2023 Hyperlocal News and Information for Metro Atlanta. Remember nothing much was done in 2021 owing to the inconveniences brought by the Covid-19 pandemic. NPC MID ATLANTIC ZONE NPC Bodybuilding, Fitness, Physique, Bikini and Wellness Contests in The Mid-Atlantic Region 2023 Events 03/02 - 03/2023 THE ARNOLD AMATEUR Columbus, OH Event Director, Gary Udit Info at arnoldamateur.com REGISTER NOW! . . Greg has covered the four major sports for six years and has been featured on sites such as Sports Illustrated, Fox Sports, SB Nation, NJ.com, and FanSided. With plenty of young talent, a familiar name remained at the top. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Corinna Kneuer was born in Racine, Wisconsin and attended high school in Deerfield, Illinois.She attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she was a multi-sport standout (gymnastics, track & field and badminton).. The Newnan Centre is located at 1515 Lower Fayetteville Road in Newnan, GA. We are pleased to offer you several hotel options for the 2023 NPC Cydney Gillon Peach Classic. Education. ADVERTISE YOUR BRAND WITH US AND REACH TENS OF THOUSANDS OF POTENTIALLY NEW CUSTOMERS & CLIENTS . If you have any questions on eligibility requirements, please contact tracey@musclecontest.com | 310.796.9181, Friday Judging 9am $75.00 (Open seating) Mens Bodybuilding, Classic Physique, Womens Physique, Wellness & Bikini.Friday Judging VIP $100.00 (Front of ballroom), Saturday Judging 9am $75.00 (Open seating) Womens Bodybuilding, Figure & Mens Physique.Saturday Judging VIP $100.00 (Front of ballroom), Saturday Finals 3pm $120 (Open seating) ALL DIVISIONSSaturday Finals VIP $150 (Front of ballroom) ALL DIVISIONS. Official Website Of The National Physique Committe and NPC Worldwide. Join our newsletter to be kept up to date with events, workshops & special offers in your area. The Tahoe show has been around for 11 years. It is a highly anticipated event that is set to attract bodybuilders and other athletes from far and wide. Maidenhead, Jaclyn Bakerjoined Truscott in the final callout during prejudging and earned her place as the runner-up. Plus view exclusive seminars, training videos, programs, and original content with top IFBB Pro athletes. There is not much time left until the first event but you can achieve a lot in the remaining months. USA, Gadsden, Alabama, Their goal is to provide superb competition color to all of the athletes at a reasonable price. 275 Decatur St. The United States Bodybuilding Federation has been serving the natural athlete for over 20 years. In March, Gabriele Andriulli defeatedHaroldKelly at the Arnold Classic. ALL NPC OVERALL WINNERSwill receive FREE REGISTRATION to the the following PRO QUALIFIER SHOWS: Romania Muscle Fest(Pro Qualifier) November 11-13, Olympia Amateur Eastern Europe(Pro Qualifier) August 19-21, Olympia Amateur in Las Vegas (Pro Qualifier) December 15-18. It is a major entertainment event where crazy muscles will be paraded for the audience. -Contact Theresa to request a contract to compete at: info@ifbb-proleague.com. Dozens of athletes from across the state and the country are headed to Atlanta this weekend to participate in the annual International Association of Trans Bodybuilders and Powerlifters competition on Saturday, Oct. 1. Ashley Kaltwasserrounded out the top three. Contact admin@musclechemistry.com for details. After winning two consecutive titles, Big Ramy dropped to fifth this year. Save 2023 KIDFITSTRONG FITNESS CHALLENGE ATLANTA PRESENTED BY HELLO FRESH to your collection. 2021 North Carolina Natural flyer. The Production is over the top. NPC Mother Lode is set to take place around May 2022 in Reno, NV. USA, Duluth, Georgia, Most importantly, the events will be a great opportunity for amateur bodybuilders to showcase their skills and talent. NPC Georgia Premier Bodybuilding. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 2021 NPC SOUTHERN STATES BODYBUILDING, BIKINI, FIGURE, WOMEN'S PHYSIQUE, FITNESS ENTRY DETAILS SPECIAL NOTICE: This contest is an OFFICIAL NATIONAL QUALIFIER for all NPC national events in 2021 & 2022. This is a new premier bodybuilding competition offered by California Alternative Medicine. If you are on the waitlist, we will contact you if a spot opens up. Over 57, WELLNESS UNLIMITED (OW)A. USA, Augusta, Georgia, Most importantly, the show does not discriminate; both new and returning exhibitors are welcome. Once events are sanctioned through USA Powerlifting, they will be placed on this calendar. NPC Atlanta All States Invitational April 25, 2021 NPC Years: 2022 2021 Divisions: MEN'S