 over a host of other rifles at his disposal, using it extensively in combat during the Vietnam war, and in Wimbledon matches at Camp Perry in the years that followed. The late Marine sniper set the record in 1967 with a M-2 .50 caliber Browning machine gun.. [20] During a volunteer mission days before the end of his first deployment, he crawled over 1,500 yards of field to shoot a PAVN general.[who? While the causes and conduct of that war remain a subject of great debate, an interesting aspect of the conflict is the use of the Winchester Model 70 as a precision rifle by the US forces, especially by the US Marine Corps snipers. The metal was reblued as required. First rate article outlining the service of the Model 70. Land told Hathcock to "put another round in her." Hathcock fired again and her body convulsed. My Hathcock tribute. Staff Sergeant Hathcock was riding on an Assault Amphibious Vehicle which ran over and detonated an enemy anti-tank mine, disabling the vehicle which was immediately engulfed in flames. Support Veteran Journalism , Editors note: Carlos Hathcock Born this day, May 20, 1942. ][21][22] He was not informed of the details of the mission until he accepted it. Estimated Price: $ 15,000 - $ 25,000 Price Realized: Details Outstanding, Rare and Well Documented Winchester Model 70 U.S.M.C. Using this rifle, we shot at increments of 100 yards, all the way out to 1,000 to test our modern-day sniper skills. He copied Hemingway's words on a piece of paper. Hathcock's career as a sniper has been used as a basis for a variety of fictional snipers, from the "shooting through the scope incident" to the number of kills he made. My Navy Long Range Rifle (that I used at the Interservice Championship Long Range Match to win the 720 pictured above) started life as a Model 721 .300 H&H. It was built up by Crane in .300 Win Mag. Awesome to hear/see when someone has their shit together. If you decide that you wanted an original Unertl, they are out there and available. The reward was never collected. You can pick up a replica of the Unertl Scope online for an MSRP of around $550.00. Douglas still produces the same barrel they supplied to the Marines in the early 1940s, which makes easy work of getting one key aspect of this build exactlyright. The Model 70s began to be replaced by Remington Model 700 rifles, which were later standardized by the Marine Corps as the M40. The Model 70s suitability as a sniping rifle during the Vietnam War should be unquestioned, as the most famous and revered sniper of the war, Carlos Hathcock, used the rifle with remarkable effectiveness. I did all the other work. As noted BuffaloWinter's rifle is mostly what Gunny Hathcock wanted in a rifle. I had a chance to take a trip back in time recently and shot the Winchester Model 70 .30-06 using an 8-powerUnertl scope, the same set up that the famous Carlos Hathcock used while he was in Vietnam. A Lyman micrometer sight base is mounted on the left side of the receiver. This one is mine. One of the distant places where Americas commitment would come to be tested was in South Vietnam. Barrett products are used by civilians, sport shooters, law enforcement agencies, the United States military, and more than 75 State Department-approved countries around the world. To avoid contributing to the prolific problem of counterfeit rare model 70s,we decline to build replica model 70s of any kind. Nearly 30 years later, he received a Silver Star for this action. A handful of the original USMC model 70 riflessurvive to this day, and 76 years later hold enormous collector interest. Hathcock eventually picked up the hobby of shark fishing, which helped him to overcome his depression. Stretching it past 500 and reaching out to 1000, put all of us in a humbling state of mind. Decorations. After ensuring his escape route was in place, he took his shot. Clapp is, of course, an American Rifleman field editor today.To subscribe to the magazine,visit theNRA membership page here and selectAmerican Rifleman as your member magazine. "[20] Hathcock said in a book written about his career as a sniper: "I like shooting, and I love hunting. FOLLO .more .more 2.6K Dislike Share Indian Gunner 26.3K subscribers. the best known U.S. Marine Corps snipers who used the Winchester Model 70 during the Vietnam War was Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock, who used a Winchester Model 70 sniper rifle chambered in .30-06. [23][22] He missed the Marine Corps, however, and returned to Vietnam in 1969, where he took command of a platoon of snipers.[10]. The Model 70 was largely based on theModel 54, and is today still highly regarded by shooters and is often called The Riflemans Rifle. The sniper system shoots theM72 match ammunition loaded with 173-grain boat-tailed bullets (.30-06). The report concluded that the best rifle/scope combination for use by U.S. Marine snipers was the Winchester Model 70 topped with an 8X target scope made by the Unertl Co. Click here for more information. It was supplied with a Redfield 3x9 mounted with Redfield base/rings. Hathcock dreamed of being a Marine throughout his childhood, and so on May 20, 1959, at the age of 17, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Considered a real one but again even a cheap ($450.00) modern scope I feel is better than an original 60's era scope. On 10 July 1969, Carlos Hathcock and Ron McAbee were providing security for convoys along Western Route 4. These later rifles only added to the popularity of the model 70 among US snipers. The group started running towards Hathcock and Land. Officially, Carlos Hathcock had 93 confirmed kills. Marines like Carlos Hathcock proved the rifle was quite accurate and very effective. 