BODYBUILDING FIGURE BIKINI MEN'S PHYSIQUE MEN'S CLASSIC PHYSIQUE WOMEN'S PHYSIQUE WELLNESS Bikini Awards Figure Awards Men's Awards Men's Classic Physique Awards Men's Physique Awards Wellness Women's Physique Awards Recent This is the 9th year of the Lee Haney Games and possibly the most exciting yet, certainly the highlight of the Georgia NPC USA Bodybuilding year. Over 61, DIVISION AUp to and including 5 4 Up to and including 160 lbsOver 5 4, up to and including 5 5 Up to and including 165 lbsOver 5 5, up to and including 5 6 Up to and including 170 lbsOver 5 6, up to and including 5 7 Up to and including 175 lbs, DIVISION BOver 5 7, up to and including 5 8 Up to and including 182 lbsOver 5 8, up to and including 5 9 Up to and including 190 lbsOver 5 9, up to and including 5 10 Up to and including 197 lbs, DIVISION COver 5 10, up to and including 5 11 Up to and including 205 lbsOver 5 11, up to and including 6 0 Up to and including 212 lbs, DIVISION DOver 6 0, up to and including 6 1 Up to and including 220 lbsOver 6 1, up to and including 6 2 Up to and including 230 lbsOver 6 2, up to and including 6 3 Up to and including 237 lbsOver 63, up to and including 6 4 Up to and including 245 lbsOver 64, up to and including 65 Up to and including 252 lbsOver 65, up to and including 66 Up to and including 260 lbsOver 66, up to and including 67 Up to and including 267 lbsOver 67 Up to and including 275 lbs, BIKINI UNLIMITED (OB)A. Member Portral Contact: Advertise@MuscleChemistry.com. BODYBUILDING MENU: Available at HICKORY ROOM on main floor, and through 24-hour Room Service. Being able to lift a certain amount of weight and go for personal records at competitions takes a particular mindset.. The Premium Viewing Package will set you back $69.99. -If you registered online for an NPC Card and did not get it through your email, please visit www.npcregistration.com, sign-in with your user account and click the print box. The Tahoe Show is the ultimate tour you can gift yourself in 2022. Spectators and athletes will be able to enjoy excellent . There is a convincing argument that Lee Haney is the best Mr. Olympia of all time. Contests. The Atlanta Open will be back in 2022. Event Details Entry Form 6:00pm.NPC Finals(or immediately after Intermission), All Rights Reserved Wings of Strength LLC 2019. The exact dates of the contests will be announced in early 2022. Nick Walkerimproved his position from last season and finished third. January 7, 2023 2022 IFBB Pro League Figure Olympia Friday Prejudging Comparisons 4K Video Watch our HD 4K 10 minute video of the Friday Prejudging Comparisons of the 2022 IFBB Pro League Figure Olympia Read More August 3, 2022 2022 IFBB Sur Cup Pro Contest Photos Take a look at the contest photos from the 2022 IFBB Sur Cup Pro! . Ramon Dino finished as the runner-up while Urs Kalecinski improves one spot from last year and jumps into the top three. Situated in invigorating Midtown, Loews provides the perfect blend of modern design and southern hospitality. It lived up to the hype this year and showed that the new generation of bodybuilders have arrived and are here to stay. Please verify time, date, & location weekly! Note: The following is general information only for the 2023 NPC USA BODYBUILDING CHAMPIONSHIPS. Kel Haines, 34, of Columbus, Ohio, learned about the Atlanta bodybuilding competition after watching Man Made, the 2018 documentary about the event. Overall winners in these categories will receive $2,250 in cash: Subsequent Legion events in Nevada will be held from October 7th to 9th in Reno. Missy Truscottis back on top after winning the show in 2020. The world's most renowned professional men's bodybuilding contest began on Friday, December 15, 2022. The first such event was the Cotswold Games or "Cotswold Olimpick Games", an annual meeting near Chipping Campden, England, involving various sports.It was first organised by the lawyer Robert Dover between 1612 and 1642, with several later celebrations leading up to . Copyright 2021 2022 | Cydney Gillon and CydneyGillonPeachClassic.com | All Rights Reserved, This website or its third-party tools process personal data.In case of sale of your personal information, you may opt out by using the link. *** NOTE THAT IF YOU PLAN TO QUALIFY AFTER JULY 15th DEADLINE OR ENTER ANOTHER NATIONAL COMPETITION PRIOR TO USAS, DO ONLINE ENTRY WITH ALL THE DOCUMENTATION AND FEE PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE IF YOU DONT QUALIFY OR EARN A PRO CARD PRIOR TO USAs, WE WILL REFUND THE $350 ENTRY FEE ***. And this helps raise the visibility of trans people and non-binary people and gender nonconforming people to be safe in this world., Dyana Bagby is a staff writer for Reporter Newspapers and Atlanta Intown. In what promises to be a fierce competition, challengers and returning champions will take the stage October 7-10 at the Orange County Convention Center in hopes of winning one of the sport's biggest titles and most coveted trophies. YOU MUST HAVE COMPETED AND OBTAINED ONE OF THE FOLLOWING PLACEMENTS IN AN NPC SANCTIONED EVENT: NOTE THAT THERE ARE NO MASTERS CLASSES AT THE USAs. IHRSA International Convention and Trade Show 2. Please contact us if you have any questions. 1st to 5th places will receive 6 solid metal custom medals. Contests - 2022 contests - NPC Atlanta All States Invitational NPC Atlanta All States Invitational April 12, 2022 NPC Years: 2022 2021 Divisions: MEN'S BODYBUILDING FIGURE BIKINI MEN'S PHYSIQUE MEN'S CLASSIC PHYSIQUE WELLNESS Recent News 2023 Road To Columbus: Maureen Blanquisco Training March 2, 2023 And it was more validation of who he has always been, he said. Skip to content (Press Enter) NPC News Online. 10:00amNPC Prejudging(or immediately after Intermission), (approx.) But, did you know that some people have won a major bodybuilding title in their debut? The digital home of Reporter Newspapers and Atlanta Intown. Over 56 up to & including 57C. The Newnan Centre will play host to the 2023 NPC Cydney Gillon Peach Classic. The ultimate beauty service company; servicing professional and amateur bodybuilders, around the globe. However, it is worth noting that we are not completely out of the woods and the virus keeps mutating. The Classic Physique division continues to grow in size and in talent year after year. Georgia Bodybuilding Championships Location: TBD September 23, 2023. NPC New Mexico State Open is going to be a high-intensive and competitive event you need to prepare adequately for. USA, Knoxville, Tennessee, Tickets to the event are quite limited but those who miss out can catch up on the events live stream. Chris Dickerson, who as the first Black man to win the Mr. America contest shook up the musclebound world of bodybuilding and established himself as one of its elite competitors . Bodybuilding competition Review of Hyatt Regency Orlando Reviewed November 23, 2020 Hotel is very nice Parking was 27.00 a day Feel like this should be complimentary if your staying at the hotel Hotel was very clean Staff very accommodating Hotel location very conveniently located Due to COVID-19 rooms are not cleaned everyday More 2023 KIDFITSTRONG FITNESS CHALLENGE ATLANTA PRESENTED BY HELLO FRESH Sun, Apr 30, 12:00 PM Piedmont Park Atlanta, GA This Is Fitness - Celebration Of Women This Is Fitness - Celebration Of Women Sat, Mar 18, 9:00 AM Riverside EpiCenter Austell, GA ThriftCon ATL ThriftCon ATL Sun, Mar 19, 10:00 AM Atlanta Expo Center North Atlanta, GA Participants are required to complete their ProCard for free. Last year, he competed and took home the Bodybuilding Masc Division Overall Winner trophy. A former hosting for Mr. Olympia, this venue is among the best in the 2022 bodybuilding events calendar. Meanwhile, you can register for the contest online and purchase materials that will be used in advance. In 2017, Gillon took the title from Latoya Watts and has not relinquished it since. Two one-way flights or one round-trip: which is better? Now, he is transitioning into the world of bodybuilding and strength sports. 4. up to & including 198 lbsHeavyweight over 198 lbs up to & including 225 lbsSuper Heavyweight over 225 lbs, MENS PHYSIQUE UNLIMITED (OP)A. Online appointment scheduling is a MUST. Tickets to watch the event are free, but donations can also be made. Tickets for fans who want to sit in the auditorium and cheer the athletes as they pose on stage are $25. New York, NY 10001 USA, Macon, Georgia, Early career. Sign up to the GI newsletter for breaking news, workouts, diets, and exclusive offers. For more news and updates, follow Generation Iron onFacebook,Twitter, andInstagram. Over 53 and up to and including 54E. Atlanta Pro. Related Article::Top 11 Tips for Training for IFBB. Competing at an NPC or IFBB Pro League Center Podium event is an experience youll always remember! 2022 is going to be a busy year for the majority of professional bodybuilders. Fax: 606-365-0208. email: kyopenbodybuilding@gmail.com ww.kyopenbodybuilding.com If you dont have it, visit the NPC registration (https://www.npcregistration.com/). The 2022 Olympia returned to Las Vegas after spending two years in Orlando due to the pandemic. Over 51 and up to and including 52 1/2C. Participating in the 2022 bodybuilding competition will be trans men and women, as well as non-binary people. Join the SNBF Family on January 14, 2023 to gain knowledge from Pro Athletes at this Prep Seminar! Registering onsite is going to cost you $180 compared to the $119 paid when registering online. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. OCB Stone Classic Bodybuilding Championship (Yorton Cup Qualifier, OCB Pro Qualifier) 09/30/2023: Minneapolis, MN: OCB Natural Viking Classic Pro/Am (Yorton Cup Qualifier, OCB Pro Qualifier) 10/01/2023: Raleigh, NC: OCB Carolina Fitness Festival (Yorton Cup Qualifier, OCB Pro Qualifier) 10/07/2023: Pittsburgh, PA The Kingdom Classic Location: Maidenhead, UK Date: March 25, 2023 Federation: 2 Bros Pro Events Brandon Curry had finished as the runner-up to Ramy in each of the last two years and ended up fourth. Now, the event is back home and continues to grow. Additionally, all athletes will be welcomed to a free-entry after-party at Opal Nightspot where they can party and interact freely. Over 551/2 and up to and including 57F. MOTIVATION | ACCOUNTABILITY | RESULTS Phone:404.523.7647. Tina Goode 859-319-2122. The INBA PNBA's natural bodybuilding season is around the corner. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Events that got postponed or canceled during the pandemic will now take place on various dates throughout the year. Over 54 up to including 56D. We are excited to have you join us this spring for the Georgia State SNBF Pro-Am/Pro-Qualifier! Staying true to his interest to help improve the health of people everywhere, Lee Haney is excited to see Lee Haney Games grow in 2023. Over 52 1/2 and up to and including 54D. USA, Columbus, Georgia, The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". For the fourth consecutive year,Chris Bumsteadhas won the Classic Physique Olympia title. USA, Georgia, He made the jump from Mens 212 and showed that he belongs in Open bodybuilding. 19 - 21 May, Arnold Classic Africa Multi Sport Festival & Lifestye Expo. IATBP Bodybuilding Competition and Powerlifting Meet Info DATE: Saturday, October 1, 2022 2:00pm - Powerlifting Meet Competitors Check In at 12:30pm Location: CrossFit Downtown Atlanta 215B Chester Ave. USA, Greenwood, South Carolina, DECEMBER 31, 1969 - , Event Details Entry Form. Cydney Gilloncontinued her dominance in the Figure division by winning her sixth consecutive title. Alyse Zwick is a two-time Emmy-nominated news reporter and host of 15 years, formerly at NY1 News, Fox 5 New York, in New York City, and NBC News affiliate, WRCB Channel 3 Eyewitness News (Local 3 . Over 511 up to & including 61H. Past Competitions ANBF Elite Physique Transformations Classic Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA We attend to every detail to assure that the process for the competitor is easy and well communicated so you have fun and feel comfortable from beginning to end. That said, one thing that is absolutely certain, is that Lee is a man that is universally respected both during his eight reigns as Mr. Olympia at the peak of professional bodybuilding and after, in both his work to continue to promote the sport and to help youth in need. Bodybuilding Organization with hosted shows nationally and internationally -IFBB Athletes: please bring it on a USB flash drive to give to our DJ Freddy Naidu during check-ins at 3:00pm. Select a tab to find a local weightlifting event or coaching course in your area. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Most importantly, the show will feature costumes, celebrity guests, and a lot of music. FREE ENTRY REGISTRATION (respective to the class they won) to: Romania Muscle Fest (Pro Qualifier) November 11-13, Olympia Amateur Eastern Europe (Pro Qualifier) August 19-21, Olympia Amateur in Las Vegas this year (Pro Qualifier) December 15-18. The event was previously attended by bodybuilding stars such as Steve Cucklo, Tamara Jordan, and Dexter Jackson. During prejudging, Bumstead and Ramon Rocha Queirozwere paired up throughout. NEVER MISS AN IMPORTANT OLYMPIA ANNOUCEMENT! AUGUST 12,2023. Up to & including 52B. Below, you can find the full results from Friday night. The ACC Returns in 2023! The national qualifier will take place in Rancho Mirage sometime in June. -All NPC athletes must have their current NPC competitors card. Address: 1105 Euclid Ave NE, Atlanta, GA 30307. October 1, 2022, 6pm - 7 Stages Mainstage The International Association of Trans Bodybuilders and Powerlifters (IATBP) is pleased to bring our annual bodybuilding competition to 7 Stages. Its really empowering.. See more USA, Montgomery, Alabama, It is not intended to supersede or replace any entry form information. 