50,690. STOCK: Walnut FINISH: Blued barrel and action, oil-finished stock LENGTH OF PULL: 13.8 in. But it's a total rebuild. Which honestly looking at the barrels, I think he was probably likely telling the truth. Model 70 sniper rifles were used by US Marine snipers continuously from WWII, through the Vietnam War. Read today's "The Armed Citizen" entry for real stories of law-abiding citizens, past and present, who used their firearms to save lives. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. *A USMC sniper uses his Unertl scope to search for enemy snipers in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam, circa 1967. It was the Marines who pressed the Winchester Model 70 into service as a sniper rifle in Vietnam. As part of his legacy, the gun was donated to the National Museum of the . Lots of posts I haven't come back to as of late. . Those rifles were in the Winchester Marksman stocks with their wide forends and deep grips. Not only were we pleased to help supply them with the correct part, but we were more pleased to see this aging model 70 remain in active service, rather than face an inglorious ending as scrap metal. The fact that the guys using this rifle shot at distances exceeding 800 yards (1000+) on human sized targets, is a great accomplishment in itself. Hathcock generally used the standard sniper rifle: the Winchester Model 70.30-06 caliber rifle with the standard 8-power Unertl scope. [24][25][26][27][self-published source], After this mission, Hathcock returned to the United States in 1967. The WWII U.S.M.C. The only problem was the fact that this scope reticle did not have something that all snipers use with modern-day sniper scopes, Mil Dots. The 1047 rifles, U.S., caliber .30, M1903, Snipers Equipment on hand at this Depot are believed to be superior to the subject rifle both in accuracy and durability .. The rifle retains nearly 95% of the original blue finish with very minor handling wear. Unertl 8X telescopic sight has a charcoal blue finish and is fitted with anodized aluminum Unertl target mounts on Winchester bases. You just need the time to figure out a firing solution with the changes you make. Composite stock of course. As I remember from reading Henderson's book many moons ago, GySgt Hathcock deployed to VietNam in the '66-69 time frame. Hathcock was soon a member of the USMC rifle team, and in 1965 he won the Wimbledon Cup, a 1000-yard individual match fired at the National Matches in Camp Perry, Ohio. He sold quite a few, and claims they came from a USMC armorer. George H. Hurt of the 3rd Marine Divisions newly formed sniper school at Da Nang, Vietnam, checked the 8X Unertl scope mounted on a Winchester Model 70. [16], Hathcock stated in interviews that he killed a female Viet Cong platoon leader called "the Apache woman," with a reputation for torturing captive U.S. Marines, around the firebase at Hill 55. Carlos N. Hathcock II, who won the Wimbledon. In 1961, President John F. Kennedy drew a clear line in the sand in his inaugural address. While the war in Vietnam ushered in a number of new technologies, particularly the widespread use of helicopters and night vision equipment, much of the equipment had been tried and tested on the battlefields of earlier wars. Carlos Hathcock (D. Kevin Elliott) The sun lay low in the Vietnamese sky. On some occasions, however, he used a different weapon: the Browning M2 machine gun, on which he mounted a 10X Unertl scope, using a bracket of his own design. It might be possible it's real as it came from a Marine officer who served back then, but I don't know how you could ever prove/authenticate one unless you had a document with the serial number on it. Not what he was able to get the Marine Corps to adopt. Pre-'64 Winchester Model 70 Specs MANUFACTURER: Winchester Repeating Arms TYPE: Bolt-action repeater CALIBER: .270 Winchester MAGAZINE CAPACITY: 5 rounds BARREL: 24 in. Answer (1 of 3): If my reading comprehension is still intact; going by memory I seem to recall reading that Marine sniper Carlos Hathcock ( I.E. It was this . In the early 1940s, says a Marine Corps spokesman, we were advised that a Unertl 8X scope on the Winchester Model 70 was the best sniping combination, but the 03 was available in quantity, so we used it.The Model 70 rifles sent to Vietnam for use as sniping arms were from the stocks originally procured for Marine Corps match use, chiefly from George Van Orden. This recommendation made its way up the chain of command. At the direction of Van Orden, USMC armorers began modifying some of thesporter weight rifles, fitting them with heavy Douglas target barrels and Unertl 8X scopes. In November 1965, USMC Gy/Sgt. But I guess I was wrong. FollowingWWII, popularity of the model 70 with Marine Corps snipers grew, eventually drawing the attention of other snipers from other branches of the military as well. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING VETERAN JOURNALISM - JOIN SOFREP+ Carlos Hathcock usually used a Winchester Model 70 in .30 .06. Probably overthinking this but I like to use the "stops" at each end of the power range in this application. [47] Hathcock carried a Colt M1911A1 pistol as a sidearm.[17]. I was quickly brought back to reality when shooting this system. But on several occasions, he turned to the M2 .50-caliber machine gun for longer . Hathcock's first round disabled the bicycle, the second struck the enemy soldier in the chest. Are you at 6 or are you at 5.75 or 6.25? It was advertised as missing parts. A native of Little Rock, Arkansas, Gunnery Sergeant Carlos N. Hathcock II joined the Corps in 1959 at age 17. Nice! By his courage, aggressive leadership, and total devotion to duty in the face of extreme personal danger, Staff Sergeant Hathcock reflected great credit upon himself and the Marine Corps and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.[29]. USMC Sniper Rifles: Hands On History. Carlos Norman Hathcock II (20 May 1942 - 23 February 23 1999) was a United States Marine Corps sniper with a service record of 93 confirmed kills. In 1967, Hathcock set the record for the longest sniper kill. Snipers often did not have a third party present, making confirmation difficult, especially if the target was behind enemy lines, as was usually the case. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The second lot of rifles used by Land and his teams in Vietnam were also Winchester Model 70 target guns in .30-06 Sprg. Praesidus brings homage to the military watch tradition. Because the M25 is a big, heavy rifle, I wanted to keep scope size and weight to a minimum while still being able to maximize the .308 round. During his entire career as a sniper, Carlos Hathcock used a U. S. Marines version of a Unertl precision riflescope. Adopting the Winchester Model 70 as the ideal Marine sniper rifle was a concept that had been floated by the Corps tactical marksmanship experts as far back as the early 1940s. The sniper system shoots the M72 match ammunition loaded with 173-grain boat-tailed bullets (.30-06). The sniper, known only as the "Cobra," had already killed several Marines and was believed to have been sent specifically to kill Hathcock. When I first saw the pic I assumed it was a short action. The bolt body is polished bright and electro-penciled with the rifle serial number "48213". The Winchester Model 70 represented perhaps the epitome of the bolt-action sporting rifle. From an early age, he was fond of firearms. Hathcock died on February 22, 1999, in Virginia Beach, Virginia, aged 56, from complications resulting from multiple sclerosis. By the end of his first deployment Hathcock's life was worth $30,000 to the North Vietnamese . Confrontations with North Vietnamese snipers, National Shooting Program/ NRA National Trophies/Wimbledon Cup, Navy and Marine Corps Presidential Unit Citation, Marine Corps Rifle Expert Marksmanship Badge, Marine Corps Pistol Expert Marksmanship Badge, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, List of historically notable United States Marines, "Marine Corps Sets Sights on More Precise Shooting", "The Story of Legendary Sniper Carlos Hathcock", "Etica ed estetica del cecchino nella narrativa di Nicolai Lilin", "Carlos Hathcock: Famous Marine Corps Sniper", "Ultimate Marine (Hathcock vs Mawhinney)", "Valor Awards for Carlos N. Hathcock, II", "A Quiet Man Uniquely Qualified To Stalk And Kill", "Marine Corps Distinguished Shooters Association Board of Governors", "2015 Marine Corps League Enlisted Awards Announcement", "Review: Springfield Armory's M-25 Whitefeather", "Range complex named after famous Vietnam sniper", Longest confirmed combat sniper-shot kill,, United States Marine Corps personnel of the Vietnam War, Military personnel from Little Rock, Arkansas, United States Marine Corps non-commissioned officers, Articles with dead external links from November 2016, Articles with permanently dead external links, All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from February 2019, Articles with failed verification from February 2019, Articles with self-published sources from December 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Hathcock's duel with Cobra was mentioned in the History Channel, This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 18:11. It is a Model 70 National Match version made before 1940. The checkered panels are sharp; wear is limited to scattered visible sling hardware marks near the buttplate and upper sling swivel. Yeah it was, it was missing the an action screw and one that held on the trigger guard. As events transpired, the Model 70s pressed into service as sniping arms, especially during the Vietnam War, were really never meant to be more than a stop-gap or interim measure until a standardized sniper rifle could be procured. Editors note: Carlos Hathcock Born this day, May 20, 1942. . Scope used by Carlos Hathcock. [17] However, scholars such as Jerry Lembcke have cast doubt on Hathcock's account and questioned the existence of "Apache". As was the case during World War II, the Marine Corps considered procuring some Winchester Model 70 rifles for sniping use in Korea, but these results were the same as before.