2016 NGA Toledo Glass Scepter; Maumee, OH; May . Created by HY-TEK's MM 8.0De Download Meet Mobile. Over 57 up to & including 58D. We Sponsor Athletes! Shaun Clarida was qualified for both 212 and Mens Open, after winning the Legion Sports Fest Proin his debut in Open Bodybuilding. Throughout the website, youll find videos from our IFBB & NPC contests, information, shows, schedules, and event details. She impressed during prejudging and was able to finish as the runner-up to Shaw. While attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison, she met Jeff Everson, a competitive bodybuilder who worked there as a strength coach. Wings of Strength presents the inaugural IFBB Professional League Lenda Murray Atlanta Pro & NPC Lenda Murray Atlanta Classic! Brandon Hendricksonfinished as the runner-up to Banks after a title in 2021 and three in the last four years. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Participants are required to provide the following when registering for the contest: Apart from cash prizes, overall winners will also receive 34 custom trophies with a black finish. It is a special kind of contest since it is produced by Dexter Jackson himself, a decorated former Mr. Olympia. Clarida won this title back in 2020 and ultimately chose to stick with 212 in hopes of earning his title back and that is exactly what he was able to do. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. IFBB Pro League Staff-December 28, 2022. SANCTION: This competition is sanctioned by the National Physique Committee of the USA Inc. NPC Sanction #4191 Thank you to all our 2021 NGA Promoters! The powerlifting meet will be held on Saturday at 2 p.m. in Reynoldstown at CrossFit Downtown Atlanta, 215B Chester Ave. Big Ramy entered the competition as the reigning two-time champion but was put to the test immediately in prejudging. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Past Events & Gallery 2023 SPONSORS 2023 VENDORS & SUPPORTERS ALL NEW We want every bodybuilder and every powerlifter in the world know that they have a home with us, Motter said. Over 57, FIGURE UNLIMITED (OF)A. Since 1982, the top athletes in bodybuilding, fitness, figure, bikini and physique have started their careers in the NPC. Ballys Las VegasHotel & Casino3645 S Las Vegas Blvd.,Las Vegas, NV 89109, MENS BODYBUILDING UNLIMITEDBantamweight 143 lbs & underLightweight over 143 lbs to & including 154 lbsWelterweight over 154 lbs. 2023 Iron World Open Regional 042223. A $75 late fee incurson July 7th for the first class. Schedule of Events. October 1, 2022, 6pm - 7 Stages Mainstage. top of page. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The top two was determined early and it took the judges some time to pick a winner. Winning a major bodybuilding contest is the ultimate dream of every bodybuilder. Mr.INDIA 2022 Championship Bodybuilding Competition 08/01/2022 / PHYSIQUE. In exciting news, the 2023 Lee Haney Games will be held at, the Georgia International Convention Center, on November 11th, 2023. . Francielle Mattosearned her second Olympia Wellness title when it was all said and done. Men: Bodybuilding, Classic Physique, Physique, Women: Bodybuilding, Physique, Figure, Fitness, Wellness, Bikini, True Novice, Novice, Masters, Heroes, Open. Our iconic Atlanta hotel is walkable to Piedmont Park, the Beltline, Fox Theatre, The High Museum, and more. USA, FIGURE 0:00 - Introducing Neo: IATBP founder2:31 - Chris 180 sponsor representative6:40 - Athlete Introuctions: All Athletes14:45 - Femme I Bikini: Quarter turns16:. The bodybuilding meet will be at 6 p.m. in Little Five Points at 7 Stages Theatre, 1105 Euclid Ave. NE. The state of Nevada is going to be a beehive of activity in 2022. We have NPC competitions scheduled in California, Nevada, New Mexico, Florida, Kazakhstan, and Russia. Any crossover is only $105 for each additional class. NPC Atlanta All States INVITATIONAL. Hadi Choopanhas been a threat to the crown over the last three years and has finally reached the top. New content is added often! This page lists all upcoming Bikini Competitions in and near Atlanta for 2022 and 2023, as well as fitness, figure/physique and bodybuilding contests. The Mens Open division headlines the show with one of the deepest lineups we have seen in quite some time. December 23, 2022. Gene Goode 859-516-4109. Overall winners will receive the coveted Muscle Dear Trophy that is hand-made and elegant. The Newnan Centre will play host to the 2023 NPC Cydney Gillon Peach Classic.